def detect_disk_access(info): if type(info[0]) is int: return if '/dev/null' == info[0]: return whitelist = [ identify_home(), 'onionr/src/', '/site-packages/', '/usr/lib64/' ] for item in whitelist: if item in info[0]: return if identify_home() not in info[0]: if 'proc' not in info[0]: # if it is, it is onionr stats logger.warn(f'[DISK MINISTRY] {info}')
def get_stats(self): """Return statistics about our node""" stats = {} proc = Process() def get_open_files(): if WINDOWS: return proc.num_handles() return proc.num_fds() try: self._too_many except AttributeError: sleep(1) comm_inst = self._too_many.get(communicator.OnionrCommunicatorDaemon, args=(self._too_many, )) connected = [] [ connected.append(x) for x in comm_inst.onlinePeers if x not in connected ] stats['uptime'] = comm_inst.getUptime() stats['connectedNodes'] = '\n'.join(connected) stats['blockCount'] = len(blockmetadb.get_block_list()) stats['blockQueueCount'] = len(comm_inst.blockQueue) stats['threads'] = proc.num_threads() stats['ramPercent'] = proc.memory_percent() stats['fd'] = get_open_files() stats['diskUsage'] = human_size(size(identify_home())) return json.dumps(stats)
def on_processblocks(api, data=None): metadata = data['block'].bmetadata # Get the block metadata if data['type'] != 'brd': return b_hash = reconstructhash.deconstruct_hash(data['block'].hash) # Get the 0-truncated block hash board_cache = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(identifyhome.identify_home() + '/board-index.cache.json', flush_on_exit=False) # get the board index cache board_cache.refresh() # Validate the channel name is sane for caching try: ch = metadata['ch'] except KeyError: ch = 'global' ch_len = len(ch) if ch_len == 0: ch = 'global' elif ch_len > 12: return existing_posts = board_cache.get(ch) if existing_posts is None: existing_posts = [] existing_posts.append(data['block'].hash) board_cache.put(ch, existing_posts) board_cache.flush()
def test_torrc_get(self): torrc = identifyhome.identify_home() + '/torrc-custom' self.assertEqual(customtorrc.get_custom_torrc(), '\n') with open(torrc, 'w') as torrc_file: torrc_file.write('test') self.assertEqual(customtorrc.get_custom_torrc(), '\ntest') os.remove(torrc)
def block_exec(event, info): """Prevent arbitrary code execution in eval/exec and log it.""" # because libraries have stupid amounts of compile/exec/eval, # We have to use a whitelist where it can be tolerated # Generally better than nothing, not a silver bullet whitelisted_code = [ '', '', '', '<werkzeug routing>', 'werkzeug/', 'multiprocessing/', 'multiprocessing/', 'multiprocessing/', 'multiprocessing/', 'multiprocessing/', 'onionrutils/', 'stem/', 'stem/response/', 'stem/response/', 'stem/response/', 'stem/response/', 'stem/response/', 'stem/response/', 'apport/', 'apport/' ] whitelisted_source = [] home = identifyhome.identify_home() code_b64 = base64.b64encode(info[0].co_code).decode() if code_b64 in whitelisted_source: return for source in whitelisted_code: if info[0].co_filename.endswith(source): return if 'plugins/' in info[0].co_filename: return logger.warn('POSSIBLE EXPLOIT DETECTED, SEE LOGS', terminal=True) logger.warn('POSSIBLE EXPLOIT DETECTED: ' + info[0].co_filename) logger.warn('Prevented exec/eval. Report this with the sample below') logger.warn(f'{event} code in base64 format: {code_b64}') raise ArbitraryCodeExec("Arbitrary code (eval/exec) detected.")
