def test(args, test_loader, model): """ args: test_loader: loaded for test dataset model: model return: class IoU and mean IoU """ # evaluation or test mode model.eval() total_batches = len(test_loader) metric = SegmentationMetric(numClass=args.classes) pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(test_loader), total=total_batches, desc='Valing') for i, (input, gt, size, name) in pbar: with torch.no_grad(): input_var = Variable(input).cuda() output = model(input_var) torch.cuda.synchronize() output = output.cpu().data[0].numpy() output = output.transpose(1, 2, 0) output = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=2), dtype=np.uint8) gt = np.asarray(gt[0], dtype=np.uint8) # 计算miou metric.addBatch(imgPredict=output.flatten(), imgLabel=gt.flatten()) # save the predicted image if save_predict(output, gt, name[0], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=False, output_color=True, gt_color=True) pa = metric.pixelAccuracy() cpa = metric.classPixelAccuracy() mpa = metric.meanPixelAccuracy() Miou, PerMiou_set = metric.meanIntersectionOverUnion() FWIoU = metric.Frequency_Weighted_Intersection_over_Union() return Miou, PerMiou_set, FWIoU, pa, mpa
def predict(args, test_loader, model): """ args: test_loader: loaded for test dataset, for those that do not provide label on the test set model: model return: class IoU and mean IoU """ # evaluation or test mode model.eval() total_batches = len(test_loader) metric = SegmentationMetric(numClass=args.classes) pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(test_loader), total=total_batches, desc='Valing') for i, (input, gt, size, name) in pbar: with torch.no_grad(): input_var = input.cuda() output = model(input_var) torch.cuda.synchronize() output = output.cpu().data[0].numpy() output = output.transpose(1, 2, 0) output = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=2), dtype=np.uint8) gt = np.asarray(gt[0], dtype=np.uint8) # 计算miou metric.addBatch(imgPredict=output.flatten(), imgLabel=gt.flatten()) # save the predicted image save_predict(output, gt, name[0], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=False, output_color=True, gt_color=True) pa = metric.pixelAccuracy() cpa = metric.classPixelAccuracy() mpa = metric.meanPixelAccuracy() Miou, PerMiou_set = metric.meanIntersectionOverUnion() FWIoU = metric.Frequency_Weighted_Intersection_over_Union() print('miou {}\nclass iou {}'.format(Miou, PerMiou_set)) result = args.save_seg_dir + '/results.txt' with open(result, 'w') as f: f.write(str(Miou)) f.write('\n{}'.format(PerMiou_set))
def val(args, val_loader, criteria, model): """ args: val_loader: loaded for validation dataset model: model return: mean IoU and IoU class """ # evaluation mode model.eval() total_batches = len(val_loader) val_loss = [] metric = SegmentationMetric(args.classes) pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(val_loader), total=total_batches, desc='Val') for iteration, (input, label, size, name) in pbar: with torch.no_grad(): input_var = input.cuda().float() output = model(input_var) if type(output) is tuple: output = output[0] loss = criteria(output, label.long().cuda()) val_loss.append(loss) output = output.cpu().data[0].numpy() gt = np.asarray(label[0].numpy(), dtype=np.uint8) output = output.transpose(1, 2, 0) output = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=2), dtype=np.uint8) # 计算miou metric.addBatch(imgPredict=output.flatten(), imgLabel=gt.flatten()) val_loss = sum(val_loss) / len(val_loss) pa = metric.pixelAccuracy() cpa = metric.classPixelAccuracy() mpa = metric.meanPixelAccuracy() Miou, PerMiou_set = metric.meanIntersectionOverUnion() FWIoU = metric.Frequency_Weighted_Intersection_over_Union() return val_loss, FWIoU, Miou, PerMiou_set
