예제 #1
def ppo(env_fn,
    Proximal Policy Optimization (by clipping), 

    with early stopping based on approximate KL

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: A function which takes in placeholder symbols 
            for state, ``x_ph``, and action, ``a_ph``, and returns the main 
            outputs from the agent's Tensorflow computation graph:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Samples actions from policy given 
                                           | states.
            ``logp``     (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                           | the policy, of taking actions ``a_ph``
                                           | in states ``x_ph``.
            ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                           | the policy, of the action sampled by
                                           | ``pi``.
            ``v``        (batch,)          | Gives the value estimate for states
                                           | in ``x_ph``. (Critical: make sure 
                                           | to flatten this!)
            ===========  ================  ======================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the actor_critic 
            function you provided to PPO.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs of interaction (equivalent to
            number of policy updates) to perform.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        clip_ratio (float): Hyperparameter for clipping in the policy objective.
            Roughly: how far can the new policy go from the old policy while 
            still profiting (improving the objective function)? The new policy 
            can still go farther than the clip_ratio says, but it doesn't help
            on the objective anymore. (Usually small, 0.1 to 0.3.) Typically
            denoted by :math:`\epsilon`. 

        pi_lr (float): Learning rate for policy optimizer.

        vf_lr (float): Learning rate for value function optimizer.

        train_pi_iters (int): Maximum number of gradient descent steps to take 
            on policy loss per epoch. (Early stopping may cause optimizer
            to take fewer than this.)

        train_v_iters (int): Number of gradient descent steps to take on 
            value function per epoch.

        lam (float): Lambda for GAE-Lambda. (Always between 0 and 1,
            close to 1.)

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        target_kl (float): Roughly what KL divergence we think is appropriate
            between new and old policies after an update. This will get used 
            for early stopping. (Usually small, 0.01 or 0.05.)

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.


    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape

    # Share information about action space with policy architecture
    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Inputs to computation graph
    x_ph, a_ph = core.placeholders_from_spaces(env.observation_space,
    adv_ph, ret_ph, logp_old_ph = core.placeholders(None, None, None)

    # Main outputs from computation graph
    pi, logp, logp_pi, v = actor_critic(x_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    # Need all placeholders in *this* order later (to zip with data from buffer)
    all_phs = [x_ph, a_ph, adv_ph, ret_ph, logp_old_ph]

    # Every step, get: action, value, and logprob
    get_action_ops = [pi, v, logp_pi]

    # Experience buffer
    local_steps_per_epoch = int(steps_per_epoch / num_procs())
    buf = PPOBuffer(obs_dim, act_dim, local_steps_per_epoch, gamma, lam)

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(core.count_vars(scope) for scope in ['pi', 'v'])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d\n' % var_counts)

    # PPO objectives
    ratio = tf.exp(logp - logp_old_ph)  # pi(a|s) / pi_old(a|s)
    min_adv = tf.where(adv_ph > 0, (1 + clip_ratio) * adv_ph,
                       (1 - clip_ratio) * adv_ph)
    pi_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.minimum(ratio * adv_ph, min_adv))
    v_loss = tf.reduce_mean((ret_ph - v)**2)

    # Info (useful to watch during learning)
    approx_kl = tf.reduce_mean(
        logp_old_ph -
        logp)  # a sample estimate for KL-divergence, easy to compute
    approx_ent = tf.reduce_mean(
        -logp)  # a sample estimate for entropy, also easy to compute
    clipped = tf.logical_or(ratio > (1 + clip_ratio), ratio < (1 - clip_ratio))
    clipfrac = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(clipped, tf.float32))

    # Optimizers
    train_pi = MpiAdamOptimizer(learning_rate=pi_lr).minimize(pi_loss)
    train_v = MpiAdamOptimizer(learning_rate=vf_lr).minimize(v_loss)

    sess = tf.Session()

    # Sync params across processes

    # Setup model saving
    logger.setup_tf_saver(sess, inputs={'x': x_ph}, outputs={'pi': pi, 'v': v})

    def update():
        inputs = {k: v for k, v in zip(all_phs, buf.get())}
        pi_l_old, v_l_old, ent = sess.run([pi_loss, v_loss, approx_ent],

        # Training
        for i in range(train_pi_iters):
            _, kl = sess.run([train_pi, approx_kl], feed_dict=inputs)
            kl = mpi_avg(kl)
            if kl > 1.5 * target_kl:
                    'Early stopping at step %d due to reaching max kl.' % i)
        for _ in range(train_v_iters):
            sess.run(train_v, feed_dict=inputs)

        # Log changes from update
        pi_l_new, v_l_new, kl, cf = sess.run(
            [pi_loss, v_loss, approx_kl, clipfrac], feed_dict=inputs)
                     DeltaLossPi=(pi_l_new - pi_l_old),
                     DeltaLossV=(v_l_new - v_l_old))

    start_time = time.time()
    o, r, d, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for t in range(local_steps_per_epoch):
            a, v_t, logp_t = sess.run(get_action_ops,
                                      feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1, -1)})

            o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a[0])
            ep_ret += r
            ep_len += 1

            # save and log
            buf.store(o, a, r, v_t, logp_t)

            # Update obs (critical!)
            o = o2

            terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
            if terminal or (t == local_steps_per_epoch - 1):
                if not (terminal):
                    print('Warning: trajectory cut off by epoch at %d steps.' %
                # if trajectory didn't reach terminal state, bootstrap value target
                last_val = 0 if d else sess.run(
                    v, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1, -1)})
                if terminal:
                    # only save EpRet / EpLen if trajectory finished
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Save model
        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs - 1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

        # Perform PPO update!

        # Log info about epoch
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', (epoch + 1) * steps_per_epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('ClipFrac', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('StopIter', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #2
class EMAQ:
    def __init__(self,
        Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)

            env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
                The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

            actor_critic: The constructor method for a PyTorch Module with an ``act`` 
                method, a ``pi`` module, a ``q1`` module, and a ``q2`` module.
                The ``act`` method and ``pi`` module should accept batches of 
                observations as inputs, and ``q1`` and ``q2`` should accept a batch 
                of observations and a batch of actions as inputs. When called, 
                ``act``, ``q1``, and ``q2`` should return:

                ===========  ================  ======================================
                Call         Output Shape      Description
                ===========  ================  ======================================
                ``act``      (batch, act_dim)  | Numpy array of actions for each 
                                            | observation.
                ``q1``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing one current estimate
                                            | of Q* for the provided observations
                                            | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                            | flatten this!)
                ``q2``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing the other current 
                                            | estimate of Q* for the provided observations
                                            | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                            | flatten this!)
                ===========  ================  ======================================

                Calling ``pi`` should return:

                ===========  ================  ======================================
                Symbol       Shape             Description
                ===========  ================  ======================================
                ``a``        (batch, act_dim)  | Tensor containing actions from policy
                                            | given observations.
                ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Tensor containing log probabilities of
                                            | actions in ``a``. Importantly: gradients
                                            | should be able to flow back into ``a``.
                ===========  ================  ======================================

            ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the ActorCritic object 
                you provided to SAC.

            seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

            steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
                for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

            epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.

            replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.

            gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

            polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target 
                networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks 
                according to:

                .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow 
                    \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta

                where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually 
                close to 1.)

            lr (float): Learning rate (used for both policy and value learning).

            alpha (float): Entropy regularization coefficient. (Equivalent to 
                inverse of reward scale in the original SAC paper.)

            batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.

            start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
                before running real policy. Helps exploration.

            update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
                starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
                is full enough for useful updates.

            update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
                between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long 
                you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps 
                is locked to 1.

            num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
                policy at the end of each epoch.

            max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

            logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

            save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
                the current policy and value function.


        self.logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


        self.env, self.test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
        self.obs_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape
        self.act_dim = self.env.action_space.shape[0]

        # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
        self.act_limit = self.env.action_space.high[0]

        # Create actor-critic module and target networks
        self.ac = actor_critic(self.env.observation_space,
                               self.env.action_space, **ac_kwargs)
        self.ac_targ = deepcopy(self.ac)
        self.gamma = gamma

        # Freeze target networks with respect to optimizers (only update via polyak averaging)
        for p in self.ac_targ.parameters():
            p.requires_grad = False

        # List of parameters for both Q-networks (save this for convenience)
        self.q_params = itertools.chain(self.ac.q1.parameters(),

        # Experience buffer
        self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=self.obs_dim,

        # Count variables (protip: try to get a feel for how different size networks behave!)
        var_counts = tuple(
            for module in [self.ac.pi, self.ac.q1, self.ac.q2])
            '\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q1: %d, \t q2: %d\n' %
        self.algo = algo

        self.lagrange_threshold = 10
        self.penalty_lr = 5e-2
        self.lamda = Variable(torch.log(torch.exp(torch.Tensor([5])) - 1),
        self.lamda_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.lamda],
        self.tune_lambda = True if 'lagrange' in self.algo else False

        self.alpha = 0
        self.target_update_freq = 1
        self.p_lr = 3e-5
        self.lr = 3e-4
        self.n_samples = 100
        self.env_name = env_name

        # Set up optimizers for policy and q-function
        self.pi_optimizer = Adam(self.ac.pi.parameters(), lr=self.p_lr)
        self.q_optimizer = Adam(self.q_params, lr=self.lr)
        self.num_test_episodes = num_test_episodes
        self.max_ep_len = max_ep_len
        self.epochs = epochs
        self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch
        self.update_after = update_after
        self.update_every = update_every
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.save_freq = save_freq
        self.polyak = polyak
        # Set up model saving
        print("Running Offline RL algorithm: {}".format(self.algo))

    def populate_replay_buffer(self):
        dataset = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(self.env)
                                   shape[0], :] = dataset['observations']
                                   shape[0], :] = dataset['actions']
                                    shape[0], :] = dataset['next_observations']
                                   shape[0]] = dataset['rewards']
                                    shape[0]] = dataset['terminals']
        self.replay_buffer.size = dataset['observations'].shape[0]
        self.replay_buffer.ptr = (self.replay_buffer.size +
                                  1) % (self.replay_buffer.max_size)

    # Set up function for computing SAC Q-losses
    def compute_loss_q(self, data):
        o, a, r, o2, d = data['obs'], data['act'], data['rew'], data[
            'obs2'], data['done']

        sampled_actions_q1 = None
        sampled_actions_q2 = None
        for i in range(self.n_samples):
            z = np.random.randn(a.shape[0], a.shape[1])
            z = torch.FloatTensor(z)
            actions, _ = self.sampling_policy.inverse(z, y=o2)
            if sampled_actions_q1 is None:
                sampled_actions_q1 = self.ac_targ.q1(o2, actions).view(-1, 1)
                sampled_actions_q2 = self.ac_targ.q2(o2, actions).view(-1, 1)
                sampled_actions_q1 = torch.cat(
                    (sampled_actions_q1, self.ac_targ.q1(o2, actions).view(
                        -1, 1)),
                sampled_actions_q2 = torch.cat(
                    (sampled_actions_q2, self.ac_targ.q2(o2, actions).view(
                        -1, 1)),

        q1 = self.ac.q1(o, a)
        q2 = self.ac.q2(o, a)

        # Bellman backup for Q functions
        with torch.no_grad():
            # Target actions come from *current* policy
            a2, logp_a2 = self.ac.pi(o2)
            # Target Q-values
            q1_pi_targ = torch.max(sampled_actions_q1, dim=1).values
            q2_pi_targ = torch.max(sampled_actions_q2, dim=1).values
            q_pi_targ = torch.min(q1_pi_targ, q2_pi_targ)
            backup = r + self.gamma * (1 - d) * (q_pi_targ -
                                                 self.alpha * logp_a2)

        # MSE loss against Bellman backup
        loss_q1 = ((q1 - backup)**2).mean()
        loss_q2 = ((q2 - backup)**2).mean()
        loss_q = loss_q1 + loss_q2

        # Useful info for logging
        q_info = dict(Q1Vals=q1.detach().numpy(), Q2Vals=q2.detach().numpy())

        return loss_q, q_info

    def update(self, data, update_timestep):
        # First run one gradient descent step for Q1 and Q2
        loss_q, q_info = self.compute_loss_q(data)

        # Record things
        self.logger.store(LossQ=loss_q.item(), **q_info)

        # Finally, update target networks by polyak averaging.
        if update_timestep % self.target_update_freq == 0:
            with torch.no_grad():
                for p, p_targ in zip(self.ac.parameters(),
                    # NB: We use an in-place operations "mul_", "add_" to update target
                    # params, as opposed to "mul" and "add", which would make new tensors.
                    p_targ.data.add_((1 - self.polyak) * p.data)

    def get_action(self, o, deterministic=False):
        sampled_actions_q1 = None
        sampled_actions_q2 = None
        sampled_actions = []
        o = torch.FloatTensor(o).view(1, -1)
        for i in range(self.n_samples):
            z = np.random.randn(1, self.act_dim)
            z = torch.FloatTensor(z)
            actions, _ = self.sampling_policy.inverse(z, y=o)
            if sampled_actions_q1 is None:
                sampled_actions_q1 = self.ac.q1(o, actions).view(-1, 1)
                sampled_actions_q2 = self.ac.q2(o, actions).view(-1, 1)
                sampled_actions_q1 = torch.cat(
                    (sampled_actions_q1, self.ac.q1(o, actions).view(-1, 1)),
                sampled_actions_q2 = torch.cat(
                    (sampled_actions_q2, self.ac.q2(o, actions).view(-1, 1)),

        q_values = torch.min(sampled_actions_q1, sampled_actions_q2)
        max_idx = torch.argmax(q_values.view(-1))
        return sampled_actions[max_idx].detach().cpu().numpy()

    def test_agent(self):
        for j in range(self.num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = self.test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == self.max_ep_len)):
                # Take deterministic actions at test time
                o, r, d, _ = self.test_env.step(self.get_action(o, True))
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            self.logger.store(TestEpRet=100 *

    def run(self):