def get_stats(self): """Return statistics about our node""" stats = {} proc = Process() def get_open_files(): if WINDOWS: return proc.num_handles() return proc.num_fds() try: self._too_many except AttributeError: sleep(1) kv: "DeadSimpleKV" = self._too_many.get_by_string("DeadSimpleKV") connected = [] [ connected.append(x) for x in kv.get('onlinePeers') if x not in connected ] stats['uptime'] = get_epoch() - kv.get('startTime') stats['connectedNodes'] = '\n'.join(connected) stats['blockCount'] = len(blockmetadb.get_block_list()) stats['blockQueueCount'] = len(kv.get('blockQueue')) stats['threads'] = proc.num_threads() stats['ramPercent'] = proc.memory_percent() stats['fd'] = get_open_files() stats['diskUsage'] = human_size(size(identify_home())) return json.dumps(stats)
def reset(): """Reinstalls Onionr default plugins""" home = identifyhome.identify_home() plugin_dir = home + '/plugins/' if not os.path.exists(home): return if os.path.exists(plugin_dir): shutil.rmtree(plugin_dir)'Default plugins have been reset.', terminal=True)
def auto_refresher(): observer = Observer() observer.schedule(Refresher(), identify_home(), recursive=False) observer.start() while observer.is_alive(): # call import func with timeout observer.join(120)
def get_post_by_board(board): board_cache = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(identifyhome.identify_home() + '/board-index.cache.json', flush_on_exit=False) board_cache.refresh() posts = board_cache.get(board) if posts is None: posts = '' else: posts = ','.join(posts) return Response(posts)
def __delete(directory): tor_dir = '%s/%s/' % (identifyhome.identify_home(), directory) if os.path.exists(tor_dir): if localcommand.local_command('/ping') == 'pong!': logger.warn('Cannot delete Tor data while Onionr is running', terminal=True) else: shutil.rmtree(tor_dir)'Tor reset', terminal=True)
def generate_torrc(net_controller: 'NetController', api_server_ip: 'LoopBackIP'): """Generate a torrc file for our tor instance.""" socks_port = net_controller.socksPort hs_port = net_controller.hsPort home_dir = identifyhome.identify_home() tor_config_location = home_dir + '/torrc' hs_ver = 'HiddenServiceVersion 3' """ Set the Tor control password. Meant to make it harder to manipulate our Tor instance """ plaintext = base64.b85encode( os.urandom(50)).decode() config.set('tor.controlpassword', plaintext, savefile=True) config.set('tor.socksport', socks_port, savefile=True) control_port = getopenport.get_open_port() config.set('tor.controlPort', control_port, savefile=True) hashedPassword = subprocess.Popen([torbinary.tor_binary(), '--hash-password', plaintext], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(hashedPassword.stdout.readline, b''): password = line.decode() if 'warn' not in password: break torrc_data = """SocksPort """ + str(socks_port) + """ OnionTrafficOnly DataDirectory """ + home_dir + """tordata/ CookieAuthentication 1 KeepalivePeriod 40 CircuitsAvailableTimeout 86400 ControlPort """ + str(control_port) + """ HashedControlPassword """ + str(password) + """ """ if config.get('general.security_level', 1) == 0: torrc_data += """\nHiddenServiceDir """ + home_dir + """hs/ \n""" + hs_ver + """\n HiddenServiceNumIntroductionPoints 20 HiddenServiceMaxStreams 500 HiddenServiceMaxStreamsCloseCircuit 1 HiddenServicePort 80 """ + api_server_ip + """:""" + str(hs_port) torrc_data = add_bridges(torrc_data) torrc_data += customtorrc.get_custom_torrc() torrc = open(tor_config_location, 'w') torrc.write(torrc_data) torrc.close()
def __init__(self, hsPort, apiServerIP=''): # set data dir self.dataDir = identifyhome.identify_home() self.socksPort = getopenport.get_open_port() self.torConfigLocation = self.dataDir + 'torrc' self.readyState = False self.hsPort = hsPort self._torInstnace = '' self.myID = '' self.apiServerIP = apiServerIP self.torBinary = torbinary.tor_binary()
def get_post_by_board_with_offset(board, offset): offset = int(offset) OFFSET_COUNT = 10 board_cache = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(identifyhome.identify_home() + '/board-index.cache.json', flush_on_exit=False) board_cache.refresh() posts = board_cache.get(board) if posts is None: posts = '' else: posts.reverse() posts = ','.join(posts[offset:offset + OFFSET_COUNT]) return Response(posts)