def predict_overlap_sliding(args, model, testLoader, scales, criterion, mode='predict', save_result=True): loss = 0 count_loss = 0 model.eval() criterion = criterion.cuda() tile_h_size, tile_w_size = int(args.tile_hw_size.split(',')[0]), int( args.tile_hw_size.split(',')[1]) center_h_size, center_w_size = int(args.center_hw_size.split(',')[0]), int( args.center_hw_size.split(',')[1]) metric = SegmentationMetric(args.classes) # args.classes表示有args.classes个分类 pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(testLoader), total=len(testLoader), desc='Predicting') if mode == 'validation': for i, (image, gt, size, name) in pbar: B, C, H, W = image.shape # image and gt scaled together [0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0] full_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, H, W).cuda() for scale in scales: scale = float(scale) scale = float(scale) sh = int(H * scale) sw = int(W * scale) scale_image = F.interpolate(image, (sh, sw), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) scale_gt = F.interpolate(gt.unsqueeze(1).float(), (sh, sw), mode='nearest').long() # scale之后的尺寸是否大于title_size if H < sh and W < sw and (H < tile_h_size or W < tile_w_size): # 直接整张图片预测,并且还原为正常尺寸 scale_image = scale_image.cuda() scale_gt = scale_gt.cuda() if args.flip_merge: scale_output = flip_merge(model, scale_image) else: scale_output = model(scale_image) else: # 根据保留中心尺寸,检查图片是否需要padding,确保图片是中心尺寸的倍数,倍数*中心尺寸-512=padding*2 scale_h, scale_w = scale_image.shape[2], scale_image.shape[ 3] if scale_h % center_h_size == 0 and scale_w % center_w_size == 0: tile_rows = scale_h / center_h_size tile_cols = scale_w / center_w_size else: h_times = scale_h // center_h_size + 1 w_times = scale_w // center_w_size + 1 scale_image = pad_image( scale_image, (h_times * center_h_size, w_times * center_w_size)) pad_scale_h, pad_scale_w = scale_image.shape[ 2], scale_image.shape[3] tile_rows = pad_scale_h / center_h_size tile_cols = pad_scale_w / center_w_size # (输入尺寸-保留中心尺寸)// 2 == 大图padding outer_h_padding = int((tile_h_size - center_h_size) / 2) outer_w_padding = int((tile_w_size - center_w_size) / 2) scale_image = pad_image(scale_image, (outer_h_padding, outer_w_padding)) scale_image_size = scale_image.shape # (b,c,h,w) overlap = 1 / 3 # 每次滑动的覆盖率为1/3 stride = ceil( tile_h_size * (1 - overlap) ) # 滑动步长:512*(1-1/3) = 513 512*(1-1/3)= 342 tile_rows = int( ceil((scale_image_size[2] - tile_h_size) / stride) + 1) # 行滑动步数:(3072-512)/342+1=9 tile_cols = int( ceil((scale_image_size[3] - tile_w_size) / stride) + 1) # 列滑动步数:(3328-512)/342+1=10 outputs_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, sh, sw).cuda() count_prob = torch.zeros(B, 1, sh, sw).cuda() for row in range( tile_rows): # row = 0,1 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 for col in range( tile_cols ): # col = 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 x1 = int(col * stride) # 起始位置x1 = 0 * 513 = 0 0*342 y1 = int(row * stride) # y1 = 0 * 513 = 0 0*342 x2 = min(x1 + tile_w_size, scale_image_size[3] ) # 末位置x2 = min(0+512, 3328) y2 = min( y1 + tile_h_size, scale_image_size[2]) # y2 = min(0+512, 3072) x1 = max(int(x2 - tile_w_size), 0) # 重新校准起始位置x1 = max(512-512, 0) y1 = max(int(y2 - tile_h_size), 0) # y1 = max(512-512, 0) with torch.no_grad(): tile_image = scale_image[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].cuda() tile_gt = scale_gt[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].long().cuda() if args.flip_merge: tile_output = flip_merge(model, tile_image) else: tile_output = model(tile_image) # output = (main_loss, aux_loss1, axu_loss2***) if type(tile_output) is tuple: length = len(scale_output) for index, scale_out in enumerate( scale_output): criterion = criterion.cuda() loss_record = criterion( scale_out, scale_gt.squeeze(1)) if index == 0: loss_record *= 0.6 else: loss_record *= 0.4 / (length - 1) loss += loss_record scale_output = scale_output[0] count_loss += 1 elif type(tile_output) is not tuple: loss += criterion(tile_output, tile_gt.squeeze(1)) count_loss += 1 outputs_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += tile_output count_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += 1 # 结束每一个scale之后的图片滑动窗口计算概率 assert ((count_prob == 0).sum() == 0) outputs = outputs_prob / count_prob outputs = F.interpolate(outputs, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) full_prob += outputs # visualize normalization Weights # plt.imshow(np.mean(count_predictions, axis=2)) # gt = gt.cpu().numpy() full_prob = torch.argmax(full_prob, 1).long() full_prob = np.asarray(full_prob.cpu(), dtype=np.uint8) # (B,C,H,W) # plt.imshow(gt[0]) # # 计算miou '''设置输出原图和预测图片的颜色灰度还是彩色''' for index in range( full_prob.shape[0]): # full_prob shape[0] is batch_size metric.addBatch(full_prob[index], gt[index]) if save_result: save_predict(full_prob[index], gt[index], name[index], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=False, output_color=True, gt_color=True) loss, FWIoU, Miou, MIoU_avg, PerCiou_set, Pa, PerCpa_set, Mpa, MF, F_set, F_avg = eval_metric( args, metric, count_loss, loss) else: for i, (image, size, name) in pbar: B, C, H, W = image.shape # image scaled [0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0] full_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, H, W).cuda() for scale in scales: sh = int(H * float(scale)) sw = int(W * float(scale)) scale_image = F.interpolate(image, (sh, sw), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) # scale之后的尺寸是否大于title_size if H < sh and W < sw and (H < tile_h_size or W < tile_w_size): # 直接整张图片预测,并且还原为正常尺寸 scale_image = scale_image.cuda() scale_gt = scale_gt.cuda() if args.flip_merge: scale_output = flip_merge(model, scale_image) else: scale_output = model(scale_image) else: scale_image_size = scale_image.shape # (b,c,h,w) overlap = 1 / 3 # 每次滑动的覆盖率为1/3 stride = ceil(tile_h_size * (1 - overlap)) # 滑动步长:512*(1-1/3)= 342 tile_rows = int( ceil((scale_image_size[2] - tile_h_size) / stride) + 1) # 行滑动步数:(3072-512)/342+1=9 tile_cols = int( ceil((scale_image_size[3] - tile_w_size) / stride) + 1) # 列滑动步数:(3328-512)/342+1=10 outputs_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, sh, sw).cuda() count_prob = torch.zeros(B, 1, sh, sw).cuda() for row in range( tile_rows): # row = 0,1 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 for col in range( tile_cols ): # col = 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 x1 = int(col * stride) # 起始位置x1 = 0 * 513 = 0 0*342 y1 = int(row * stride) # y1 = 0 * 513 = 0 0*342 x2 = min(x1 + tile_w_size, scale_image_size[3] ) # 末位置x2 = min(0+512, 3328) y2 = min( y1 + tile_h_size, scale_image_size[2]) # y2 = min(0+512, 3072) x1 = max(int(x2 - tile_w_size), 0) # 重新校准起始位置x1 = max(512-512, 0) y1 = max(int(y2 - tile_h_size), 0) # y1 = max(512-512, 0) with torch.no_grad(): tile_image = scale_image[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].cuda() tile_gt = scale_gt[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].long().cuda() if args.flip_merge: tile_output = flip_merge(model, tile_image) else: tile_output = model(tile_image) if type(tile_output) is tuple: tile_output = tile_output[0] outputs_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += tile_output count_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += 1 # 结束每一个scale之后的图片滑动窗口计算概率 assert ((count_prob == 0).sum() == 0) outputs = outputs_prob / count_prob outputs = F.interpolate(outputs, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) full_prob += outputs # visualize normalization Weights # plt.imshow(np.mean(count_predictions, axis=2)) # gt = gt.cpu().numpy() full_prob = torch.argmax(full_prob, 1).long() full_prob = np.asarray(full_prob.cpu(), dtype=np.uint8) # (B,C,H,W) # plt.imshow(gt[0]) # # 计算miou for index in range( full_prob.shape[0]): # gt shape[0] is batch_size if save_result: save_predict(full_prob[index], None, name[index], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=True, output_color=False, gt_color=False) loss, FWIoU, Miou, MIoU_avg, PerCiou_set, Pa, PerCpa_set, Mpa, MF, F_set, F_avg = 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, 0, {}, 0, 0, {}, 0 return loss, FWIoU, Miou, MIoU_avg, PerCiou_set, Pa, PerCpa_set, Mpa, MF, F_set, F_avg