        # Learn a generative model for data
        # density_epochs = 50
        # self.sampling_policy = core.MADE(self.act_dim, 256, 2 , cond_label_size = self.obs_dim[0])
        # density_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.sampling_policy.parameters(), lr=1e-4, weight_decay=1e-6)
        # for i in range(density_epochs):
        #     sample_indices = np.random.choice(
        #             self.replay_buffer.size, self.replay_buffer.size)
        #     np.random.shuffle(sample_indices)
        #     ctr = 0
        #     total_loss = 0
        #     for j in range(0, self.replay_buffer.size, self.batch_size):
        #         actions = self.replay_buffer.act_buf[sample_indices[ctr * self.batch_size:(
        #                 ctr + 1) * self.batch_size],:]
        #         actions = torch.FloatTensor(actions)
        #         obs = self.replay_buffer.obs_buf[sample_indices[ctr * self.batch_size:(
        #                 ctr + 1) * self.batch_size],:]
        #         obs = torch.FloatTensor(obs)
        #         density_optimizer.zero_grad()
        #         loss = -self.sampling_policy.log_prob(actions,y=obs).mean()
        #         loss.backward()
        #         total_loss+=loss.data * self.batch_size
        #         density_optimizer.step()
        #         ctr+=1

        #     print("Density training loss: {}".format(total_loss/self.replay_buffer.size))
        self.sampling_policy = core.MADE(self.act_dim,
            torch.load("behavior_policies/" + self.env_name + ".pt"))
        # self.sampling_policy = torch.load("marginals/"+self.env_name+".pt")

        # Prepare for interaction with environment
        total_steps = self.epochs * self.steps_per_epoch
        start_time = time.time()
        o, ep_ret, ep_len = self.env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
        for t in range(total_steps):

            # # Update handling
            batch = self.replay_buffer.sample_batch(self.batch_size)
            self.update(data=batch, update_timestep=t)

            # End of epoch handling
            if (t + 1) % self.steps_per_epoch == 0:
                epoch = (t + 1) // self.steps_per_epoch

                # Save model
                if (epoch % self.save_freq == 0) or (epoch == self.epochs):
                    self.logger.save_state({'env': self.env}, None)

                # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

                # Log info about epoch
                self.logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TotalUpdates', t)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LossQ', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #3
def valor(args):
    if not hasattr(args, "get"):
        args.get = args.__dict__.get
    env_fn = args.get('env_fn', lambda: gym.make('HalfCheetah-v2'))
    actor_critic = args.get('actor_critic', ActorCritic)
    ac_kwargs = args.get('ac_kwargs', {})
    disc = args.get('disc', Discriminator)
    dc_kwargs = args.get('dc_kwargs', {})
    seed = args.get('seed', 0)
    episodes_per_epoch = args.get('episodes_per_epoch', 40)
    epochs = args.get('epochs', 50)
    gamma = args.get('gamma', 0.99)
    pi_lr = args.get('pi_lr', 3e-4)
    vf_lr = args.get('vf_lr', 1e-3)
    dc_lr = args.get('dc_lr', 2e-3)
    train_v_iters = args.get('train_v_iters', 80)
    train_dc_iters = args.get('train_dc_iters', 50)
    train_dc_interv = args.get('train_dc_interv', 2)
    lam = args.get('lam', 0.97)
    max_ep_len = args.get('max_ep_len', 1000)
    logger_kwargs = args.get('logger_kwargs', {})
    context_dim = args.get('context_dim', 4)
    max_context_dim = args.get('max_context_dim', 64)
    save_freq = args.get('save_freq', 10)
    k = args.get('k', 1)

    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    # seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape

    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Model
    actor_critic = actor_critic(input_dim=obs_dim[0] + max_context_dim,
    disc = disc(input_dim=obs_dim[0], context_dim=max_context_dim, **dc_kwargs)

    # Buffer
    local_episodes_per_epoch = episodes_per_epoch  # int(episodes_per_epoch / num_procs())
    buffer = Buffer(max_context_dim, obs_dim[0], act_dim[0],
                    local_episodes_per_epoch, max_ep_len, train_dc_interv)

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(
        for module in [actor_critic.policy, actor_critic.value_f, disc.policy])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d, \t d: %d\n' %

    # Optimizers
    #Optimizer for RL Policy
    train_pi = torch.optim.Adam(actor_critic.policy.parameters(), lr=pi_lr)

    #Optimizer for value function (for actor-critic)
    train_v = torch.optim.Adam(actor_critic.value_f.parameters(), lr=vf_lr)

    #Optimizer for decoder
    train_dc = torch.optim.Adam(disc.policy.parameters(), lr=dc_lr)


    # Parameters Sync
    Training function
    def update(e):
        obs, act, adv, pos, ret, logp_old = [
            torch.Tensor(x) for x in buffer.retrieve_all()

        # Policy
        _, logp, _ = actor_critic.policy(obs, act, batch=False)
        entropy = (-logp).mean()

        # Policy loss
        pi_loss = -(logp * (k * adv + pos)).mean()

        # Train policy (Go through policy update)
        # average_gradients(train_pi.param_groups)

        # Value function
        v = actor_critic.value_f(obs)
        v_l_old = F.mse_loss(v, ret)
        for _ in range(train_v_iters):
            v = actor_critic.value_f(obs)
            v_loss = F.mse_loss(v, ret)

            # Value function train
            # average_gradients(train_v.param_groups)

        # Discriminator
        if (e + 1) % train_dc_interv == 0:
            print('Discriminator Update!')
            con, s_diff = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in buffer.retrieve_dc_buff()]
            _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
            d_l_old = -logp_dc.mean()

            # Discriminator train
            for _ in range(train_dc_iters):
                _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
                d_loss = -logp_dc.mean()
                # average_gradients(train_dc.param_groups)

            _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
            dc_l_new = -logp_dc.mean()
            d_l_old = 0
            dc_l_new = 0

        # Log the changes
        _, logp, _, v = actor_critic(obs, act)
        pi_l_new = -(logp * (k * adv + pos)).mean()
        v_l_new = F.mse_loss(v, ret)
        kl = (logp_old - logp).mean()
                     DeltaLossPi=(pi_l_new - pi_loss),
                     DeltaLossV=(v_l_new - v_l_old),
                     DeltaLossDC=(dc_l_new - d_l_old))
        # logger.store(Adv=adv.reshape(-1).numpy().tolist(), Pos=pos.reshape(-1).numpy().tolist())

    start_time = time.time()
    #Resets observations, rewards, done boolean
    o, r, d, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0

    #Creates context distribution where each logit is equal to one (This is first place to make change)
    context_dim_prob_dict = {
        i: 1 / context_dim if i < context_dim else 0
        for i in range(max_context_dim)
    last_phi_dict = {i: 0 for i in range(context_dim)}
    context_dist = Categorical(
    total_t = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        #Sets actor critic and decoder (discriminator) into eval mode

        #Runs the policy local_episodes_per_epoch before updating the policy
        for index in range(local_episodes_per_epoch):
            # Sample from context distribution and one-hot encode it (Step 2)
            # Every time we run the policy we sample a new context

            c = context_dist.sample()
            c_onehot = F.one_hot(c, max_context_dim).squeeze().float()
            for _ in range(max_ep_len):
                concat_obs = torch.cat(
                    [torch.Tensor(o.reshape(1, -1)),
                     c_onehot.reshape(1, -1)], 1)
                Feeds in observation and context into actor_critic which spits out a distribution 
                Label is a sample from the observation
                pi is the action sampled
                logp is the log probability of some other action a
                logp_pi is the log probability of pi 
                v_t is the value function
                a, _, logp_t, v_t = actor_critic(concat_obs)

                #Stores context and all other info about the state in the buffer
                             a.detach().numpy(), r, v_t.item(),

                o, r, d, _ = env.step(a.detach().numpy()[0])
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
                total_t += 1

                terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
                if terminal:
                    # Key stuff with discriminator
                    dc_diff = torch.Tensor(buffer.calc_diff()).unsqueeze(0)
                    con = torch.Tensor([float(c)]).unsqueeze(0)
                    #Feed in differences between each state in your trajectory and a specific context
                    #Here, this is just the log probability of the label it thinks it is
                    _, _, log_p = disc(dc_diff, con)
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                    o, r, d, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0

        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs - 1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, [actor_critic, disc], None)

        # Sets actor_critic and discriminator into training mode

        #Need to implement curriculum learning here to update context distribution
            Loop through each of d episodes taken in local_episodes_per_epoch and check log probability from discrimantor
            If >= 0.86, increase k in the following manner: k = min(int(1.5*k + 1), Kmax)
            Kmax = 64

        decoder_accs = []
        stag_num = 10
        stag_pct = 0.05

        if (epoch + 1) % train_dc_interv == 0 and epoch > 0:
            con, s_diff = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in buffer.retrieve_dc_buff()]
            print("Context: ", con)
            print("num_contexts", len(con))
            _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
            log_p_context_sample = logp_dc.mean().detach().numpy()

            print("Log Probability context sample", log_p_context_sample)

            decoder_accuracy = np.exp(log_p_context_sample)
            print("Decoder Accuracy", decoder_accuracy)

            Create score (phi(i)) = -log_p_context_sample.mean() for each specific context 
            Assign phis to each specific context
            Get p(i) in the following manner: (phi(i) + epsilon)
            Get Probabilities by doing p(i)/sum of all p(i)'s 
            logp_np = logp_dc.detach().numpy()
            con_np = con.detach().numpy()
            phi_dict = {i: 0 for i in range(context_dim)}
            count_dict = {i: 0 for i in range(context_dim)}
            for i in range(len(logp_np)):
                current_con = con_np[i]
                phi_dict[current_con] += logp_np[i]
                count_dict[current_con] += 1

            phi_dict = {
                k: last_phi_dict[k] if count_dict[k] == 0 else
                (-1) * v / count_dict[k]
                for (k, v) in phi_dict.items()
            sorted_dict = dict(
                       key=lambda item: item[1],
            sorted_dict_keys = list(sorted_dict.keys())
            rank_dict = {
                sorted_dict_keys[i]: 1 / (i + 1)
                for i in range(len(sorted_dict_keys))
            rank_dict_sum = sum(list(rank_dict.values()))
            context_dim_prob_dict = {
                k: rank_dict[k] / rank_dict_sum if k < context_dim else 0
                for k in context_dim_prob_dict.keys()

            stagnated = (len(decoder_accs) > stag_num
                         and (decoder_accs[-stag_num - 1] - decoder_accuracy) /
                         stag_num < stag_pct)
            if stagnated:
                new_context_dim = max(int(0.75 * context_dim), 5)
            elif decoder_accuracy >= 0.86:
                new_context_dim = min(int(1.5 * context_dim + 1),
            if stagnated or decoder_accuracy >= 0.86:
                print("new_context_dim: ", new_context_dim)
                new_context_prob_arr = np.array(
                    new_context_dim * [1 / new_context_dim] +
                    (max_context_dim - new_context_dim) * [0])
                context_dist = Categorical(
                context_dim = new_context_dim

            for i in range(context_dim):
                if i in phi_dict:
                    last_phi_dict[i] = phi_dict[i]
                elif i not in last_phi_dict:
                    last_phi_dict[i] = max(phi_dict.values())

            logger.store(LogProbabilityContext=0, DecoderAccuracy=0)

        # Log
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', total_t)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossDC', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossDC', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
        logger.log_tabular('LogProbabilityContext', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DecoderAccuracy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('ContextDim', average_only=True)
예제 #4
def td3(env_fn,
    Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3)

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: A function which takes in placeholder symbols 
            for state, ``x_ph``, and action, ``a_ph``, and returns the main 
            outputs from the agent's Tensorflow computation graph:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Deterministically computes actions
                                           | from policy given states.
            ``q1``       (batch,)          | Gives one estimate of Q* for 
                                           | states in ``x_ph`` and actions in
                                           | ``a_ph``.
            ``q2``       (batch,)          | Gives another estimate of Q* for 
                                           | states in ``x_ph`` and actions in
                                           | ``a_ph``.
            ``q1_pi``    (batch,)          | Gives the composition of ``q1`` and 
                                           | ``pi`` for states in ``x_ph``: 
                                           | q1(x, pi(x)).
            ===========  ================  ======================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the actor_critic 
            function you provided to TD3.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.

        replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target 
            networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks 
            according to:

            .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow 
                \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta

            where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually 
            close to 1.)

        pi_lr (float): Learning rate for policy.

        q_lr (float): Learning rate for Q-networks.

        batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.

        start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
            before running real policy. Helps exploration.

        update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
            starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
            is full enough for useful updates.

        update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
            between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long 
            you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps 
            is locked to 1.
        act_noise (float): Stddev for Gaussian exploration noise added to 
            policy at training time. (At test time, no noise is added.)

        target_noise (float): Stddev for smoothing noise added to target 

        noise_clip (float): Limit for absolute value of target policy 
            smoothing noise.

        policy_delay (int): Policy will only be updated once every 
            policy_delay times for each update of the Q-networks.

        num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
            policy at the end of each epoch.

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.


