def handle(self): print('SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;') print('START TRANSACTION;') wy = ReadUtil.read_file(Account._BASE_PATH + '物业后台账号-物业公司管理员.xlsx', { 'company': 0, 'account': 2, 'pwd': 3 }) for row in wy: name = row['company'] + '-管理员' print( Account._INSERT_USER.format( account=row['account'], password=hashlib.md5( row['pwd'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), name=name, nickname=name, company_name=row['company'], zone_id='', zone_ids='')) print( Account._UPDATE_COMPANY.format(account=row['account'], company_name=row['company'])) print( Account._INSERT_R.format(account=row['account'], role_code='物业公司管理员')) print() print() print() xm = ReadUtil.read_file(Account._BASE_PATH + '物业后台账号-项目管理员拆分版.xlsx', { 'company': 0, 'zone': 1, 'account': 2, 'pwd': 3 }) for row in xm: name = row['zone'] + '-管理员' # print(Account._INSERT_USER_2222.format(account=row['account'], password=hashlib.md5(row['pwd'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), # name=name, nickname=name, company_name=row['company'], # zone_name=row['zone'])) # print(Account._UPDATE_ZONE.format(account=row['account'], zone_name=row['zone'])) print( Account._INSERT_R.format(account=row['account'], role_code='小二')) # print(Account._INSERT_CATEGORY.format(zone_name=row['zone'])) print('COMMIT;')
def h(self): wm = dict() water = ReadUtil.read_file('南城景园住宅水费2018.2.1-2018.6.3(新)_data.xlsx', { 'house': 0, 'base': 1, 'next': 2 }) for row in water: wm[row['house']] = row with open('南城5月份水费能耗数据.txt', 'r') as f: print(Constant.SQL_BEGIN) for row in f.readlines(): row = row.replace('\n', '') array = row.split(',') key = str(int(array[1])) + '-' + str(int( array[2])) + '-' + str(int(array[3])) if key in wm: # if float(wm[key]['next']) - float(wm[key]['base']) == 0: # print('房号:', key, '底数:', wm[key]['base'], '本期读数:', wm[key]['next']) print( self.sql.format(last=float(wm[key]['base']), last_date='2018-04-30', curr=float(wm[key]['next']), curr_date='2018-05-30', actual=float(wm[key]['next']) - float(wm[key]['base']), id=array[0]).replace('(', '{').replace( ')', '}')) else: pass print(Constant.SQL_COMMIT)
def handle(self, money_file): bill_ids = list() data = ReadUtil.read_file(money_file, self.field_index) for row in data: end_time = str(row['end_time']) if end_time is not None and end_time != '': day_split = str(row['end_time']).split('/') sql = self.select_sql.format(parking_name=row['parking_name'], day_data=day_split[0].zfill(4) + day_split[1].zfill(2)) row_data = self.dao.get_all(sql) for temp in row_data: bill_ids.append({ 'id': temp['bill_id'], 'house_info_id': temp['house_info_id'], 'parking_name': temp['parking_name'], 'remark': temp['remark'], 'start': temp['start'], }) print(len(bill_ids)) for row in bill_ids: print(row)
def handle(self, file, field_index): db_house_dict = dict() # key-房id,value-房code file_house_codes = set() # 待处理文件中已存在的房号code base = ReadUtil.read_file(file, field_index) # 待处理的数据 houses = self.dao.get_all('SELECT id, code FROM house_info WHERE zone_id = 24;') # 万源城逸郡所有的房号 for house in houses: db_house_dict[str(house['code'])] = house['id'] for b in base: file_house_codes.add(str(b['house_code'])) with open('out_wyc.sql', 'a') as f: f.write(Constant.SQL_BEGIN + '\n') for key in db_house_dict.keys(): if key not in file_house_codes: f.write(self.delete_bill_sql.format(house_info_id=db_house_dict[key]) + '\n') f.write(self.delete_sub_enter_sql.format(house_info_id=db_house_dict[key]) + '\n') with open('out_wyc.sql', 'a') as f: for row in base: f.write( self.update_sql.format( title=row['bill_tile'], ought_amount=row['money'], remark='历史遗留账单处理', financial_income=row['money'], house_info_id=db_house_dict[row['house_code']] ) + '\n' ) f.write(Constant.SQL_COMMIT + '\n')