def predict_sliding(args, net, image, tile_size, classes): total_batches = len(image) metric = SegmentationMetric(args.classes) # args.classes表示有args.classes个分类 pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(image), total=total_batches, desc='Predicting') for i, (input, gt, size, name) in pbar: image_size = input.shape # (1,3,3328,3072) overlap = 1 / 3 # 每次滑动的覆盖率为1/3 # print(image_size, tile_size) stride = ceil( tile_size[0] * (1 - overlap)) # 滑动步长:512*(1-1/3) = 513 512*(1-1/3)= 342 tile_rows = int(ceil((image_size[2] - tile_size[0]) / stride) + 1) # 行滑动步数:(3072-512)/342+1=9 tile_cols = int(ceil((image_size[3] - tile_size[1]) / stride) + 1) # 列滑动步数:(3328-512)/342+1=10 full_probs = np.zeros((image_size[2], image_size[3], classes)) # 初始化全概率矩阵shape(3072,3328,3) count_predictions = np.zeros((image_size[2], image_size[3], classes)) # 初始化计数矩阵shape(3072,3328,3) for row in range(tile_rows): # row = 0,1 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 for col in range( tile_cols): # col = 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 x1 = int(col * stride) # 起始位置x1 = 0 * 513 = 0 0*342 y1 = int(row * stride) # y1 = 0 * 513 = 0 0*342 x2 = min(x1 + tile_size[1], image_size[3]) # 末位置x2 = min(0+512, 3328) y2 = min(y1 + tile_size[0], image_size[2]) # y2 = min(0+512, 3072) x1 = max(int(x2 - tile_size[1]), 0) # 重新校准起始位置x1 = max(512-512, 0) y1 = max(int(y2 - tile_size[0]), 0) # y1 = max(512-512, 0) img = input[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] # 滑动窗口对应的图像 imge[:, :, 0:512, 0:512] padded_img = pad_image(img, tile_size) # padding 确保扣下来的图像为512*512 # plt.imshow(padded_img) # # 将扣下来的部分传入网络,网络输出概率图。 with torch.no_grad(): input_var = torch.from_numpy(padded_img).cuda().float() padded_prediction = net(input_var) if type(padded_prediction) is tuple: padded_prediction = padded_prediction[0] torch.cuda.synchronize() if isinstance(padded_prediction, list): padded_prediction = padded_prediction[ 0] # shape(1,3,512,512) padded_prediction = padded_prediction.cpu().data[0].numpy( ).transpose(1, 2, 0) # 通道位置变换(512,512,3) prediction = padded_prediction[ 0:img.shape[2], 0:img.shape[3], :] # 扣下相应面积 shape(512,512,3) count_predictions[y1:y2, x1:x2] += 1 # 窗口区域内的计数矩阵加1 full_probs[y1:y2, x1:x2] += prediction # 窗口区域内的全概率矩阵叠加预测结果 # average the predictions in the overlapping regions full_probs /= count_predictions # 全概率矩阵 除以 计数矩阵 即得 平均概率 # visualize normalization Weights # plt.imshow(np.mean(count_predictions, axis=2)) # full_probs = np.asarray(np.argmax(full_probs, axis=2), dtype=np.uint8) '''设置输出原图和预测图片的颜色灰度还是彩色''' gt = gt[0].numpy() # 计算miou metric.addBatch(full_probs, gt) save_predict(full_probs, gt, name[0], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=False, output_color=True, gt_color=True) pa = metric.pixelAccuracy() cpa = metric.classPixelAccuracy() mpa = metric.meanPixelAccuracy() Miou, PerMiou_set = metric.meanIntersectionOverUnion() FWIoU = metric.Frequency_Weighted_Intersection_over_Union() print('miou {}\nclass iou {}'.format(Miou, PerMiou_set)) result = args.save_seg_dir + '/results.txt' with open(result, 'w') as f: f.write(str(Miou)) f.write('\n{}'.format(PerMiou_set))
def predict_multiscale_sliding(args, model, class_dict_df, testLoader, scales, overlap, criterion, mode='predict', save_result=True): loss = 0 count_loss = 0 model.eval() criterion = criterion.cuda() tile_h_size, tile_w_size = int(args.tile_hw_size.split(',')[0]), int( args.tile_hw_size.split(',')[1]) metric = SegmentationMetric(args.classes) pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(testLoader), total=len(testLoader), desc='Predicting') if mode == 'validation': for i, (image, gt, size, name) in pbar: B, C, H, W = image.shape # image and gt scaled together [0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0] full_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, H, W).cuda() for