def test_contact_get_info(self): contact = crypto.generate()[0] contact = contactmanager.ContactManager(contact, saveUser=True) fileLocation = '%s/contacts/%s.json' % (identifyhome.identify_home(), contact.publicKey) with open(fileLocation, 'w') as contactFile: contactFile.write('{"alias": "bob"}') self.assertEqual(contact.get_info('alias', forceReload=True), 'bob') self.assertEqual(contact.get_info('fail', forceReload=True), None) self.assertEqual(contact.get_info('fail'), None)
def test_contact_set_info(self): contact = crypto.generate()[0] contact = contactmanager.ContactManager(contact, saveUser=True) fileLocation = '%s/contacts/%s.json' % (identifyhome.identify_home(), contact.publicKey) contact.set_info('alias', 'bob') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fileLocation)) with open(fileLocation, 'r') as data: data = data = json.loads(data) self.assertEqual(data['alias'], 'bob')
def load_inbox(): inbox_list = [] deleted = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(identifyhome.identify_home() + '/mailcache.dat').get('deleted_mail') if deleted is None: deleted = [] for blockHash in blockmetadb.get_blocks_by_type('pm'): block = onionrblockapi.Block(blockHash) block.decrypt() if block.decrypted and reconstructhash.deconstruct_hash( blockHash) not in deleted: inbox_list.append(blockHash) return inbox_list
def version(verbosity = 5, function = ''' Displays the Onionr version ''' function('Onionr v%s (%s) (API v%s)' % (onionrvalues.ONIONR_VERSION, platform.machine(), onionrvalues.API_VERSION), terminal=True) if verbosity >= 1: function(onionrvalues.ONIONR_TAGLINE, terminal=True) if verbosity >= 2: pf = platform.platform() release = platform.release() python_imp = platform.python_implementation() python_version = platform.python_version() function(f'{python_imp} {python_version} on {pf} {release}', terminal=True) function('Onionr data dir: %s' % identifyhome.identify_home(), terminal=True)
def __init__(self, hsPort, apiServerIP=''): # set data dir self.dataDir = identifyhome.identify_home() self.torConfigLocation = self.dataDir + 'torrc' self.readyState = False self.socksPort = getopenport.get_open_port() self.hsPort = hsPort self._torInstnace = '' self.myID = '' self.apiServerIP = apiServerIP if os.path.exists('./tor'): self.torBinary = './tor' elif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/tor'): self.torBinary = '/usr/bin/tor' else: self.torBinary = 'tor'
def offset_reader_endpoint(name): if not name[:-4].isalnum(): return Response(400, "Path must be alphanumeric except for file ext") path = identify_home() + name if not exists(path): return Response(404, "Path not found in Onionr data directory") offset = request.args.get('offset') if not offset: offset = 0 else: offset = int(offset) result = read_from_offset(path, offset)._asdict() return ujson.dumps(result, reject_bytes=False)
def show_details(): """Print out details. node transport address(es) active user ID active user ID in mnemonic form """ details = { 'Data directory': identifyhome.identify_home(), 'Node Address': gethostname.get_hostname(), 'Public Key': onionrcrypto.pub_key.replace('=', ''), 'Human-readable Public Key': mnemonickeys.get_human_readable_ID() } for detail in details:'%s%s: \n%s%s\n' % (logger.colors.fg.lightgreen, detail,, details[detail]), terminal=True)
def __init__(self, publicKey, saveUser=False, recordExpireSeconds=5): try: if mnemonickeys.DELIMITER in publicKey: publicKey = mnemonickeys.get_base32(publicKey) #publicKey = unpaddedbase32.b32encode(bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(publicKey)) except ValueError: pass publicKey = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str( unpaddedbase32.repad(bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(publicKey))) super(ContactManager, self).__init__(publicKey, saveUser=saveUser) home = identifyhome.identify_home() self.dataDir = home + '/contacts/' self.dataFile = '%s/contacts/%s.json' % (home, publicKey) self.lastRead = 0 self.recordExpire = recordExpireSeconds = self._loadData() self.deleted = False if not os.path.exists(self.dataDir): os.mkdir(self.dataDir)