def handle(self, file_name): result_list = ReadUtil.read_file(file_name, self.field_index, True) print('len: ' + str(len(result_list))) print(Constant.SQL_BEGIN) for row in result_list: print( self.base_sql.format(name=row['name1'] + '-' + row['name2'], owner_type=row['type'], coordinate=row['point1'] + ';' + row['point2'] + ';' + row['point3'] + ';' + row['point4'] + '')) print(Constant.SQL_BEGIN) print() print(Constant.SQL_BEGIN) for row in result_list: print( self.base_update_sql.format( coordinate=row['point1'] + ';' + row['point2'] + ';' + row['point3'] + ';' + row['point4'] + '', zone_id=1, name=row['name1'] + '-' + row['name2'])) print(Constant.SQL_BEGIN)
def handle_special(self, money_file): bill_ids = list() data = ReadUtil.read_file(money_file, self.field_index_special) for row in data: end_time = str(row['end_time']) if end_time is not None and end_time != '' and round( float(row['need_pad']), 2) > 0: day_split = str(row['end_time']).split('/') sql = self.select_sql_special.format( parking_name=row['parking_name'], day_data=day_split[0].zfill(4) + day_split[1].zfill(2)) row_data = self.dao.get_all(sql) for temp in row_data: bill_ids.append({ 'bill_id': temp['bill_id'], 'need_pad': round(float(row['need_pad']), 2), })[row['parking_name']] = ([row['parking_name']] + len(row_data) ) if row['parking_name'] in else len(row_data) with open('out_special_第二批.sql', 'a') as f: for row in bill_ids: f.write( self.update_sql_special.format(need_pay=row['need_pad'], bill_id=row['bill_id'])) f.write('\n')
def handle(self, money_file): bill_ids = list() data = ReadUtil.read_file(money_file, self.field_index) for row in data: end_time = str(row['end_time']) if end_time is not None and end_time != '': day_split = str(row['end_time']).split('/') sql = self.select_sql.format(parking_name=row['parking_name'], day_data=day_split[0].zfill(4) + day_split[1].zfill(2)) row_data = self.dao.get_all(sql) for temp in row_data: bill_ids.append(temp['bill_id'])[row['parking_name']] = ([row['parking_name']] + len(row_data) ) if row['parking_name'] in else len(row_data) else: pass with open('out_第二批.sql', 'a') as f: for row in bill_ids: f.write(self.update_sql.format(bill_id=row)) f.write('\n')
def handle(self): field_index = { 'house': 0, 'building': 1, 'door': 2, 'area': 3, 'name': 4, 'mobile': 5, } rows = ReadUtil.read_file('浙地面积修改.xlsx', field_index) dbs = dict() with open('zd.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): arr = line.replace('\n', '').split(',') key = str(int(arr[1])) + '-' + str(int(arr[2])) + '-' + str(int(arr[3])) dbs[key] = str(int(arr[0])) result = list() for row in rows: key = row['house'] + '-' + row['building'] + '-' + row['door'] if key in dbs: result.append(self.sql.format(area=row['area'], un=row['name'], m=row['mobile'], id=dbs[key])) else: print('not in dbs key: ', key) with open('out.sql', 'a') as f: f.write(Constant.SQL_BEGIN + '\n') for row in result: f.write(row + '\n') f.write(Constant.SQL_COMMIT + '\n')
