예제 #1
파일: history.py 프로젝트: nkartashov/myd
    def children(node):
        Gets list of *node*'s children
        :param node: node in question
        :return: list of children

        return snd(node)
예제 #2
파일: history.py 프로젝트: nkartashov/myd
    def remove_from_node(node, child_to_remove):
        Removes the *child_to_remove* from a *node*
        :param node: node in question
        :param child_to_remove: child in question
        :return: tuple with orphans and whether remove occurred

        children_names = list(History.children_names(node))
            child_to_remove_index = children_names.index(child_to_remove)
            result = History.children(History.children(node)[child_to_remove_index]), True
            del History.children(node)[child_to_remove_index]
            return result
        except ValueError:
            children_call_result = [History.remove_from_node(child_node, child_to_remove)
                                    for child_node in History.children(node)]
            return reduce(lambda l, r: l if snd(l) else r,
                          children_call_result, ([], False))