def test_delete_contact(self): contact = crypto.generate()[0] contact = contactmanager.ContactManager(contact, saveUser=True) fileLocation = '%s/contacts/%s.json' % (identifyhome.identify_home(), contact.publicKey) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(fileLocation)) with open(fileLocation, 'w') as contactFile: contactFile.write('{"alias": "test"}') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fileLocation)) contact.delete_contact() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(fileLocation)) try: contact.get_info('alias') except onionrexceptions.ContactDeleted: pass else: self.assertTrue(False) try: contact.set_info('alias', 'test2') except onionrexceptions.ContactDeleted: pass else: self.assertTrue(False)
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import os, re, importlib from . import onionrevents as events import config, logger from utils import identifyhome # set data dir dataDir = identifyhome.identify_home() _pluginsfolder = dataDir + 'plugins/' _instances = dict() config.reload() def reload(stop_event=True): ''' Reloads all the plugins ''' check() try: enabled_plugins = get_enabled_plugins()
def on_softreset(api, data=None): try: os.remove(identifyhome.identify_home() + '/board-index.cache.json')'Cleared Circles board cache') except FileNotFoundError: pass
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import os from utils import identifyhome data_home = os.environ.get('ONIONR_LOG_DIR', identifyhome.identify_home()) # Use the bitwise operators to merge these settings USE_ANSI = 0b100 if == 'nt': USE_ANSI = 0b000 OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE = 0b010 OUTPUT_TO_FILE = 0b001 LEVEL_DEBUG = 1 LEVEL_INFO = 2 LEVEL_WARN = 3 LEVEL_ERROR = 4 LEVEL_FATAL = 5 LEVEL_IMPORTANT = 6 MAX_LOG_FILE_LINES = 10000
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ flask_blueprint = Blueprint('circles', __name__) root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/info.json', 'r') as info_file: data = version = json.loads(data)['version'] BOARD_CACHE_FILE = identifyhome.identify_home() + '/board-index.cache.json' read_only_cache = DeadSimpleKV(BOARD_CACHE_FILE, flush_on_exit=False, refresh_seconds=30) @flask_blueprint.route('/board/<path:path>', endpoint='circlesstatic') def load_mail(path): return send_from_directory(root + '/web/', path) @flask_blueprint.route('/board/', endpoint='circlesindex') def load_mail_index(): return send_from_directory(root + '/web/', 'index.html')
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import sys, os, json from flask import Response, request, redirect, Blueprint, abort from onionrusers import contactmanager from onionrutils import stringvalidators from utils import reconstructhash, identifyhome import filepaths import deadsimplekv as simplekv sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) import loadinbox, sentboxdb flask_blueprint = Blueprint('mail', __name__) kv = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(identifyhome.identify_home() + '/mailcache.dat') @flask_blueprint.route('/mail/ping') def mail_ping(): return 'pong!' @flask_blueprint.route('/mail/deletemsg/<block>', methods=['POST']) def mail_delete(block): if not stringvalidators.validate_hash(block): abort(504) block = reconstructhash.deconstruct_hash(block) existing = kv.get('deleted_mail') if existing is None: existing = []
def daemon(): """Start Onionr's primary threads for communicator, API server, node, and LAN.""" def _handle_sig_term(signum, frame): pid = str(os.getpid()) main_pid = localcommand.local_command('/getpid'), terminal=True) if main_pid and main_pid == pid: f"Received sigterm, shutting down gracefully. PID: {pid}", terminal=True) localcommand.local_command('/shutdownclean') else: f"Recieved sigterm in child process or fork, exiting. PID: {pid}") sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _handle_sig_term) # Determine if Onionr is in offline mode. # When offline, Onionr can only use LAN and disk transport offline_mode = config.get('general.offline_mode', False) if