def handle(self, file_name): field_index = { 'role': 0, 'type': 1, 'content': 2, 'standard': 3, 'rate': 4, 'startTime': 5, 'endTime': 6 } self.write_file(ReadUtil.read_file(file_name, field_index), file_name)
def handle(self): sql = 'INSERT INTO bill(zone_id, house_info_id, title, product_type_id, product_type_code, product_id,' \ 'sub_enter_id, billing_period, ought_amount, real_amount, gmt_start, gmt_end, gmt_create,' \ 'gmt_modify, remark, status, is_checked, financial_income)' \ 'VALUES("{zone_id}", "{house_info_id}", "{title}", "{product_type_id}", "{product_type_code}", "{product_id}",' \ 'NULL , "{billing_period}", "{ought_amount}", "{real_amount}", "{gmt_start}",' \ '"{gmt_end}", now(), now(), "{remark}", "{status}", "{is_checked}", "{financial_income}");' field_index = { 'house_info': 0, 'period': 5, 'period_name': 6, 'ought_amount': 7 } data = ReadUtil.read_file('田螺财务收费系统生成账单核对20171009.xlsx', field_index=field_index) house_W = dict() with open('houW.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line_split = line[:-1].split(',') house_W[line_split[1]] = line_split[0] for row in data: p_s = str(row['period']).split('月-') ps_s = p_s[0].split('年') print( sql.format(zone_id=24, house_info_id=house_W[row['house_info']], title=row['period_name'], product_type_id=7, product_type_code='propertyFee', product_id=24, billing_period=row['period_name'], ought_amount='%.2f' % float(row['ought_amount']), real_amount=0.00, gmt_start=ps_s[0] + '-' + ps_s[1] + '-01', gmt_end=ps_s[0] + '-' + p_s[1][:-1] + '-01', remark='手动生成的历史遗留数据', status='NO_PAY', is_checked=1, financial_income='%.2f' % float(row['ought_amount'])))
def handle(self, file, field_index): need_update = list() excel_data = ReadUtil.read_file(file, field_index, include_first=True) for ed in excel_data: coordinate = ReadNcCar.handle_point( ed['a']) + ';' + ReadNcCar.handle_point( ed['b']) + ';' + ReadNcCar.handle_point( ed['c']) + ';' + ReadNcCar.handle_point(ed['d']) need_update.append( self.update_sql.format(coordinate=coordinate, id=int(float(ed['id'])))) with open('out.sql', 'a') as f: f.write(Constant.SQL_BEGIN + '\n') for nu in need_update: f.write(nu + '\n') f.write(Constant.SQL_COMMIT + '\n')
def handle(self, money_file): bill_ids = list() data = ReadUtil.read_file(money_file, self.field_index_special) for row in data: end_time = str(row['end_time']) if end_time is not None and end_time != '' and round( float(row['need_pad']), 2) == 0: day_split = str(row['end_time']).split('/') sql = self.select_sql.format(parking_name=row['parking_name'], day_data=day_split[0].zfill(4) + day_split[1].zfill(2)) row_data = self.dao.get_all(sql) for temp in row_data: bill_ids.append({ 'billId': temp['bill_id'], 'parkingName': temp['pn'], 'house_id': temp['house'], 'bill_name': temp['bt'], }) return bill_ids
def handle(self, file, field_index): need_update = list() excel_data = ReadUtil.read_file(file, field_index) bill_db = self.dao.get_all(self.sql) for ed in excel_data: key = ed['house'] + '-' + ed['building'] + '-' + ed['door'] for bill in bill_db: if key == bill['k']: need_update.append( self.sql_update.format(title=self.day_title[str( bill['s'])], money=ed[str(bill['s'])], id=bill['id'])) with open('out.sql', 'a') as f: f.write(Constant.SQL_BEGIN + '\n') for nu in need_update: f.write(nu + '\n') f.write(Constant.SQL_COMMIT + '\n')