    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


    env, test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]

    # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
    act_limit = env.action_space.high[0]

    # Share information about action space with policy architecture
    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Inputs to computation graph
    x_ph, a_ph, x2_ph, r_ph, d_ph = core.placeholders(obs_dim, act_dim,
                                                      obs_dim, None, None)

    # Main outputs from computation graph
    with tf.variable_scope('main'):
        pi, q1, q2, q1_pi = actor_critic(x_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    # Target policy network
    with tf.variable_scope('target'):
        pi_targ, _, _, _ = actor_critic(x2_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    # Target Q networks
    with tf.variable_scope('target', reuse=True):

        # Target policy smoothing, by adding clipped noise to target actions
        epsilon = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(pi_targ), stddev=target_noise)
        epsilon = tf.clip_by_value(epsilon, -noise_clip, noise_clip)
        a2 = pi_targ + epsilon
        a2 = tf.clip_by_value(a2, -act_limit, act_limit)

        # Target Q-values, using action from target policy
        _, q1_targ, q2_targ, _ = actor_critic(x2_ph, a2, **ac_kwargs)

    # Experience buffer
    replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim,

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(
        for scope in ['main/pi', 'main/q1', 'main/q2', 'main'])
        '\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q1: %d, \t q2: %d, \t total: %d\n'
        % var_counts)

    # Bellman backup for Q functions, using Clipped Double-Q targets
    min_q_targ = tf.minimum(q1_targ, q2_targ)
    backup = tf.stop_gradient(r_ph + gamma * (1 - d_ph) * min_q_targ)

    # TD3 losses
    pi_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(q1_pi)
    q1_loss = tf.reduce_mean((q1 - backup)**2)
    q2_loss = tf.reduce_mean((q2 - backup)**2)
    q_loss = q1_loss + q2_loss

    # Separate train ops for pi, q
    pi_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=pi_lr)
    q_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=q_lr)
    train_pi_op = pi_optimizer.minimize(pi_loss, var_list=get_vars('main/pi'))
    train_q_op = q_optimizer.minimize(q_loss, var_list=get_vars('main/q'))

    # Polyak averaging for target variables
    target_update = tf.group([
        tf.assign(v_targ, polyak * v_targ + (1 - polyak) * v_main)
        for v_main, v_targ in zip(get_vars('main'), get_vars('target'))

    # Initializing targets to match main variables
    target_init = tf.group([
        tf.assign(v_targ, v_main)
        for v_main, v_targ in zip(get_vars('main'), get_vars('target'))

    sess = tf.Session()

    # Setup model saving
                              'x': x_ph,
                              'a': a_ph
                              'pi': pi,
                              'q1': q1,
                              'q2': q2

    def get_action(o, noise_scale):
        a = sess.run(pi, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1, -1)})[0]
        a += noise_scale * np.random.randn(act_dim)
        return np.clip(a, -act_limit, act_limit)

    def test_agent():
        for j in range(num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)):
                # Take deterministic actions at test time (noise_scale=0)
                o, r, d, _ = test_env.step(get_action(o, 0))
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0
    total_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for t in range(total_steps):

        # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
        # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
        # use the learned policy (with some noise, via act_noise).
        if t > start_steps:
            a = get_action(o, act_noise)
            a = env.action_space.sample()

        # Step the env
        o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
        ep_ret += r
        ep_len += 1

        # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
        # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
        # that isn't based on the agent's state)
        d = False if ep_len == max_ep_len else d

        # Store experience to replay buffer
        replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

        # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
        # most recent observation!
        o = o2

        # End of trajectory handling
        if d or (ep_len == max_ep_len):
            logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
            o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Update handling
        if t >= update_after and t % update_every == 0:
            for j in range(update_every):
                batch = replay_buffer.sample_batch(batch_size)
                feed_dict = {
                    x_ph: batch['obs1'],
                    x2_ph: batch['obs2'],
                    a_ph: batch['acts'],
                    r_ph: batch['rews'],
                    d_ph: batch['done']
                q_step_ops = [q_loss, q1, q2, train_q_op]
                outs = sess.run(q_step_ops, feed_dict)
                logger.store(LossQ=outs[0], Q1Vals=outs[1], Q2Vals=outs[2])

                if j % policy_delay == 0:
                    # Delayed policy update
                    outs = sess.run([pi_loss, train_pi_op, target_update],

        # End of epoch wrap-up
        if (t + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0:
            epoch = (t + 1) // steps_per_epoch

            # Save model
            if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs):
                logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

            # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

            # Log info about epoch
            logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
            logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
            logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossQ', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #5
def gail(env_fn,

    l_lam = 0  # balance two loss term

    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape

    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Models
    ac = actor_critic(input_dim=obs_dim[0], **ac_kwargs)
    disc = disc(input_dim=obs_dim[0], **dc_kwargs)

    # TODO: Load expert policy here
    expert = actor_critic(input_dim=obs_dim[0], **ac_kwargs)
    expert_name = "expert_torch_save.pt"
    expert = torch.load(osp.join(logger_kwargs['output_dir'], expert_name))

    # Buffers
    local_episodes_per_epoch = int(episodes_per_epoch / num_procs())
    buff_s = BufferS(obs_dim[0], act_dim[0], local_episodes_per_epoch,
    buff_t = BufferT(obs_dim[0], act_dim[0], local_episodes_per_epoch,

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(
        count_vars(module) for module in [ac.policy, ac.value_f, disc.policy])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d, \t d: %d\n' %

    # Optimizers
    train_pi = torch.optim.Adam(ac.policy.parameters(), lr=pi_lr)
    train_v = torch.optim.Adam(ac.value_f.parameters(), lr=vf_lr)
    train_dc = torch.optim.Adam(disc.policy.parameters(), lr=dc_lr)

    # Parameters Sync

    def update(e):
        obs_s, act, adv, ret, lgp_old = [
            torch.Tensor(x) for x in buff_s.retrieve_all()
        obs_t, _ = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in buff_t.retrieve_all()]

        # Policy
        _, lgp, _ = ac.policy(obs_s, act)
        entropy = (-lgp).mean()

        # Policy loss
        # policy gradient term + entropy term
        pi_loss = -(lgp * adv).mean() - l_lam * entropy

        # Train policy
        if e > 10:

        # Value function
        v = ac.value_f(obs_s)
        v_l_old = F.mse_loss(v, ret)
        for _ in range(train_v_iters):
            v = ac.value_f(obs_s)
            v_loss = F.mse_loss(v, ret)

            # Value function train

        # Discriminator
        gt1 = torch.ones(obs_s.size()[0], dtype=torch.int)
        gt2 = torch.zeros(obs_t.size()[0], dtype=torch.int)
        _, lgp_s, _ = disc(obs_s, gt=gt1)
        _, lgp_t, _ = disc(obs_t, gt=gt2)
        dc_loss_old = -lgp_s.mean() - lgp_t.mean()
        for _ in range(train_dc_iters):
            _, lgp_s, _ = disc(obs_s, gt=gt1)
            _, lgp_t, _ = disc(obs_t, gt=gt2)
            dc_loss = -lgp_s.mean() - lgp_t.mean()

            # Discriminator train

        _, lgp_s, _ = disc(obs_s, gt=gt1)
        _, lgp_t, _ = disc(obs_t, gt=gt2)
        dc_loss_new = -lgp_s.mean() - lgp_t.mean()

        # Log the changes
        _, lgp, _, v = ac(obs, act)
        entropy_new = (-lgp).mean()
        pi_loss_new = -(lgp * adv).mean() - l_lam * entropy
        v_loss_new = F.mse_loss(v, ret)
        kl = (lgp_old - lgp).mean()
                     DeltaLossPi=(pi_loss_new - pi_loss),
                     DeltaLossV=(v_loss_new - v_l_old),
                     DeltaLossDC=(dc_loss_new - dc_loss_old),
                     DeltaEnt=(entropy_new - entropy),

    start_time = time.time()
    o, r, sdr, d, ep_ret, ep_sdr, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0, False, 0, 0, 0
    total_t = 0

    ep_len_t = 0
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        # We recognize the probability term of index [0] correspond to the teacher's policy
        # Student's policy rollout
        for _ in range(local_episodes_per_epoch):
            for _ in range(max_ep_len):
                obs = torch.Tensor(o.reshape(1, -1))
                a, _, lopg_t, v_t = ac(obs)

                             a.detach().numpy(), r, sdr, v_t.item(),

                o, r, d, _ = env.step(a.detach().numpy()[0])
                _, sdr, _ = disc(torch.Tensor(o.reshape(1, -1)),
                if sdr < -4:  # Truncate rewards
                    sdr = -4
                ep_ret += r
                ep_sdr += sdr
                ep_len += 1
                total_t += 1

                terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
                if terminal:
                    logger.store(EpRetS=ep_ret, EpLenS=ep_len, EpSdrS=ep_sdr)
                    o, r, sdr, d, ep_ret, ep_sdr, ep_len = env.reset(
                    ), 0, 0, False, 0, 0, 0

        # Teacher's policy rollout
        for _ in range(local_episodes_per_epoch):
            for _ in range(max_ep_len):
                obs = torch.Tensor(o.reshape(1, -1))
                a, _, _, _ = expert(obs)

                buff_t.store(o, a.detach().numpy(), r)

                o, r, d, _ = env.step(a.detach().numpy()[0])
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
                total_t += 1

                terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
                if terminal:
                    logger.store(EpRetT=ep_ret, EpLenT=ep_len)
                    o, r, d, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0

        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs - 1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, [ac, disc], None)

        # Update


        # Log
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRetS', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpSdrS', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLenS', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRetT', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLenT', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', total_t)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossDC', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossDC', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaEnt', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #6
def vpg(env_fn, actor_critic=core.mlp_actor_critic, ac_kwargs=dict(), seed=0, 
        steps_per_epoch=4000, epochs=50, gamma=0.99, pi_lr=3e-4,
        vf_lr=1e-3, train_v_iters=80, lam=0.97, max_ep_len=1000,
        logger_kwargs=dict(), save_freq=10):
    Vanilla Policy Gradient 

    (with GAE-Lambda for advantage estimation)

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: A function which takes in placeholder symbols 
            for state, ``x_ph``, and action, ``a_ph``, and returns the main 
            outputs from the agent's Tensorflow computation graph:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Samples actions from policy given 
                                           | states.
            ``logp``     (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                           | the policy, of taking actions ``a_ph``
                                           | in states ``x_ph``.
            ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                           | the policy, of the action sampled by
                                           | ``pi``.
            ``v``        (batch,)          | Gives the value estimate for states
                                           | in ``x_ph``. (Critical: make sure 
                                           | to flatten this!)
            ===========  ================  ======================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the actor_critic 
            function you provided to VPG.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs of interaction (equivalent to
            number of policy updates) to perform.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        pi_lr (float): Learning rate for policy optimizer.

        vf_lr (float): Learning rate for value function optimizer.

        train_v_iters (int): Number of gradient descent steps to take on 
            value function per epoch.

        lam (float): Lambda for GAE-Lambda. (Always between 0 and 1,
            close to 1.)

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.


    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape
    # Share information about action space with policy architecture
    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Inputs to computation graph
    x_ph, a_ph = core.placeholders_from_spaces(env.observation_space, env.action_space)
    adv_ph, ret_ph, logp_old_ph = core.placeholders(None, None, None)

    # Main outputs from computation graph
    pi, logp, logp_pi, v = actor_critic(x_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    # Need all placeholders in *this* order later (to zip with data from buffer)
    all_phs = [x_ph, a_ph, adv_ph, ret_ph, logp_old_ph]

    # Every step, get: action, value, and logprob
    get_action_ops = [pi, v, logp_pi]

    # Experience buffer
    local_steps_per_epoch = int(steps_per_epoch / num_procs())
    buf = VPGBuffer(obs_dim, act_dim, local_steps_per_epoch, gamma, lam)

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(core.count_vars(scope) for scope in ['pi', 'v'])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d\n'%var_counts)

    # VPG objectives
    pi_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(logp * adv_ph)
    v_loss = tf.reduce_mean((ret_ph - v)**2)

    # Info (useful to watch during learning)
    approx_kl = tf.reduce_mean(logp_old_ph - logp)      # a sample estimate for KL-divergence, easy to compute
    approx_ent = tf.reduce_mean(-logp)                  # a sample estimate for entropy, also easy to compute

    # Optimizers
    train_pi = MpiAdamOptimizer(learning_rate=pi_lr).minimize(pi_loss)
    train_v = MpiAdamOptimizer(learning_rate=vf_lr).minimize(v_loss)

    sess = tf.Session()

    # Sync params across processes

    # Setup model saving
    logger.setup_tf_saver(sess, inputs={'x': x_ph}, outputs={'pi': pi, 'v': v})

    def update():
        inputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(all_phs, buf.get())}
        pi_l_old, v_l_old, ent = sess.run([pi_loss, v_loss, approx_ent], feed_dict=inputs)

        # Policy gradient step
        sess.run(train_pi, feed_dict=inputs)

        # Value function learning
        for _ in range(train_v_iters):
            sess.run(train_v, feed_dict=inputs)

        # Log changes from update
        pi_l_new, v_l_new, kl = sess.run([pi_loss, v_loss, approx_kl], feed_dict=inputs)
        logger.store(LossPi=pi_l_old, LossV=v_l_old, 
                     KL=kl, Entropy=ent, 
                     DeltaLossPi=(pi_l_new - pi_l_old),
                     DeltaLossV=(v_l_new - v_l_old))

    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for t in range(local_steps_per_epoch):
            a, v_t, logp_t = sess.run(get_action_ops, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1,-1)})

            o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a[0])
            ep_ret += r
            ep_len += 1

            # save and log
            buf.store(o, a, r, v_t, logp_t)

            # Update obs (critical!)
            o = o2

            terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
            if terminal or (t==local_steps_per_epoch-1):
                if not(terminal):
                    print('Warning: trajectory cut off by epoch at %d steps.'%ep_len)
                # if trajectory didn't reach terminal state, bootstrap value target
                last_val = 0 if d else sess.run(v, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1,-1)})
                if terminal:
                    # only save EpRet / EpLen if trajectory finished
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Save model
        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs-1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

        # Perform VPG update!

        # Log info about epoch
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', (epoch+1)*steps_per_epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time()-start_time)
예제 #7
def sac(env_fn,
    Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: The constructor method for a PyTorch Module with an ``act`` 
            method, a ``pi`` module, a ``q1`` module, and a ``q2`` module.
            The ``act`` method and ``pi`` module should accept batches of 
            observations as inputs, and ``q1`` and ``q2`` should accept a batch 
            of observations and a batch of actions as inputs. When called, 
            ``act``, ``q1``, and ``q2`` should return:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Call         Output Shape      Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``act``      (batch, act_dim)  | Numpy array of actions for each 
                                           | observation.
            ``q1``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing one current estimate
                                           | of Q* for the provided observations
                                           | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                           | flatten this!)
            ``q2``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing the other current 
                                           | estimate of Q* for the provided observations
                                           | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                           | flatten this!)
            ===========  ================  ======================================

            Calling ``pi`` should return:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``a``        (batch, act_dim)  | Tensor containing actions from policy
                                           | given observations.
            ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Tensor containing log probabilities of
                                           | actions in ``a``. Importantly: gradients
                                           | should be able to flow back into ``a``.
            ===========  ================  ======================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the ActorCritic object 
            you provided to SAC.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.

        replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target 
            networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks 
            according to:

            .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow 
                \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta

            where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually 
            close to 1.)

        lr (float): Learning rate (used for both policy and value learning).

        alpha (float): Entropy regularization coefficient. (Equivalent to 
            inverse of reward scale in the original SAC paper.)

        batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.

        start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
            before running real policy. Helps exploration.

        update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
            starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
            is full enough for useful updates.

        update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
            between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long 
            you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps 
            is locked to 1.

        num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
            policy at the end of each epoch.

