def __load_msgdhr__(self, f): with open(f, "r") as fd: for line in fd: if self.token_snapshot in line or self.token_packet in line: line = line.replace("#define", "") line = line.replace("# define", "") line = line.replace(" ", "\t") line = line.split('\t') newelement = "" for elem in line: if len(elem) > 0 and elem != "": newelement = elem break if self.token_packet in newelement: self.packets.append(newelement) elif self.token_snapshot in newelement: self.snapshots.append(newelement) else: gLogger.error("Unknow:", newelement) gLogger.write( gProject.path_filter + "infos_packettype.txt", self.packets, "{infos} {f}".format(infos="writing list PACKETTYPE in:", f=gProject.path_filter + "infos_snapshottype.txt")) gLogger.write( gProject.path_filter + "infos_snapshottype.txt", self.snapshots, "{infos} {f}".format(infos="writing list SNASHOPTYPE in:", f=gProject.path_filter + "infos_snapshottype.txt"))
def __load_setting__(self, q, fd): sep = fd.readline().replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "") if len(sep) != 1 or sep != "{": message = "error: [{char}]".format(char=sep) return None while True: line = fd.readline().replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace( " ", "").replace("\"", "") if len(line) <= 0: continue elif "}" in line: break else: line = line.replace("(", ",").replace(")", "").replace(";", "") arr = line.split(",") if len(arr) <= 1: gLogger.error("syntaxe line error:", q.Id, line) return None fct = arr[0] q.Setting[fct] = list() i = 1 while i < len(arr): q.Setting[fct].append(arr[i]) i = i + 1 return True
def __write_config_xml__(self): gLogger.set_section("propQuest")"writing quest XML") root = ET.Element("quests") for it in self.Quests: quest = self.Quests[it] section_quest = ET.SubElement(root, "quest") section_questions = ET.SubElement(section_quest, "questions") section_conditions = ET.SubElement(section_quest, "conditions") section_states = ET.SubElement(section_quest, "states") section_quest.set("dwID", quest.Id.replace("\"", "")) section_quest.set("szTitle", quest.Title) for action in quest.Dialog: sub_section = ET.SubElement(section_questions, "dialog") sub_section.set("action", action) sub_section.set("text", quest.Dialog[action]) for fct in quest.Setting: setting = quest.Setting[fct] section_condition = ET.SubElement(section_conditions, "condition") section_condition.set("function", fct) if fct == "SetBeginCondPreviousQuest": section_condition.set("nBeginCondPreviousQuestType", setting[0]) for i in range(0, len(setting)): if fct in ParamCondition: section_condition.set(ParamCondition[fct][i], setting[i]) elif fct == "SetBeginCondJob": section_condition.set(setting[i], "1") elif fct == "SetBeginCondPreviousQuest": if i == 0: section_condition.set( "nBeginCondPreviousQuestType", setting[0]) else: section_condition.set(setting[i], "1") else: gLogger.error("condition unknow", it, fct) for value in quest.State: state = quest.State[value] section = ET.SubElement(section_states, "state") section.set("type", value) for fct in state: param = state[fct] section.set(fct, param) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(self.out_filename_xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True) gLogger.reset_section()
def __write_config_json__(self): gLogger.set_section("propquest")"writing quest JSON") data = dict() for name_quest in self.Quests: quest = self.Quests[name_quest] data[name_quest] = { "id": quest.Id.replace("\"", ""), "title": quest.Title, "dialog": [], "condition": {}, "type": {} } for action in quest.Dialog: data[name_quest]["dialog"].append({ "action": action, "text": quest.Dialog[action] }) for name_function in quest.Setting: setting = quest.Setting[name_function] condition = dict() if name_function == 'SetBeginCondPreviousQuest': condition["nBeginCondPreviousQuestType"] = setting[0] for i in range(0, len(setting)): if name_function in ParamCondition: condition[ParamCondition[name_function] [i]] = setting[i] elif name_function == "SetBeginCondJob": condition[setting[i]] = 1 elif name_function == "SetBeginCondPreviousQuest": if i == 0: condition["nBeginCondPreviousQuestType"] = setting[ 0] else: condition["nBeginCondPreviousQuestType"] = 1 else: gLogger.error("condition unknow", name_quest, name_function) data[name_quest]["condition"][name_function] = condition for value in quest.State: for state in quest.State[value]: data[name_quest]["type"][ QAction[value]] = quest.State[value][state] with open(self.out_filename_json, 'w') as fd: json.dump(data, fd, indent=4) gLogger.reset_section()
def __write_sub_section__(self, arr, xml_section, title, list_type): for index in arr: section = ET.SubElement(xml_section, title) object = arr[index] if object["dwModelType"] not in list_type: gLogger.error(title, "have wrong model type:", index, object["dwModelType"]) return None for i in range(0, len(ModelParams)): key = ModelParams[i] value = object[key] section.set(key, value) return True
def load(self, f): gLogger.set_section("propquest") self.in_filename = f"loading:", self.in_filename) new_quest = True with open(self.in_filename, "r") as fd: q = None for line in fd: line = line.replace("\n", "") line = line.replace(" ", "\t") if "\\" in line or line == "" or line == "\t": continue s = False for it in line: if it != "\t": s = True break if s is False: continue if new_quest is True: q = Quest() new_quest = False line = line.replace("\t", "") q.Id = line fd.readline() continue if "SetTitle" in line: if self.__load_set_title__(q, fd) is None: return None elif "setting" in line or "Setting" in line: if self.__load_setting__(q, fd) is None: return None elif "SetDialog" in line: if self.__load_dialog__(q, fd) is None: return None elif "state" in line: if self.__load_state__(q, fd, line) is None: return None else: self.Quests[q.Id] = q line = line.replace("\t", "") if len(line) != 1 or line != "}": gLogger.error("line != }", line) return None new_quest = True gLogger.reset_section() return True
def __load_lnd__(self, fn, world, define):"loading:", fn) x = int(0) y = int(0) with open(fn, "rb") as fd: version = bytes_to_unsigned_int( if version <= 0: gLogger.error("version:", version, "is unknow") if version >= 1: y = bytes_to_unsigned_int( x = bytes_to_unsigned_int( self.__load_lnd_terrain__(fd, world, y, x) self.__load_lnd_water__(fd, world, y, x) if version >= 2: world.land_attributes = # land attributes self.__load_lnd_layer__(fd, world, y, x) self.__load_lnd_obj__(fd, world, y, x)
def __load_world_inc__(self, define_world): index = str() with open(self.file_listing_world, "r") as fd: for line in fd: line = line.replace("\n", "") arr = splitter(line) arr = self.__clean_arr__(arr) if len(arr) == 2 and "SetTitle" not in arr[1]: world = World() world.MPU = MPU = str(arr[0]) if not in define_world: gLogger.error("World undeclared: [{id_world}]".format( continue = str(arr[1]).replace("\"", "") self.worlds[] = world elif len(arr) == 2 and "SetTitle" in arr[1]: index = arr[0] elif len(arr) == 1 and "IDS_WORLD_INC" in arr[0]: if index in self.worlds: self.worlds[index].title = arr[0] else: gLogger.error("SetTitle on world undeclared:", index)