def copy_seed_ks_to_websvr(self): print "Copying ubuntu seed and kickstart files on to jumphost webserver" cmd = 'cp {0}/contrail-ubuntu-sk.seed {1}/'.format( from_project_root('contrail'), sk_img_path) execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) cmd = 'cp {0}/contrail-ubuntu-sk.ks {1}/'.format( from_project_root('contrail'), sk_img_path) execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True)
def __init__(self): install_dir = helpers.from_project_root('conf/') cfg_file = os.path.join(install_dir, SK_ENV_FILE) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(install_dir, SK_ENV_FILE)): print "Missing required configuration file {}".format(cfg_file) sys.exit(1) print "Configuration file {} exists".format(cfg_file)
def __init__(self): global jinja_env jinja_env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(from_project_root('contrail'))) self.sm_vm = None self.sm_api = None self.sm_home = None
def __init__(self): global jinja_env jinja_env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(from_project_root('vmx'))) svr1name = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][0] self.svr2_bms_name = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][1] self.server1_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1name]['management_address']) server2_ip = get_ip(CONF[self.svr2_bms_name]['management_address']) server2_user = CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_username'] server2_passwd = CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_password'] self.svr2_bms = RemoteConnection() self.svr2_bms.connect(server2_ip, username=server2_user, password=server2_passwd) cmd = 'eval echo ~$USER' self.svr2_bms_home = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10)
def __init__(self): global jinja_env jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(from_project_root('sanity'))) #Check the reachability to api_server and auth_server password = CONF['DEFAULTS']['contrail_os_webui_passwd'] api_server = CONF['CONTRAILCTRL']['ctrldata_address'] auth_server = CONF['OPENSTACK']['ctrldata_address'] self._imageid = None if self.checkPing(api_server) and self.checkPing(auth_server): print "Contrail API server (%s) and Keystone server (%s) is reachable"%(api_server,auth_server) #Get handle to OS and VNC API self._osapi = openstackApi(get_keystone_creds(), get_nova_creds()) self._vncapi = contrailVncApi(username='******', password=password, tenant_name='admin' api_server_host=api_server, auth_host=auth_server) else: print "Contrail API server (%s) and Keystone server (%s) is not reachable"%(api_server,auth_server) sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self): global jinja_env jinja_env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(from_project_root('smgr'))) # configure server1 bridge ips svr1 = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][0] print "Checking ntp server reachability from jumphost(%s)" % (svr1) sm_ntp_server = CONF['DEFAULTS']['ntp_servers'] res = os.system('ping -c 3 ' + sm_ntp_server) if res == 0: print "NTP server %s is reachable" % (sm_ntp_server) else: print "Response: %s" % (res) print "NTP server %s is not reachable" % (sm_ntp_server) sys.exit(1) print "Checking mgmtbr, ctrldatabr bridge configuration on jumphost server." m_intf = CONF[svr1]['management_interface'] c_intf = CONF[svr1]['ctrldata_interface'] m_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1]['management_address']) m_netmask = get_netmask(CONF[svr1]['management_address']) c_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1]['ctrldata_address']) c_netmask = get_netmask(CONF[svr1]['ctrldata_address']) command = 'brctl show mgmtbr' res1 = execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = 'brctl show ctrldatabr' res2 = execute(command, ignore_errors=False) if None not in ('%s' % m_intf, res1, re.M | re.I),'%s' % c_intf, res2, re.M | re.I)): print "Jumphost server bridge interface configuration exists." else: print "Configuring jumphost server bridge interfaces. Begins.." command = '/sbin/ifconfig %s up' % (m_intf) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = '/sbin/ifconfig mgmtbr %s netmask %s up' % (m_ip, m_netmask) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = 'brctl addif mgmtbr %s' % (m_intf) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = '/sbin/ifconfig %s up' % (c_intf) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = '/sbin/ifconfig ctrldatabr %s netmask %s up' % ( c_ip, c_netmask) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = 'brctl addif ctrldatabr %s' % (c_intf) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) print "Configuring jumphost server bridge interfaces. Ends.." #update /etc/network/interfaces file with this ip cmd = 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' res = execute(cmd, ignore_errors=False) if'mgmtbr|ctrldatabr', res, re.M | re.I): print "mgmtbr/ctrldatabr interface configuration exists" else: print "mgmtbr/ctrldatabr interface configuration does not exists, hence configuring" command = 'sudo echo -ne \"auto {}\n iface {} inet manual\n auto mgmtbr\n iface mgmtbr inet static\n address {}\n netmask {}\n bridge_ports {}\n bridge_stp off\n bridge_fd 0\n bridge_maxwait 0\n\" >> /etc/network/interfaces'.format( m_intf, m_intf, m_ip, m_netmask, m_intf) execute(command, ignore_errors=False) command = 'sudo echo -ne \"auto {}\n iface {} inet manual\n auto ctrldatabr\n iface ctrldatabr inet static\n address {}\n netmask {}\n bridge_ports {}\n bridge_stp off\n bridge_fd 0\n bridge_maxwait 0\n\" >> /etc/network/interfaces'.format( c_intf, c_intf, c_ip, c_netmask, c_intf) execute(command, ignore_errors=False)