def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.LFW_ROOT, train=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=True, use_cache=True): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.root_dir = root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'crops_tight') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'images') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'features') import glob ann = [] person_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.LFW_ROOT, 'images', '*'))) for id, person_dir in enumerate(person_dirs): name = os.path.split(person_dir)[1] for img_file in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(person_dir, '*.jpg'))): # create fnames of format 'Aaron_Eckhart/Aaron_Eckhart_0001' fname = os.path.join(name, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(img_file)[1])[0]) ann.append({'fname': fname, 'id': id, 'name': name}) self.annotations = pd.DataFrame(ann) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic=True, color=True)
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.AFLW_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, use_cache=True, daug=0, return_modified_images=False, test_split='full', align_face_orientation=True, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, landmark_sigma=9, landmark_ids=range(19), **kwargs): assert test_split in ['full', 'frontal'] from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.AFLW_ROOT_LOCAL self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'data/flickr') self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'crops') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'features') self.color = color annotation_filename = os.path.join(cfg.AFLW_ROOT_LOCAL, 'alfw.pkl') self.annotations_original = pd.read_pickle(annotation_filename) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self.annotations_original))) self.frontal_only = test_split == 'frontal' self.make_split(train, self.frontal_only) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, True, daug) transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor() ] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self)))
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.LFW_ROOT, train=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=True, use_cache=True, view=2): assert(view in [1,2]) from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.use_cache = use_cache self.root_dir = root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'crops_tight') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'images') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'features') self.default_bbox = [65, 80, 65+100, 80+100] pairs_file = 'pairsDevTest.txt' if view == 1 else 'pairs.txt' path_annotations = os.path.join(self.root_dir, pairs_file) # self.annotations = pd.read_csv(path_annotations) self.pairs = [] with open(path_annotations) as txt_file: # num_pairs = int(txt_file.readline()) * 2 # print(num_pairs) for line in txt_file: items = line.split() if len(items) == 3: pair = (items[0], int(items[1]), items[0], int(items[2])) elif len(items) == 4: pair = (items[0], int(items[1]), items[2], int(items[3])) else: # print("Invalid line: {}".format(line)) continue self.pairs.append(pair) # assert(num_pairs == len(self.pairs)) from sklearn.utils import shuffle self.pairs = shuffle(self.pairs, random_state=0) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.pairs = self.pairs[st:nd] self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, color=True)
def __init__(self, root_dir, fullsize_img_dir, root_dir_local=None, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, use_cache=True, detect_face=False, align_face_orientation=True, return_modified_images=False, return_landmark_heatmaps=True, landmark_sigma=9, landmark_ids=range(68), daug=0, **kwargs): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.train = train self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.use_cache = use_cache self.detect_face = detect_face self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.start = start self.max_samples = max_samples self.daug = daug self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.deterministic = deterministic if self.deterministic is None: self.deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.fullsize_img_dir = fullsize_img_dir self.root_dir = root_dir self.root_dir_local = root_dir_local if root_dir_local is not None else self.root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir_local, 'crops') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir_local, 'features') self.color = color self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(self.deterministic, self.color, daug) print("Loading annotations... ") self.annotations = self.create_annotations() print(" Number of images: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) self.init() self.select_samples() transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor() ] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms)
class VggFace2(td.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.VGGFACE2_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, min_conf=cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE, use_cache=True, crop_source='bb_ground_truth', detect_face=False, align_face_orientation=True, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, return_modified_images=False, daug=0, landmark_sigma=None, landmark_ids=None, **kwargs): assert(crop_source in ['bb_ground_truth', 'lm_ground_truth', 'lm_cnn', 'lm_openface']) self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.detect_face = detect_face self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.color = color self.crop_source = crop_source self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.VGGFACE2_ROOT_LOCAL split_subfolder = 'train' if train else 'test' crop_folder = 'crops' if cfg.INPUT_SIZE == 128: crop_folder += '_128' self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, split_subfolder, crop_folder, crop_source) self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, split_subfolder, 'imgs') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, split_subfolder, 'features') annotation_filename = 'loose_bb_{}.csv'.format(split_subfolder) # annotation_filename = 'loose_landmark_{}.csv'.format(split_subfolder) # self.path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod_full_of.pkl') self.path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod_full.pkl') if os.path.isfile(self.path_annotations_mod): print('Reading pickle file...') self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) print('done.') else: print('Reading CSV file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'bb_landmark', annotation_filename)) print('done.') of_confs, poses, landmarks = [], [], [] self.annotations = self.annotations[0:4000000] self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.H > 80] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) def get_face_height(lms): return lms[8,1] - lms[27,1] read_openface_landmarks = True if read_openface_landmarks: for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.NAME_ID): filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] bb = self.annotations.iloc[cnt][1:5].values expected_face_center = [bb[0] + bb[2] / 2.0, bb[1] + bb[3] / 2.0] conf, lms, pose, num_faces = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext), expected_face_center=expected_face_center, use_cache=True, return_num_faces=True) if num_faces > 1: print("Deleting extracted crop for {}...".format(filename)) cache_filepath = os.path.join(self.cropped_img_dir, 'tight', filename + '.jpg') if os.path.isfile(cache_filepath): os.remove(cache_filepath) of_confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) poses.append(pose) if (cnt+1) % 10000 == 0: self.annotations['pose'] = poses self.annotations['of_conf'] = of_confs self.annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # assign new continuous ids to persons (0, range(n)) print("Creating id labels...") _ids = self.annotations.NAME_ID _ids = x: int(x.split('/')[0][1:])) self.annotations['ID'] = _ids self.annotations.to_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) min_face_height = 100 print('Removing faces with height <={:.2f}px...'.format(min_face_height)) self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.H > min_face_height] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color, daug) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) print("Number of identities: {}".format(self.annotations.ID.nunique())) @property def labels(self): return self.annotations.ID.values @property def heights(self): return self.annotations.H.values @property def widths(self): return self.annotations.W.values def get_bounding_box(self, sample): bb = sample[1:5].values.copy() # convert from x,y,w,h to x1,y1,x2,y2 bb[2:] += bb[:2] # enlarge bounding box l,t,r,b = bb if t > b: t, b = b, t h = b-t assert(h >= 0) t_new, b_new = int(t + 0.05 * h), int(b + 0.1 * h) # set width of bbox same as height h_new = b_new - t_new cx = (r + l) / 2 l_new, r_new = cx - h_new/2, cx + h_new/2 # in case right eye is actually left of right eye... if l_new > r_new: l_new, r_new = r_new, l_new bbox = np.array([l_new, t_new, r_new, b_new], dtype=np.float32) scalef = cfg.CROP_SIZE / cfg.INPUT_SIZE bbox_crop = utils.geometry.scaleBB(bbox, scalef, scalef, typeBB=2) return bbox_crop def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] filename, id = sample[0], sample.ID bb = None landmarks_for_crop = None if self.crop_source == 'bb_ground_truth': bb = self.get_bounding_box(sample) pose = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) else: of_conf, landmarks_for_crop = sample.of_conf, sample.landmarks_of pose = sample.pose try: crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face(filename+'.jpg', self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks_for_crop, bb=bb, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, detect_face=False, crop_type='tight', aligned=self.align_face_orientation) except: print(filename) raise # return self.__getitem__(random.randint(0,len(self)-1)) try: landmarks, _ = cropper.apply_to_landmarks(sample.landmarks) except AttributeError: landmarks = np.zeros((68,2)) # vis.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks, title='lms', wait=0, color=(0,0,255)) cropped_sample = {'image': crop, 'landmarks': landmarks.astype(np.float32), 'pose': pose} item = self.transform(cropped_sample) transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor() ] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) transforms = tf.Compose(transforms) result = transforms(item) result.update({ 'id': id, 'fnames': filename, 'expression': np.array([[0,0,0]], dtype=np.float32), }) if self.return_modified_images: mod_transforms = tf.Compose([fp.RandomOcclusion()]) crop_occ = mod_transforms(item['image']) crop_occ = transforms(crop_occ) result['image_mod'] = crop_occ # add landmark heatmaps if landmarks enabled if self.return_landmark_heatmaps: result['lm_heatmaps'] = create_landmark_heatmaps(item['landmarks'], self.landmark_sigma, self.landmark_ids) return result
