def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): last_func = '' i = 0 index = 0 line_start = -1 lines = file_content.split('\n') for line in lines: i += 1 if line in v.function_defs: last_func = v.function_defs[line] started_newindent = 0 if '{' in line: started_newindent = 1 if index == 0: line_start = i index += 1 if i - 1 >= 0 and i - 1 in v.function_defs: last_func = v.function_defs[i - 1] elif re.match(r'[ \t]*}[ \t]*', line): started_newindent = 0 index -= 1 if index <= 0: index = 0 if line_start > 0 and i - line_start - 2 > 20: BuErrors.print_error( self.file_name, i + self.header_lines - 1, 2, "F4", "Func '{0}' too long ({1} > 20)".format( last_func, (i - line_start - 2))) line_start = -1 last_func = '' else: started_newindent = 0
def err(self, line, line_number, text): if not self.is_enabled(): return 0 if line_number != -1: line_number += self.header_lines BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line_number, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), text)
def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): lines_with_comments = file_content.split('\n') i = 0 index = 0 for line in lines_with_comments: i += 1 base_line = line.replace("\t", "").lstrip() if index > 0: if base_line.startswith("//") or base_line.startswith("/*"): self.fill_error(last_func) BuErrors.print_error( self.path, self.file_name, i, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.get_config()['message'].format(last_func)) if re.match(r'{[ \t]*', line): index += 1 if i - 1 >= 0 and cache_visitor is not None and i - self.header_lines - 1 in cache_visitor.function_defs: last_func = cache_visitor.function_defs[i - self.header_lines - 1] elif re.match(r'[ \t]*}[ \t]*', line): index -= 1 if index <= 0: index = 0 last_func = '' return 0
def stmt_parse(self, node, last, ilvl, last_expr): stmb = 0 for st in sub_stmt: if isinstance(node, st): stmb = 1 if not stmb: return 0 stms = [] stms_expr = [] if hasattr(node, 'iftrue') and node.iftrue is not None: stms.append(node.iftrue) stms_expr.append('iftrue') if hasattr(node, 'iffalse') and node.iffalse is not None: stms.append(node.iffalse) stms_expr.append('iffalse') if hasattr(node, 'stmt') and node.stmt is not None: stms.append(node.stmt) stms_expr.append('stmt') node_cc = node.coord.line - 1 nodel = tc[node_cc] node_s = len(nodel) - len(nodel.lstrip()) #if node_s != (ilvl) * t_mul and node_cc + 1 not in flag_lines: # flag_lines.append(node_cc + 1) # BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, node_cc + 1 + self.header_lines, # self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), # 'a' + self.message.format(str((ilvl) * t_mul), str(node_s))) pos = -1 for stm1 in stms: pos += 1 if self.stmt_parse(stm1, node, ilvl + 1, stms_expr[pos]): continue try: for stm in stm1: ilvl_n = ilvl if self.stmt_parse(stm, node, ilvl + 1, stms_expr[pos]): continue li = stm.coord.line - 1 l = tc[li] s = len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) line = li + 1 + self.header_lines + (1 if self.header_lines > 0 else 0) # Handle conditional branches ilvl_t = ilvl if isinstance(node, If) and isinstance(last, If): if last.iffalse and hasattr(last.iffalse, 'iftrue') and stm1 == last.iffalse.iftrue: ilvl_t -= 1 elif last.iffalse and hasattr(last.iffalse, 'iffalse') and stm1 == last.iffalse.iffalse: ilvl_t -= 1 if s != ilvl_t * self.get_config()['spaces_per_level'] and line not in flag_lines: flag_lines.append(line) BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message.format(str(ilvl_t * self.get_config()['spaces_per_level']), str(s))) except: pass return 1
def check_ast(self, ast): # Check for structures in source file if not self.is_header_file(): for dcl in ast: if not isinstance(dcl, Decl) or not hasattr(dcl, 'type'): continue if not isinstance(dcl.type, Struct): continue self.message = self.get_config()['source_struct'] BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, -1, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message) return 0
