예제 #1
def get_all_switches(task, decrypt=True):
    gid = task['group_id']
    grp = Group.objects.get(id=int(gid))
    gsh = GroupSwitch.objects.filter(group__id=int(gid))
    task['group'] = {}
    task['group']['group_name'] = grp.name
    task['group']['username'] = grp.username
    task['group']['is_encrypted'] = grp.is_encrypted
    password = grp.password
    if decrypt:
        if grp.is_encrypted:
            password = decrypt_data(grp.password)
    task['group']['password'] = password
    switches = []
    task['group']['switches'] = []
    index = 0
    for i in gsh:
        sw = {}
        sw['ip'] = i.grp_switch.mgmt_ip.split('/')[0]
        sw['id'] = i.grp_switch.id
        sw['fab_id'] = i.grp_switch.topology_id
        sw['name'] = i.grp_switch.name
        sw['user'] = grp.username
        password = grp.password
        if decrypt:
            if grp.is_encrypted:
                password = decrypt_data(grp.password)
        #i.username if i.username else grp.username
        sw['pwd'] = password
        #i.password if i.password else grp.password
        sw['retry'] = int(task['retry_count']) + 1
    return switches
예제 #2
def _update_image_params(img, serial_number):
    param = dict()
    param[SERIAL_NUM] = serial_number
    param[PROTOCOL] = img.access_protocol
    param[HOSTNAME] = img.image_server_ip
    param[FILE_SRC] = img.system_image
    param[USERNAME] = img.image_server_username
    password = img.image_server_password
    if img.is_encrypted:
        password = decrypt_data(password)
    param[PASSWORD] = password
    return param
예제 #3
파일: workflow.py 프로젝트: whchoi98/ignite
def _update_image_params(img, serial_number):
    param = dict()
    param[SERIAL_NUM] = serial_number
    param[PROTOCOL] = img.access_protocol
    param[HOSTNAME] = img.image_server_ip
    param[FILE_SRC] = img.system_image
    param[USERNAME] = img.image_server_username
    password = img.image_server_password
    if img.is_encrypted:
        password = decrypt_data(password)
    param[PASSWORD] = password
    return param
예제 #4
def login(request):
    error_msg = ''
    if request.method == "POST":
        username = request.POST.get('username', None)
        passwd = request.POST.get('passwd', None)
        passwd = base64.b64decode(passwd)
        passwd = decrypt_data(passwd)
        passwd = SHA256(passwd)
        res = Account.objects.filter(username=username, password=passwd)
        if res.count() >= 1:
            account = res.get()
            request.session['user'] = account.username
            return redirect('/index')
            error_msg = '用户名密码不正确'
    pub_key = open('./pub.pem').read()
    return render(request, 'login.html', {'key': pub_key, 'errmsg': error_msg})
예제 #5
def _get_server_location(task_obj=None):
    location = {}

    if not task_obj:
        location[PROTOCOL] = ACCESS_PROTOCOL
        location[HOSTNAME] = IGNITE_IP
        location[USERNAME] = IGNITE_USER
        location[PASSWORD] = IGNITE_PASSWORD
        return location

    location[PROTOCOL] = task_obj.location_access_protocol
    location[HOSTNAME] = task_obj.location_server_ip
    location[USERNAME] = task_obj.location_server_user
    password = task_obj.location_server_password
    if task_obj.is_encrypted:
        password = decrypt_data(password)
    location[PASSWORD] = password
    return location
예제 #6
파일: workflow.py 프로젝트: whchoi98/ignite
def _get_server_location(task_obj=None):
    location = {}

    if not task_obj:
        location[PROTOCOL] = ACCESS_PROTOCOL
        location[HOSTNAME] = IGNITE_IP
        location[USERNAME] = IGNITE_USER
        location[PASSWORD] = IGNITE_PASSWORD
        return location

    location[PROTOCOL] = task_obj.location_access_protocol
    location[HOSTNAME] = task_obj.location_server_ip
    location[USERNAME] = task_obj.location_server_user
    password = task_obj.location_server_password
    if task_obj.is_encrypted:
        password = decrypt_data(password)
    location[PASSWORD] = password
    return location
예제 #7
def fill_image_details(task, decrypt=True):
    image_profile = ImageProfile.objects.get(pk=int(task['image_id']))
    image = {}
    if image_profile.system_image == None:
        raise Exception("No system image is found in "+image_profile.profile_name)
    if task['type'] == 'epld_upgrade' and image_profile.epld_image == None:
        raise Exception("No epld image is found in "+image_profile.profile_name)
    task['task_params'] = {}
    image['profile_name'] = image_profile.profile_name
    image['system_image'] = image_profile.system_image
    image['id'] = image_profile.id
    image['image_server_ip'] = image_profile.image_server_ip
    image['image_server_username'] = image_profile.image_server_username
    password = image_profile.image_server_password
    image['is_encrypted'] = image_profile.is_encrypted
    if decrypt:
        if image_profile.is_encrypted:
            password = decrypt_data(password)
    image['image_server_password'] = password
    image['access_protocol'] = image_profile.access_protocol
    if task['type'] == 'epld_upgrade':
        image['epld_image'] = image_profile.epld_image
    task['task_params']['image'] = image
예제 #8
def run_single_sequence(task, break_flag=False):
    print 'Running sequence ' + ' on group ' + str(task['group_id'])
    print 'break_flag is', break_flag
    switches = get_all_switches(task)
    if task['type'] not in ["custom", "switch_upgrade", "epld_upgrade"]:
        if task['task_params']['image']['is_encrypted']:
            password = decrypt_data(task['task_params']['image']['image_server_password'])
            task['task_params']['image']['image_server_password'] = password
    if break_flag:
        for switch in switches:
            switch['status'] = 'SKIPPED'
        task['group']['switches'] = switches
        task['status'] = 'SKIPPED'
        runsize = task['run_size']
        #create a threadpool of size runsize
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=runsize) as pool:
            run_task_switches(switches, task, pool)
    ctime = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    ctime = datetime.datetime.strptime(ctime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    ctime = timezone.make_aware(ctime, pytz.timezone('UTC'))
    task['ctime'] = ctime
    return task['status']