class LFW(td.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.LFW_ROOT, train=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=True, use_cache=True, view=2): assert(view in [1,2]) from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.use_cache = use_cache self.root_dir = root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'crops_tight') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'images') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'features') self.default_bbox = [65, 80, 65+100, 80+100] pairs_file = 'pairsDevTest.txt' if view == 1 else 'pairs.txt' path_annotations = os.path.join(self.root_dir, pairs_file) # self.annotations = pd.read_csv(path_annotations) self.pairs = [] with open(path_annotations) as txt_file: # num_pairs = int(txt_file.readline()) * 2 # print(num_pairs) for line in txt_file: items = line.split() if len(items) == 3: pair = (items[0], int(items[1]), items[0], int(items[2])) elif len(items) == 4: pair = (items[0], int(items[1]), items[2], int(items[3])) else: # print("Invalid line: {}".format(line)) continue self.pairs.append(pair) # assert(num_pairs == len(self.pairs)) from sklearn.utils import shuffle self.pairs = shuffle(self.pairs, random_state=0) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.pairs = self.pairs[st:nd] self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, color=True) def __len__(self): return len(self.pairs) def __getitem__(self, idx): pair = self.pairs[idx] # name1, img1, name2, img2 filepattern = '{}/{}_{:04d}' fname1 = filepattern.format(pair[0], pair[0], pair[1]) fname2 = filepattern.format(pair[2], pair[2], pair[3]) of_conf1, landmarks, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, fname1), expected_face_center=[125,125]) # if of_conf < 0.025: # landmarks = None # pose = None bb = self.default_bbox crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face(fname1 + '.jpg', self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, bb=bb, detect_face=False, crop_type='tight', aligned=True) transformed_crop1 = self.transform(crop) of_conf2, landmarks, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, fname2), expected_face_center=[125,125]) # if of_conf < 0.025: # landmarks = None # pose = None crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face(fname2 + '.jpg', self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, bb=bb, detect_face=False, crop_type='tight', aligned=True) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(crop) # transformed_crop2 = self.transform(crop) return transformed_crop1, transformed_crop2, pair[0], pair[2], pair[0]==pair[2], float(of_conf1), float(of_conf2) def get_face(self, filename, bb, landmarks=None, size=(cfg.CROP_SIZE, cfg.CROP_SIZE)): # Load image from dataset img_path = os.path.join(self.fullsize_img_dir, filename + '.jpg') img = io.imread(img_path) if img is None: raise IOError("\tError: Could not load image {}!".format(img_path)) # # Crop face using landmarks or bounding box # def crop_by_bb(img, bb): x, y, w, h = bb x, y, x2, y2 = max(0, x), max(0, y), min(img.shape[1], x + w), min(img.shape[0], y + h) return img[y:y2, x:x2] def crop_by_lm(img, landmarks): return face_processing.crop_bump(img, landmarks, output_size=size) # print(filename) # load landmarks extracted with OpenFace2 pose = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) lmFilepath = os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename + '.csv') try: features = pd.read_csv(lmFilepath, skipinitialspace=True) features.sort_values('confidence', ascending=False) if features.confidence[0] > 0.0: landmarks_x = features.as_matrix(columns=['x_{}'.format(i) for i in range(68)])[0] landmarks_y = features.as_matrix(columns=['y_{}'.format(i) for i in range(68)])[0] landmarks = np.vstack((landmarks_x, landmarks_y)).T pitch = features.pose_Rx.values[0] yaw = features.pose_Ry.values[0] roll = features.pose_Rz.values[0] pose = np.array((pitch, yaw, roll), dtype=np.float32) except IOError: # raise IOError("\tError: Could not load landmarks from file {}!".format(lmFilepath)) print("\tError: Could not load landmarks from file {}!".format(lmFilepath)) if landmarks is not None: crop, landmarks = crop_by_lm(img, landmarks) else: crop, landmarks = crop_by_bb(img, bb), np.zeros((68, 2), dtype=np.float32) return cv2.resize(crop, size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC), pose, landmarks
class LFWImages(td.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.LFW_ROOT, train=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=True, use_cache=True): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.root_dir = root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'crops_tight') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'images') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'features') import glob ann = [] person_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.LFW_ROOT, 'images', '*'))) for id, person_dir in enumerate(person_dirs): name = os.path.split(person_dir)[1] for img_file in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(person_dir, '*.jpg'))): # create fnames of format 'Aaron_Eckhart/Aaron_Eckhart_0001' fname = os.path.join(name, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(img_file)[1])[0]) ann.append({'fname': fname, 'id': id, 'name': name}) self.annotations = pd.DataFrame(ann) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic=True, color=True) @property def labels(self): return def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] filename = sample.fname id = of_conf, landmarks, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename)) # if of_conf < 0.8: # return self.__getitem__((idx+1) % len(self)) try: # crop, landmarks, pose = ds_utils.get_face(filename+'.jpg', self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, # landmarks, pose, use_cache=False) crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face(filename + '.jpg', self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, detect_face=False, crop_type='tight', aligned=True) except: print(filename) return self.__getitem__((idx+1) % len(self)) # vis.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks, pose=pose, title='lms', wait=10, color=(0,0,255)) transformed_crop = self.transform(crop) landmarks[..., 0] -= int((crop.shape[0] - transformed_crop.shape[1]) / 2) landmarks[..., 1] -= int((crop.shape[1] - transformed_crop.shape[2]) / 2) item = { 'image': transformed_crop, 'id': id, 'fnames': filename, 'pose': pose, 'landmarks': landmarks, } return item
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.AFFECTNET_ROOT, train=True, transform=None, crop_type='tight', color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, outlier_threshold=None, deterministic=None, use_cache=True, detect_face=False, align_face_orientation=False, min_conf=cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE, daug=0, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, landmark_sigma=9, landmark_ids=range(68), return_modified_images=False, crop_source='lm_openface', **kwargs): assert (crop_type in ['fullsize', 'tight', 'loose']) assert (crop_source in [ 'bb_ground_truth', 'lm_ground_truth', 'lm_cnn', 'lm_openface' ]) self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.crop_source = crop_source self.use_cache = use_cache self.detect_face = detect_face self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.start = start self.max_samples = max_samples self.root_dir = root_dir self.crop_type = crop_type self.color = color self.outlier_threshold = outlier_threshold self.transform = transform self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'cropped_Annotated') self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'crops', crop_source) self.feature_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'features') annotation_filename = 'training' if train else 'validation' path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.mod.pkl') if os.path.isfile(path_annotations_mod): print('Reading pickle file...') self._annotations = pd.read_pickle(path_annotations_mod) else: print('Reading CSV file...') self._annotations = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.csv')) print('done.') # drop non-faces self._annotations = self._annotations[ self._annotations.expression < 8] # Samples in annotation file are somewhat clustered by expression. # Shuffle to create a more even distribution. # NOTE: deterministic, always creates the same order if train: from sklearn.utils import shuffle self._annotations = shuffle(self._annotations, random_state=2) # remove samples with inconsistent expression<->valence/arousal values self._remove_outliers() poses = [] confs = [] landmarks = [] for cnt, filename in enumerate( self._annotations.subDirectory_filePath): if cnt % 1000 == 0: print(cnt) filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] conf, lms, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext)) poses.append(pose) confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) self._annotations['pose'] = poses self._annotations['conf'] = confs self._annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # self.annotations.to_csv(path_annotations_mod, index=False) self._annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) poses = np.abs(np.stack(self._annotations.pose.values)) only_good_image_for_training = True if train and only_good_image_for_training: print(len(self._annotations)) min_rot_deg = 30 max_rot_deg = 90 # print('Limiting rotation to +-[{}-{}] degrees...'