scale in scales: scale = float(scale) scale = float(scale) sh = int(H * scale) sw = int(W * scale) scale_image = F.interpolate(image, (sh, sw), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True).float() scale_gt = F.interpolate(gt.unsqueeze(1).float(), (sh, sw), mode='nearest').long() # Whether the size after scale is greater than title_size if (H > sh or W > sw) and (H < tile_h_size or W < tile_w_size): # Directly predict the entire image and restore it to normal size with torch.no_grad(): scale_image = scale_image.cuda() scale_gt = scale_gt.cuda() if args.flip_merge: outputs = flip_merge(model, scale_image) else: outputs = model(scale_image) if type(outputs) is tuple: length = len(outputs) for index, out in enumerate(outputs): criterion = criterion.cuda() loss_record = criterion( out, scale_gt.squeeze(1)) if index == 0: loss_record *= 0.6 else: loss_record *= 0.4 / (length - 1) loss += loss_record outputs = outputs[0] count_loss += 1 elif type(outputs) is not tuple: loss += criterion(outputs, scale_gt.squeeze(1)) count_loss += 1 else: scale_image_size = scale_image.shape # (b,c,h,w) # overlap stands for coverage per slide stride = ceil(tile_h_size * (1 - overlap)) tile_rows = int( ceil((scale_image_size[2] - tile_h_size) / stride) + 1) tile_cols = int( ceil((scale_image_size[3] - tile_w_size) / stride) + 1) outputs_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, sh, sw).cuda() count_prob = torch.zeros(B, 1, sh, sw).cuda() for row in range(tile_rows): for col in range(tile_cols): x1 = int(col * stride) y1 = int(row * stride) x2 = min(x1 + tile_w_size, scale_image_size[3]) y2 = min(y1 + tile_h_size, scale_image_size[2]) x1 = max(int(x2 - tile_w_size), 0) y1 = max(int(y2 - tile_h_size), 0) with torch.no_grad(): tile_image = scale_image[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].float().cuda() tile_gt = scale_gt[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].long().cuda() if args.flip_merge: tile_output = flip_merge(model, tile_image) else: tile_output = model(tile_image) # output = (main_loss, aux_loss1, axu_loss2***) if type(tile_output) is tuple: length = len(tile_output) for index, out in enumerate(tile_output): criterion = criterion.cuda() loss_record = criterion( out, tile_gt.squeeze(1)) if index == 0: loss_record *= 0.6 else: loss_record *= 0.4 / (length - 1) loss += loss_record tile_output = tile_output[0] count_loss += 1 elif type(tile_output) is not tuple: loss += criterion(tile_output, tile_gt.squeeze(1)) count_loss += 1 outputs_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += tile_output count_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += 1 assert ((count_prob == 0).sum() == 0) outputs = outputs_prob / count_prob outputs = F.interpolate(outputs, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) full_prob += outputs gt = np.asarray(gt.cpu(), dtype=np.uint8) full_prob = torch.argmax(full_prob, 1).long() full_prob = np.asarray(full_prob.cpu(), dtype=np.uint8) # (B,C,H,W) '''Sets the color of the output image and predict image to be grayscale or color''' for index in range( full_prob.shape[0]): # full_prob shape[0] is batch_size metric.addBatch(full_prob[index], gt[index]) if save_result: save_predict(full_prob[index], gt[index], name[index], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=False, output_color=True, gt_color=True) loss, FWIoU, Miou, Miou_Noback, PerCiou_set, Pa, PerCpa_set, Mpa, MF, F_set, F1_Noback = \ eval_metric(args, class_dict_df, metric, count_loss, loss) else: for i, (image, size, name) in pbar: B, C, H, W = image.shape # image scaled [0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0] full_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, H, W).cuda() for scale in scales: scale = float(scale) sh = int(H * scale) sw = int(W * scale) scale_image = F.interpolate(image, (sh, sw), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True).float() # Whether the