not hastor.has_tor(): offline_mode = True logger.error("Tor is not present in system path or Onionr directory", terminal=True) # Create shared objects shared_state = toomanyobjs.TooMany() # Add DeadSimpleKV for quasi-global variables (ephemeral key-value) shared_state.get(DeadSimpleKV) # Initialize the quasi-global variables setup_kv(shared_state.get(DeadSimpleKV)) shared_state.get(daemoneventsapi.DaemonEventsBP) Thread(target=shared_state.get(apiservers.ClientAPI).start, daemon=True, name='client HTTP API').start() if not offline_mode: Thread(target=shared_state.get(apiservers.PublicAPI).start, daemon=True, name='public HTTP API').start() # Init run time tester # (ensures Onionr is running right, for testing purposes) # Run time tests are not normally run shared_state.get(runtests.OnionrRunTestManager) # Create singleton shared_state.get(serializeddata.SerializedData) shared_state.share_object() # share the parent object to the threads show_logo() # since we randomize loopback API server hostname to protect against attacks, # we have to wait for it to become set apiHost = '' if not offline_mode: apiHost = get_api_host_until_available() net = NetController(config.get('client.public.port', 59497), apiServerIP=apiHost) shared_state.add(net) shared_state.get(onionrstatistics.tor.TorStats) security_level = config.get('general.security_level', 1) use_existing_tor = config.get('tor.use_existing_tor', False) if not offline_mode: # we need to setup tor for use _setup_online_mode(use_existing_tor, net, security_level) _show_info_messages() "Onionr daemon is running under " + str(os.getpid()), terminal=True) events.event('init', threaded=False) events.event('daemon_start') if config.get('transports.lan', True): if not onionrvalues.IS_QUBES: Thread(target=LANServer(shared_state).start_server, daemon=True).start() LANManager(shared_state).start() else: logger.warn('LAN not supported on Qubes', terminal=True) if config.get('transports.sneakernet', True): Thread(target=sneakernet_import_thread, daemon=True).start() Thread(target=statistics_reporter, args=[shared_state], daemon=True).start() shared_state.get(DeadSimpleKV).put( 'proxyPort', net.socksPort) spawn_client_threads(shared_state) clean_blocks_not_meeting_pow(shared_state) communicator.startCommunicator(shared_state) clean_ephemeral_services() if not offline_mode and not use_existing_tor: net.killTor() else: try: os.remove(filepaths.tor_hs_address_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass better_sleep(5) cleanup.delete_run_files() if security_level >= 2: filenuke.nuke.clean_tree(identifyhome.identify_home())
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) direct_blueprint = Blueprint('chat', __name__) key_store = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(filepaths.cached_storage, refresh_seconds=5) storage_dir = identifyhome.identify_home() @direct_blueprint.before_request def request_setup(): key_store.refresh() host = host = host.strip('.b32.i2p') host = host.strip('.onion') = host g.peer = key_store.get('dc-' + @direct_blueprint.route('/chat/ping') def pingdirect(): return 'pong!'
from utils import identifyhome import os home = identifyhome.identify_home() if not home.endswith('/'): home += '/' app_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../../' usage_file = home + 'disk-usage.txt' block_data_location = home + 'blocks/' contacts_location = home + 'contacts/' public_API_host_file = home + 'public-host.txt' private_API_host_file = home + 'private-host.txt' bootstrap_file_location = 'static-data/bootstrap-nodes.txt' data_nonce_file = home + 'block-nonces.dat' forward_keys_file = home + 'forward-keys.db' cached_storage = home + 'cachedstorage.dat' announce_cache = home + 'announcecache.dat' export_location = home + 'block-export/' upload_list = home + 'upload-list.json' config_file = home + 'config.json' daemon_mark_file = home + '/daemon-true.txt' lock_file = home + 'onionr.lock' site_cache = home + 'onionr-sites.txt' tor_hs_loc = home + 'hs/' tor_hs_address_file = home + 'hs/hostname' run_check_file = home + '.runcheck' data_nonce_file = home + 'block-nonces.dat'