.format(min_rot_deg, max_rot_deg)) # self._annotations = self._annotations[(poses[:, 0] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) & # (poses[:, 1] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) & # (poses[:, 2] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg))] # self._annotations = self._annotations[(np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 0]) | # (np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 1])] # self._annotations = self._annotations[np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 1] ] print(len(self._annotations)) # print('Removing OpenFace confs <={:.2f}...'.format(min_conf)) # self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.conf > cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE] # print(len(self._annotations)) # select by Valence/Arousal # min_arousal = 0.0 # print('Removing arousal <={:.2f}...'.format(min_arousal)) # self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.arousal > min_arousal] # print(len(self._annotations)) # There is (at least) one missing image in the dataset. Remove by checking face width: self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.face_width > 0] # self._annotations_balanced = self._annotations # self.filter_labels(label_dict_exclude={'expression': 0}) # self.filter_labels(label_dict_exclude={'expression': 1}) # self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.arousal > 0.2] self.rebalance_classes() if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color, daug) transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor()] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms)
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.VOXCELEB_ROOT, train=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=True, with_bumps=False, min_of_conf=0.3, min_face_height=100, use_cache=True, **kwargs): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.root_dir = root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(cfg.VOXCELEB_ROOT_LOCAL, 'crops') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join( root_dir, 'frames/unzippedIntervalFaces/data') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'features/unzippedIntervalFaces/data') self.npfeature_dir = os.path.join( cfg.VOXCELEB_ROOT_LOCAL, 'features/unzippedIntervalFaces/data') self.train = train self.with_bumps = with_bumps annotation_filename = 'dev' if train else 'test' path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.mod.pkl') if os.path.isfile(path_annotations_mod) and False: self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(path_annotations_mod) else: print('Reading CSV file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.csv')) print('done.') # self.annotations['of_conf'] = -1 # self.annotations['landmarks'] = '' # self.annotations['pose'] = '' # of_confs, poses, landmarks = [], [], [] # # # # # for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.fname): # for cnt, idx in enumerate(self.annotations.index): # filename = self.annotations.iloc[idx].fname # filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # of_conf, lms, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext)) # str_landmarks = encode_landmarks(lms) # of_confs.append(of_conf) # # poses.append(pose) # landmarks.append(lms) # self.annotations.loc[idx, 'of_conf'] = of_conf # self.annotations.loc[idx, 'landmarks'] = str_landmarks # self.annotations.loc[idx, 'pose'] = encode_landmarks(pose) # if (cnt+1) % 100 == 0: # print(cnt+1) # if (cnt+1) % 1000 == 0: # print('saving annotations...') # self.annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) # # self.annotations.to_csv(path_annotations_mod, index=False) # self.annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.lms.pkl') lm_annots = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(root_dir, path_annotations_mod)) t = time.time() self.annotations = pd.merge(self.annotations, lm_annots, on='fname', how='inner') print("Time merge: {:.2f}".format(time.time() - t)) t = time.time() self.annotations['vid'] = lambda x: x.split('/')[2]) self.annotations['id'] = x: int(x[2:])) print("Time vid/id labels: {:.2f}".format(time.time() - t)) print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) print("Num. ids : {}".format( # drop bad face detections print("Removing faces with conf < {}".format(min_of_conf)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.of_conf >= min_of_conf] print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) # drop small faces print("Removing faces with height < {}px".format(min_face_height)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.face_height >= min_face_height] print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) fr = 0 prev_vid = -1 frame_nums = [] for n, id in enumerate(self.annotations.vid.values): fr += 1 if id != prev_vid: prev_vid = id fr = 0 frame_nums.append(fr) self.annotations['FRAME'] = frame_nums self.max_frames_per_video = 200 self.frame_interval = 3 print('Limiting videos in VoxCeleb to {} frames...'.format( self.max_frames_per_video)) self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.FRAME % self.frame_interval == 0] self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.FRAME < self.max_frames_per_video * self.frame_interval] print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) # limit number of samples st, nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st + max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic=True, color=True)
class VoxCeleb(td.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.VOXCELEB_ROOT, train=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=True, with_bumps=False, min_of_conf=0.3, min_face_height=100, use_cache=True, **kwargs): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.root_dir = root_dir self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(cfg.VOXCELEB_ROOT_LOCAL, 'crops') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join( root_dir, 'frames/unzippedIntervalFaces/data') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'features/unzippedIntervalFaces/data') self.npfeature_dir = os.path.join( cfg.VOXCELEB_ROOT_LOCAL, 'features/unzippedIntervalFaces/data') self.train = train self.with_bumps = with_bumps annotation_filename = 'dev' if train else 'test' path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.mod.pkl') if os.path.isfile(path_annotations_mod) and False: self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(path_annotations_mod) else: print('Reading CSV file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.csv')) print('done.') # self.annotations['of_conf'] = -1 # self.annotations['landmarks'] = '' # self.annotations['pose'] = '' # of_confs, poses, landmarks = [], [], [] # # # # # for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.fname): # for cnt, idx in enumerate(self.annotations.index): # filename = self.annotations.iloc[idx].fname # filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # of_conf, lms, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext)) # str_landmarks = encode_landmarks(lms) # of_confs.append(of_conf) # # poses.append(pose) # landmarks.append(lms) # self.annotations.loc[idx, 'of_conf'] = of_conf # self.annotations.loc[idx, 'landmarks'] = str_landmarks # self.annotations.loc[idx, 'pose'] = encode_landmarks(pose) # if (cnt+1) % 100 == 0: # print(cnt+1) # if (cnt+1) % 1000 == 0: # print('saving annotations...') # self.annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) # # self.annotations.to_csv(path_annotations_mod, index=False) # self.annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.lms.pkl') lm_annots = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(root_dir, path_annotations_mod)) t = time.time() self.annotations = pd.merge(self.annotations, lm_annots, on='fname', how='inner') print("Time merge: {:.2f}".format(time.time() - t)) t = time.time() self.annotations['vid'] = lambda x: x.split('/')[2]) self.annotations['id'] = x: int(x[2:])) print("Time vid/id labels: {:.2f}".format(time.time() - t)) print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) print("Num. ids : {}".format( # drop bad face detections print("Removing faces with conf < {}".format(min_of_conf)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.of_conf >= min_of_conf] print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) # drop small faces print("Removing faces with height < {}px".format(min_face_height)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.face_height >= min_face_height] print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) fr = 0 prev_vid = -1 frame_nums = [] for n, id in enumerate(self.annotations.vid.values): fr += 1 if id != prev_vid: prev_vid = id fr = 0 frame_nums.append(fr) self.annotations['FRAME'] = frame_nums self.max_frames_per_video = 200 self.frame_interval = 3 print('Limiting videos in VoxCeleb to {} frames...'.format( self.max_frames_per_video)) self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.FRAME % self.frame_interval == 0] self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.FRAME < self.max_frames_per_video * self.frame_interval] print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) # limit number of samples st, nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st + max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic=True, color=True) def __repr__(self): fmt_str = 'Dataset ' + self.__class__.__name__ + '\n' fmt_str += ' Number of datapoints: {}\n'.format(self.__len__()) fmt_str += ' Train: {}\n'.format(self.train) fmt_str += ' Root Location: {}\n'.format(self.root_dir) tmp = ' Transforms (if any): ' fmt_str += '{0}{1}\n'.format( tmp, self.transform.