def saveParams(net, classes, epoch): log.i("EXPORTING MODEL PARAMS...", new_line=False) net_filename = cfg.MODEL_PATH + cfg.RUN_NAME + "_model_params_epoch_" + str( epoch) + ".pkl" if not os.path.exists(cfg.MODEL_PATH): os.makedirs(cfg.MODEL_PATH) with open(net_filename, 'wb') as f: # 'wb' instead 'w' for binary file for python3 #We want to save the model params only and trained classes params = l.get_all_param_values(net) data = { 'params': params, 'classes': classes, 'run_name': cfg.RUN_NAME, 'epoch': epoch, 'im_size': cfg.IM_SIZE, 'im_dim': cfg.IM_DIM } pickle.dump(data, f, -1) # -1 specifies highest binary protocol for python3 log.i("DONE!") return os.path.split(net_filename)[-1]
def parseTestSet(): # Status log.i('PARSING TEST SET...', new_line=False) t = [] wav_files = [ os.path.join(cfg.TESTSET_PATH, f) for f in sorted(os.listdir(cfg.TESTSET_PATH)) if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ['.wav'] ] # Parse files for f in wav_files: t.append((f, os.path.splitext(f)[0].split('_RN')[-1])) # Load class ids codes = [] with open('metadata/labelset.txt', 'r') as lfile: for line in lfile.readlines(): codes.append(line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '')) labels = [] with open('metadata/labelset_latin.txt', 'r') as lfile: for line in lfile.readlines(): labels.append(line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '')) # Status log.i(('Done!', len(t), 'TEST FILES')) return t, codes, labels
def Process(handler, *args): try: handler.ssid = handler.get_cookie(etc.cookie_ssid) handler.ss_ua = handler.request.headers['User-Agent'] handler.ss_ver = handler.get_cookie(etc.cookie_ver) log.i(handler.request.cookies) if not handler.ssid: log.w('[U-A:%s] no_ssid' % handler.ss_ua) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -1, 'msg': etc.err_op_fail, 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return postData = handler.get_argument('postData', default=None) if postData: paramsJson = json.loads(postData) handler.ss_idx = paramsJson['idx'] if postData else 0 handler.ss_params = paramsJson['params'] if postData else None log.i('[RIP:%s][U-A:%s][ssid:%s][idx:%s][ver:%s][params:-]' % ( handler.request.headers['X-Real-Ip'], handler.ss_ua, handler.ssid, handler.ss_idx, handler.ss_ver)) except Exception as e: res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -2, 'msg': etc.err_op_fail, 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return if handler.current_user is None: log.w('[U-A:%s] signin_required' % handler.ss_ua) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -3, 'msg': etc.err_signin_requied, 'res': {}} handler.finish() return if handler.current_user['role'] != 1: log.w('[U-A:%s] store_required' % handler.ss_ua) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -5, 'msg': '无商家身份', 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return try: request(handler, *args) except Exception as e: log.exp(e) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -4, 'msg': etc.err_500, 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return try: if handler.current_user != None: handler.ss_store.replace(handler.ssid, handler.current_user) except Exception as e: log.exp(e) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -4, 'msg': etc.err_500, 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return
def test_function(net, hasTargets=True, layer_index=-1): # We need the prediction function to calculate the validation accuracy # this way we can test the net during/after training # We need a version with targets and one without prediction = l.get_output(l.get_all_layers(net)[layer_index], deterministic=True) log.i("COMPILING TEST FUNCTION...", new_line=False) start = time.time() if hasTargets: # Theano variable for the class targets targets = T.matrix('targets', dtype=theano.config.floatX) loss = loss_function(net, prediction, targets) accuracy = accuracy_function(net, prediction, targets) test_net = theano.function( [l.get_all_layers(net)[0].input_var, targets], [prediction, loss, accuracy], allow_input_downcast=True) else: test_net = theano.function([l.get_all_layers(net)[0].input_var], prediction, allow_input_downcast=True) log.i(("DONE! (", int(time.time() - start), "s )")) return test_net
def logout(handler): handler.clear_all_cookies() if handler.current_user: log.i('userid=%s , ssid=%s' % (handler.current_user['userid'], handler.ssid)) handler.ss_store.delete(handler.ssid) one_login_store = RdsOneLoginStore() one_login_store.delete(handler.current_user['userid']) handler.current_user = None