size after scale is greater than title_size if (H > sh or W > sw) and (H < tile_h_size or W < tile_w_size): # Directly predict the entire image and restore it to normal size with torch.no_grad(): scale_image = scale_image.cuda() if args.flip_merge: outputs = flip_merge(model, scale_image) else: outputs = model(scale_image) if type(outputs) is tuple: outputs = outputs[0] else: scale_image_size = scale_image.shape # (b,c,h,w) # overlap stands for coverage per slide stride = ceil(tile_h_size * (1 - overlap)) tile_rows = int( ceil((scale_image_size[2] - tile_h_size) / stride) + 1) tile_cols = int( ceil((scale_image_size[3] - tile_w_size) / stride) + 1) outputs_prob = torch.zeros(B, args.classes, sh, sw).cuda() count_prob = torch.zeros(B, 1, sh, sw).cuda() for row in range(tile_rows): for col in range(tile_cols): x1 = int(col * stride) y1 = int(row * stride) x2 = min(x1 + tile_w_size, scale_image_size[3]) y2 = min(y1 + tile_h_size, scale_image_size[2]) x1 = max(int(x2 - tile_w_size), 0) y1 = max(int(y2 - tile_h_size), 0) with torch.no_grad(): tile_image = scale_image[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2].float().cuda() if args.flip_merge: tile_output = flip_merge(model, tile_image) else: tile_output = model(tile_image) if type(tile_output) is tuple: tile_output = tile_output[0] outputs_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += tile_output count_prob[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += 1 assert ((count_prob == 0).sum() == 0) outputs = outputs_prob / count_prob outputs = F.interpolate(outputs, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) full_prob += outputs full_prob = torch.argmax(full_prob, 1).long() full_prob = np.asarray(full_prob.cpu(), dtype=np.uint8) # (B,C,H,W) '''Sets the color of the output image and predict image to be grayscale or color''' # save results for index in range( full_prob.shape[0]): # gt shape[0] is batch_size if save_result: save_predict(full_prob[index], None, name[index], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=True, output_color=False, gt_color=False) loss, FWIoU, Miou, Miou_Noback, PerCiou_set, Pa, PerCpa_set, Mpa, MF, F_set, F1_Noback = 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, 0, {}, 0, 0, {}, 0 return loss, FWIoU, Miou, Miou_Noback, PerCiou_set, Pa, PerCpa_set, Mpa, MF, F_set, F1_Noback
def test(args, test_loader, model): """ args: test_loader: loaded for test dataset model: model return: class IoU and mean IoU """ # evaluation or test mode model.eval() total_batches = len(test_loader) Miou_list = [] Iou_list = [] Pa_list = [] Mpa_list = [] Fmiou_list = [] pbar = tqdm(iterable=enumerate(test_loader), total=total_batches, desc='Valing') for i, (input, gt, size, name) in pbar: with torch.no_grad(): input_var = Variable(input).cuda() start_time = time.time() output = model(input_var) torch.cuda.synchronize() time_taken = time.time() - start_time pbar.set_postfix(cost_time='%.3f' % time_taken) output = output.cpu().data[0].numpy() output = output.transpose(1, 2, 0) output = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=2), dtype=np.uint8) gt = np.asarray(gt[0], dtype=np.uint8) # 计算miou metric = SegmentationMetric(numClass=args.classes) metric.addBatch(imgPredict=output, imgLabel=gt) miou, iou = metric.meanIntersectionOverUnion() fmiou = metric.Frequency_Weighted_Intersection_over_Union() pa = metric.pixelAccuracy() mpa = metric.meanPixelAccuracy() Miou_list.append(miou) Fmiou_list.append(fmiou) Pa_list.append(pa) Mpa_list.append(mpa) iou = np.array(iou) Iou_list.append(iou) # save the predicted image if save_predict(output, gt, name[0], args.dataset, args.save_seg_dir, output_grey=False, output_color=True, gt_color=True) miou = np.mean(Miou_list) fmiou = np.mean(Fmiou_list) pa = np.mean(Pa_list) mpa = np.mean(Mpa_list) Iou_list = np.asarray(Iou_list) iou = np.mean(Iou_list, axis=0) cls_iu = dict(zip(range(args.classes), iou)) return miou, cls_iu, fmiou, pa, mpa