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.


    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


    env, test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]

    # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
    act_limit = env.action_space.high[0]

    # Create actor-critic module and target networks
    ac = actor_critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, **ac_kwargs)
    ac_targ = deepcopy(ac)

    # Freeze target networks with respect to optimizers (only update via polyak averaging)
    for p in ac_targ.parameters():
        p.requires_grad = False

    # List of parameters for both Q-networks (save this for convenience)
    q_params = itertools.chain(ac.q1.parameters(), ac.q2.parameters())

    # Experience buffer
    replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim,

    # Count variables (protip: try to get a feel for how different size networks behave!)
    var_counts = tuple(
        core.count_vars(module) for module in [ac.pi, ac.q1, ac.q2])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q1: %d, \t q2: %d\n' %

    # Set up function for computing SAC Q-losses
    def compute_loss_q(data):
        o, a, r, o2, d = data['obs'], data['act'], data['rew'], data[
            'obs2'], data['done']

        q1 = ac.q1(o, a)
        q2 = ac.q2(o, a)

        # Bellman backup for Q functions
        with torch.no_grad():
            # Target actions come from *current* policy
            a2, logp_a2 = ac.pi(o2)

            # Target Q-values
            q1_pi_targ = ac_targ.q1(o2, a2)
            q2_pi_targ = ac_targ.q2(o2, a2)
            q_pi_targ = torch.min(q1_pi_targ, q2_pi_targ)
            backup = r + gamma * (1 - d) * (q_pi_targ - alpha * logp_a2)

        # MSE loss against Bellman backup
        loss_q1 = ((q1 - backup)**2).mean()
        loss_q2 = ((q2 - backup)**2).mean()
        loss_q = loss_q1 + loss_q2

        # Useful info for logging
        q_info = dict(Q1Vals=q1.detach().numpy(), Q2Vals=q2.detach().numpy())

        return loss_q, q_info

    # Set up function for computing SAC pi loss
    def compute_loss_pi(data):
        o = data['obs']
        pi, logp_pi = ac.pi(o)
        q1_pi = ac.q1(o, pi)
        q2_pi = ac.q2(o, pi)
        q_pi = torch.min(q1_pi, q2_pi)

        # Entropy-regularized policy loss
        loss_pi = (alpha * logp_pi - q_pi).mean()

        # Useful info for logging
        pi_info = dict(LogPi=logp_pi.detach().numpy())

        return loss_pi, pi_info

    # Set up optimizers for policy and q-function
    pi_optimizer = Adam(ac.pi.parameters(), lr=lr)
    q_optimizer = Adam(q_params, lr=lr)

    # Set up model saving

    def update(data):
        # First run one gradient descent step for Q1 and Q2
        loss_q, q_info = compute_loss_q(data)

        # Record things
        logger.store(LossQ=loss_q.item(), **q_info)

        # Freeze Q-networks so you don't waste computational effort
        # computing gradients for them during the policy learning step.
        for p in q_params:
            p.requires_grad = False

        # Next run one gradient descent step for pi.
        loss_pi, pi_info = compute_loss_pi(data)

        # Unfreeze Q-networks so you can optimize it at next DDPG step.
        for p in q_params:
            p.requires_grad = True

        # Record things
        logger.store(LossPi=loss_pi.item(), **pi_info)

        # Finally, update target networks by polyak averaging.
        with torch.no_grad():
            for p, p_targ in zip(ac.parameters(), ac_targ.parameters()):
                # NB: We use an in-place operations "mul_", "add_" to update target
                # params, as opposed to "mul" and "add", which would make new tensors.
                p_targ.data.add_((1 - polyak) * p.data)

    def get_action(o, deterministic=False):
        return ac.act(torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32), deterministic)

    def test_agent():
        for j in range(num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)):
                # Take deterministic actions at test time
                o, r, d, _ = test_env.step(get_action(o, True))
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    # Prepare for interaction with environment
    total_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs
    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for t in range(total_steps):

        # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
        # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
        # use the learned policy.
        if t > start_steps:
            a = get_action(o)
            a = env.action_space.sample()

        # Step the env
        o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
        ep_ret += r
        ep_len += 1

        # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
        # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
        # that isn't based on the agent's state)
        d = False if ep_len == max_ep_len else d

        # Store experience to replay buffer
        replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

        # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
        # most recent observation!
        o = o2

        # End of trajectory handling
        if d or (ep_len == max_ep_len):
            logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
            o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Update handling
        if t >= update_after and t % update_every == 0:
            for j in range(update_every):
                batch = replay_buffer.sample_batch(batch_size)

        # End of epoch handling
        if (t + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0:
            epoch = (t + 1) // steps_per_epoch

            # Save model
            if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs):
                logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

            # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

            # Log info about epoch
            logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
            logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
            logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LogPi', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossQ', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #8
def trpo(env_fn, actor_critic=core.mlp_actor_critic, ac_kwargs=dict(), seed=0, 
         steps_per_epoch=4000, epochs=50, gamma=0.99, delta=0.01, vf_lr=1e-3,
         train_v_iters=80, damping_coeff=0.1, cg_iters=10, backtrack_iters=10, 
         backtrack_coeff=0.8, lam=0.97, max_ep_len=1000, logger_kwargs=dict(), 
         save_freq=10, algo='trpo'):
    Trust Region Policy Optimization 

    (with support for Natural Policy Gradient)

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: A function which takes in placeholder symbols 
            for state, ``x_ph``, and action, ``a_ph``, and returns the main 
            outputs from the agent's Tensorflow computation graph:

            ============  ================  ========================================
            Symbol        Shape             Description
            ============  ================  ========================================
            ``pi``        (batch, act_dim)  | Samples actions from policy given 
                                            | states.
            ``logp``      (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                            | the policy, of taking actions ``a_ph``
                                            | in states ``x_ph``.
            ``logp_pi``   (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                            | the policy, of the action sampled by
                                            | ``pi``.
            ``info``      N/A               | A dict of any intermediate quantities
                                            | (from calculating the policy or log 
                                            | probabilities) which are needed for
                                            | analytically computing KL divergence.
                                            | (eg sufficient statistics of the
                                            | distributions)
            ``info_phs``  N/A               | A dict of placeholders for old values
                                            | of the entries in ``info``.
            ``d_kl``      ()                | A symbol for computing the mean KL
                                            | divergence between the current policy
                                            | (``pi``) and the old policy (as 
                                            | specified by the inputs to 
                                            | ``info_phs``) over the batch of 
                                            | states given in ``x_ph``.
            ``v``         (batch,)          | Gives the value estimate for states
                                            | in ``x_ph``. (Critical: make sure 
                                            | to flatten this!)
            ============  ================  ========================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the actor_critic 
            function you provided to TRPO.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs of interaction (equivalent to
            number of policy updates) to perform.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        delta (float): KL-divergence limit for TRPO / NPG update. 
            (Should be small for stability. Values like 0.01, 0.05.)

        vf_lr (float): Learning rate for value function optimizer.

        train_v_iters (int): Number of gradient descent steps to take on 
            value function per epoch.

        damping_coeff (float): Artifact for numerical stability, should be 
            smallish. Adjusts Hessian-vector product calculation:
            .. math:: Hv \\rightarrow (\\alpha I + H)v

            where :math:`\\alpha` is the damping coefficient. 
            Probably don't play with this hyperparameter.

        cg_iters (int): Number of iterations of conjugate gradient to perform. 
            Increasing this will lead to a more accurate approximation
            to :math:`H^{-1} g`, and possibly slightly-improved performance,
            but at the cost of slowing things down. 

            Also probably don't play with this hyperparameter.

        backtrack_iters (int): Maximum number of steps allowed in the 
            backtracking line search. Since the line search usually doesn't 
            backtrack, and usually only steps back once when it does, this
            hyperparameter doesn't often matter.

        backtrack_coeff (float): How far back to step during backtracking line
            search. (Always between 0 and 1, usually above 0.5.)

        lam (float): Lambda for GAE-Lambda. (Always between 0 and 1,
            close to 1.)

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.

        algo: Either 'trpo' or 'npg': this code supports both, since they are 
            almost the same.


    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape
    # Share information about action space with policy architecture
    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Inputs to computation graph
    x_ph, a_ph = core.placeholders_from_spaces(env.observation_space, env.action_space)
    adv_ph, ret_ph, logp_old_ph = core.placeholders(None, None, None)

    # Main outputs from computation graph, plus placeholders for old pdist (for KL)
    pi, logp, logp_pi, info, info_phs, d_kl, v = actor_critic(x_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    # Need all placeholders in *this* order later (to zip with data from buffer)
    all_phs = [x_ph, a_ph, adv_ph, ret_ph, logp_old_ph] + core.values_as_sorted_list(info_phs)

    # Every step, get: action, value, logprob, & info for pdist (for computing kl div)
    get_action_ops = [pi, v, logp_pi] + core.values_as_sorted_list(info)

    # Experience buffer
    local_steps_per_epoch = int(steps_per_epoch / num_procs())
    info_shapes = {k: v.shape.as_list()[1:] for k,v in info_phs.items()}
    buf = GAEBuffer(obs_dim, act_dim, local_steps_per_epoch, info_shapes, gamma, lam)

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(core.count_vars(scope) for scope in ['pi', 'v'])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d\n'%var_counts)

    # TRPO losses
    ratio = tf.exp(logp - logp_old_ph)          # pi(a|s) / pi_old(a|s)
    pi_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(ratio * adv_ph)
    v_loss = tf.reduce_mean((ret_ph - v)**2)

    # Optimizer for value function
    train_vf = MpiAdamOptimizer(learning_rate=vf_lr).minimize(v_loss)

    # Symbols needed for CG solver
    pi_params = core.get_vars('pi')
    gradient = core.flat_grad(pi_loss, pi_params)
    v_ph, hvp = core.hessian_vector_product(d_kl, pi_params)
    if damping_coeff > 0:
        hvp += damping_coeff * v_ph

    # Symbols for getting and setting params
    get_pi_params = core.flat_concat(pi_params)
    set_pi_params = core.assign_params_from_flat(v_ph, pi_params)

    sess = tf.Session()

    # Sync params across processes

    # Setup model saving
    logger.setup_tf_saver(sess, inputs={'x': x_ph}, outputs={'pi': pi, 'v': v})

    def cg(Ax, b):
        Conjugate gradient algorithm
        (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gradient_method)
        x = np.zeros_like(b)
        r = b.copy() # Note: should be 'b - Ax(x)', but for x=0, Ax(x)=0. Change if doing warm start.
        p = r.copy()
        r_dot_old = np.dot(r,r)
        for _ in range(cg_iters):
            z = Ax(p)
            alpha = r_dot_old / (np.dot(p, z) + EPS)
            x += alpha * p
            r -= alpha * z
            r_dot_new = np.dot(r,r)
            p = r + (r_dot_new / r_dot_old) * p
            r_dot_old = r_dot_new
        return x

    def update():
        # Prepare hessian func, gradient eval
        inputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(all_phs, buf.get())}
        Hx = lambda x : mpi_avg(sess.run(hvp, feed_dict={**inputs, v_ph: x}))
        g, pi_l_old, v_l_old = sess.run([gradient, pi_loss, v_loss], feed_dict=inputs)
        g, pi_l_old = mpi_avg(g), mpi_avg(pi_l_old)

        # Core calculations for TRPO or NPG
        x = cg(Hx, g)
        alpha = np.sqrt(2*delta/(np.dot(x, Hx(x))+EPS))
        old_params = sess.run(get_pi_params)

        def set_and_eval(step):
            sess.run(set_pi_params, feed_dict={v_ph: old_params - alpha * x * step})
            return mpi_avg(sess.run([d_kl, pi_loss], feed_dict=inputs))

        if algo=='npg':
            # npg has no backtracking or hard kl constraint enforcement
            kl, pi_l_new = set_and_eval(step=1.)

        elif algo=='trpo':
            # trpo augments npg with backtracking line search, hard kl
            for j in range(backtrack_iters):
                kl, pi_l_new = set_and_eval(step=backtrack_coeff**j)
                if kl <= delta and pi_l_new <= pi_l_old:
                    logger.log('Accepting new params at step %d of line search.'%j)

                if j==backtrack_iters-1:
                    logger.log('Line search failed! Keeping old params.')
                    kl, pi_l_new = set_and_eval(step=0.)