def loadModel(filename): log.i(("IMPORTING MODEL...", filename.split(os.sep)[-1]), new_line=False) net_filename = cfg.MODEL_PATH + filename with open(net_filename, 'rb') as f: model = pickle.load(f) log.i("DONE!") return model
def post(self): try: name = self.get_argument("name") password = self.get_argument("password") if not name or not password: self.render("login.html") if sql.user_base(name, password): self.redirect("/index/") except Exception, e: log.i(e)
def main(p_port): if p_port == 0: print 'port could not be set as 0' log.e('port could not be set as 0') exit(1) log.c('www listening on port : %s' % p_port) app = Application() app.listen(p_port) log.i(app.settings['template_path']) log.i(app.settings['static_path']) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
def loadParams(net, params): log.i("IMPORTING MODEL PARAMS...", new_line=False) if cfg.LOAD_OUTPUT_LAYER: l.set_all_param_values(net, params) else: l.set_all_param_values(l.get_all_layers(net)[:-2], params[:-2]) log.i("DONE!") return net
def incubate(self, cmdline: Union[List[str], str]): if isinstance(cmdline, str): cmdline = cmdline.split(" ") process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=self.__shell, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) log.i(__name__, "Incubated process. PID={}".format( with self.__lock: self.__processes_appended.append(process)
def parseDataset(): CLASSES = [ c for c in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'train'))) ] for c in CLASSES: log.i(c) index = [] afiles = [ f for f in sorted( os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'train', c))) ] max_specs = cfg.MAX_SPECS_PER_CLASS // len(afiles) + 1 for i in range(len(afiles)): spec_cnt = 0 try: print(i + 1, '/', len(afiles), c, afiles[i]) specs, noise = getSpecs( os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'train', c, afiles[i])) for s in range(len(specs)): if np.isnan(noise[s]): noise[s] = 0.0 if noise[s] >= cfg.SPEC_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD: filepath = os.path.join(cfg.DATASET_PATH, c) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) elif noise[s] <= cfg.NOISE_THRESHOLD: if RANDOM.choice([True, False], p=[0.60, 0.40]): filepath = os.path.join(cfg.NOISE_PATH) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) else: filepath = None else: filepath = None if filepath: filename = str( int(noise[s] * 10000)).zfill(4) + '_' + afiles[i].split( '.')[0] + '_' + str(s).zfill(3) # Write to HDD cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(filepath, filename + '.png'), specs[s] * 255.0) if spec_cnt >= max_specs: break except: log.e((spec_cnt, 'specs', 'ERROR DURING SPEC EXTRACT')) continue
def _generate_res(self, ret_num, msg, step_name='', res=None): if res is None: res = {} log.w(step_name) ret = { 'idx': self.ss_idx, 'ret': ret_num, 'res': res, 'msg': msg, } log.i(step_name + 'finish') self.write(json.dumps(ret)) self.finish()
def login(handler, user_base, expires): if True: user_detail = data_user_detail_mysql\ .get_user_detail_by_userid(user_base['userid']) user_brief = data_user_brief_mysql\ .get_user_brief_by_userid(user_base['userid']) user_other = data_user_other_mysql\ .get_user_other_by_userid(user_base['userid']) orig_dict = { 'name': '', 'sex': '', 'sexot': '', 'love': '', 'horo': '', 'intro': '', 'imglink': '', 'music': '', 'hobby': '', } handler.current_user = { 'ssid': handler.ssid, 'userid': user_base['userid'], 'phone': user_base['phone'], } log.i('before update(orig_dict)=========%s=========' % handler.current_user) handler.current_user.update(orig_dict) if user_detail: handler.current_user.update(user_detail) if user_brief: handler.current_user.update(user_brief) log.i('after update(brief)=========%s=========' % handler.current_user) one_login_store = RdsOneLoginStore() old_ssid = one_login_store.get(user_base['userid']) log.i('refresh ssid in mc old_ssid=%s handler.ssid=%s' % (old_ssid, handler.ssid)) one_login_store.set(user_base['userid'], handler.ssid) if handler.ssid != old_ssid: log.i('delete old ssid if handler.ssid is not old ssid') handler.ss_store.delete(old_ssid) domain = util.get_domain_from_host( handler.ssid_hmac = generate_hmac(handler.ssid) handler.set_secure_cookie(etc.cookie_check, handler.ssid, domain=domain, expires=expires) handler.set_secure_cookie(etc.cookie_verify, handler.ssid_hmac, domain=domain, expires=expires) handler.ss_store.set(handler.ssid, handler.current_user)
def saveModel(net, classes, epoch): log.i("EXPORTING MODEL...", new_line=False) net_filename = cfg.MODEL_PATH + cfg.RUN_NAME + "_model_epoch_" + str( epoch) + ".pkl" if not os.path.exists(cfg.MODEL_PATH): os.makedirs(cfg.MODEL_PATH) with open(net_filename, 'w') as f: #We want to save the model architecture with all params and trained classes data = { 'net': net, 'classes': classes, 'run_name': cfg.RUN_NAME, 'epoch': epoch, 'im_size': cfg.IM_SIZE, 'im_dim': cfg.IM_DIM } pickle.dump(data, f) log.i("DONE!") return os.path.split(net_filename)[-1]