def stmt_parse(self, node, last, ilvl, last_expr): stmb = 0 for st in sub_stmt: if isinstance(node, st): stmb = 1 if not stmb: return 0 stms = [] stms_expr = [] if hasattr(node, 'iftrue') and node.iftrue is not None: stms.append(node.iftrue) stms_expr.append('iftrue') if hasattr(node, 'iffalse') and node.iffalse is not None: stms.append(node.iffalse) stms_expr.append('iffalse') if hasattr(node, 'stmt') and node.stmt is not None: stms.append(node.stmt) stms_expr.append('stmt') pos = -1 for stm1 in stms: pos += 1 if self.stmt_parse(stm1, node, ilvl + 1, stms_expr[pos]): continue try: for stm in stm1: if self.stmt_parse(stm, node, ilvl + 1, stms_expr[pos]): continue li = stm.coord.line - 1 l = tc[li] s = len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) line = li + 1 + self.header_lines + ( 1 if self.header_lines > 0 else 0) # Handle conditional branches ilvl_t = ilvl if isinstance(node, If) and isinstance(last, If): if last.iffalse and hasattr( last.iffalse, 'iftrue') and stm1 == last.iffalse.iftrue: ilvl_t -= 1 elif last.iffalse and hasattr( last.iffalse, 'iffalse') and stm1 == last.iffalse.iffalse: ilvl_t -= 1 if ilvl_t > self.get_config()['max_branches']: BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message) except: pass return 1
def curly_process(self, dt): if not'for\s*\(((?!\s).+)\)', tc[dt.coord.line - 1]): return 0 if'for\s*\(((?!\s*\{).+)\)\s*{', tc[dt.coord.line - 1]): return 0 if'for\s*\(((?!\s*\{).+)\)\s*;', tc[dt.coord.line - 1]): return 0 if not tc[dt.coord.line].strip().startswith('{'): return 0 self.line = dt.coord.line + self.header_lines + ( 1 if self.header_lines != 0 else 0) BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, self.line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message)
def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): lines = file_content.split('\n') i = 0 last = -2 for l in lines: i += 1 if len(l.lstrip().strip()) == 0 or l == ' ' * len(l): if i == last + 1: line = i BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message) last = i return 0
def check_visitor(self, visitor, lines): self.fill_error(visitor.function_count) if visitor.function_count <= self.get_config( )['max_functions_per_file']: return 0 i = 0 for func in visitor.function_defs: i += 1 if i <= 5: continue line = func + self.header_lines + (1 if self.header_lines != 0 else 0) BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message.format(visitor.function_count)) return 0
def check_function_decl(self, visitor, func): if func.body.block_items is None: return 0 if tc is None: return 0 ilvl = 1 for b in func.body.block_items: li = b.coord.line - 1 l = tc[li] s = len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) line = li + 1 + self.header_lines + 1 if self.header_lines > 1 else 0 if s != ilvl * self.get_config()['spaces_per_level'] and line not in flag_lines: flag_lines.append(line) BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message.format(str(ilvl * self.get_config()['spaces_per_level']), str(s))) self.stmt_parse(b, None, ilvl + 1, 'a') return 0
def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): global tc global flag_lines flag_lines = [] lines = file_contentf.split('\n') lc = 0 tc = lines for l in lines: lc += 1 s = len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) self.line = lc + self.header_lines self.line += 1 if self.header_lines > 0 else 0 if s % 4 != 0: flag_lines.append(self.line) BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, self.line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.base_message) return 0
def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): lines = file_contentf.split('\n') i = 0 index = 0 new_ind = 0 last_dc = 0 for line in lines: i += 1 new_ind = 0 dc = 0 if '{' in line: index += 1 new_ind = 1 elif re.match(r'[ \t]*}[ \t]*', line): index -= 1 if index <= 0: index = 0 if index > 0 and not len(line) <= 0: spaces_diff = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) self.line = i + self.header_lines - 2 if not new_ind: for match in matches: if len(re.findall(match, line)) > 0: dc = 1 if not last_dc: tmp_indx = 4 * (index - new_ind) if spaces_diff != tmp_indx: print("spaces: {0} / {1}".format( spaces_diff, tmp_indx)) BuErrors.print_error(self.file_name, self.line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message) if index >= 4: BuErrors.print_error(self.file_name, self.line, 1, "C1", "3 or more conditionnal blocks.") last_dc = dc return 0
def check_ast(self, ast): for p in ast: if not isinstance(p, Decl) or not hasattr(p, 'quals'): continue if not hasattr(p, 'type') or 'const' in p.quals: continue btype = False for altype in allw: if isinstance(p.type, altype): btype = True if not btype: continue if not hasattr(p, 'coord'): continue line = p.coord.line + self.header_lines line += 1 if self.header_lines > 0 else 0 BuErrors.print_error(self.path, self.file_name, line, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.message) return 0