        # Value function updates
        for _ in range(train_v_iters):
            sess.run(train_vf, feed_dict=inputs)
        v_l_new = sess.run(v_loss, feed_dict=inputs)

        # Log changes from update
        logger.store(LossPi=pi_l_old, LossV=v_l_old, KL=kl,
                     DeltaLossPi=(pi_l_new - pi_l_old),
                     DeltaLossV=(v_l_new - v_l_old))

    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for t in range(local_steps_per_epoch):
            agent_outs = sess.run(get_action_ops, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1,-1)})
            a, v_t, logp_t, info_t = agent_outs[0][0], agent_outs[1], agent_outs[2], agent_outs[3:]

            o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
            ep_ret += r
            ep_len += 1

            # save and log
            buf.store(o, a, r, v_t, logp_t, info_t)

            # Update obs (critical!)
            o = o2

            terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
            if terminal or (t==local_steps_per_epoch-1):
                if not(terminal):
                    print('Warning: trajectory cut off by epoch at %d steps.'%ep_len)
                # if trajectory didn't reach terminal state, bootstrap value target
                last_val = 0 if d else sess.run(v, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1,-1)})
                if terminal:
                    # only save EpRet / EpLen if trajectory finished
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Save model
        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs-1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

        # Perform TRPO or NPG update!

        # Log info about epoch
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', (epoch+1)*steps_per_epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        if algo=='trpo':
            logger.log_tabular('BacktrackIters', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time()-start_time)
예제 #9
def train(env_fn,

    # Set up logger and save configuration
    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    # Random seed

    # Instantiate environment
    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape

    actor_critic = MLPActorCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space,

    ppo = PPO(actor_critic, clip_ratio, value_clip_ratio, ppo_epoch,
              mini_batch_size, value_loss_coef, entropy_loss_coef, lr, eps,
              max_grad_norm, use_value_clipped_loss)

    # Set up experience buffer
    buf = PPOBuffer(obs_dim, act_dim, steps_per_epoch, gamma, lam, device)

    # Set up model saving

    # Prepare for interaction with environment
    start_time = time.time()
    running_state = ZFilter((obs_dim[0], ), clip=10)
    # running_reward = ZFilter((1,), demean=False, clip=10)
    obs, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0
    obs = running_state(obs)

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        for t in range(steps_per_epoch):
            action, value, logp = ppo.actor_critic.step(
                torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32).to(device))

            next_obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(action)
            next_obs = running_state(next_obs)
            # rew = running_reward([rew])[0]
            ep_ret += rew
            ep_len += 1

            # save and log
            buf.store(obs, action, rew, value, logp)

            # Update obs (critical!)
            obs = next_obs

            timeout = ep_len == max_ep_len
            terminal = done or timeout
            epoch_ended = t == steps_per_epoch - 1

            if terminal or epoch_ended:
                if epoch_ended and not (terminal):
                    print('Warning: trajectory cut off by epoch at %d steps.' %
                # if trajectory didn't reach terminal state, bootstrap value target
                if timeout or epoch_ended:
                    _, value, _ = ppo.actor_critic.step(
                        torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32).to(device))
                    value = 0
                if terminal:
                    # only save EpRet / EpLen if trajectory finished
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                    obs, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0
                    obs = running_state(obs)

        # Save model
        if save_freq != 0 and ((epoch % save_freq == 0) or
                               (epoch == num_epoch - 1)):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

        # perform update
        data = buf.get()
        policy_loss, value_loss, entropy, kl = ppo.update(data)

        # Log info about epoch
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', (epoch + 1) * steps_per_epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', policy_loss)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', value_loss)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', entropy)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', kl)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #10
def train(env_fn,

    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


    env, test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]

    # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
    act_limit = env.action_space.high[0]

    actor_critic = MLPActorCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space,
    sql = SQL(actor_critic, lr, batch_size, update_every, gamma, polyak,
              value_coef, entropy_coef)

    # Experience buffer
    replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim,

    rewards_log = []
    episode_rewards = deque(maxlen=10)

    # Set up model saving

    def test_agent():
        for j in range(num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)):
                action = sql.actor_critic.act(
                    torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32).to(device))
                o, r, d, _ = test_env.step(action)
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    # Prepare for interaction with environment
    total_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs
    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for t in range(total_steps):

        # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
        # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
        # use the learned policy (with some noise, via act_noise).
        if t > start_steps:
            a = sql.actor_critic.act(
                torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32).to(device))
            a = env.action_space.sample()

        # Step the env
        o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
        ep_ret += r
        ep_len += 1

        # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
        # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
        # that isn't based on the agent's state)
        d = False if ep_len == max_ep_len else d

        # Store experience to replay buffer
        replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

        # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
        # most recent observation!
        o = o2

        # End of trajectory handling
        if d or (ep_len == max_ep_len):
            logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
            o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Update handling
        if t >= update_after:
            for _ in range(update_every):
                batch = replay_buffer.sample_batch(batch_size)
                loss = sql.update(data=batch)

        # End of epoch handling
        if (t + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0:
            epoch = (t + 1) // steps_per_epoch

            # Save model
            if save_freq != 0 and ((epoch % save_freq == 0) or
                                   (epoch == epochs)):
                logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

            # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.


            # Log info about epoch
            logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
            logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
            logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
            logger.log_tabular('Loss', average_only=True)

    rewards_log = np.array(rewards_log)
    save_path = '../../log/modified_sql/' + env_name + '/' + str(seed) + '.npy'
    np.save(save_path, rewards_log)
예제 #11
def valor(env_fn, actor_critic=ActorCritic, ac_kwargs=dict(), disc=Discriminator, dc_kwargs=dict(), seed=0, episodes_per_epoch=40,
        epochs=50, gamma=0.99, pi_lr=3e-4, vf_lr=1e-3, dc_lr=5e-4, train_v_iters=80, train_dc_iters=10, train_dc_interv=10, 
        lam=0.97, max_ep_len=1000, logger_kwargs=dict(), con_dim=5, save_freq=10, k=1):

    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape

    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Model
    actor_critic = actor_critic(input_dim=obs_dim[0]+con_dim, **ac_kwargs)
    disc = disc(input_dim=obs_dim[0], context_dim=con_dim, **dc_kwargs)

    # Buffer
    local_episodes_per_epoch = int(episodes_per_epoch / num_procs())
    buffer = Buffer(con_dim, obs_dim[0], act_dim[0], local_episodes_per_epoch, max_ep_len, train_dc_interv)

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(count_vars(module) for module in
        [actor_critic.policy, actor_critic.value_f, disc.policy])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d, \t d: %d\n'%var_counts)    

    # Optimizers
    train_pi = torch.optim.Adam(actor_critic.policy.parameters(), lr=pi_lr)
    train_v = torch.optim.Adam(actor_critic.value_f.parameters(), lr=vf_lr)
    train_dc = torch.optim.Adam(disc.policy.parameters(), lr=dc_lr)

    # Parameters Sync

    def update(e):
        obs, act, adv, pos, ret, logp_old = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in buffer.retrieve_all()]
        # Policy
        _, logp, _ = actor_critic.policy(obs, act)
        entropy = (-logp).mean()

        # Policy loss
        pi_loss = -(logp*(k*adv+pos)).mean()

        # Train policy

        # Value function
        v = actor_critic.value_f(obs)
        v_l_old = F.mse_loss(v, ret)
        for _ in range(train_v_iters):
            v = actor_critic.value_f(obs)
            v_loss = F.mse_loss(v, ret)

            # Value function train

        # Discriminator
        if (e+1) % train_dc_interv == 0:
            print('Discriminator Update!')
            con, s_diff = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in buffer.retrieve_dc_buff()]
            _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
            d_l_old = -logp_dc.mean()

            # Discriminator train
            for _ in range(train_dc_iters):
                _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
                d_loss = -logp_dc.mean()

            _, logp_dc, _ = disc(s_diff, con)
            dc_l_new = -logp_dc.mean()
            d_l_old = 0
            dc_l_new = 0

        # Log the changes
        _, logp, _, v = actor_critic(obs, act)
        pi_l_new = -(logp*(k*adv+pos)).mean()
        v_l_new = F.mse_loss(v, ret)
        kl = (logp_old - logp).mean()
        logger.store(LossPi=pi_loss, LossV=v_l_old, KL=kl, Entropy=entropy, DeltaLossPi=(pi_l_new-pi_loss),
            DeltaLossV=(v_l_new-v_l_old), LossDC=d_l_old, DeltaLossDC=(dc_l_new-d_l_old))
        # logger.store(Adv=adv.reshape(-1).numpy().tolist(), Pos=pos.reshape(-1).numpy().tolist())

    start_time = time.time()
    o, r, d, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0
    context_dist = Categorical(logits=torch.Tensor(np.ones(con_dim)))
    total_t = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for _ in range(local_episodes_per_epoch):
            c = context_dist.sample()
            c_onehot = F.one_hot(c, con_dim).squeeze().float()
            for _ in range(max_ep_len):
                concat_obs = torch.cat([torch.Tensor(o.reshape(1, -1)), c_onehot.reshape(1, -1)], 1)
                a, _, logp_t, v_t = actor_critic(concat_obs)

                buffer.store(c, concat_obs.squeeze().detach().numpy(), a.detach().numpy(), r, v_t.item(), logp_t.detach().numpy())

                o, r, d, _ = env.step(a.detach().numpy()[0])
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
                total_t += 1

                terminal = d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)
                if terminal:
                    dc_diff = torch.Tensor(buffer.calc_diff()).unsqueeze(0)
                    con = torch.Tensor([float(c)]).unsqueeze(0)
                    _, _, log_p = disc(dc_diff, con)
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                    o, r, d, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0

        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs - 1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, [actor_critic, disc], None)

        # Update


        # Log
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', total_t)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossDC', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossDC', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time()-start_time)
예제 #12
def ddpg(trajectory_output_path, env_fn, actor_critic=core.MLPActorCritic, ac_kwargs=dict(), seed=0,
         steps_per_epoch=4000, epochs=100, replay_size=int(1e6), gamma=0.99,
         polyak=0.995, pi_lr=1e-3, q_lr=1e-3, batch_size=100, start_steps=10000,
         update_after=1000, update_every=50, act_noise=0.1, num_test_episodes=10,
         max_ep_len=1000, logger_kwargs=dict(), save_freq=1):
    Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)
    trajectory_output_path: The path to output the trajectory results

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.
        actor_critic: The constructor method for a PyTorch Module with an ``act``
            method, a ``pi`` module, and a ``q`` module. The ``act`` method and
            ``pi`` module should accept batches of observations as inputs,
            and ``q`` should accept a batch of observations and a batch of
            actions as inputs. When called, these should return:
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Call         Output Shape      Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``act``      (batch, act_dim)  | Numpy array of actions for each
                                           | observation.
            ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Tensor containing actions from policy
                                           | given observations.
            ``q``        (batch,)          | Tensor containing the current estimate
                                           | of Q* for the provided observations
                                           | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                           | flatten this!)
            ===========  ================  ======================================
        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the ActorCritic object
            you provided to DDPG.
        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.
        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs)
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.
        epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.
        replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.
        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)
        polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target
            networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks
            according to:
            .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow
                \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta
            where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually
            close to 1.)
        pi_lr (float): Learning rate for policy.
        q_lr (float): Learning rate for Q-networks.
        batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.
        start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
            before running real policy. Helps exploration.
        update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
            starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
            is full enough for useful updates.
        update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
            between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long
            you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps
            is locked to 1.
        act_noise (float): Stddev for Gaussian exploration noise added to
            policy at training time. (At test time, no noise is added.)
        num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
            policy at the end of each epoch.
        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.
        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.
        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.

    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


    env, test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]

    # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
    act_limit = env.action_space.high[0]

    # Create actor-critic module and target networks
    ac = actor_critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, **ac_kwargs)
    ac_targ = deepcopy(ac)

    # Freeze target networks with respect to optimizers (only update via polyak averaging)
    for p in ac_targ.parameters():
        p.requires_grad = False

    # Experience buffer
    replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim, act_dim=act_dim, size=replay_size)

    # Count variables (protip: try to get a feel for how different size networks behave!)
    var_counts = tuple(core.count_vars(module) for module in [ac.pi, ac.q])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q: %d\n' % var_counts)

    # Set up function for computing DDPG Q-loss
    def compute_loss_q(data):
        o, a, r, o2, d = data['obs'], data['act'], data['rew'], data['obs2'], data['done']

        q = ac.q(o, a)

        # Bellman backup for Q function
        with torch.no_grad():
            q_pi_targ = ac_targ.q(o2, ac_targ.pi(o2))
            backup = r + gamma * (1 - d) * q_pi_targ

        # MSE loss against Bellman backup
        loss_q = ((q - backup) ** 2).mean()

        # Useful info for logging
        loss_info = dict(QVals=q.detach().numpy())

        return loss_q, loss_info

    # Set up function for computing DDPG pi loss
    def compute_loss_pi(data):
        o = data['obs']
        q_pi = ac.q(o, ac.pi(o))
        return -q_pi.mean()

    # Set up optimizers for policy and q-function
    pi_optimizer = Adam(ac.pi.parameters(), lr=pi_lr)
    q_optimizer = Adam(ac.q.parameters(), lr=q_lr)

    # Set up model saving

    def update(data):
        # First run one gradient descent step for Q.
        loss_q, loss_info = compute_loss_q(data)

        # Freeze Q-network so you don't waste computational effort
        # computing gradients for it during the policy learning step.
        for p in ac.q.parameters():
            p.requires_grad = False

        # Next run one gradient descent step for pi.
        loss_pi = compute_loss_pi(data)

        # Unfreeze Q-network so you can optimize it at next DDPG step.
        for p in ac.q.parameters():
            p.requires_grad = True

        # Record things
        logger.store(LossQ=loss_q.item(), LossPi=loss_pi.item(), **loss_info)

        # Finally, update target networks by polyak averaging.
        with torch.no_grad():
            for p, p_targ in zip(ac.parameters(), ac_targ.parameters()):
                # NB: We use an in-place operations "mul_", "add_" to update target
                # params, as opposed to "mul" and "add", which would make new tensors.
                p_targ.data.add_((1 - polyak) * p.data)

    def get_action(o, noise_scale):
        a = ac.act(torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32))
        a += noise_scale * np.random.randn(act_dim)
        return np.clip(a, -act_limit, act_limit)