def Process(handler, *args): try: handler.ssid = handler.get_cookie(etc.cookie_ssid) handler.ss_ua = handler.request.headers['User-Agent'] handler.ss_ver = handler.get_cookie(etc.cookie_ver) if not handler.ssid: log.w('[U-A:%s] no_ssid' % handler.ss_ua) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -1, 'msg': etc.err_op_fail, 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return postData = handler.get_argument('postData', default=None) if postData: paramsJson = json.loads(postData) handler.ss_idx = paramsJson['idx'] if postData else 0 handler.ss_params = paramsJson['params'] if postData else None log.i('[RIP:%s][U-A:%s][idx:%s][ver:%s][params:-]' % ( handler.request.handers['X-Real-Ip'], handler.ss_ua, handler.ss_ver)) log.i('[ssid:%s] [check:%s] [verify:%s]' % ( handler.ssid, handler.get_secure_cookie(etc.cookie_check), handler.get_secure_cookie(etc.cookie_verify))) except Exception as e: log.exp(e) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -2, 'msg': etc.err_op_fail, 'res' {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return try: request(handler, *args) except Exception as e: log.exp(e) res = {'idx': -1, 'ret': -4, 'msg': etc.err_500, 'res': {}} handler.write(json.dumps(res)) handler.finish() return
def parseDataset(): # Random Seed random = cfg.getRandomState() # We use subfolders as class labels classes = [folder for folder in sorted(os.listdir(cfg.DATASET_PATH)) if folder in cfg.CLASS_WHITELIST or len(cfg.CLASS_WHITELIST) == 0] if not cfg.SORT_CLASSES_ALPHABETICALLY: classes = shuffle(classes, random_state=random) classes = classes[:cfg.MAX_CLASSES] # Now we enlist all image paths for each class images = [] tclasses = [] sample_count = {} for c in classes: c_images = [os.path.join(cfg.DATASET_PATH, c, path) for path in shuffle(os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.DATASET_PATH, c)), random_state=random) if isValidClass(c, path)][:cfg.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_CLASS] sample_count[c] = len(c_images) images += c_images # Do we want to correct class imbalance? # This will affect validation scores as we use some samples in TRAIN and VAL while sample_count[c] < cfg.MIN_SAMPLES_PER_CLASS: images += [c_images[random.randint(0, len(c_images))]] sample_count[c] += 1 # Add labels to image paths for i in range(len(images)): path = images[i] label = images[i].split(os.sep)[-2] images[i] = (path, label) # Shuffle image paths images = shuffle(images, random_state=random) # Validation split vsplit = int(len(images) * cfg.VAL_SPLIT) train = images[:-vsplit] val = images[-vsplit:] # Show some stats log.i(("CLASSES:", len(classes))) log.i(( "CLASS LABELS:", sorted(sample_count.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))) log.i(("TRAINING IMAGES:", len(train))) log.i(("VALIDATION IMAGES:", len(val))) return classes, train, val
def train_function(net): # We use dynamic learning rates which change after some epochs lr_dynamic = T.scalar(name='learning_rate') # Theano variable for the class targets targets = T.matrix('targets', dtype=theano.config.floatX) # Get the network output prediction = l.get_output(net) # The theano train functions takes images and class targets as input log.i("COMPILING TRAIN FUNCTION...", new_line=False) start = time.time() loss = loss_function(net, prediction, targets) updates = net_updates(net, loss, lr_dynamic) train_net = theano.function( [l.get_all_layers(net)[0].input_var, targets, lr_dynamic], loss, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True) log.i(("DONE! (", int(time.time() - start), "s )")) return train_net
def get_current_user(self): try: log.i('---------start get_current_user-------------------') cookie_check = self.get_secure_cookie(etc.cookie_check) cookie_verify = self.get_secure_cookie(etc.cookie_verify) if not cookie_check or not cookie_verify: log.i('no cookie check or verify') self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_check) self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_verify) return None check_verify = generate_hmac(cookie_check) if cookie_verify != check_verify: log.w("evil session : %s %s" % (cookie_check, cookie_verify)) self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_check) self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_verify) return None old_current_user = self.ss_store.get(cookie_check) if old_current_user is None: log.i("session expired") self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_check) self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_verify) return None log.i("---------self.current_user=%s -------------" % old_current_user) return old_current_user except Exception as e: log.exp(e) self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_check) self.clear_cookie(etc.cookie_verify) return None def _generate_res(self, ret_num, msg, step_name='', res=None): if res is None: res = {} log.w(step_name) ret = { 'idx': self.ss_idx, 'ret': ret_num, 'res': res, 'msg': msg, } log.i(step_name + 'finish') self.write(json.dumps(ret)) self.finish()