__repr__().replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * len(tmp))) fmt_str += self._stats_repr() return fmt_str def _stats_repr(self): fmt_str = " Number of identities: {}\n".format( fmt_str += " Number of videos: {}\n".format( self.annotations.vid.nunique()) fmt_str += " Frame inverval: {}\n".format( self.frame_interval) fmt_str += " Max frames per vid: {}\n".format( self.max_frames_per_video) return fmt_str @property def labels(self): return def get_landmarks(self, sample): landmarks = np.array([sample.landmarks_x, sample.landmarks_y], dtype=np.float32).T # return face_processing.scale_landmarks_to_crop(landmarks, output_size=(cfg.CROP_SIZE, cfg.CROP_SIZE)) return landmarks @property def vids(self): return self.annotations.vid.values def show_landmarks(self, img, landmarks, title='landmarks'): for lm in landmarks: lm_x, lm_y = lm[0], lm[1], (int(lm_x), int(lm_y)), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imshow(title, cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) cv2.waitKey(10) def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] filename, id, vid = sample.fname,, sample.vid pose = np.array((sample.pose_pitch, sample.pose_yaw, sample.pose_roll), dtype=np.float32) landmarks = self.get_landmarks(sample) t = time.time() crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face( filename + '.jpg', self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, detect_face=False, crop_type='tight', aligned=True) # self.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks, 'imgs') # crop, pose, landmarks,of_conf_seq = self.get_face(fname, landmarks=landmarks, use_cache=True, from_sequence=True) # landmarks = face_processing.scale_landmarks_to_crop(landmarks, output_size=(cfg.CROP_SIZE, cfg.CROP_SIZE)) # self.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks, 'sequence') # print(of_conf, of_conf_seq) # cv2.waitKey() cropped_sample = {'image': crop, 'landmarks': landmarks, 'pose': pose} item = self.transform(cropped_sample) # face_mask = face_processing.get_face_mask(landmarks, crop.shape) # transformed_face_mask = face_processing.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)(face_mask) item.update({ 'id': id, 'fnames': filename, # 'face_mask': transformed_face_mask, 'expression': np.array([[-1, 0, 0]], np.float32), 'vid': vid }) if self.with_bumps: H = np.eye(3, 3) step = 1 next_id = max(0, min(len(self) - 1, idx + step)) if self.annotations.iloc[next_id].vid != vid: next_id = max(0, min(len(self) - 1, idx - step)) if self.annotations.iloc[max(0, idx - step)].vid != vid: # fallback to single image crop_next = crop landmarks_next = landmarks else: sample_next = self.annotations.iloc[next_id] pose_next = np.array( (sample_next.pose_pitch, sample_next.pose_yaw, sample_next.pose_roll), dtype=np.float32) of_conf = sample_next.of_conf crop_next, landmarks_next = self.get_face( sample_next.fname, landmarks=self.get_landmarks(sample_next), use_cache=True) pose_diff = np.abs(pose - pose_next) if np.any(pose_diff > np.deg2rad(7)) or of_conf < 0.9: # print(np.rad2deg(pose_diff)) crop_next = crop landmarks_next = landmarks else: # calculate homograpy to project next images onto current image H = cv2.findHomography(landmarks_next, landmarks)[0] bumps = face_processing.calc_face_bumps(crop, crop_next, landmarks, landmarks_next, H) transformed_bumps = face_processing.CenterCrop( cfg.INPUT_SIZE)(bumps) # transformed_bumps = self.transform(bumps) # bumps = face_processing.calc_face_bumps(crop, crop_next, landmarks, landmarks_next) # transformed_crop_next = self.transform(crop_next) # return transformed_crop, id, pose, landmarks, emotion, vid, fname, transformed_crop_next, landmarks_next, H, transformed_bumps item.update({'bumps': transformed_bumps}) return item def get_face(self, filename, landmarks=None, size=(cfg.CROP_SIZE, cfg.CROP_SIZE), use_cache=True, from_sequence=False): # landmarks = np.zeros((68, 2), dtype=np.float32) # pose = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) crop_filepath = os.path.join(self.cropped_img_dir, filename + '.jpg') if use_cache and os.path.isfile(crop_filepath): try: crop = io.imread(crop_filepath) except OSError: os.remove(crop_filepath) return self.get_face(filename, landmarks, size, use_cache, from_sequence) if crop.shape[:2] != size: crop = cv2.resize(crop, size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) if landmarks is None: of_conf, landmarks, _ = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename), numpy_lmFilepath=os.path.join(self.npfeature_dir, filename)) landmarks = face_processing.scale_landmarks_to_crop( landmarks, output_size=size) else: # Load image from dataset img_path = os.path.join(self.fullsize_img_dir, filename + '.jpg') img = io.imread(img_path) if img is None: raise IOError( "\tError: Could not load image {}!".format(img_path)) # load landmarks extracted with OpenFace2 if landmarks is None: of_conf, landmarks, _ = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename), numpy_lmFilepath=os.path.join(self.npfeature_dir, filename), from_sequence=from_sequence) if of_conf <= 0.0: log.warning("No landmarks for image {}".format(filename)) # crop, landmarks = face_processing.crop_bump(img, landmarks, output_size=size) crop, landmarks = face_processing.crop_celebHQ(img, landmarks, output_size=size) if use_cache: io.imsave(crop_filepath, crop) return crop, landmarks
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.CELEBA_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, crop_type='tight', **kwargs): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.mode = TRAIN if train else TEST self.crop_type = crop_type self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.CELEBA_ROOT_LOCAL assert (crop_type in ['tight', 'loose', 'fullsize']) self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'crops') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'img_align_celeba') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'features') self.color = color annotation_filename = 'list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt' path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod.pkl') if os.path.isfile(path_annotations_mod): self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(path_annotations_mod) else: print('Reading original TXT file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( self.root_dir, 'Anno', annotation_filename), delim_whitespace=True) print('done.') # store OpenFace features in annotation dataframe poses = [] confs = [] landmarks = [] for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.fname): if cnt % 1000 == 0: print(cnt) filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] conf, lms, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext)) poses.append(pose) confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) self.annotations['pose'] = poses self.annotations['conf'] = confs self.annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # add identities to annotations self.identities = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'Anno', 'identity_CelebA.txt'), delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=['fname', 'id']) self.annotations = pd.merge(self.annotations, self.identities, on='fname', copy=False) # save annations as pickle file self.annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) # select training or test set (currently not using validation set) SPLIT = { TRAIN: (0, 162772), VAL: (162772, 182639), TEST: (182639, 202601) } self.annotations = self.annotations[ (self.annotations.index >= SPLIT[self.mode][0]) & (self.annotations.index < SPLIT[self.mode][1])] self.annotations = self.annotations.sort_values(by='id') print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) if 'crops_celeba' in self.cropped_img_dir: min_of_conf = 0.0 else: min_of_conf = 0.5 print("Removing faces with conf < {}".format(min_of_conf)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.conf >= min_of_conf] print("Remaining num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) # max_rot_deg = 1 # print('Limiting rotation to +-{} degrees...'.format(max_rot_deg)) # poses = np.abs(np.stack(self.annotations.pose.values)) # self.annotations = self.annotations[(poses[:, 0] > np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) | # (poses[:, 1] > np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) | # (poses[:, 2] > np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg))] # print(len(self.annotations)) # limit number of samples st, nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st + max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] self._annotations = self.annotations[st:nd].copy() if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color)