    # def test_agent():
    #     for j in range(num_test_episodes):
    #         o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
    #         while not (d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)):
    #             # Take deterministic actions at test time (noise_scale=0)
    #             o, r, d, _ = test_env.step(get_action(o, 0))
    #             ep_ret += r
    #             ep_len += 1
    #         logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    # Prepare for interaction with environment
    total_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs
    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len, r, d = env.reset(), 0, 0, 0, False

    # init trajectory saving (obs,action, reward, done)
    trajectories = []

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for t in range(total_steps):

        # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
        # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
        # use the learned policy (with some noise, via act_noise).
        if t > start_steps:
            a = get_action(o, act_noise)
            a = env.action_space.sample()

        # save step to trajectory
        trajectories.append((o, a, r, d))
        # Step the env
        o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
        ep_ret += r
        ep_len += 1

        # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
        # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
        # that isn't based on the agent's state)
        d = True if ep_len == max_ep_len else d

        # Store experience to replay buffer
        replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

        # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
        # most recent observation!
        o = o2

        # End of trajectory handling
        if d or (ep_len == max_ep_len):
            logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
            o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Update handling
        if t >= update_after and t % update_every == 0:
            for _ in range(update_every):
                batch = replay_buffer.sample_batch(batch_size)

        # End of epoch handling
        if (t + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0:
            epoch = (t + 1) // steps_per_epoch

            # Save model
            if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs):
                logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

            # # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.
            # test_agent()
            # # Log info about epoch
            # logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
            # logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
            # logger.log_tabular('QVals', with_min_and_max=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('LossQ', average_only=True)
            # logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
            # logger.dump_tabular()

    np.save(str(trajectory_output_path) + '.npy', np.asarray(trajectories))
예제 #13
class SAC(tf.keras.Model):
    def __init__(self,
        Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)
            env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
                The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.
            actor_critic: A function which takes in placeholder symbols 
                for state, ``x_ph``, and action, ``a_ph``, and returns the main 
                outputs from the agent's Tensorflow computation graph:
                ===========  ================  ======================================
                Symbol       Shape             Description
                ===========  ================  ======================================
                ``mu``       (batch, act_dim)  | Computes mean actions from policy
                                               | given states.
                ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Samples actions from policy given 
                                               | states.
                ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                               | the policy, of the action sampled by
                                               | ``pi``. Critical: must be differentiable
                                               | with respect to policy parameters all
                                               | the way through action sampling.
                ``q1``       (batch,)          | Gives one estimate of Q* for 
                                               | states in ``x_ph`` and actions in
                                               | ``a_ph``.
                ``q2``       (batch,)          | Gives another estimate of Q* for 
                                               | states in ``x_ph`` and actions in
                                               | ``a_ph``.
                ===========  ================  ======================================
            ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the actor_critic 
                function you provided to SAC.
            seed (int): Seed for random number generators.
            steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
                for the agent and the environment in each epoch.
            epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.
            replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.
            gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)
            polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target 
                networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks 
                according to:
                .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow 
                    \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta
                where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually 
                close to 1.)
            lr (float): Learning rate (used for both policy and value learning).
            alpha (float): Entropy regularization coefficient. (Equivalent to 
                inverse of reward scale in the original SAC paper.)
            batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.
            start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
                before running real policy. Helps exploration.
            update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
                starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
                is full enough for useful updates.
            update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
                between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long 
                you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps 
                is locked to 1.
            num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
                policy at the end of each epoch.
            max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.
            logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.
            save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
                the current policy and value function.
        super(SAC, self).__init__()
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch
        self.epochs = epochs
        self.start_steps = start_steps
        self.max_ep_len = max_ep_len
        self.update_after = update_after
        self.update_every = update_every
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.save_freq = save_freq
        self.num_test_episodes = num_test_episodes
        self.polyak = polyak

        self.logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


        self.env, self.test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
        obs_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0]
        act_dim = self.env.action_space.shape[0]

        # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
        act_limit = self.env.action_space.high[0]

        # Share information about action space with policy architecture
        ac_kwargs['action_space'] = self.env.action_space

        # Main outputs from computation graph
        self.policy, self.Q1, self.Q2 = actor_critic(obs_dim,
        _, self.Q1_targ, self.Q2_targ = actor_critic(obs_dim,

        # Experience buffer
        self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim,

        self.policy_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr)
        self.value_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr)

        #print([np.array_equal(self.Q1.variables[i].numpy(), self.Q1_targ.variables[i].numpy()) for i in range(len(self.Q1.variables))])

    def compute_loss_q(self, o, a, r, o2, d):
        o_a = tf.concat([o, a], axis=1)
        q1 = self.Q1(o_a)
        q2 = self.Q2(o_a)

        # Bellman backup for Q functions
        # Target actions come from *current* policy
        a2_mu, a2_pi, logp_a2pi = self.policy(o2)
        o2_a2pi = tf.concat([o2, a2_pi], axis=-1)

        # Target Q-values
        q1_pi_targ = self.Q1_targ(o2_a2pi)
        q2_pi_targ = self.Q2_targ(o2_a2pi)
        q_pi_targ = tf.minimum(q1_pi_targ, q2_pi_targ)
        backup = tf.stop_gradient(r + self.gamma * (1 - d) *
                                  (q_pi_targ - self.alpha * logp_a2pi))

        q1_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean((backup - q1)**2)
        q2_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean((backup - q2)**2)
        q_loss = q1_loss + q2_loss

        return q_loss, q1_loss, q2_loss, q1, q2

    def compute_loss_pi(self, o):
        _, pi, logp_pi = self.policy(o)
        o_pi = tf.concat([o, pi], axis=-1)
        q1_pi = self.Q1(o_pi)
        q2_pi = self.Q2(o_pi)
        q_pi = tf.minimum(q1_pi, q2_pi)

        # Entropy-regularized policy loss
        loss_pi = tf.reduce_mean(self.alpha * logp_pi - q_pi)

        return loss_pi, logp_pi

    def compute_apply_gradients(self, o, o2, a, r, d):
        main_pi_vars = self.policy.trainable_variables
        main_q_vars = self.Q1.trainable_variables + self.Q2.trainable_variables

        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            pi_loss, logp_pi = self.compute_loss_pi(o=o)
        pi_gradients = tape.gradient(pi_loss, main_pi_vars)
        self.policy_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(pi_gradients, main_pi_vars))

        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            value_loss, q1_loss, q2_loss, q1vals, q2vals = self.compute_loss_q(
                o=o, o2=o2, a=a, r=r, d=d)
        v_gradients = tape.gradient(value_loss, main_q_vars)
        self.value_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(v_gradients, main_q_vars))

        return pi_loss, q1_loss, q2_loss, q1vals, q2vals, logp_pi

    def update_target(self):
        # Polyak averaging for target variables
        # (control flow because sess.run otherwise evaluates in nondeterministic order)
        for v_main, v_targ in zip(self.Q1.variables, self.Q1_targ.variables):
            v_targ.assign(self.polyak * v_targ + (1 - self.polyak) * v_main)

        for v_main, v_targ in zip(self.Q2.variables, self.Q2_targ.variables):
            v_targ.assign(self.polyak * v_targ + (1 - self.polyak) * v_main)

    def target_init(self):
        # Initializing targets to match main variables
        for v_main, v_targ in zip(self.Q1.variables, self.Q1_targ.variables):

        for v_main, v_targ in zip(self.Q2.variables, self.Q2_targ.variables):

    def get_action(self, o, deterministic=False):
        mu, pi, _ = self.policy(tf.reshape(o, (1, -1)))
        if deterministic:
            return mu[0].numpy()
            return pi[0].numpy()

    def test_agent(self):
        for j in range(self.num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = self.test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == self.max_ep_len)):
                a = self.get_action(o, True)
                # Take deterministic actions at test time
                o, r, d, _ = self.test_env.step(a)
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            self.logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    def train(self):
        start_time = time.time()
        o, ep_ret, ep_len = self.env.reset(), 0, 0
        total_steps = self.steps_per_epoch * self.epochs

        # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
        for t in range(total_steps):

            # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
            # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
            # use the learned policy.
            if t > self.start_steps:
                a = self.get_action(o)
                a = self.env.action_space.sample()

            # Step the env
            o2, r, d, _ = self.env.step(a)
            ep_ret += r
            ep_len += 1

            # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
            # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
            # that isn't based on the agent's state)
            d = False if ep_len == self.max_ep_len else d

            # Store experience to replay buffer
            self.replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

            # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
            # most recent observation!
            o = o2

            # End of trajectory handling
            if d or (ep_len == self.max_ep_len):
                self.logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                o, ep_ret, ep_len = self.env.reset(), 0, 0

            # Update handling
            if t >= self.update_after and t % self.update_every == 0:
                for j in range(self.update_every):
                    batch = self.replay_buffer.sample_batch(self.batch_size)
                    outs = self.compute_apply_gradients(o=batch['obs1'],
            # End of epoch wrap-up
            if (t + 1) % self.steps_per_epoch == 0:
                epoch = (t + 1) // self.steps_per_epoch

                # Save model
                if (epoch % self.save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs):
                    self.logger.save_state({'env': self.env}, None)

                # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

                # Log info about epoch
                self.logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
                self.logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LogPi', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LossQ1', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LossQ2', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #14
def ppo(env_fn,
    Proximal Policy Optimization (by clipping),

    with early stopping based on approximate KL

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: The constructor method for a PyTorch Module with a
            ``step`` method, an ``act`` method, a ``pi`` module, and a ``v``
            module. The ``step`` method should accept a batch of observations
            and return:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``a``        (batch, act_dim)  | Numpy array of actions for each
                                           | observation.
            ``v``        (batch,)          | Numpy array of value estimates
                                           | for the provided observations.
            ``logp_a``   (batch,)          | Numpy array of log probs for the
                                           | actions in ``a``.
            ===========  ================  ======================================

            The ``act`` method behaves the same as ``step`` but only returns ``a``.

            The ``pi`` module's forward call should accept a batch of
            observations and optionally a batch of actions, and return:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``pi``       N/A               | Torch Distribution object, containing
                                           | a batch of distributions describing
                                           | the policy for the provided observations.
            ``logp_a``   (batch,)          | Optional (only returned if batch of
                                           | actions is given). Tensor containing
                                           | the log probability, according to
                                           | the policy, of the provided actions.
                                           | If actions not given, will contain
                                           | ``None``.
            ===========  ================  ======================================

            The ``v`` module's forward call should accept a batch of observations
            and return:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``v``        (batch,)          | Tensor containing the value estimates
                                           | for the provided observations. (Critical:
                                           | make sure to flatten this!)
            ===========  ================  ======================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the ActorCritic object
            you provided to PPO.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs)
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs of interaction (equivalent to
            number of policy updates) to perform.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        clip_ratio (float): Hyperparameter for clipping in the policy objective.
            Roughly: how far can the new policy go from the old policy while
            still profiting (improving the objective function)? The new policy
            can still go farther than the clip_ratio says, but it doesn't help
            on the objective anymore. (Usually small, 0.1 to 0.3.) Typically
            denoted by :math:`\epsilon`.

        pi_lr (float): Learning rate for policy optimizer.

        vf_lr (float): Learning rate for value function optimizer.

        train_pi_iters (int): Maximum number of gradient descent steps to take
            on policy loss per epoch. (Early stopping may cause optimizer
            to take fewer than this.)

        train_v_iters (int): Number of gradient descent steps to take on
            value function per epoch.

        lam (float): Lambda for GAE-Lambda. (Always between 0 and 1,
            close to 1.)

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        target_kl (float): Roughly what KL divergence we think is appropriate
            between new and old policies after an update. This will get used
            for early stopping. (Usually small, 0.01 or 0.05.)

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.


    # Special function to avoid certain slowdowns from PyTorch + MPI combo.

    # Set up logger and save configuration
    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

    # Random seed
    seed += 10000 * proc_id()

    # Instantiate environment
    env = env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape

    # Create actor-critic module
    if inspect.isclass(actor_critic):
        ac = actor_critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, **ac_kwargs)
        ac = actor_critic
    # Sync params across processes

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(core.count_vars(module) for module in [ac.pi, ac.v])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t v: %d\n' % var_counts)

    # Set up experience buffer
    local_steps_per_epoch = int(steps_per_epoch / num_procs())
    buf = PPOBuffer(obs_dim, act_dim, local_steps_per_epoch, gamma, lam)

    # Set up function for computing PPO policy loss
    def compute_loss_pi(data):
        obs, act, adv, logp_old = data['obs'], data['act'], data['adv'], data[

        # Policy loss
        pi, logp = ac.pi(obs, act)
        ratio = torch.exp(logp - logp_old)
        clip_adv = torch.clamp(ratio, 1 - clip_ratio, 1 + clip_ratio) * adv
        loss_pi = -(torch.min(ratio * adv, clip_adv)).mean()

        # Useful extra info
        approx_kl = (logp_old - logp).mean().item()
        ent = pi.entropy().mean().item()
        clipped = ratio.gt(1 + clip_ratio) | ratio.lt(1 - clip_ratio)
        clipfrac = torch.as_tensor(clipped, dtype=torch.float32).mean().item()
        pi_info = dict(kl=approx_kl, ent=ent, cf=clipfrac)

        return loss_pi, pi_info

    # Set up function for computing value loss
    def compute_loss_v(data):
        obs, ret = data['obs'], data['ret']
        return ((ac.v(obs) - ret)**2).mean()

    # Set up optimizers for policy and value function
    pi_optimizer = Adam(ac.pi.parameters(), lr=pi_lr)
    vf_optimizer = Adam(ac.v.parameters(), lr=vf_lr)

    # Set up model saving

    def update():
        data = buf.get()

        pi_l_old, pi_info_old = compute_loss_pi(data)
        pi_l_old = pi_l_old.item()
        v_l_old = compute_loss_v(data).item()

        # Train policy with multiple steps of gradient descent
        for i in range(train_pi_iters):
            loss_pi, pi_info = compute_loss_pi(data)
            kl = mpi_avg(pi_info['kl'])
            if kl > 1.5 * target_kl:
                    'Early stopping at step %d due to reaching max kl.' % i)
            mpi_avg_grads(ac.pi)  # average grads across MPI processes