def parseTestSet(): # Random Seed random = cfg.getRandomState() # Status log.i('PARSING TEST SET...', new_line=False) TEST = [] # List of test files fnames = [] for path, dirs, files in os.walk(cfg.TESTSET_PATH): if path.split(os.sep)[-1] in cfg.CLASSES: scnt = 0 for f in files: fnames.append(os.path.join(path, f)) scnt += 1 if scnt >= cfg.MAX_TEST_SAMPLES_PER_CLASS and cfg.MAX_TEST_SAMPLES_PER_CLASS > 0: break fnames = sorted(shuffle(fnames, random_state=random)[:cfg.MAX_TEST_FILES]) # Get ground truth from metadata for f in fnames: # Metadata path m_path = os.path.join(cfg.METADATA_PATH, f.split(os.sep)[-1].split('.')[0] + '.json') # Load JSON with open(m_path) as jfile: data = json.load(jfile) # Get Species (+ background species) # Only species present in the trained classes are relevant for the metric # Still, we are adding anything we have right now and sort it out later if cfg.TEST_WITH_BG_SPECIES: bg = data['background'] else: bg = [] species = [data['sci-name']] + bg # Add data to test set TEST.append((f, species)) # Status log.i('DONE!') log.i(('TEST FILES:', len(TEST))) return TEST
def runTest(SNAPSHOTS, TEST): # Do we have more than one snapshot? if not isinstance(SNAPSHOTS, (list, tuple)): SNAPSHOTS = [SNAPSHOTS] # Load snapshots test_functions = [] for s in SNAPSHOTS: # Settings NET = s['net'] cfg.CLASSES = s['classes'] cfg.IM_DIM = s['im_dim'] cfg.IM_SIZE = s['im_size'] # Compile test function test_net = birdnet.test_function(NET, hasTargets=False, layer_index=-1) test_functions.append(test_net) # Status log.i('START TESTING...') # Make predictions submission = '' for spec_batch, mediaid, timestamp, filename in bg.threadedGenerator( getSpecBatches(TEST)): try: # Prediction prediction_batch = [] for test_func in test_functions: if len(prediction_batch) == 0: prediction_batch = test_func(spec_batch) else: prediction_batch += test_func(spec_batch) prediction_batch /= len(test_functions) # Eliminate the scores for 'Noise' if 'Noise' in cfg.CLASSES: prediction_batch[:, cfg.CLASSES.index('Noise')] = np.min( prediction_batch) # Prediction pooling p_pool = test.predictionPooling(prediction_batch) # Get class labels p_labels = {} for i in range(p_pool.shape[0]): p_labels[cfg.CLASSES[i]] = p_pool[i] # Sort by score p_sorted = sorted(p_labels.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # Add scores to submission for i in range(min(100, len(p_sorted))): if getClassId(p_sorted[i][0]): submission += mediaid + ';' + timestamp + ';' + getClassId( p_sorted[i][0]) + ';' + str(p_sorted[i][1]) + '\n' # Show sample stats log.i((filename, timestamp), new_line=False) log.i(('TOP PREDICTION:', p_sorted[0][0], int(p_sorted[0][1] * 1000) / 10.0, '%'), new_line=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: cfg.DO_BREAK = True break # Status log.i('DONE TESTING!') return submission
def build_baseline_model(): log.i('BUILDING BASELINE MODEL...') # Random Seed lasagne_random.set_rng(cfg.getRandomState()) # Input layer for images net = l.InputLayer((None, cfg.IM_DIM, cfg.IM_SIZE[1], cfg.IM_SIZE[0])) # Stride size (as an alternative to max pooling) if cfg.MAX_POOLING: s = 1 else: s = 2 # Convolutinal layer groups for i in range(len(cfg.FILTERS)): # 3x3 Convolution + Stride net = batch_norm( l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=cfg.FILTERS[i], filter_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[i], num_groups=cfg.NUM_OF_GROUPS[i], pad='same', stride=s, W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY), nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY))) # Pooling layer if cfg.MAX_POOLING: net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2) # Dropout Layer (we support different types of dropout) if cfg.DROPOUT_TYPE == 'channels' and cfg.DROPOUT > 0.0: net = l.dropout_channels(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT) elif cfg.DROPOUT_TYPE == 'location' and cfg.DROPOUT > 0.0: net = l.dropout_location(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT) elif