예제 #1
    async def prefix_channel(self, ctx, *, txt: str):
        """Change the Bots Prefix for the current Channel"""
        channel = ctx.channel
        for c in ctx.message.channel_mentions:
            channel = c
            txt = txt.replace(channel.mention,
                              '').replace('#' + channel.name, '')
        sql = "INSERT INTO `prefix_channel` (`guild`, `prefix`, `channel`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
        update_sql = "UPDATE `prefix_channel` SET prefix=%s WHERE guild=%s AND channel=%s"
        check = "SELECT * FROM `prefix_channel` WHERE guild={0} AND channel={1}"
        check = check.format(ctx.guild.id, channel.id)
        q = await self.cursor.execute(check)
        result = await q.fetchall()
        if not result:
            await self.cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.guild.id, txt, channel.id))
            await ctx.send(
                "\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} Set bot prefix to \"{0}\" for {1}".
                format(txt, channel.mention))
            await self.cursor.execute(update_sql,
                                      (txt, ctx.guild.id, channel.id))
            await ctx.send(
                "\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} Updated bot prefix to \"{0}\" for {1}"
                .format(txt, channel.mention))

        query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.channel.id, channel=True)
예제 #2
 async def prefix_reset_all(self, ctx):
     await self.cursor.execute(
         "DELETE FROM `prefix_channel` WHERE guild={0}".format(ctx.guild.id)
     await self.cursor.execute(
         "DELETE FROM `prefix` WHERE guild={0}".format(ctx.guild.id))
     query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.guild.id)
     for channel in ctx.guild.channels:
         query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, channel.id, channel=True)
     await ctx.send(
         "\N{WARNING SIGN} Reset all custom guild prefix settings!")
예제 #3
    async def prefix_delete(self, ctx, *, txt: str):
        """Delete a guild prefix"""
        sql = 'SELECT id FROM `prefix` WHERE guild=%s AND prefix=%s'
        q = await self.cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.guild.id, txt))
        check = await q.fetchone()
        if not check:
            await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} Prefix does not exists.')
            sql = "DELETE FROM `prefix` WHERE id=%s"
            await self.cursor.execute(sql, (check['id'], ))
            await ctx.send('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} Removed prefix.')

            query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.guild.id)
예제 #4
 async def prefix_reset(self, ctx):
     """Reset All Custom Set Prefixes For the Bot"""
     check = "SELECT * FROM `prefix` WHERE guild={0}".format(ctx.guild.id)
     q = await self.cursor.execute(check)
     result = await q.fetchall()
     if not result:
         await ctx.send(
             "\N{NO ENTRY} Current guild does **not** have a custom prefix set!"
         sql = "DELETE FROM `prefix` WHERE guild={0}".format(ctx.guild.id)
         await self.cursor.execute(sql)
         await ctx.send(
             "\N{HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK SYMBOL} **Reset guild prefix**\nThis does not reset channel prefixes, run \"all\" after reset to reset all prefixes *or* \"channels\" to reset all custom channel prefixes."
         query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.guild.id)
예제 #5
    async def prefix(self, ctx, *, txt: str = None):
        """Change the Bots Prefix for the Guild"""
        if txt is None:
            clause = f"WHERE guild={ctx.guild.id}"
            sql = f"SELECT * FROM `prefix` {clause} AND d"
            q = await self.cursor.execute(sql)
            result = await q.fetchone()
            sql = f"SELECT * FROM `prefix_channel` {clause} AND channel={ctx.channel.id}"
            q = await self.cursor.execute(sql)
            result2 = await q.fetchone()
            if not result:
                guild_prefix = '.'
                guild_prefix = result['prefix']
            if not result2:
                channel_prefix = None
                channel_prefix = result2['prefix']
            msg = "Guild Prefix: `{0}`\n".format(guild_prefix)
            if channel_prefix != None:
                msg += "**Current** Channel Prefix: `{0}`".format(
            await ctx.send(msg)
            q = await self.cursor.execute(
                'SELECT id FROM `prefix` WHERE guild=%s AND prefix=%s',
                (ctx.guild.id, txt))
            if await q.fetchone():
                return await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} Prefix already exists.')
            sql = "SELECT guild FROM `prefix` WHERE guild={0} AND d".format(
            q = await self.cursor.execute(sql)
            if not await q.fetchone():
                sql = "INSERT INTO `prefix` (`guild`, `prefix`, `d`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
                await self.cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.guild.id, txt, 1))
                await ctx.send(
                    "\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} Set bot prefix to \"{0}\" for the guild."
                update_sql = "UPDATE `prefix` SET prefix=%s WHERE guild=%s"
                await self.cursor.execute(update_sql, (txt, ctx.guild.id))
                await ctx.send(
                    "\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} Updated bot prefix to \"{0}\" for the guild."

            query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.guild.id)
예제 #6
 async def prefix_reset_channels(self, ctx):
     check = "SELECT * FROM `prefix_channel` WHERE guild={0}".format(
     q = await self.cursor.execute(check)
     result = await q.fetchall()
     if not result:
         await ctx.send(
             "\N{NO ENTRY} Guild does **not** reset a custom prefix set for any channel!\nMention the channel after \"reset channel\" for a specific channel."
         sql = "DELETE FROM `prefix_channel` WHERE guild={0}".format(
         await self.cursor.execute(sql)
         await ctx.send(
             "\N{HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK SYMBOL} Reset all channels custom prefixes!"
         for channel in ctx.guild.channels:
             query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, channel.id, channel=True)
예제 #7
 async def prefix_add(self, ctx, *, txt: str):
     """Add an extra guild prefix for the bot"""
     if txt == '.' or txt == ctx.guild.me.mention:
         return await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} Cannot add default prefix.')
     sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `prefix` WHERE guild={0}'.format(
     q = await self.cursor.execute(sql)
     if (await q.fetchone())['COUNT(id)'] >= 20:
         return await ctx.send(
             '\N{WARNING SIGN} Maximum number of prefixes reached (>= 20).')
     sql = 'SELECT id FROM `prefix` WHERE guild=%s AND prefix=%s'
     q = await self.cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.guild.id, txt))
     if await q.fetchone():
         await ctx.send('\N{NO ENTRY} Prefix already exists.')
         sql = "INSERT INTO `prefix` (`guild`, `prefix`, `d`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
         await self.cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.guild.id, txt, 0))
         await ctx.send('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} Added guild prefix.')
         query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.guild.id)
예제 #8
 async def prefix_reset_channel(self,
                                channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
     if channel is None:
         channel = ctx.channel
     check = "SELECT * FROM `prefix_channel` WHERE guild={0} AND channel={1}".format(
         ctx.guild.id, channel.id)
     q = await self.cursor.execute(check)
     result = await q.fetchall()
     if not result:
         await ctx.send(
             "\N{NO ENTRY} {0} does **not** have a custom prefix Set!\nMention the channel after \"reset channel\" for a specific channel."
         sql = "DELETE FROM `prefix_channel` WHERE guild={0} AND channel={1}".format(
             ctx.guild.id, channel.id)
         await self.cursor.execute(sql)
         await ctx.send(
             "\N{HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK SYMBOL} Reset {0}'s prefix!\nThis does **not** reset all custom channel prefixes, \"reset channels\" to do so."
         query_prefix.invalidate(self.bot, ctx.channel.id, channel=True)