        # Value function learning
        for i in range(train_v_iters):
            loss_v = compute_loss_v(data)
            mpi_avg_grads(ac.v)  # average grads across MPI processes

        # Log changes from update
        kl, ent, cf = pi_info['kl'], pi_info_old['ent'], pi_info['cf']
                     DeltaLossPi=(loss_pi.item() - pi_l_old),
                     DeltaLossV=(loss_v.item() - v_l_old))

    # Prepare for interaction with environment
    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for t in range(local_steps_per_epoch):
            a, v, logp = ac.step(torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32))

            next_o, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
            ep_ret += r
            ep_len += 1

            # save and log
            buf.store(o, a, r, v, logp)

            # Update obs (critical!)
            o = next_o

            timeout = ep_len == max_ep_len
            terminal = d or timeout
            epoch_ended = t == local_steps_per_epoch - 1

            if terminal or epoch_ended:
                if epoch_ended and not (terminal):
                    print('Warning: trajectory cut off by epoch at %d steps.' %
                # if trajectory didn't reach terminal state, bootstrap value target
                if timeout or epoch_ended:
                    _, v, _ = ac.step(torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32))
                    v = 0
                if terminal:
                    # only save EpRet / EpLen if trajectory finished
                    logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
                o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Save model
        if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs - 1):
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)  # current state
            logger.save_state({'env': env}, epoch)  # for rendering

        # Perform PPO update!

        # Log info about epoch
        logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('VVals', with_min_and_max=True)
        logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', (epoch + 1) * steps_per_epoch)
        logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('LossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossPi', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('DeltaLossV', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Entropy', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('KL', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('ClipFrac', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('StopIter', average_only=True)
        logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)

예제 #15
def td3(env_fn,
    Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3)
        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.
        actor_critic: The constructor method for a PyTorch Module with an ``act``
            method, a ``pi`` module, a ``q1`` module, and a ``q2`` module.
            The ``act`` method and ``pi`` module should accept batches of
            observations as inputs, and ``q1`` and ``q2`` should accept a batch
            of observations and a batch of actions as inputs. When called,
            these should return:
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Call         Output Shape      Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``act``      (batch, act_dim)  | Numpy array of actions for each
                                           | observation.
            ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Tensor containing actions from policy
                                           | given observations.
            ``q1``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing one current estimate
                                           | of Q* for the provided observations
                                           | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                           | flatten this!)
            ``q2``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing the other current
                                           | estimate of Q* for the provided observations
                                           | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                           | flatten this!)
            ===========  ================  ======================================
        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the ActorCritic object
            you provided to TD3.
        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.
        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs)
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.
        epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.
        replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.
        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)
        polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target
            networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks
            according to:
            .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow
                \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta
            where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually
            close to 1.)
        pi_lr (float): Learning rate for policy.
        q_lr (float): Learning rate for Q-networks.
        batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.
        start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
            before running real policy. Helps exploration.
        update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
            starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
            is full enough for useful updates.
        update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
            between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long
            you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps
            is locked to 1.
        act_noise (float): Stddev for Gaussian exploration noise added to
            policy at training time. (At test time, no noise is added.)
        target_noise (float): Stddev for smoothing noise added to target
        noise_clip (float): Limit for absolute value of target policy
            smoothing noise.
        policy_delay (int): Policy will only be updated once every
            policy_delay times for each update of the Q-networks.
        num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
            policy at the end of each epoch.
        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.
        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.
        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.
    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


    env, test_env = env_fn, env_fn
    obs_dim = 0
    for key in list(env.observation_spec().keys()):
        obs_dim += env.observation_spec()[key].shape[0]

    act_dim = env.action_spec().shape[0]

    # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
    act_limit = env.action_spec().maximum[0]

    # Create actor-critic module and target networks
    ac = actor_critic(obs_dim, act_dim, act_limit, **ac_kwargs)
    ac_targ = deepcopy(ac)

    # Freeze target networks with respect to optimizers (only update via polyak averaging)
    for p in ac_targ.parameters():
        p.requires_grad = False

    # List of parameters for both Q-networks (save this for convenience)
    q_params = itertools.chain(ac.q1.parameters(), ac.q2.parameters())

    # Experience buffer
    replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim,

    # Count variables (protip: try to get a feel for how different size networks behave!)
    var_counts = tuple(
        core.count_vars(module) for module in [ac.pi, ac.q1, ac.q2])
    logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q1: %d, \t q2: %d\n' %

    # Set up function for computing TD3 Q-losses
    def compute_loss_q(data):
        o, a, r, o2, d = data['obs'], data['act'], data['rew'], data[
            'obs2'], data['done']

        q1 = ac.q1(o, a)
        q2 = ac.q2(o, a)

        # Bellman backup for Q functions
        with torch.no_grad():
            pi_targ = ac_targ.pi(o2)

            # Target policy smoothing
            epsilon = torch.randn_like(pi_targ) * target_noise
            epsilon = torch.clamp(epsilon, -noise_clip, noise_clip)
            a2 = pi_targ + epsilon
            a2 = torch.clamp(a2, -act_limit, act_limit)

            # Target Q-values
            q1_pi_targ = ac_targ.q1(o2, a2)
            q2_pi_targ = ac_targ.q2(o2, a2)
            q_pi_targ = torch.min(q1_pi_targ, q2_pi_targ)
            backup = r + gamma * (1 - d) * q_pi_targ

        # MSE loss against Bellman backup
        loss_q1 = ((q1 - backup)**2).mean()
        loss_q2 = ((q2 - backup)**2).mean()
        loss_q = loss_q1 + loss_q2

        # Useful info for logging
        loss_info = dict(Q1Vals=q1.cpu().detach().numpy(),

        return loss_q, loss_info

    # Set up function for computing TD3 pi loss
    def compute_loss_pi(data):
        o = data['obs']
        q1_pi = ac.q1(o, ac.pi(o))
        return -q1_pi.mean()

    # Set up optimizers for policy and q-function
    pi_optimizer = Adam(ac.pi.parameters(), lr=pi_lr)
    q_optimizer = Adam(q_params, lr=q_lr)

    # Set up model saving

    def update(data, timer):
        # First run one gradient descent step for Q1 and Q2
        loss_q, loss_info = compute_loss_q(data)

        # Record things
        logger.store(LossQ=loss_q.cpu().item(), **loss_info)

        # Possibly update pi and target networks
        if timer % policy_delay == 0:

            # Freeze Q-networks so you don't waste computational effort
            # computing gradients for them during the policy learning step.
            for p in q_params:
                p.requires_grad = False

            # Next run one gradient descent step for pi.
            loss_pi = compute_loss_pi(data)

            # Unfreeze Q-networks so you can optimize it at next DDPG step.
            for p in q_params:
                p.requires_grad = True

            # Record things

            # Finally, update target networks by polyak averaging.
            with torch.no_grad():
                for p, p_targ in zip(ac.parameters(), ac_targ.parameters()):
                    # NB: We use an in-place operations "mul_", "add_" to update target
                    # params, as opposed to "mul" and "add", which would make new tensors.
                    p_targ.data.add_((1 - polyak) * p.data)

    def get_action(o, noise_scale):
        a = ac.act(torch.as_tensor(o, device=device, dtype=torch.float32))
        a += noise_scale * np.random.randn(act_dim)
        return np.clip(a, -act_limit, act_limit)

    def get_obs(env, a=None):
        if a is None:
            time_step = env.reset()
            time_step = env.step(a)

        y = np.concatenate([
            for key in list(time_step.observation.keys())
        return y

    def test_agent():
        for j in range(num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = get_obs(test_env), False, 0, 0

            while not (d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)):
                # Take deterministic actions at test time (noise_scale=0)
                o, d = get_obs(test_env, get_action(o, 0)), time_step.last()
                r = 0 if time_step.reward is None else time_step.reward
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1

            logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    # Prepare for interaction with environment
    total_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs
    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = get_obs(env), 0, 0

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for t in trange(total_steps):

        # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
        # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
        # use the learned policy (with some noise, via act_noise).
        if t > start_steps:
            a = get_action(o, act_noise)
            action_spec = env.action_spec()
            a = np.random.uniform(action_spec.minimum,

        # Step the env
        time_step = env.step(a)
        o2, d = get_obs(env, a), time_step.last()
        r = 0 if time_step.reward is None else time_step.reward
        ep_ret += r
        ep_len += 1

        # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
        # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
        # that isn't based on the agent's state)
        d = False if ep_len == max_ep_len else d

        # Store experience to replay buffer
        replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

        # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
        # most recent observation!
        o = o2

        # End of trajectory handling
        if d or (ep_len == max_ep_len):
            logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
            o, ep_ret, ep_len = get_obs(env), 0, 0

        # Update handling
        if t >= update_after and t % update_every == 0:
            for j in range(update_every):
                batch = replay_buffer.sample_batch(batch_size)
                update(data=batch, timer=j)

        # End of epoch handling
        if (t + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0:
            epoch = (t + 1) // steps_per_epoch

            # Save model
            if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs):
                logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

            # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

            # Log info about epoch
            logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
            logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
            logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossQ', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #16
class AWAC:

    def __init__(self, env_fn, actor_critic=core.MLPActorCritic,
        Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)

            env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
                The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

            actor_critic: The constructor method for a PyTorch Module with an ``act`` 
                method, a ``pi`` module, a ``q1`` module, and a ``q2`` module.
                The ``act`` method and ``pi`` module should accept batches of 
                observations as inputs, and ``q1`` and ``q2`` should accept a batch 
                of observations and a batch of actions as inputs. When called, 
                ``act``, ``q1``, and ``q2`` should return:

                ===========  ================  ======================================
                Call         Output Shape      Description
                ===========  ================  ======================================
                ``act``      (batch, act_dim)  | Numpy array of actions for each 
                                            | observation.
                ``q1``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing one current estimate
                                            | of Q* for the provided observations
                                            | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                            | flatten this!)
                ``q2``       (batch,)          | Tensor containing the other current 
                                            | estimate of Q* for the provided observations
                                            | and actions. (Critical: make sure to
                                            | flatten this!)
                ===========  ================  ======================================

                Calling ``pi`` should return:

                ===========  ================  ======================================
                Symbol       Shape             Description
                ===========  ================  ======================================
                ``a``        (batch, act_dim)  | Tensor containing actions from policy
                                            | given observations.
                ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Tensor containing log probabilities of
                                            | actions in ``a``. Importantly: gradients
                                            | should be able to flow back into ``a``.
                ===========  ================  ======================================

            ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the ActorCritic object 
                you provided to SAC.

            seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

            steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
                for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

            epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.

            replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.

            gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

            polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target 
                networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks 
                according to:

                .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow 
                    \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta

                where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually 
                close to 1.)

            lr (float): Learning rate (used for both policy and value learning).

            alpha (float): Entropy regularization coefficient. (Equivalent to 
                inverse of reward scale in the original SAC paper.)

            batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.

            start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
                before running real policy. Helps exploration.

            update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
                starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
                is full enough for useful updates.

            update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
                between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long 
                you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps 
                is locked to 1.

            num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
                policy at the end of each epoch.

            max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

            logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

            save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
                the current policy and value function.


        self.logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


        self.env, self.test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
        self.obs_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape
        self.act_dim = self.env.action_space.shape[0]

        # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
        self.act_limit = self.env.action_space.high[0]

        # Create actor-critic module and target networks
        self.ac = actor_critic(self.env.observation_space, self.env.action_space,
                               special_policy='awac', **ac_kwargs)
        self.ac_targ = actor_critic(self.env.observation_space, self.env.action_space,
                                    special_policy='awac', **ac_kwargs)
        self.gamma = gamma

        # Freeze target networks with respect to optimizers (only update via polyak averaging)
        for p in self.ac_targ.parameters():
            p.requires_grad = False

        # List of parameters for both Q-networks (save this for convenience)
        self.q_params = itertools.chain(self.ac.q1.parameters(), self.ac.q2.parameters())

        # Experience buffer
        self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=self.obs_dim, act_dim=self.act_dim,

        # Count variables (protip: try to get a feel for how different size networks behave!)
        var_counts = tuple(
            core.count_vars(module) for module in [self.ac.pi, self.ac.q1, self.ac.q2])
        self.logger.log('\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q1: %d, \t q2: %d\n' % var_counts)
        self.algo = algo

        self.p_lr = p_lr
        self.lr = lr
        self.alpha = 0
        # # Algorithm specific hyperparams

        # Set up optimizers for policy and q-function
        self.pi_optimizer = Adam(self.ac.pi.parameters(), lr=self.p_lr, weight_decay=1e-4)
        self.q_optimizer = Adam(self.q_params, lr=self.lr)
        self.num_test_episodes = num_test_episodes
        self.max_ep_len = max_ep_len
        self.epochs = epochs
        self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch
        self.update_after = update_after
        self.update_every = update_every
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.save_freq = save_freq
        self.polyak = polyak
        # Set up model saving
        print("Running Offline RL algorithm: {}".format(self.algo))

    def populate_replay_buffer(self, env_name):
        data_envs = {
            'HalfCheetah-v2': (
            'Ant-v2': (
            'Walker2d-v2': (
        if env_name in data_envs:
            print('Loading saved data')
            for file in data_envs[env_name]:
                if not os.path.exists(file):
                    warnings.warn(colored('Offline data not found. Follow awac_data/instructions.txt to download. Running without offline data.', 'red'))
                data = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True)
                for demo in data:
                    for transition in list(zip(demo['observations'], demo['actions'], demo['rewards'],
                                               demo['next_observations'], demo['terminals'])):
            dataset = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(self.env)
            N = dataset['rewards'].shape[0]
            for i in range(N):
                self.replay_buffer.store(dataset['observations'][i], dataset['actions'][i],
                                         dataset['rewards'][i], dataset['next_observations'][i],
            print("Loaded dataset")