cfg.DROPOUT > 0.0: net = l.DropoutLayer(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT) log.i(('\tGROUP', i + 1, 'OUT SHAPE:', l.get_output_shape(net))) # Final 1x1 Convolution net = batch_norm( l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=cfg.FILTERS[i] * 2, filter_size=1, W=initialization('identity'), nonlinearity=nonlinearity('identity'))) log.i(('\tFINAL CONV OUT SHAPE:', l.get_output_shape(net))) # Global Pooling layer (default mode = average) net = l.GlobalPoolLayer(net) log.i(("\tFINAL POOLING SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net))) # Classification Layer (Softmax) net = l.DenseLayer(net, len(cfg.CLASSES), nonlinearity=nonlinearity('softmax'), W=initialization('softmax')) log.i(("\tFINAL NET OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net))) log.i("...DONE!") # Model stats log.i(("MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS")) log.i(("MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS")) return net
def build_pi_model(): log.i('BUILDING RASBPERRY PI MODEL...') # Random Seed lasagne_random.set_rng(cfg.getRandomState()) # Input layer for images net = l.InputLayer((None, cfg.IM_DIM, cfg.IM_SIZE[1], cfg.IM_SIZE[0])) # Convolutinal layer groups for i in range(len(cfg.FILTERS)): # 3x3 Convolution + Stride net = batch_norm( l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=cfg.FILTERS[i], filter_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[i], num_groups=cfg.NUM_OF_GROUPS[i], pad='same', stride=2, W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY), nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY))) log.i(('\tGROUP', i + 1, 'OUT SHAPE:', l.get_output_shape(net))) # Fully connected layers + dropout layers net = l.DenseLayer(net, cfg.DENSE_UNITS, nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY), W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY)) net = l.DropoutLayer(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT) net = l.DenseLayer(net, cfg.DENSE_UNITS, nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY), W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY)) net = l.DropoutLayer(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT) # Classification Layer (Softmax) net = l.DenseLayer(net, len(cfg.CLASSES), nonlinearity=nonlinearity('softmax'), W=initialization('softmax')) log.i(("\tFINAL NET OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net))) log.i("...DONE!") # Model stats log.i(("MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS")) log.i(("MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS")) return net
def build_resnet_model(): log.i('BUILDING RESNET MODEL...') # Random Seed lasagne_random.set_rng(cfg.getRandomState()) # Input layer for images net = l.InputLayer((None, cfg.IM_DIM, cfg.IM_SIZE[1], cfg.IM_SIZE[0])) # First Convolution net = l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=cfg.FILTERS[0], filter_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[0], pad='same', W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY), nonlinearity=None) log.i(("\tFIRST CONV OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)) - 1)) # Residual Stacks for i in range(0, len(cfg.FILTERS)): net = resblock(net, filters=cfg.FILTERS[i] * cfg.RESNET_K, kernel_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[i], stride=2, num_groups=cfg.NUM_OF_GROUPS[i]) for _ in range(1, cfg.RESNET_N): net = resblock(net, filters=cfg.FILTERS[i] * cfg.RESNET_K, kernel_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[i], num_groups=cfg.NUM_OF_GROUPS[i], preactivated=False) log.i(("\tRES STACK", i + 1, "OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)) - 1)) # Post Activation net = batch_norm(net) net = l.NonlinearityLayer(net, nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY)) # Pooling net = l.GlobalPoolLayer(net) log.i(("\tFINAL POOLING SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)) - 1)) # Classification Layer net = l.DenseLayer(net, len(cfg.CLASSES), nonlinearity=nonlinearity('identity'), W=initialization('identity')) net = l.NonlinearityLayer(net, nonlinearity=nonlinearity('softmax')) log.i(("\tFINAL NET OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)))) log.i("...DONE!") # Model stats log.i(("MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS")) log.i(("MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS")) return net