def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): global v last_func = '' i = 0 index = 0 line_start = -1 lines = file_contentf.split('\n') for line in lines: i += 1 if v is not None and i in v.function_defs: last_func = v.function_defs[i] started_newindent = 0 if '{' in line: started_newindent = 1 if index == 0: line_start = i index += 1 if i - 1 >= 0 and v is not None and i - 1 in v.function_defs: last_func = v.function_defs[i - 1] elif re.match(r'[ \t]*}[ \t]*', line): started_newindent = 0 index -= 1 if index <= 0: index = 0 if line_start > 0 and i - line_start - 2 > self.get_config( )['max_lines_per_function']: BuErrors.print_error( self.path, self.file_name, line_start + self.header_lines, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), self.get_config()['message'].format( last_func, (i - line_start - 2))) line_start = -1 last_func = '' else: started_newindent = 0
def check_inner(self, file_content, file_contentf): lines_with_comments = file_content.split('\n') i = 0 index = 0 for line in lines_with_comments: i += 1 base_line = line.replace("\t", "").lstrip() if index > 0: if base_line.startswith("//") or base_line.startswith("/*"): self.fill_error(last_func) BuErrors.print_error( self.file_name, i, 1, "F6", "Comments inside a func ('{0}')".format(last_func)) if re.match(r'{[ \t]*', line): index += 1 if i - 1 >= 0 and i - 1 in cache_visitor.function_defs: last_func = cache_visitor.function_defs[i - 1] elif re.match(r'[ \t]*}[ \t]*', line): index -= 1 if index <= 0: index = 0 last_func = '' return 0
def err(self, line, line_number, text): line_number += self.header_lines if line_number != -1 else 0 BuErrors.print_error(self.file_name, line_number, self.get_check_level(), self.get_check_id(), text)
def run(self): self.delete_temp() tmp = self.full_path + '.tmp' for clazz in check_utils.get_filenames(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=0) clazz.process_filename() except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print(run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) if not self.is_validsource(): return if not self.read_content(): return header_lines = self.get_headerlines() lines_with_comments = self.file_content.split('\n') lines = () parser = c_parser.CParser() file_contentf = string_utils.removeComments(self.file_content) lines = file_contentf.split('\n') header_lines = len(lines_with_comments) - len(lines) if header_lines < 0: header_lines = 0 parsed = False try: f = open(tmp, "a") f.write(file_contentf.replace("bool ", "_Bool ")) f.close() ast = parse_file(tmp, use_cpp=True, cpp_args=c_utils.includes) self.delete_temp() parsed = True except c_parser.ParseError as e: line = str(e).split(':') if not error_handling.args.ignore_compilation: BuErrors.print_error(self.full_path, self.file_name, int(line[1]) + header_lines, 2, "0?", "Unable to compile the file") self.delete_temp() if error_handling.args.verbose: print(e) self.delete_temp() if parsed: v = FunctionPrinter() v.reset_visit() v.visit(ast) for clazz in check_utils.get_ast(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_ast(ast) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) for clazz in check_utils.get_pre_visitor(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_visitor_check(v, lines) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) line_index = 0 for line in lines: line_index += 1 for clazz in check_utils.get_line(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_line(line, line_index) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) for clazz in check_utils.get_inner(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_inner(self.file_content, file_contentf) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print(run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) v = None if parsed: v = FunctionPrinter() v.reset_visit() v.visit(ast) for clazz in check_utils.get_visitor(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_visitor_check(v, lines) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) for func in v.func: for clazz in check_utils.get_func_decl(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_function_decl(v, func) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) if func.body.block_items is not None: for var in func.body.block_items: for clazz in check_utils.get_func_call(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_function_call(var) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__)) for clazz in check_utils.get_var_decl(): try: clazz = clazz(file_name=self.file_name, path=self.full_path, header_lines=header_lines) clazz.process_variable_decl(var) except Exception as e: if error_handling.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print( run_err.format(self.full_path, clazz.__class__.__name__))