    # Set up function for computing SAC Q-losses
    def compute_loss_q(self, data):
        o, a, r, o2, d = data['obs'], data['act'], data['rew'], data['obs2'], data['done']

        q1 = self.ac.q1(o, a)
        q2 = self.ac.q2(o, a)

        # Bellman backup for Q functions
        with torch.no_grad():
            # Target actions come from *current* policy
            a2, logp_a2 = self.ac.pi(o2)

            # Target Q-values
            q1_pi_targ = self.ac_targ.q1(o2, a2)
            q2_pi_targ = self.ac_targ.q2(o2, a2)
            q_pi_targ = torch.min(q1_pi_targ, q2_pi_targ)
            backup = r + self.gamma * (1 - d) * (q_pi_targ - self.alpha * logp_a2)

        # MSE loss against Bellman backup
        loss_q1 = ((q1 - backup) ** 2).mean()
        loss_q2 = ((q2 - backup) ** 2).mean()
        loss_q = loss_q1 + loss_q2

        # Useful info for logging
        q_info = dict(Q1Vals=q1.detach().numpy(),

        return loss_q, q_info

    # Set up function for computing SAC pi loss
    def compute_loss_pi(self, data):
        o = data['obs']

        pi, logp_pi = self.ac.pi(o)
        q1_pi = self.ac.q1(o, pi)
        q2_pi = self.ac.q2(o, pi)
        v_pi = torch.min(q1_pi, q2_pi)

        beta = 2
        q1_old_actions = self.ac.q1(o, data['act'])
        q2_old_actions = self.ac.q2(o, data['act'])
        q_old_actions = torch.min(q1_old_actions, q2_old_actions)

        adv_pi = q_old_actions - v_pi
        weights = F.softmax(adv_pi / beta, dim=0)
        policy_logpp = self.ac.pi.get_logprob(o, data['act'])
        loss_pi = (-policy_logpp * len(weights) * weights.detach()).mean()

        # Useful info for logging
        pi_info = dict(LogPi=policy_logpp.detach().numpy())

        return loss_pi, pi_info

    def update(self, data, update_timestep):
        # First run one gradient descent step for Q1 and Q2
        loss_q, q_info = self.compute_loss_q(data)

        # Record things
        self.logger.store(LossQ=loss_q.item(), **q_info)
        # Freeze Q-networks so you don't waste computational effort
        # computing gradients for them during the policy learning step.
        for p in self.q_params:
            p.requires_grad = False

        # Next run one gradient descent step for pi.
        loss_pi, pi_info = self.compute_loss_pi(data)

        # Unfreeze Q-networks so you can optimize it at next DDPG step.
        for p in self.q_params:
            p.requires_grad = True

        # Record things
        self.logger.store(LossPi=loss_pi.item(), **pi_info)

        # Finally, update target networks by polyak averaging.
        with torch.no_grad():
            for p, p_targ in zip(self.ac.parameters(), self.ac_targ.parameters()):
                # NB: We use an in-place operations "mul_", "add_" to update target
                # params, as opposed to "mul" and "add", which would make new tensors.
                p_targ.data.add_((1 - self.polyak) * p.data)

    def get_action(self, o, deterministic=False):
        return self.ac.act(torch.as_tensor(o, dtype=torch.float32), deterministic)

    def test_agent(self):
        for j in range(self.num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = self.test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == self.max_ep_len)):
                # Take deterministic actions at test time
                o, r, d, _ = self.test_env.step(self.get_action(o, True))
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            self.logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)  # Get unnormalized score

            # self.logger.store(TestEpRet=100*self.test_env.get_normalized_score(ep_ret), TestEpLen=ep_len)  # Get normalized score

    def run(self):
        # Prepare for interaction with environment
        total_steps = self.epochs * self.steps_per_epoch
        start_time = time.time()
        obs, ep_ret, ep_len = self.env.reset(), 0, 0
        done = True
        num_train_episodes = 0

        # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
        for t in range(total_steps):

            # Reset stuff if necessary
            if done and t > 0:
                self.logger.store(ExplEpRet=ep_ret, ExplEpLen=ep_len)

                obs, ep_ret, ep_len = self.env.reset(), 0, 0
                num_train_episodes += 1

            # Collect experience
            act = self.get_action(obs, deterministic=False)
            next_obs, rew, done, info = self.env.step(act)

            self.replay_buffer.store(obs, act, rew, next_obs, done)
            obs = next_obs

            # Update handling
            if t > self.update_after and t % self.update_every == 0:
                for _ in range(self.update_every):
                    batch = self.replay_buffer.sample_batch(self.batch_size)
                    self.update(data=batch, update_timestep=t)

            # End of epoch handling
            if (t + 1) % self.steps_per_epoch == 0:
                epoch = (t + 1) // self.steps_per_epoch

                # Save model
                if (epoch % self.save_freq == 0) or (epoch == self.epochs):
                    self.logger.save_state({'env': self.env}, None)

                # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

                # Log info about epoch
                self.logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('TotalUpdates', t)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LogPi', with_min_and_max=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('LossQ', average_only=True)
                self.logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #17
def sac(env_fn,
    Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)

        env_fn : A function which creates a copy of the environment.
            The environment must satisfy the OpenAI Gym API.

        actor_critic: A function which takes in placeholder symbols 
            for state, ``x_ph``, and action, ``a_ph``, and returns the main 
            outputs from the agent's Tensorflow computation graph:

            ===========  ================  ======================================
            Symbol       Shape             Description
            ===========  ================  ======================================
            ``mu``       (batch, act_dim)  | Computes mean actions from policy
                                           | given states.
            ``pi``       (batch, act_dim)  | Samples actions from policy given 
                                           | states.
            ``logp_pi``  (batch,)          | Gives log probability, according to
                                           | the policy, of the action sampled by
                                           | ``pi``. Critical: must be differentiable
                                           | with respect to policy parameters all
                                           | the way through action sampling.
            ``q1``       (batch,)          | Gives one estimate of Q* for 
                                           | states in ``x_ph`` and actions in
                                           | ``a_ph``.
            ``q2``       (batch,)          | Gives another estimate of Q* for 
                                           | states in ``x_ph`` and actions in
                                           | ``a_ph``.
            ===========  ================  ======================================

        ac_kwargs (dict): Any kwargs appropriate for the actor_critic 
            function you provided to SAC.

        seed (int): Seed for random number generators.

        steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps of interaction (state-action pairs) 
            for the agent and the environment in each epoch.

        epochs (int): Number of epochs to run and train agent.

        replay_size (int): Maximum length of replay buffer.

        gamma (float): Discount factor. (Always between 0 and 1.)

        polyak (float): Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target 
            networks. Target networks are updated towards main networks 
            according to:

            .. math:: \\theta_{\\text{targ}} \\leftarrow 
                \\rho \\theta_{\\text{targ}} + (1-\\rho) \\theta

            where :math:`\\rho` is polyak. (Always between 0 and 1, usually 
            close to 1.)

        lr (float): Learning rate (used for both policy and value learning).

        alpha (float): Entropy regularization coefficient. (Equivalent to 
            inverse of reward scale in the original SAC paper.)

        batch_size (int): Minibatch size for SGD.

        start_steps (int): Number of steps for uniform-random action selection,
            before running real policy. Helps exploration.

        update_after (int): Number of env interactions to collect before
            starting to do gradient descent updates. Ensures replay buffer
            is full enough for useful updates.

        update_every (int): Number of env interactions that should elapse
            between gradient descent updates. Note: Regardless of how long 
            you wait between updates, the ratio of env steps to gradient steps 
            is locked to 1.

        num_test_episodes (int): Number of episodes to test the deterministic
            policy at the end of each epoch.

        max_ep_len (int): Maximum length of trajectory / episode / rollout.

        logger_kwargs (dict): Keyword args for EpochLogger.

        save_freq (int): How often (in terms of gap between epochs) to save
            the current policy and value function.


    logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)


    env, test_env = env_fn(), env_fn()
    obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]
    act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]

    # Action limit for clamping: critically, assumes all dimensions share the same bound!
    act_limit = env.action_space.high[0]

    # Share information about action space with policy architecture
    ac_kwargs['action_space'] = env.action_space

    # Inputs to computation graph
    x_ph, a_ph, x2_ph, r_ph, d_ph = core.placeholders(obs_dim, act_dim,
                                                      obs_dim, None, None)

    # Main outputs from computation graph
    with tf.variable_scope('main'):
        mu, pi, logp_pi, q1, q2 = actor_critic(x_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    with tf.variable_scope('main', reuse=True):
        # compose q with pi, for pi-learning
        _, _, _, q1_pi, q2_pi = actor_critic(x_ph, pi, **ac_kwargs)

        # get actions and log probs of actions for next states, for Q-learning
        _, pi_next, logp_pi_next, _, _ = actor_critic(x2_ph, a_ph, **ac_kwargs)

    # Target value network
    with tf.variable_scope('target'):
        # target q values, using actions from *current* policy
        _, _, _, q1_targ, q2_targ = actor_critic(x2_ph, pi_next, **ac_kwargs)

    # Experience buffer
    replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(obs_dim=obs_dim,

    # Count variables
    var_counts = tuple(
        for scope in ['main/pi', 'main/q1', 'main/q2', 'main'])
        '\nNumber of parameters: \t pi: %d, \t q1: %d, \t q2: %d, \t total: %d\n'
        % var_counts)

    # Min Double-Q:
    min_q_pi = tf.minimum(q1_pi, q2_pi)
    min_q_targ = tf.minimum(q1_targ, q2_targ)

    # Entropy-regularized Bellman backup for Q functions, using Clipped Double-Q targets
    q_backup = tf.stop_gradient(r_ph + gamma * (1 - d_ph) *
                                (min_q_targ - alpha * logp_pi_next))

    # Soft actor-critic losses
    pi_loss = tf.reduce_mean(alpha * logp_pi - min_q_pi)
    q1_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean((q_backup - q1)**2)
    q2_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean((q_backup - q2)**2)
    value_loss = q1_loss + q2_loss

    # Policy train op
    # (has to be separate from value train op, because q1_pi appears in pi_loss)
    pi_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr)
    train_pi_op = pi_optimizer.minimize(pi_loss, var_list=get_vars('main/pi'))

    # Value train op
    # (control dep of train_pi_op because sess.run otherwise evaluates in nondeterministic order)
    value_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr)
    value_params = get_vars('main/q')
    with tf.control_dependencies([train_pi_op]):
        train_value_op = value_optimizer.minimize(value_loss,

    # Polyak averaging for target variables
    # (control flow because sess.run otherwise evaluates in nondeterministic order)
    with tf.control_dependencies([train_value_op]):
        target_update = tf.group([
            tf.assign(v_targ, polyak * v_targ + (1 - polyak) * v_main)
            for v_main, v_targ in zip(get_vars('main'), get_vars('target'))

    # All ops to call during one training step
    step_ops = [
        pi_loss, q1_loss, q2_loss, q1, q2, logp_pi, train_pi_op,
        train_value_op, target_update

    # Initializing targets to match main variables
    target_init = tf.group([
        tf.assign(v_targ, v_main)
        for v_main, v_targ in zip(get_vars('main'), get_vars('target'))

    sess = tf.Session()

    # Setup model saving
                              'x': x_ph,
                              'a': a_ph
                              'mu': mu,
                              'pi': pi,
                              'q1': q1,
                              'q2': q2

    def get_action(o, deterministic=False):
        act_op = mu if deterministic else pi
        return sess.run(act_op, feed_dict={x_ph: o.reshape(1, -1)})[0]

    def test_agent():
        for j in range(num_test_episodes):
            o, d, ep_ret, ep_len = test_env.reset(), False, 0, 0
            while not (d or (ep_len == max_ep_len)):
                # Take deterministic actions at test time
                o, r, d, _ = test_env.step(get_action(o, True))
                ep_ret += r
                ep_len += 1
            logger.store(TestEpRet=ep_ret, TestEpLen=ep_len)

    start_time = time.time()
    o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0
    total_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs

    # Main loop: collect experience in env and update/log each epoch
    for t in range(total_steps):

        # Until start_steps have elapsed, randomly sample actions
        # from a uniform distribution for better exploration. Afterwards,
        # use the learned policy.
        if t > start_steps:
            a = get_action(o)
            a = env.action_space.sample()

        # Step the env
        o2, r, d, _ = env.step(a)
        ep_ret += r
        ep_len += 1

        # Ignore the "done" signal if it comes from hitting the time
        # horizon (that is, when it's an artificial terminal signal
        # that isn't based on the agent's state)
        d = False if ep_len == max_ep_len else d

        # Store experience to replay buffer
        replay_buffer.store(o, a, r, o2, d)

        # Super critical, easy to overlook step: make sure to update
        # most recent observation!
        o = o2

        # End of trajectory handling
        if d or (ep_len == max_ep_len):
            logger.store(EpRet=ep_ret, EpLen=ep_len)
            o, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, 0

        # Update handling
        if t >= update_after and t % update_every == 0:
            for j in range(update_every):
                batch = replay_buffer.sample_batch(batch_size)
                feed_dict = {
                    x_ph: batch['obs1'],
                    x2_ph: batch['obs2'],
                    a_ph: batch['acts'],
                    r_ph: batch['rews'],
                    d_ph: batch['done'],
                outs = sess.run(step_ops, feed_dict)

        # End of epoch wrap-up
        if (t + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0:
            epoch = (t + 1) // steps_per_epoch

            # Save model
            if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs):
                logger.save_state({'env': env}, None)

            # Test the performance of the deterministic version of the agent.

            # Log info about epoch
            logger.log_tabular('Epoch', epoch)
            logger.log_tabular('EpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpRet', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('EpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TestEpLen', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('TotalEnvInteracts', t)
            logger.log_tabular('Q1Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Q2Vals', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LogPi', with_min_and_max=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossPi', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossQ1', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('LossQ2', average_only=True)
            logger.log_tabular('Time', time.time() - start_time)