def test(SNAPSHOTS): # Do we have more than one snapshot? if not isinstance(SNAPSHOTS, (list, tuple)): SNAPSHOTS = [SNAPSHOTS] # Load snapshots test_functions = [] for s in SNAPSHOTS: # Settings NET = s['net'] cfg.CLASSES = s['classes'] cfg.IM_DIM = s['im_dim'] cfg.IM_SIZE = s['im_size'] # Compile test function test_net = birdnet.test_function(NET, hasTargets=False, layer_index=-1) test_functions.append(test_net) # Parse Testset TEST = parseTestSet() # Status log.i('START TESTING...') stats.clearStats() stats.tic('test_time') # Make predictions for spec_batch, labels, filename in bg.threadedGenerator( getSpecBatches(TEST)): try: # Status stats.tic('pred_time') # Prediction prediction_batch = [] for test_func in test_functions: if len(prediction_batch) == 0: prediction_batch = test_func(spec_batch) else: prediction_batch += test_func(spec_batch) prediction_batch /= len(test_functions) # Eliminate the scores for 'Noise' if 'Noise' in cfg.CLASSES: prediction_batch[:, cfg.CLASSES.index('Noise')] = np.min( prediction_batch) # Prediction pooling p_pool = predictionPooling(prediction_batch) # Get class labels p_labels = {} for i in range(p_pool.shape[0]): p_labels[cfg.CLASSES[i]] = p_pool[i] # Sort by score p_sorted = sorted(p_labels.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # Calculate MLRAP (MRR for single labels) targets = np.zeros(p_pool.shape[0], dtype='float32') for label in labels: if label in cfg.CLASSES: targets[cfg.CLASSES.index(label)] = 1.0 lrap = metrics.lrap(np.expand_dims(p_pool, 0), np.expand_dims(targets, 0)) stats.setValue('lrap', lrap, mode='append') # Show sample stats log.i((filename), new_line=True) log.i(('\tLABELS:', labels), new_line=True) log.i(('\tTOP PREDICTION:', p_sorted[0][0], int(p_sorted[0][1] * 1000) / 10.0, '%'), new_line=True) log.i(('\tLRAP:', int(lrap * 1000) / 1000.0), new_line=False) log.i(('\tMLRAP:', int(np.mean(stats.getValue('lrap')) * 1000) / 1000.0), new_line=True) # Save some stats if p_sorted[0][0] == labels[0]: stats.setValue('top1_correct', 1, 'add') stats.setValue('top1_confidence', p_sorted[0][1], 'append') else: stats.setValue('top1_incorrect', 1, 'add') stats.toc('pred_time') stats.setValue('time_per_batch', stats.getValue('pred_time'), 'append') except KeyboardInterrupt: cfg.DO_BREAK = True break except: log.e('ERROR WHILE TRAINING!') continue # Stats stats.toc('test_time') log.i(('TESTING DONE!', 'TIME:', stats.getValue('test_time'), 's')) log.r(('FINAL MLRAP:', np.mean(stats.getValue('lrap')))) log.r(('TOP 1 ACCURACY:', max( 0, float(stats.getValue('top1_correct')) / (stats.getValue('top1_correct') + stats.getValue('top1_incorrect'))))) log.r(('TOP 1 MEAN CONFIDENCE:', max(0, np.mean(stats.getValue('top1_confidence'))))) log.r(('TIME PER BATCH:', int(np.mean(stats.getValue('time_per_batch')) * 1000), 'ms')) return np.mean(stats.getValue('lrap')), int( np.mean(stats.getValue('time_per_file')) * 1000)
def parseDataset(): filedata = {} with open(r"flockfiles.json", 'r') as f: filedata = json.load(f) # List of classes, subfolders as class names CLASSES = [c for c in sorted(os.listdir(r""))] CLASSES = CLASSES[28:] # Parse every class for c in CLASSES: log.i(c) index = [] # List all audio files print(c) afiles = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(r"", c)))] print(len(afiles)) # Calculate maximum specs per file for i in range(len(afiles)): if (afiles[i][:-4] + '.WAV' in filedata[c]): index.append(i) print("del one") index.reverse() for i in index: del afiles[i] print(len(afiles)) max_specs = cfg.MAX_SPECS_PER_CLASS // len(afiles) + 1 # Get specs for every audio file for i in range(len(afiles)): spec_cnt = 0 try: # Stats print(i + 1, '/', len(afiles), c, afiles[i]) # Get specs and signal to noise ratios specs, noise = getSpecs(os.path.join(r"", c, afiles[i])) # Save specs if it contains signal for s in range(len(specs)): # NaN? if np.isnan(noise[s]): noise[s] = 0.0 # Above SIGNAL_THRESHOLD? if noise[s] >= cfg.SPEC_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD: # Create target path for accepted specs filepath = os.path.join(cfg.DATASET_PATH, c) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) elif noise[s] <= cfg.NOISE_THRESHOLD: if RANDOM.choice([True, False], p=[0.60, 0.40]): filepath = os.path.join(cfg.NOISE_PATH) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) else: filepath = None else: filepath = None if filepath: # Filename contains s2n-ratio filename = str( int(noise[s] * 10000)).zfill(4) + '_' + afiles[i].split( '.')[0] + '_' + str(s).zfill(3) # Write to HDD cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(filepath, filename + '.png'), specs[s] * 255.0) # Do we have enough specs already? if spec_cnt >= max_specs: break except: log.e((spec_cnt, 'specs', 'ERROR DURING SPEC EXTRACT')) continue
def default_signal_handler(signal_, _): log.i(__name__, "Receive signal {0}".format(signal_)) incubator.stop()