class CelebA(td.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.CELEBA_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, crop_type='tight', **kwargs): from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.mode = TRAIN if train else TEST self.crop_type = crop_type self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.CELEBA_ROOT_LOCAL assert (crop_type in ['tight', 'loose', 'fullsize']) self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'crops') self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'img_align_celeba') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'features') self.color = color annotation_filename = 'list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt' path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod.pkl') if os.path.isfile(path_annotations_mod): self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(path_annotations_mod) else: print('Reading original TXT file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( self.root_dir, 'Anno', annotation_filename), delim_whitespace=True) print('done.') # store OpenFace features in annotation dataframe poses = [] confs = [] landmarks = [] for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.fname): if cnt % 1000 == 0: print(cnt) filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] conf, lms, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext)) poses.append(pose) confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) self.annotations['pose'] = poses self.annotations['conf'] = confs self.annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # add identities to annotations self.identities = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'Anno', 'identity_CelebA.txt'), delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=['fname', 'id']) self.annotations = pd.merge(self.annotations, self.identities, on='fname', copy=False) # save annations as pickle file self.annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) # select training or test set (currently not using validation set) SPLIT = { TRAIN: (0, 162772), VAL: (162772, 182639), TEST: (182639, 202601) } self.annotations = self.annotations[ (self.annotations.index >= SPLIT[self.mode][0]) & (self.annotations.index < SPLIT[self.mode][1])] self.annotations = self.annotations.sort_values(by='id') print("Num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) if 'crops_celeba' in self.cropped_img_dir: min_of_conf = 0.0 else: min_of_conf = 0.5 print("Removing faces with conf < {}".format(min_of_conf)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.conf >= min_of_conf] print("Remaining num. faces: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) # max_rot_deg = 1 # print('Limiting rotation to +-{} degrees...'.format(max_rot_deg)) # poses = np.abs(np.stack(self.annotations.pose.values)) # self.annotations = self.annotations[(poses[:, 0] > np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) | # (poses[:, 1] > np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) | # (poses[:, 2] > np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg))] # print(len(self.annotations)) # limit number of samples st, nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st + max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] self._annotations = self.annotations[st:nd].copy() if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color) @property def labels(self): return def _stats_repr(self): fmt_str = " Number of identities: {}\n".format( return fmt_str def __repr__(self): fmt_str = 'Dataset ' + self.__class__.__name__ + '\n' fmt_str += ' Number of datapoints: {}\n'.format(self.__len__()) fmt_str += ' Split: {}\n'.format(self.mode) fmt_str += ' Root Location: {}\n'.format(self.root_dir) tmp = ' Transforms (if any): ' fmt_str += '{0}{1}\n'.format( tmp, self.transform.__repr__().replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * len(tmp))) fmt_str += self._stats_repr() return fmt_str def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] filename = sample.fname landmarks = sample.landmarks_of pose = sample.pose id = # crop, landmarks, pose = ds_utils.get_face(filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, # landmarks, pose, use_cache=True) crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face( filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks, pose=pose, use_cache=True, detect_face=False, crop_type=self.crop_type, aligned=True) cropped_sample = {'image': crop, 'landmarks': landmarks, 'pose': pose} item = self.transform(cropped_sample) # face_mask = face_processing.get_face_mask(item['landmarks'], crop.shape) # transformed_face_mask = face_processing.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)(face_mask) em_val_ar = np.array([[-1, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32) item.update({ 'id': id, 'fnames': filename, # 'face_mask': transformed_face_mask, 'expression': em_val_ar }) return item def get_face(self, filename, size=(cfg.CROP_SIZE, cfg.CROP_SIZE), use_cache=True): print(filename) sample = self._annotations.loc[self._annotations.fname == filename].iloc[0] landmarks = sample.landmarks_of.astype(np.float32) pose = sample.pose # if OpenFace didn't detect a face, fall back to AffectNet landmarks # if sample.conf < 0.1: # landmarks = self.parse_landmarks(sample.facial_landmarks) crop, landmarks, pose = ds_utils.get_face(filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks, pose, use_cache=use_cache, size=size) return crop, landmarks, pose
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.W300_ROOT, train=True, transform=None, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, align_face_orientation=cfg.CROP_ALIGN_ROTATION, crop_type='tight', test_split='challenging', detect_face=False, use_cache=True, crop_source='bb_detector', daug=0, return_modified_images=False, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, landmark_sigma=3, landmark_ids=range(68), **kwargs): assert(crop_type in ['fullsize', 'tight','loose']) test_split = test_split.lower() assert(test_split in ['common', 'challenging', '300w', 'full']) assert(crop_source in W300.CROP_SOURCES) lmcfg.config_landmarks('300w') self.start = start self.max_samples = max_samples self.use_cache = use_cache self.crop_source = crop_source self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.root_dir = root_dir self.local_root_dir = cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL self.color = color self.transform = transform self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'images') self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.detect_face = detect_face self.crop_type = crop_type self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL, 'crops', crop_source) self.feature_dir_cnn = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL, 'features_cnn') self.feature_dir_of = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL, 'features_of') self.bounding_box_dir = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT, 'Bounding Boxes') self.split = 'train' if train else test_split self.build_annotations(self.split) print("Num. images: {}".format(len(self))) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = not train if self.crop_type == 'tight': self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, True, daug) elif self.crop_type == 'fullsize': self.transform = lambda x:x from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor() ] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms)
class W300(td.Dataset): CROP_SOURCES = ['bb_detector', 'bb_ground_truth', 'lm_ground_truth', 'lm_cnn', 'lm_openface'] def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.W300_ROOT, train=True, transform=None, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, align_face_orientation=cfg.CROP_ALIGN_ROTATION, crop_type='tight', test_split='challenging', detect_face=False, use_cache=True, crop_source='bb_detector', daug=0, return_modified_images=False, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, landmark_sigma=3, landmark_ids=range(68), **kwargs): assert(crop_type in ['fullsize', 'tight','loose']) test_split = test_split.lower() assert(test_split in ['common', 'challenging', '300w', 'full']) assert(crop_source in W300.CROP_SOURCES) lmcfg.config_landmarks('300w') self.start = start self.max_samples = max_samples self.use_cache = use_cache self.crop_source = crop_source self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.root_dir = root_dir self.local_root_dir = cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL self.color = color self.transform = transform self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'images') self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.detect_face = detect_face self.crop_type = crop_type self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL, 'crops', crop_source) self.feature_dir_cnn = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL, 'features_cnn') self.feature_dir_of = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT_LOCAL, 'features_of') self.bounding_box_dir = os.path.join(cfg.W300_ROOT, 'Bounding Boxes') self.split = 'train' if train else test_split self.build_annotations(self.split) print("Num. images: {}".format(len(self))) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = not train if self.crop_type == 'tight': self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, True, daug) elif self.crop_type == 'fullsize': self.transform = lambda x:x from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor() ] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms) def build_annotations(self, split): import import glob split_defs = { 'train': [ ('train/afw', 'afw'), ('train/helen', 'helen_trainset'), ('train/lfpw', 'lfpw_trainset') ], 'common': [ ('test/common/helen', 'helen_testset'), ('test/common/lfpw', 'lfpw_testset') ], 'challenging': [ ('test/challenging/ibug', 'ibug') ], 'full': [ ('test/common/helen', 'helen_testset'), ('test/common/lfpw', 'lfpw_testset'), ('test/challenging/ibug', 'ibug') ], '300w': [ ('test/300W/01_Indoor', None), ('test/300W/01_Outdoor', None) ] } ann = [] bboxes = [] for id, subset in enumerate(split_defs[split]): im_dir, bbox_file_suffix = subset # get image file paths and read GT landmarks ext = "*.jpg" if 'lfpw' in im_dir or '300W' in im_dir: ext = "*.png" for img_file in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.fullsize_img_dir, im_dir, ext))): path_abs_noext = os.path.splitext(img_file)[0] filename_noext = os.path.split(path_abs_noext)[1] path_rel_noext = os.path.join(im_dir, filename_noext) filename = os.path.split(img_file)[1] path_rel = os.path.join(im_dir, filename) # load landmarks from *.pts files landmarks = ds_utils.read_300W_detection(path_abs_noext+'.pts') ann.append({'imgName': str(filename), 'fname': path_rel, 'landmarks': landmarks}) # load supplied detected bounding boxes from MAT file if bbox_file_suffix is not None: subset_bboxes =, 'bounding_boxes_{}.mat'.format(bbox_file_suffix))) for item in subset_bboxes['bounding_boxes'][0]: imgName, bb_detector, bb_ground_truth = item[0][0] bboxes.append({'imgName': str(imgName[0]), 'bb_detector': bb_detector[0], 'bb_ground_truth': bb_ground_truth[0]}) self._annotations = pd.DataFrame(ann) if len(bboxes) > 0: df_bboxes = pd.DataFrame(bboxes) self._annotations = self._annotations.merge(df_bboxes, on='imgName', how='left') @property def labels(self): return None @property def annotations(self): return self._annotations @annotations.setter def annotations(self, new_annots): self._annotations = new_annots def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def get_bounding_box(self, sample): bb = sample.bb_detector if self.crop_source == 'bb_detector' else sample.bb_ground_truth # enlarge bounding box l,t,r,b = bb if t > b: t, b = b, t h = b-t assert(h >= 0) t_new, b_new = int(t - cfg.CROP_MOVE_TOP_FACTOR * h), int(b + cfg.CROP_MOVE_BOTTOM_FACTOR * h) # t_new, b_new = int(t - 0.27 * h), int(b + 0.17 * h) # set width of bbox same as height h_new = b_new - t_new cx = (r + l) / 2 l_new, r_new = cx - h_new/2, cx + h_new/2 # in case right eye is actually left of right eye... if l_new > r_new: l_new, r_new = r_new, l_new # extend area by crop border margins bbox = np.array([l_new, t_new, r_new, b_new], dtype=np.float32) scalef = cfg.CROP_SIZE / cfg.INPUT_SIZE bbox_crop = utils.geometry.scaleBB(bbox, scalef, scalef, typeBB=2) return bbox_crop def __getitem__(self, idx): def get_landmarks_for_crop(): pose = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) if self.crop_source == 'lm_openface': openface_filepath = os.path.join(self.feature_dir_of, os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) est_face_center = landmarks_gt.mean(axis=0) of_conf, landmarks_of, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(openface_filepath, expected_face_center=est_face_center) if of_conf < 0.01: landmarks_of = landmarks_gt else: # landmarks_of, pose = self.cropper.apply_crop_to_landmarks(landmarks_of, pose) landmarks_of[:,0] -= cfg.CROP_BORDER landmarks_of[:,1] -= cfg.CROP_BORDER landmarks = landmarks_of elif self.crop_source == 'lm_cnn': try: landmarks = np.load(os.path.join(self.feature_dir_cnn, os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+'.npy')) except FileNotFoundError: landmarks = None elif self.crop_source == 'lm_ground_truth': landmarks = landmarks_gt else: # no landmarks -> crop using bounding boxes landmarks = None return landmarks, pose sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] filename = sample.fname landmarks_gt = sample.landmarks.astype(np.float32) bbox = self.get_bounding_box(sample) if not self.split == '300w' else None landmarks_for_crop, pose = get_landmarks_for_crop() crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face(filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, bb=bbox, landmarks=landmarks_for_crop, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, detect_face=self.detect_face, crop_type=self.crop_type, aligned=self.align_face_orientation) landmarks_gt, _ = cropper.apply_to_landmarks(landmarks_gt) # self.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks_gt) cropped_sample = {'image': crop, 'landmarks': landmarks_gt, 'pose': pose} item = self.transform(cropped_sample) em_val_ar = np.array([[-1,0,0]], dtype=np.float32) result = self.crop_to_tensor(item) result.update({ 'fnames': filename, 'expression': em_val_ar }) if self.return_modified_images: mod_transforms = tf.Compose([fp.RandomOcclusion()]) crop_occ = mod_transforms(item['image']) crop_occ = self.crop_to_tensor(crop_occ) result['image_mod'] = crop_occ # add landmark heatmaps if landmarks enabled if self.return_landmark_heatmaps: result['lm_heatmaps'] = create_landmark_heatmaps(result['landmarks'], self.landmark_sigma, self.landmark_ids) return result def show_landmarks(self, img, landmarks): for lm in landmarks: lm_x, lm_y = lm[0], lm[1], (int(lm_x), int(lm_y)), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imshow('landmarks', cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) cv2.waitKey(0)
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.VGGFACE2_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, min_conf=cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE, use_cache=True, crop_source='bb_ground_truth', detect_face=False, align_face_orientation=True, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, return_modified_images=False, daug=0, landmark_sigma=None, landmark_ids=None, **kwargs): assert (crop_source in [ 'bb_ground_truth', 'lm_ground_truth', 'lm_cnn', 'lm_openface' ]) self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.detect_face = detect_face self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.color = color self.crop_source = crop_source self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.VGGFACE2_ROOT_LOCAL split_subfolder = 'train' if train else 'test' self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, split_subfolder, 'crops', crop_source) self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, split_subfolder, 'imgs') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, split_subfolder, 'features') annotation_filename = 'loose_bb_{}.csv'.format(split_subfolder) # annotation_filename = 'loose_landmark_{}.csv'.format(split_subfolder) # self.path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod_full_of.pkl') self.path_annotations_mod = os.path.join( root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod_full.pkl') if os.path.isfile(self.path_annotations_mod): print('Reading pickle file...') self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) print('done.') else: print('Reading CSV file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'bb_landmark', annotation_filename)) print('done.') of_confs, poses, landmarks = [], [], [] self.annotations = self.annotations[0:4000000] self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.H > 80] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) def get_face_height(lms): return lms[8, 1] - lms[27, 1] read_openface_landmarks = True if read_openface_landmarks: for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.NAME_ID): filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] bb = self.annotations.iloc[cnt][1:5].values expected_face_center = [ bb[0] + bb[2] / 2.0, bb[1] + bb[3] / 2.0 ] conf, lms, pose, num_faces = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext), expected_face_center=expected_face_center, use_cache=True, return_num_faces=True) if num_faces > 1: print("Deleting extracted crop for {}...".format( filename)) cache_filepath = os.path.join(self.cropped_img_dir, 'tight', filename + '.jpg') if os.path.isfile(cache_filepath): os.remove(cache_filepath) # numpy_lmfile = os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename) + '.npz' # if os.path.isfile(numpy_lmfile): # os.remove(numpy_lmfile) of_confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) poses.append(pose) if (cnt + 1) % 10000 == 0: + 1) # if (cnt+1) % 1000 == 0: # print('saving annotations...') # self.annotations.to_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) self.annotations['pose'] = poses self.annotations['of_conf'] = of_confs self.annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # self.annotations['face_height'] = # assign new continuous ids to persons (0, range(n)) print("Creating id labels...") _ids = self.annotations.NAME_ID _ids = x: int(x.split('/')[0][1:])) self.annotations['ID'] = _ids # unique_ids = _ids.unique() # uid2idx = dict(zip(unique_ids, range(1,len(unique_ids)+1))) # self.annotations['ID'] = self.annotations.to_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) select_subset = False if select_subset: print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.of_conf > min_conf] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) min_rot_deg = 0 max_rot_deg = 90 print('Limiting rotation to +-[{}-{}] degrees...'.format( min_rot_deg, max_rot_deg)) poses = np.abs(np.stack(self.annotations.pose.values)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ (poses[:, 0] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) & (poses[:, 1] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) & (poses[:, 2] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg))] # self.annotations = self.annotations[(np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 0]) | # (np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 1])] min_face_height = 100 print( 'Removing faces with height <={:.2f}px...'.format(min_face_height)) self.annotations = self.annotations[ self.annotations.H > min_face_height] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) # width = self.annotations.W # height = self.annotations.H # ratio = width / height # self.annotations = self.annotations[(ratio > 0.5) & (ratio < 0.60)] # self.annotations = self.annotations[ratio < 0.65] # self.annotations = self.annotations[ratio > 0.9] # FIXME: shuffle for find_similar_images # self.annotations = self.annotations[:1000000] # from sklearn.utils import shuffle # self.annotations = shuffle(self.annotations, random_state=2) #############3 # limit number of samples st, nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st + max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color, daug) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) print("Number of identities: {}".format(self.annotations.ID.nunique()))
