def valid(model, valid_dataloader, total_batch): model.eval() # Metrics_logger initialization metrics = Metrics(['recall', 'specificity', 'precision', 'F1', 'F2', 'ACC_overall', 'IoU_poly', 'IoU_bg', 'IoU_mean']) with torch.no_grad(): bar = tqdm(enumerate(valid_dataloader), total=total_batch) for i, data in bar: img, gt = data['image'], data['label'] if opt.use_gpu: img = img.cuda() gt = gt.cuda() output = model(img) _recall, _specificity, _precision, _F1, _F2, \ _ACC_overall, _IoU_poly, _IoU_bg, _IoU_mean = evaluate(output, gt) metrics.update(recall= _recall, specificity= _specificity, precision= _precision, F1= _F1, F2= _F2, ACC_overall= _ACC_overall, IoU_poly= _IoU_poly, IoU_bg= _IoU_bg, IoU_mean= _IoU_mean ) metrics_result = metrics.mean(total_batch) return metrics_result
def precision_per_class(preds, labels, mask): import heapq mask = mask.astype(int) labels = labels.astype(int) val_indexes = np.where(mask == 1)[0] pred_true_labels = {} for i in val_indexes: pred_probs_i = preds[i] true_raw_i = labels[i] pred_label_i = heapq.nlargest(np.sum(true_raw_i), range(len(pred_probs_i)), pred_probs_i.take) true_label_i = np.where(true_raw_i == 1)[0] pred_true_labels[i] = (pred_label_i, true_label_i) accuracy_per_classes = metrics.evaluate(pred_true_labels) from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc fpr = dict() tpr = dict() roc_auc = dict() test_y = labels[val_indexes] test_pred = preds[val_indexes] fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"], _ = roc_curve(test_y.ravel(), test_pred.ravel()) roc_auc["micro"] = auc(fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"]) # print('micro_auc=',roc_auc["micro"]) return accuracy_per_classes, roc_auc["micro"]
def train_single_epoch(config, model, dataloader, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, epoch): batch_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() reses = AverageMeter() accs = AverageMeter() senses = AverageMeter() specs = AverageMeter() model.train() end = time.time() for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(dataloader): optimizer.zero_grad() images = images.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() n_data = images.shape[0] logits = model(images) labels = labels.squeeze(1) if config.LOSS.LABEL_SMOOTHING: smoother = LabelSmoother() loss = criterion(logits, smoother(labels)) else: loss = criterion(logits, labels) losses.update(loss.item(), n_data) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if config.SCHEDULER.NAME == 'one_cycle_lr': scheduler.step() preds = logits.argmax(dim=1) res, _, _, ttl_acc, ttl_sens, ttl_spec = evaluate(preds, labels) reses.update(res, n_data) accs.update(ttl_acc, n_data) senses.update(ttl_sens, n_data) specs.update(ttl_spec, n_data) batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % config.PRINT_EVERY == 0: print( '[%d/%d][%d/%d] time: %.2f, loss: %.4f, res: %.4f, acc: %.4f, sens: %.4f, spec: %.4f [lr: %.6f]' % (epoch, config.TRAIN.NUM_EPOCHS, i, len(dataloader), batch_time.sum, loss.item(), res, ttl_acc, ttl_sens, ttl_spec, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']), ) del images, labels, logits torch.cuda.empty_cache() return (losses.avg, reses.avg, accs.avg, senses.avg, specs.avg)
def test(exp_name): print('loading data......') test_data = getattr(datasets, opt.dataset)(opt.root, opt.test_data_dir, mode='test', size=opt.testsize) test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=opt.num_workers) total_batch = int(len(test_data) / 1) model, _, _ = generate_model(opt) model.eval() # metrics_logger initialization metrics = Metrics([ 'recall', 'specificity', 'precision', 'F1', 'F2', 'ACC_overall', 'IoU_poly', 'IoU_bg', 'IoU_mean' ]) logger = get_logger('./results/' + exp_name + '.log') with torch.no_grad(): for i, data in enumerate(test_dataloader): img, gt = data['image'], data['label'] if opt.use_gpu: img = img.cuda() gt = gt.cuda() output = model(img) _recall, _specificity, _precision, _F1, _F2, \ _ACC_overall, _IoU_poly, _IoU_bg, _IoU_mean = evaluate(output, gt) metrics.update(recall=_recall, specificity=_specificity, precision=_precision, F1=_F1, F2=_F2, ACC_overall=_ACC_overall, IoU_poly=_IoU_poly, IoU_bg=_IoU_bg, IoU_mean=_IoU_mean) metrics_result = metrics.mean(total_batch) print("Test Result:") 'recall: %.4f, specificity: %.4f, precision: %.4f, F1: %.4f, F2: %.4f, ' 'ACC_overall: %.4f, IoU_poly: %.4f, IoU_bg: %.4f, IoU_mean: %.4f' % (metrics_result['recall'], metrics_result['specificity'], metrics_result['precision'], metrics_result['F1'], metrics_result['F2'], metrics_result['ACC_overall'], metrics_result['IoU_poly'], metrics_result['IoU_bg'], metrics_result['IoU_mean']))