' remark = "{remark}",' \ ' has_refund = "{has_refund}",' \ ' is_garbage = "{is_garbage}",' \ ' number_condition = "{number_condition}"' \ ' WHERE id ={id};' data = ReadUtil.read_file( 'file/要调账的数据(小罗要的格式)_190517.xlsx', { 'id': 0, 'gmt_create': 1, 'gmt_modified': 2, 'zone_id': 3, 'amount': 4, 'pay_time': 5, 'pay_title': 6, 'payment_channel': 7, 'uuid': 8, 'trade_no': 9, 'payer_owner_id': 10, 'receiver_id': 11, 'charge_object_type': 12, 'charge_object_value': 13, 'contact_number': 14, 'remark': 15, 'has_refund': 16, 'is_garbage': 17, 'number_condition': 18, }) print() print() print() for row in data:
status, title, zone_id, is_checked, financial_income, sub_period_id) VALUES ({b_id}, '{p_name}', now(), now(), "{start}"," {end}", {house_info_id}, {ought_amount}, 43, 'propertyFee', 7, NULL, 'NO_PAY', '{title}', 76, {is_checked}, {financial_income}, {p_id}); """ data = ReadUtil.read_file( '物业用房账单明细_data.xls', { 'id': 0, 'house': 1, 'building': 2, 'door': 3, 'wyf': 8, 'ggf': 9, 'nhf': 10, } ) sp = list() with open('wyf_p.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): d = line.replace('\n', '').split(',') sp.append(d) b_id = 483778 for row in data: for p in sp:
select id, house, building, door from house_info where zone_id = 24; select id, period_start from subscription_period where zone_id = 24 and product_id = 24 and id > 161; scp -P 22 /Users/luoyanjie/PycharmProjects/thor_handle/handle/itl8/wyc/toExe.sql [email protected]:/root/zSky """ from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil # 改造战斗感金额的sql sql = 'UPDATE bill ' \ 'SET title = "{title}", ought_amount = {ought_amount}, gmt_modify = now(), remark="手动处理", financial_income = {financial_income} ' \ 'WHERE zone_id = 24 AND sub_period_id > 161 AND sub_period_id = {sub_period_id} AND house_info_id = {house_info_id};' # 原始数据 data = ReadUtil.read_file('万源城逸郡2019年账单导入.xlsx', {'title': 2, 'house_name': 3, 'ought_amount': 4, 'financial_income': 5}) # 万源城的房号数据 house_info = dict() with open('wycHouse.txt', 'r') as f: for row in f.readlines(): hd = row.replace('\n', '').split(',') key = hd[1] + '幢' + hd[2] + '单元' + str(int(hd[3])) + '室' house_info[key] = hd[0] # 账单对应账期 bill_period = { '01/01/2019': '物业费+车位管理费2019年1月-3月', '04/01/2019': '物业费+车位管理费2019年4月-6月', '07/01/2019': '物业费+车位管理费2019年7月-9月', '10/01/2019': '物业费+车位管理费2019年10月-12月'
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil sql_update = 'UPDATE house_info SET name = "{name}", price_type_name = "{price_type_name}" WHERE zone_id = 135 AND id ={id};' data = ReadUtil.read_file('file/蓝庭房号数据订正.xlsx', { 'id': 0, 'name': 1, 'price_type_name': 2, }) for row in data: print( sql_update.format(id=row['id'], name=row['name'], price_type_name=row['price_type_name']))
data = row.split(',') shop[int(data[0])] = str(data[1]) field_index = { 'kind': 0, 'created_time': 1, 'zone': 2, 'name': 3, 'type': 4, 'house': 5, 'en': 6, 'base': 7, } file_name = '数据订正.xlsx' data = ReadUtil.read_file(file_name, field_index) with open('out.sql', 'w') as f: f.write(Constant.SQL_BEGIN + '\n') for row in data: print(row) name = '' energy_table_kind = kind[row['kind']] if row['name'] == '根据房号id取房号名': name = house[int(float(row['house']))] elif row['name'] == '根据id取店铺名': name = shop[int(float(row['house']))] else: name = row['name'] f.write( sql.format(zone_id=row['zone'],