def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.VGGFACE2_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, min_conf=cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE, use_cache=True, crop_source='bb_ground_truth', detect_face=False, align_face_orientation=True, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, return_modified_images=False, daug=0, landmark_sigma=None, landmark_ids=None, **kwargs): assert(crop_source in ['bb_ground_truth', 'lm_ground_truth', 'lm_cnn', 'lm_openface']) self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.detect_face = detect_face self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.color = color self.crop_source = crop_source self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.VGGFACE2_ROOT_LOCAL split_subfolder = 'train' if train else 'test' crop_folder = 'crops' if cfg.INPUT_SIZE == 128: crop_folder += '_128' self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, split_subfolder, crop_folder, crop_source) self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, split_subfolder, 'imgs') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, split_subfolder, 'features') annotation_filename = 'loose_bb_{}.csv'.format(split_subfolder) # annotation_filename = 'loose_landmark_{}.csv'.format(split_subfolder) # self.path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod_full_of.pkl') self.path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir_local, annotation_filename + '.mod_full.pkl') if os.path.isfile(self.path_annotations_mod): print('Reading pickle file...') self.annotations = pd.read_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) print('done.') else: print('Reading CSV file...') self.annotations = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'bb_landmark', annotation_filename)) print('done.') of_confs, poses, landmarks = [], [], [] self.annotations = self.annotations[0:4000000] self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.H > 80] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) def get_face_height(lms): return lms[8,1] - lms[27,1] read_openface_landmarks = True if read_openface_landmarks: for cnt, filename in enumerate(self.annotations.NAME_ID): filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] bb = self.annotations.iloc[cnt][1:5].values expected_face_center = [bb[0] + bb[2] / 2.0, bb[1] + bb[3] / 2.0] conf, lms, pose, num_faces = ds_utils.read_openface_detection(os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext), expected_face_center=expected_face_center, use_cache=True, return_num_faces=True) if num_faces > 1: print("Deleting extracted crop for {}...".format(filename)) cache_filepath = os.path.join(self.cropped_img_dir, 'tight', filename + '.jpg') if os.path.isfile(cache_filepath): os.remove(cache_filepath) of_confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) poses.append(pose) if (cnt+1) % 10000 == 0: self.annotations['pose'] = poses self.annotations['of_conf'] = of_confs self.annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # assign new continuous ids to persons (0, range(n)) print("Creating id labels...") _ids = self.annotations.NAME_ID _ids = x: int(x.split('/')[0][1:])) self.annotations['ID'] = _ids self.annotations.to_pickle(self.path_annotations_mod) min_face_height = 100 print('Removing faces with height <={:.2f}px...'.format(min_face_height)) self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.H > min_face_height] print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color, daug) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) print("Number of identities: {}".format(self.annotations.ID.nunique()))
class AffectNet(td.Dataset): classes = CLASS_NAMES colors = [ 'tab:gray', 'tab:orange', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:cyan', 'tab:olive', 'tab:red', 'tab:blue' ] markers = ['s', 'o', '>', '<', '^', 'v', 'P', 'd'] def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.AFFECTNET_ROOT, train=True, transform=None, crop_type='tight', color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, outlier_threshold=None, deterministic=None, use_cache=True, detect_face=False, align_face_orientation=False, min_conf=cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE, daug=0, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, landmark_sigma=9, landmark_ids=range(68), return_modified_images=False, crop_source='lm_openface', **kwargs): assert (crop_type in ['fullsize', 'tight', 'loose']) assert (crop_source in [ 'bb_ground_truth', 'lm_ground_truth', 'lm_cnn', 'lm_openface' ]) self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.crop_source = crop_source self.use_cache = use_cache self.detect_face = detect_face self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.start = start self.max_samples = max_samples self.root_dir = root_dir self.crop_type = crop_type self.color = color self.outlier_threshold = outlier_threshold self.transform = transform self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'cropped_Annotated') self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'crops', crop_source) self.feature_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'features') annotation_filename = 'training' if train else 'validation' path_annotations_mod = os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.mod.pkl') if os.path.isfile(path_annotations_mod): print('Reading pickle file...') self._annotations = pd.read_pickle(path_annotations_mod) else: print('Reading CSV file...') self._annotations = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(root_dir, annotation_filename + '.csv')) print('done.') # drop non-faces self._annotations = self._annotations[ self._annotations.expression < 8] # Samples in annotation file are somewhat clustered by expression. # Shuffle to create a more even distribution. # NOTE: deterministic, always creates the same order if train: from sklearn.utils import shuffle self._annotations = shuffle(self._annotations, random_state=2) # remove samples with inconsistent expression<->valence/arousal values self._remove_outliers() poses = [] confs = [] landmarks = [] for cnt, filename in enumerate( self._annotations.subDirectory_filePath): if cnt % 1000 == 0: print(cnt) filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] conf, lms, pose = ds_utils.read_openface_detection( os.path.join(self.feature_dir, filename_noext)) poses.append(pose) confs.append(conf) landmarks.append(lms) self._annotations['pose'] = poses self._annotations['conf'] = confs self._annotations['landmarks_of'] = landmarks # self.annotations.to_csv(path_annotations_mod, index=False) self._annotations.to_pickle(path_annotations_mod) poses = np.abs(np.stack(self._annotations.pose.values)) only_good_image_for_training = True if train and only_good_image_for_training: print(len(self._annotations)) min_rot_deg = 30 max_rot_deg = 90 # print('Limiting rotation to +-[{}-{}] degrees...'.format(min_rot_deg, max_rot_deg)) # self._annotations = self._annotations[(poses[:, 0] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) & # (poses[:, 1] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg)) & # (poses[:, 2] < np.deg2rad(max_rot_deg))] # self._annotations = self._annotations[(np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 0]) | # (np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 1])] # self._annotations = self._annotations[np.deg2rad(min_rot_deg) < poses[:, 1] ] print(len(self._annotations)) # print('Removing OpenFace confs <={:.2f}...'.format(min_conf)) # self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.conf > cfg.MIN_OPENFACE_CONFIDENCE] # print(len(self._annotations)) # select by Valence/Arousal # min_arousal = 0.0 # print('Removing arousal <={:.2f}...'.format(min_arousal)) # self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.arousal > min_arousal] # print(len(self._annotations)) # There is (at least) one missing image in the dataset. Remove by checking face width: self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.face_width > 0] # self._annotations_balanced = self._annotations # self.filter_labels(label_dict_exclude={'expression': 0}) # self.filter_labels(label_dict_exclude={'expression': 1}) # self._annotations = self._annotations[self._annotations.arousal > 0.2] self.rebalance_classes() if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, self.color, daug) transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor()] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms) def filter_labels(self, label_dict=None, label_dict_exclude=None): if label_dict is not None: print("Applying include filter to labels: {}".format(label_dict)) for k, v in label_dict.items(): self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations[k] == v] if label_dict_exclude is not None: print("Applying exclude filter to labels: {}".format( label_dict_exclude)) for k, v in label_dict_exclude.items(): self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations[k] != v] print(" Number of images: {}".format(len(self.annotations))) def rebalance_classes(self, max_images_per_class=MAX_IMAGES_PER_EXPRESSION): if self.mode == TRAIN: # balance class sized if neccessary print('Limiting number of images to {} per class...'.format( max_images_per_class)) # self._annotations = self._annotations.groupby('expression').head(5000) from sklearn.utils import shuffle self._annotations['cls_idx'] = self._annotations.groupby( 'expression').cumcount() self._annotations = shuffle(self._annotations) self._annotations_balanced = self._annotations[ self._annotations.cls_idx < max_images_per_class] print(len(self._annotations_balanced)) else: self._annotations_balanced = self._annotations # limit number of samples st, nd = 0, None if self.start is not None: st = self.start if self.max_samples is not None: nd = st + self.max_samples self._annotations_balanced = self._annotations_balanced[st:nd] @property def labels(self): return self.annotations['expression'].values @property def heights(self): return self.annotations.face_height.values @property def widths(self): return self.annotations.face_width.values @property def annotations(self): return self._annotations_balanced @annotations.setter def annotations(self, new_annots): self._annotations_balanced = new_annots def print_stats(self): print(self._stats_repr()) def _stats_repr(self): labels = self.annotations.expression fmt_str = " Class sizes:\n" for id in np.unique(labels): count = len(np.where(labels == id)[0]) fmt_str += " {:<6} ({:.2f}%)\t({})\n".format( count, 100.0 * count / self.__len__(), self.classes[id]) fmt_str += " --------------------------------\n" fmt_str += " {:<6}\n".format(len(labels)) return fmt_str def __repr__(self): fmt_str = 'Dataset ' + self.__class__.__name__ + '\n' fmt_str += ' Number of datapoints: {}\n'.format(self.__len__()) fmt_str += ' Split: {}\n'.format(self.mode) # fmt_str += ' Root Location: {}\n'.format(self.root_dir) # tmp = ' Transforms (if any): ' # fmt_str += '{0}{1}\n'.format(tmp, self.transform.