def eval(): args = DefaultConfig() print('#' * 20, 'Start Evaluation', '#' * 20) for dataset in tqdm.tqdm(args.testdataset, total=len(args.testdataset), position=0, bar_format='{desc:<30}{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar:50}{r_bar}'): pred_path = 'E:\dataset\data\TestDataset/{}/output/'.format(dataset) gt_path = 'E:\dataset\data\TestDataset/{}/masks/'.format(dataset) preds = os.listdir(pred_path) gts = os.listdir(gt_path) total_batch = len(preds) # metrics_logger initialization metrics = Metrics(['recall', 'specificity', 'precision', 'F1', 'F2', 'ACC_overall', 'IoU_poly', 'IoU_bg', 'IoU_mean', 'Dice']) for i, sample in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(zip(preds, gts)), desc=dataset + ' - Evaluation', total=len(preds), position=1, leave=False, bar_format='{desc:<30}{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar:50}{r_bar}'): pred, gt = sample assert os.path.splitext(pred)[0] == os.path.splitext(gt)[0] pred_mask = np.array(, pred))) gt_mask = np.array(, gt))) if len(pred_mask.shape) != 2: pred_mask = pred_mask[:, :, 0] if len(gt_mask.shape) != 2: gt_mask = gt_mask[:, :, 0] assert pred_mask.shape == gt_mask.shape gt_mask = gt_mask.astype(np.float64) / 255 pred_mask = pred_mask.astype(np.float64) / 255 gt_mask = torch.from_numpy(gt_mask) pred_mask = torch.from_numpy(pred_mask) _recall, _specificity, _precision, _F1, _F2, \ _ACC_overall, _IoU_poly, _IoU_bg, _IoU_mean, _Dice = evaluate(pred_mask, gt_mask, 0.5) metrics.update(recall=_recall, specificity=_specificity, precision=_precision, F1=_F1, F2=_F2, ACC_overall=_ACC_overall, IoU_poly=_IoU_poly, IoU_bg=_IoU_bg, IoU_mean=_IoU_mean, Dice=_Dice ) metrics_result = metrics.mean(total_batch) print("Test Result:") print('recall: %.4f, specificity: %.4f, precision: %.4f, F1: %.4f, F2: %.4f, ' 'ACC_overall: %.4f, IoU_poly: %.4f, IoU_bg: %.4f, IoU_mean: %.4f, Dice:%.4f' % (metrics_result['recall'], metrics_result['specificity'], metrics_result['precision'], metrics_result['F1'], metrics_result['F2'], metrics_result['ACC_overall'], metrics_result['IoU_poly'], metrics_result['IoU_bg'], metrics_result['IoU_mean'], metrics_result['Dice']))
best_criterion = -1 lr = train_loader, val_loader = get_train_dataloader(args) test_loader = get_test_dataloader(args) for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1): y_l = np.array([]) y_p = np.array([]) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: current_lr = param_group['lr'] time_cost, y_l, y_p = train(epoch, y_l, y_p) print( "====================Epoch:{}==================== Learning Rate:{:.5f}" .format(epoch, current_lr)) SROCC, KROCC, PLCC, RMSE, Acc = evaluate(y_l, y_p) writer.add_scalar('Train/SROCC', SROCC, epoch) print( "Training Results - Epoch: {} Avg accuracy: {:.3f} RMSE: {:.5f} SROCC: {:.5f} KROCC: {:.5f} PLCC: {:.5f} ***** Time Cost: {:.1f} s" .format(epoch, Acc, RMSE, SROCC, KROCC, PLCC, time_cost)) y_l = np.array([]) y_p = np.array([]) start = time.time() y_l, y_p = test(y_l, y_p) SROCC, KROCC, PLCC, RMSE, Acc = evaluate(y_l, y_p) end = time.time() writer.add_scalar('Test/LOSS', RMSE, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Test/SROCC', SROCC, epoch) print( "Testing Results - Epoch: {} Avg accuracy: {:.3f} RMSE: {:.5f} SROCC: {:.5f} KROCC: {:.5f} PLCC: {:.5f} ***** Time Cost: {:.1f} s"