def parseDataset(): spec_all = [] # List of classes, subfolders as class names CLASSES = [ c for c in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'audio'))) ] stop = 0 #switch = 0 # Parse every class for c in CLASSES: #if stop==1: #break #if c == 'norfli': # switch = 1 #if switch == 1: # List all audio files afiles = [ f for f in sorted( os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'audio', c))) ] # Calculate maximum specs per file max_specs = cfg.MAX_SPECS_PER_CLASS // len(afiles) + 1 # Get specs for every audio file for i in range(len(afiles)): spec_cnt = 0 try: # Stats print(i + 1, '/', len(afiles), c, afiles[i]) # Get specs and signal to noise ratios specs, noise = getSpecs( os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'audio', c, afiles[i])) # print('number of specs = ' + str(specs)) threshold = 0 max_index = 0 # Save specs if it contains signal for s in range(len(specs)): # NaN? if np.isnan(noise[s]): noise[s] = 0.0 # Above SIGNAL_THRESHOLD? if noise[s] >= threshold: threshold = noise[s] max_index = s #print(threshold) # Create target path for accepted specs spec_filepath = os.path.join(cfg.DATASET_PATH, c) if not os.path.exists(spec_filepath): os.makedirs(spec_filepath) else: # Create target path for rejected specs - # but we don't want to save every sample (only 10%) if RANDOM.choice([True, False], p=[0.1, 0.90]): filepath = os.path.join(cfg.NOISE_PATH) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) if filepath: # Filename contains s2n-ratio filename = str(int( noise[s] * 10000)).zfill(4) + '_' + afiles[i].split( '.')[0] + '_' + str(s).zfill(3) # Write to HDD cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(filepath, filename + '.png'), specs[s] * 255.0) else: filepath = None if s == (len(specs) - 1): # Filename contains s2n-ratio filename = str( int(noise[max_index] * 10000)).zfill(4) + '_' + afiles[i].split( '.')[0] + '_' + str(s).zfill(3) # Write to HDD cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(spec_filepath, filename + '.png'), specs[max_index] * 255.0) # Save all spec into a list spec_all.append(specs[max_index]) # Count specs spec_cnt += 1 # Do we have enough specs already? if spec_cnt >= max_specs: break # Stats log.i((spec_cnt, 'specs')) except: log.e((spec_cnt, 'specs', 'ERROR DURING SPEC EXTRACT')) continue stop += 1 print(spec_all) spec_all = np.array(spec_all) spec_mean = np.mean(spec_all) spec_std = np.std(spec_all) print(spec_mean) print(spec_std)
except KeyboardInterrupt: cfg.DO_BREAK = True break # Status log.i('DONE TESTING!') return submission if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse Testset TEST, CODES, LABELS = parseTestSet() # Load trained models if not isinstance(cfg.TEST_MODELS, (list, tuple)): cfg.TEST_MODELS = [cfg.TEST_MODELS] SNAPSHOTS = [] for test_model in cfg.TEST_MODELS: SNAPSHOTS.append(io.loadModel(test_model)) # Generate submission submission = runTest(SNAPSHOTS, TEST) # Write submission to file log.i('WRITING SUBMISSION...', new_line=False) with open(cfg.RUN_NAME + '_SOUNDSCAPE_SUBMISSION.txt', 'w') as sfile: sfile.write(submission) log.i('DONE!')
def train(NET, TRAIN, VAL): # Random Seed random = cfg.getRandomState() image.resetRandomState() # Load pretrained model if cfg.PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME: snapshot = io.loadModel(cfg.PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME) NET = io.loadParams(NET, snapshot['params']) # Load teacher models teach_funcs = [] if len(cfg.TEACHER) > 0: for t in cfg.TEACHER: snapshot = io.loadModel(t) TEACHER = snapshot['net'] teach_funcs.append(birdnet.test_function(TEACHER, hasTargets=False)) # Compile Theano functions train_net = birdnet.train_function(NET) test_net = birdnet.test_function(NET) # Status log.i("START TRAINING...") # Train for some epochs... for epoch in range(cfg.EPOCH_START, cfg.EPOCHS + 1): try: # Stop? if cfg.DO_BREAK: break # Clear stats for every epoch stats.clearStats() stats.setValue('sample_count', len(TRAIN) + len(VAL)) # Start timer stats.tic('epoch_time') # Shuffle dataset (this way we get "new" batches every epoch) TRAIN = shuffle(TRAIN, random_state=random) # Iterate over TRAIN batches of images for image_batch, target_batch in bg.nextBatch(TRAIN): # Show progress stats.showProgress(epoch) # If we have a teacher, we use that model to get new targets if len(teach_funcs) > 0: target_batch = np.zeros((len(teach_funcs), target_batch.shape[0], target_batch.shape[1]), dtype='float32') for i in range(len(teach_funcs)): target_batch[i] = teach_funcs[i](image_batch) target_batch = np.mean(target_batch, axis=0) # Calling the