def __init__(self, in_channels): super(MMFNet, self).__init__() = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) # these next blocks are the same for both RGB and HHA because # the input volumes are exactly the same dimensions (including # channels) # conv3 is also used for the convolution before and after fusion # pre-fusion RGB blocks self.conv1_rgb = conv1x1(in_planes=in_channels, out_planes=in_channels) self.RCUs_rgb = nn.Sequential( # 2 RCU blocks BasicBlock(inplanes=in_channels, planes=in_channels), # expansion=1, no downsampling BasicBlock(inplanes=in_channels, planes=in_channels) # expansion=1, no downsampling ) self.conv3_rgb = conv3x3(in_planes=in_channels, out_planes=in_channels) # pre-fusion HHA blocks self.conv1_hha = conv1x1(in_planes=in_channels, out_planes=in_channels) self.RCUs_hha = nn.Sequential( # 2 RCU blocks BasicBlock(inplanes=in_channels, planes=in_channels), # expansion=1, no downsampling BasicBlock(inplanes=in_channels, planes=in_channels) # expansion=1, no downsampling ) self.conv3_hha = conv3x3(in_planes=in_channels, out_planes=in_channels) # post-fusion block #self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=5, stride=1) #self.conv3 = conv3x3(in_planes=in_channels, out_planes=in_channels) self.crp = CRPBlock(in_planes=in_channels, out_planes=in_channels, n_stages=1)
def _make_crp(self, in_planes, out_planes, stages): layers = [CRPBlock(in_planes, out_planes, stages)] return nn.Sequential(*layers)