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil file_name = 'file/绿都商铺数据调整.xlsx' data = ReadUtil.read_file(file_name, {'id': 2, 'amount': 5}) sql = 'UPDATE itl_finance_bill SET ought_amount = {ought_amount}, owe_amount = {owe_amount} WHERE id = {id};' with open(file_name + '.txt', 'a') as f: for row in data: f.write( sql.format(ought_amount=row['amount'], owe_amount=row['amount'], id=row['id']) + '\n' )
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil file_name = 'file/itl_store表修改.xlsx' data = ReadUtil.read_file(file_name, {'id': 0, 'price': 2}) sql = 'UPDATE itl_store SET price_type_name = "{price_type_name}" WHERE id = {id};' with open(file_name + '.txt', 'a') as f: for row in data: f.write(sql.format(price_type_name=row['price'], id=row['id']) + '\n')
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil sql_house = 'UPDATE house_info SET price_type_name = "{price_type_name}" WHERE zone_id = {zone_id} AND id = {id};' sql_store = 'UPDATE itl_store SET price_type_name = "{price_type_name}" WHERE zone_id = {zone_id} AND id = {id};' sql_parking = 'UPDATE itl_parking SET price_type_name = "{price_type_name}" WHERE zone_id = {zone_id} AND id = {id};' file_name = 'file/住宅单价类型订正.csv' data = ReadUtil.read_file(file_name, {'id': 0, 'zone_id': 1, 'price_type': 2}) print('数据总量:', len(data)) need = list() for row in data: need.append( sql_house.format(price_type_name=row['price_type'], zone_id=row['zone_id'], id=row['id'])) with open(file_name.replace('.', '_') + '_out.txt', 'a') as f: for row in need: f.write(row + '\n')
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil sql_update = 'UPDATE house_info SET name = "{name}" WHERE id ={id};' data = ReadUtil.read_file('file/', { 'id': 0, 'name': 1, }) for row in data: print(sql_update.format(id=row['id'], name=row['name']))
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil file_name = 'file/需要订正的账单.xlsx' data = ReadUtil.read_file( file_name, { 'id': 0, 'ought_amount': 8, 'real_amount': 9, 'discount_amount': 10, 'round_amount': 11, 'owe_amount': 12 }) sql = 'UPDATE itl_finance_bill ' \ 'SET ought_amount = {ought_amount}, real_amount = {real_amount}, discount_amount = {discount_amount}, round_amount = {round_amount}, owe_amount = {owe_amount} ' \ 'WHERE id = {id};' with open(file_name + '.txt', 'a') as f: for row in data: f.write( sql.format(ought_amount=row['ought_amount'], real_amount=row['real_amount'], discount_amount=row['discount_amount'], round_amount=row['round_amount'], owe_amount=row['owe_amount'], id=row['id']) + '\n')
import requests from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil def len_sort(elem): return len(elem) == 11 url = '' data = ReadUtil.read_file('发短信电话.xls', { 'z': 0, 'm': 1, 's': 2, 'name': 3, 'mobile': 4 }) # 原始数据 need_send_mobile = list() # 需要发送的手机号 need_send = list() # 可以发送 error = list() # 无法发送的错误的手机号 for row in data: if len(row['mobile']) == 11: need_send_mobile.append(row['mobile']) need_send.append(row) else: if len(row['mobile']) < 11: error.append(row) else: ms_array = str(row['mobile']).replace(' /', '/').replace( ' ', '/').replace('、', '/').replace(' ', '/').split('/')
from utils.file.excel.readUtil import ReadUtil delete_sql = 'DELETE FROM itl_zone_task WHERE zone_id = "{zone_id}";' de = ReadUtil.read_file('任务库涉及到的小区_20181016.xls', {'id': 0, 'de': 5}) zone_ids = list() for row in de: if row['de'] == '√': zone_ids.append(str(int(float(row['id'])))) print(",".join(zone_ids))