training functions returns the current loss loss = train_net(image_batch, target_batch, lr.dynamicLearningRate(cfg.LR_SCHEDULE, epoch)) stats.setValue('train loss', loss, 'append') stats.setValue('batch_count', 1, 'add') # Stop? if cfg.DO_BREAK: break # Iterate over VAL batches of images for image_batch, target_batch in bg.nextBatch(VAL, False, True): # Calling the test function returns the net output, loss and accuracy prediction_batch, loss, acc = test_net(image_batch, target_batch) stats.setValue('val loss', loss, 'append') stats.setValue('val acc', acc, 'append') stats.setValue('batch_count', 1, 'add') stats.setValue('lrap', [metrics.lrap(prediction_batch, target_batch)], 'add') # Show progress stats.showProgress(epoch) # Stop? if cfg.DO_BREAK: break # Show stats for epoch stats.showProgress(epoch, done=True) stats.toc('epoch_time') log.r(('TRAIN LOSS:', np.mean(stats.getValue('train loss'))), new_line=False) log.r(('VAL LOSS:', np.mean(stats.getValue('val loss'))), new_line=False) log.r(('VAL ACC:', int(np.mean(stats.getValue('val acc')) * 10000) / 100.0, '%'), new_line=False) log.r(('MLRAP:', int(np.mean(stats.getValue('lrap')) * 1000) / 1000.0), new_line=False) log.r(('TIME:', stats.getValue('epoch_time'), 's')) # Save snapshot? if not epoch % cfg.SNAPSHOT_EPOCHS: io.saveModel(NET, cfg.CLASSES, epoch) print('vish') io.saveParams(NET, cfg.CLASSES, epoch) # New best net? if np.mean(stats.getValue('lrap')) > stats.getValue('best_mlrap'): stats.setValue('best_net', NET, static=True) stats.setValue('best_epoch', epoch, static=True) stats.setValue('best_mlrap', np.mean(stats.getValue('lrap')), static=True) # Early stopping? if epoch - stats.getValue('best_epoch') >= cfg.EARLY_STOPPING_WAIT: log.i('EARLY STOPPING!') break # Stop? if cfg.DO_BREAK: break except KeyboardInterrupt: log.i('KeyboardInterrupt') cfg.DO_BREAK = True break # Status log.i('TRAINING DONE!') log.r(('BEST MLRAP:', stats.getValue('best_mlrap'), 'EPOCH:', stats.getValue('best_epoch'))) # Save best model and return io.saveParams(stats.getValue('best_net'), cfg.CLASSES, stats.getValue('best_epoch')) print('in training vish') return io.saveModel(stats.getValue('best_net'), cfg.CLASSES, stats.getValue('best_epoch'))
def parseDataset(): # List of classes, subfolders as class names CLASSES = [ c for c in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'train'))) ] # Parse every class for c in CLASSES: # List all audio files afiles = [ f for f in sorted( os.listdir(os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'train', c))) ] # Calculate maximum specs per file max_specs = cfg.MAX_SPECS_PER_CLASS // len(afiles) + 1 # Get specs for every audio file for i in range(len(afiles)): spec_cnt = 0 try: # Stats print i + 1, '/', len(afiles), c, afiles[i], # Get specs and signal to noise ratios specs, noise = getSpecs( os.path.join(cfg.TRAINSET_PATH, 'train', c, afiles[i])) # Save specs if it contains signal for s in range(len(specs)): # NaN? if np.isnan(noise[s]): noise[s] = 0.0 # Above SIGNAL_THRESHOLD? if noise[s] >= cfg.SPEC_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD: # Create target path for accepted specs filepath = os.path.join(cfg.DATASET_PATH, c) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) # Count specs spec_cnt += 1 else: # Create target path for rejected specs - # but we don't want to save every sample (only 10%) if RANDOM.choice([True, False], p=[0.1, 0.90]): filepath = os.path.join(cfg.NOISE_PATH) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) else: filepath = None if filepath: # Filename contains s2n-ratio filename = str( int(noise[s] * 10000)).zfill(4) + '_' + afiles[i].split( '.')[0] + '_' + str(s).zfill(3) # Write to HDD cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(filepath, filename + '.png'), specs[s] * 255.0) # Do we have enough specs already? if spec_cnt >= max_specs: break # Stats log.i((spec_cnt, 'specs')) except: log.e((spec_cnt, 'specs', 'ERROR DURING SPEC EXTRACT')) continue
help="Target script name", action="store", default=None) parser.add_argument("-c", "--target-count", help="Target instance count", action="store", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--shell", help="Run command as shell mode", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--socket", help="Unix domain socket path", action="store", default=None) args = parser.parse_args() log.init( log.i(__name__, "Start QB Incubator") if args.script is None and is None: log.e(__name__, "--script and --target are not set.") exit(1) if args.script is not None: script_main(, args.script, args.socket) else: target_main(,, args.target_count, args.socket)