__repr__().replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * len(tmp))) fmt_str += self._stats_repr() return fmt_str def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def get_class_sizes(self): groups = self.annotations.groupby(by='expression') return groups.size().values def _remove_outliers(self): if self.outlier_threshold is None: return from utils.exprec import calc_mahalanobis_covs, get_expression_dists covs = calc_mahalanobis_covs(self.annotations) VA = self._annotations.as_matrix(columns=['valence', 'arousal']) true_class = self._annotations['expression'].values dists = get_expression_dists(VA, covs) class_preds = np.argmin(dists, axis=1) true_class_dist = dists[range(len(dists)), tuple(true_class)] self._annotations['dist'] = true_class_dist self._annotations['class_pred'] = class_preds count_before = len(self._annotations) self._annotations = self._annotations.loc[ self._annotations['dist'] < self.outlier_threshold] print("Removed {} outliers from dataset (th={}).".format( count_before - len(self._annotations), self.outlier_threshold)) def parse_landmarks(self, landmarks): try: vals = [float(s) for s in landmarks.split(';')] return np.array([(x, y) for x, y in zip(vals[::2], vals[1::2])], dtype=np.float32) except: raise ValueError("Invalid landmarks {}".format(landmarks)) def get_bounding_box(self, sample): l, t, w, h = sample.face_x, sample.face_y, sample.face_width, sample.face_height r, b = l + w, t + h # return np.array([l,t,r,b], dtype=np.float32) # enlarge bounding box if t > b: t, b = b, t h = b - t assert (h >= 0) t_new, b_new = int(t + 0.05 * h), int(b + 0.25 * h) # set width of bbox same as height h_new = b_new - t_new cx = (r + l) / 2 l_new, r_new = cx - h_new / 2, cx + h_new / 2 # in case right eye is actually left of right eye... if l_new > r_new: l_new, r_new = r_new, l_new # extend area by crop border margins bbox = np.array([l_new, t_new, r_new, b_new], dtype=np.float32) scalef = cfg.CROP_SIZE / cfg.INPUT_SIZE bbox_crop = utils.geometry.scaleBB(bbox, scalef, scalef, typeBB=2) return bbox_crop def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] filename = sample.subDirectory_filePath pose = sample.pose bb = None landmarks_for_crop = None landmarks_to_return = self.parse_landmarks(sample.facial_landmarks) if self.crop_source == 'bb_ground_truth': bb = self.get_bounding_box(sample) elif self.crop_source == 'lm_ground_truth': landmarks_for_crop = landmarks_to_return elif self.crop_source == 'lm_openface': of_conf, landmarks_for_crop = sample.conf, sample.landmarks_of # if OpenFace didn't detect a face, fall back to AffectNet landmarks if sample.conf <= 0.1: try: landmarks_for_crop = self.parse_landmarks( sample.facial_landmarks) except ValueError: pass try: crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face( filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, landmarks=landmarks_for_crop, bb=bb, pose=pose, use_cache=self.use_cache, detect_face=False, crop_type=self.crop_type, aligned=self.align_face_orientation) except AssertionError: print(filename) raise landmarks, _ = cropper.apply_to_landmarks(landmarks_to_return) # vis.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks, title='lms affectnet', wait=0, color=(0,0,255)) cropped_sample = {'image': crop, 'landmarks': landmarks, 'pose': pose} item = self.transform(cropped_sample) em_val_ar = np.array( [[sample.expression, sample.valence, sample.arousal]], dtype=np.float32) result = self.crop_to_tensor(item) result.update({'id': 0, 'fnames': filename, 'expression': em_val_ar}) if self.return_modified_images: mod_transforms = tf.Compose([fp.RandomOcclusion()]) crop_occ = mod_transforms(item['image']) crop_occ = self.crop_to_tensor(crop_occ) result['image_mod'] = crop_occ if self.return_landmark_heatmaps: result['lm_heatmaps'] = create_landmark_heatmaps( result['landmarks'], self.landmark_sigma, self.landmark_ids) return result def get_face(self, filename, size=(cfg.CROP_SIZE, cfg.CROP_SIZE), use_cache=True): sample = self._annotations.loc[self._annotations.subDirectory_filePath == filename].iloc[0] landmarks = sample.landmarks_of.astype(np.float32) pose = sample.pose # if OpenFace didn't detect a face, fall back to AffectNet landmarks if sample.conf <= 0.9: landmarks = self.parse_landmarks(sample.facial_landmarks) crop, landmarks, pose, _ = self.face_extractor.get_face( filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, crop_type='tight', landmarks=landmarks, pose=pose, use_cache=True, detect_face=False, size=size) return crop, landmarks, pose def show_landmarks(self, img, landmarks): for lm in landmarks: lm_x, lm_y = lm[0], lm[1], (int(lm_x), int(lm_y)), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imshow('landmarks', cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) cv2.waitKey(0)
class AFLW(td.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir=cfg.AFLW_ROOT, train=True, color=True, start=None, max_samples=None, deterministic=None, use_cache=True, daug=0, return_modified_images=False, test_split='full', align_face_orientation=True, return_landmark_heatmaps=False, landmark_sigma=9, landmark_ids=range(19), **kwargs): assert test_split in ['full', 'frontal'] from utils.face_extractor import FaceExtractor self.face_extractor = FaceExtractor() self.use_cache = use_cache self.align_face_orientation = align_face_orientation self.return_landmark_heatmaps = return_landmark_heatmaps self.return_modified_images = return_modified_images self.landmark_sigma = landmark_sigma self.landmark_ids = landmark_ids self.mode = TRAIN if train else VAL self.root_dir = root_dir root_dir_local = cfg.AFLW_ROOT_LOCAL self.fullsize_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'data/flickr') self.cropped_img_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'crops') self.feature_dir = os.path.join(root_dir_local, 'features') self.color = color annotation_filename = os.path.join(cfg.AFLW_ROOT_LOCAL, 'alfw.pkl') self.annotations_original = pd.read_pickle(annotation_filename) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self.annotations_original))) self.frontal_only = test_split == 'frontal' self.make_split(train, self.frontal_only) # limit number of samples st,nd = 0, None if start is not None: st = start if max_samples is not None: nd = st+max_samples self.annotations = self.annotations[st:nd] if deterministic is None: deterministic = self.mode != TRAIN self.transform = ds_utils.build_transform(deterministic, True, daug) transforms = [fp.CenterCrop(cfg.INPUT_SIZE)] transforms += [fp.ToTensor() ] transforms += [fp.Normalize([0.518, 0.418, 0.361], [1, 1, 1])] # VGGFace(2) self.crop_to_tensor = tf.Compose(transforms) print("Number of images: {}".format(len(self))) # print("Number of identities: {}".format( @property def labels(self): return self.annotations.ID.values @property def heights(self): return self.annotations.face_h.values @property def widths(self): return self.annotations.face_w.values def make_split(self, train, only_frontal): import # Additional annotations from annots =, 'AFLWinfo_release.mat')) train_ids, test_ids = annots['ra'][0][:20000] - 1, annots['ra'][0][20000:] - 1 ids = annots['ra'][0] - 1 # merge original and additional annotations lms = annots['data'][ids] lms = np.dstack((lms[:,:19], lms[:, 19:])) lms_list = [l for l in lms] mask_new = annots['mask_new'][ids] # mask_all_lms_visible = np.stack(mask_new).min(axis=1) == 1 bbox = annots['bbox'][ids] x1, x2, y1, y2 = bbox[:,0], bbox[:,1], bbox[:, 2], bbox[:, 3] fnames = [f[0][0] for f in annots['nameList'][ids]] annotations_additional = pd.DataFrame({ 'fname':fnames, 'ra': ids, 'landmarks_full':lms_list, 'masks': [m for m in mask_new], 'face_x': x1, 'face_y': y1, 'face_w': x2 - x1, 'face_h': y2 - y1 }) ad = annotations_additional ao = self.annotations_original # self.annotations_test = self.annotations_original[self.annotations.fname.isin(fnames)] pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False) self.annotations = pd.merge(ad, ao, on=['fname', 'face_x', 'face_y', 'face_w', 'face_h' ]) self.annotations = self.annotations.sort_values('ra') split_ids = train_ids if train else test_ids self.annotations = self.annotations[self.annotations.ra.isin(split_ids)] if not train and only_frontal: mask_all_lms_visible = np.stack(self.annotations.masks.values).min(axis=1) == 1 self.annotations = self.annotations[mask_all_lms_visible] print(len(self.annotations)) def get_bounding_box(self, sample): l,t,w,h = sample.face_x, sample.face_y, sample.face_w, sample.face_h r, b = l + w, t + h # enlarge bounding box if t > b: t, b = b, t h = b-t assert(h >= 0) t_new, b_new = int(t - 0.05 * h), int(b + 0.08 * h) # set width of bbox same as height h_new = b_new - t_new cx = (r + l) / 2 l_new, r_new = cx - h_new/2, cx + h_new/2 # in case right eye is actually left of right eye... if l_new > r_new: l_new, r_new = r_new, l_new # extend area by crop border margins bbox = np.array([l_new, t_new, r_new, b_new], dtype=np.float32) scalef = cfg.CROP_SIZE / cfg.INPUT_SIZE bbox_crop = utils.geometry.scaleBB(bbox, scalef, scalef, typeBB=2) return bbox_crop def __len__(self): return len(self.annotations) def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.annotations.iloc[idx] # assert sample.fname == sample.fname_full face_id = sample.ra filename = sample.fname bb = self.get_bounding_box(sample) try: crop, landmarks, pose, cropper = self.face_extractor.get_face(filename, self.fullsize_img_dir, self.cropped_img_dir, bb=bb, use_cache=self.use_cache, id=face_id) except: print(filename) raise landmarks, _ = cropper.apply_to_landmarks(sample.landmarks_full) # vis.show_landmarks(crop, landmarks, title='lms aflw', wait=0, color=(0,0,255)) cropped_sample = {'image': crop, 'landmarks': landmarks.astype(np.float32), # 'landmarks': np.zeros((68,2), dtype=np.float32), 'pose': np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)} item = self.transform(cropped_sample) em_val_ar = np.array([[-1,0,0]], dtype=np.float32) result = self.crop_to_tensor(item) result.update({ 'fnames': filename, 'expression': em_val_ar, 'id': 0 }) if self.return_modified_images: mod_transforms = tf.Compose([fp.RandomOcclusion()]) crop_occ = mod_transforms(item['image']) crop_occ = self.crop_to_tensor(crop_occ) result['image_mod'] = crop_occ if self.return_landmark_heatmaps: result['lm_heatmaps'] = create_landmark_heatmaps(result['landmarks'], self.landmark_sigma, self.landmark_ids) return result