def run_experiments(train_file_name, test_file_name, result_file_name, forecast_horizon, past_history_ls, batch_size_ls, epochs_ls, tcn_params=TCN_PARAMS, lstm_params=LSTM_PARAMS, gpu_number=None, metrics_ls=METRICS, buffer_size=1000, seed=1, show_plots=False, webhook=None, validation_size=0.2): tf.random.set_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') print(gpus) device_name = str(gpus) if len(gpus) >= 2 and gpu_number is not None: device = gpus[gpu_number] tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(device, True) tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(device, 'GPU') device_name = str(device) print(device) # Write result csv header current_index = 0 try: with open(result_file_name, 'r') as resfile: current_index = sum(1 for line in resfile) - 1 except IOError: pass print('CURRENT INDEX', current_index) if current_index == 0: with open(result_file_name, 'w') as resfile: resfile.write(';'.join([ str(a) for a in [ 'MODEL', 'MODEL_DESCRIPTION', 'FORECAST_HORIZON', 'PAST_HISTORY', 'BATCH_SIZE', 'EPOCHS' ] + metrics_ls + ['val_' + m for m in metrics_ls] + ['loss', 'val_loss', 'Execution_time', 'Device'] ]) + "\n") # Read train file with open(train_file_name, 'r') as datafile: ts_train = datafile.readlines()[1:] # skip the header ts_train = np.asarray([ np.asarray(l.rstrip().split(',')[0], dtype=np.float32) for l in ts_train ]) ts_train = np.reshape(ts_train, (ts_train.shape[0], )) # Read test data file with open(test_file_name, 'r') as datafile: ts_test = datafile.readlines()[1:] # skip the header ts_test = np.asarray([ np.asarray(l.rstrip().split(',')[0], dtype=np.float32) for l in ts_test ]) ts_test = np.reshape(ts_test, (ts_test.shape[0], )) # Train/validation split TRAIN_SPLIT = int(ts_train.shape[0] * (1 - validation_size)) print(ts_train.shape, TRAIN_SPLIT) # Normalize training data norm_params = normalization.get_normalization_params( ts_train[:TRAIN_SPLIT]) ts_train = normalization.normalize(ts_train, norm_params) # Normalize test data with train params ts_test = normalization.normalize(ts_test, norm_params) i = 0 index_1, total_1 = 0, len( list(itertools.product(past_history_ls, batch_size_ls, epochs_ls))) for past_history, batch_size, epochs in tqdm( list(itertools.product(past_history_ls, batch_size_ls, epochs_ls))): index_1 += 1 # Get x and y for training and validation x_train, y_train = data_generation.univariate_data( ts_train, 0, TRAIN_SPLIT, past_history, forecast_horizon) x_val, y_val = data_generation.univariate_data( ts_train, TRAIN_SPLIT - past_history, ts_train.shape[0], past_history, forecast_horizon) print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape, '\n', x_val.shape, y_val.shape) # Get x and y for test data x_test, y_test = data_generation.univariate_data( ts_test, 0, ts_test.shape[0], past_history, forecast_horizon) # Convert numpy data to tensorflow dataset train_data = (x_train, y_train)).cache().shuffle(buffer_size).batch(batch_size).repeat() val_data = x_val, y_val)).batch(batch_size).repeat() if validation_size > 0 else None test_data = (x_test, y_test)).batch(batch_size) # Create models model_list = {} model_description_list = {} if tcn_params is not None: model_list = { 'TCN_{}'.format(j): (tcn, [x_train.shape, forecast_horizon, 'adam', 'mae', *params]) for j, params in enumerate( itertools.product(*tcn_params.values())) if params[1] * params[2] * params[3][-1] == past_history } model_description_list = { 'TCN_{}'.format(j): str(dict(zip(tcn_params.keys(), params))) for j, params in enumerate( itertools.product(*tcn_params.values())) if params[1] * params[2] * params[3][-1] == past_history } if lstm_params is not None: model_list = { **model_list, **{ 'LSTM_{}'.format(j): (lstm, [ x_train.shape, forecast_horizon, 'adam', 'mae', *params ]) for j, params in enumerate( itertools.product(*lstm_params.values())) } } model_description_list = { **model_description_list, **{ 'LSTM_{}'.format(j): str( dict(zip(lstm_params.keys(), params))) for j, params in enumerate( itertools.product(*lstm_params.values())) } } steps_per_epoch = int(np.ceil(x_train.shape[0] / batch_size)) validation_steps = steps_per_epoch if val_data else None index_2, total_2 = 0, len(model_list.keys()) for model_name, (model_function, params) in tqdm(model_list.items(), position=1): index_2 += 1 i += 1 if i <= current_index: continue start = time.time() model = model_function(*params) print(model.summary()) # Train the model history =, epochs=epochs, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, validation_data=val_data, validation_steps=validation_steps) # Plot training and evaluation loss evolution if show_plots: auxiliary_plots.plot_training_history(history, ['loss']) # Get validation results val_metrics = {} if validation_size > 0: val_forecast = model.predict(x_val) val_forecast = normalization.denormalize( val_forecast, norm_params) y_val_denormalized = normalization.denormalize( y_val, norm_params) val_metrics = metrics.evaluate(y_val_denormalized, val_forecast, metrics_ls) print('Validation metrics', val_metrics) # TEST # Predict with test data and get results test_forecast = model.predict(test_data) test_forecast = normalization.denormalize(test_forecast, norm_params) y_test_denormalized = normalization.denormalize( y_test, norm_params) x_test_denormalized = normalization.denormalize( x_test, norm_params) test_metrics = metrics.evaluate(y_test_denormalized, test_forecast, metrics_ls) print('Test scores', test_metrics) # Plot some test predictions if show_plots: auxiliary_plots.plot_ts_forecasts(x_test_denormalized, y_test_denormalized, test_forecast) # Save results val_metrics = {'val_' + k: val_metrics[k] for k in val_metrics} model_metric = { 'MODEL': model_name, 'MODEL_DESCRIPTION': model_description_list[model_name], 'FORECAST_HORIZON': forecast_horizon, 'PAST_HISTORY': past_history, 'BATCH_SIZE': batch_size, 'EPOCHS': epochs, **test_metrics, **val_metrics, **history.history, 'Execution_time': time.time() - start, 'Device': device_name } notify_slack('Progress: {0}/{1} ({2}/{3}) \nMetrics:{4}'.format( index_1, total_1, index_2, total_2, str({ 'Model': model_name, 'WAPE': str(test_metrics['wape']), 'Execution_time': "{0:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start) })), webhook=webhook) with open(result_file_name, 'a') as resfile: resfile.write(';'.join([str(a) for a in model_metric.values()]) + "\n")
optim.step() print("[Epoch %3d] Loss : %.4f" % (epoch, loss)) # Evaluation # Choose evaluation metrics for implicit (top-k) do_prec, do_recall, do_ndcg = True, True, True test_nums = [1, 5, 10] test_matrix = build_matrix(test[0], test[1], test[2], num_users, num_items) # Prediction logit = model(train_matrix) # Mask to ignore train data # Same shape with full matrix # 1 if training data, 0 otherwise mask = train_matrix > 0 if cuda: logit = logit.cpu().detach() # Evaluate prediction # Explicit => MSE # Implicit => precision, recall, ndcg result = evaluate(logit, test_matrix, mask, metrics=(do_prec, do_recall, do_ndcg), nums=test_nums, implicit=implicit) # Print result print_result(result, test_nums, implicit)
def evaluate_single_epoch(config, model, dataloader, criterion, epoch): batch_time = AverageMeter() model.eval() all_logits = [] all_labels = [] with torch.no_grad(): end = time.time() for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(dataloader): images = images.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() logits = model(images) labels = labels.squeeze(1) all_logits.append(logits) all_labels.append(labels) batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % config.PRINT_EVERY == 0: print('[%2d/%2d] time: %.2f' % (i, len(dataloader), batch_time.sum)) del images, labels, logits torch.cuda.empty_cache() all_logits =, dim=0) all_labels =, dim=0) loss = criterion(all_logits, all_labels) all_preds = all_logits.argmax(dim=1) all_preds = all_preds.detach().cpu().numpy() all_labels = all_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() res, class_sens, class_spec, ttl_acc, ttl_sens, ttl_spec = evaluate( all_preds, all_labels) print( ' | %12s | %.4f |\n' % ('loss', loss.item()), '| %12s | %.10f |\n' % ('res', res), # '| %12s | %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f |\n' % ('class_acc', class_acc[0], class_acc[1], class_acc[2], class_acc[3]), '| %12s | %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f |\n' % ('class_sens', class_sens[0], class_sens[1], class_sens[2], class_sens[3]), '| %12s | %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f |\n' % ('class_spec', class_spec[0], class_spec[1], class_spec[2], class_spec[3]), '| %12s | %.4f |\n' % ('acc', ttl_acc), '| %12s | %.4f |\n' % ('sens', ttl_sens), '| %12s | %.4f |\n' % ('spec', ttl_spec), ) nb_classes = 4 conf_matrix = np.zeros((nb_classes, nb_classes)) for t, p in zip(all_labels, all_preds): conf_matrix[t, p] += 1 # 세로축이 정답지, 가로축이 예측 print('Confusion Matrix') print(conf_matrix) print() return loss.item(), res, ttl_acc, ttl_sens, ttl_spec
def run_training(): graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): # Input data. y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, y_dim], name='condition') x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, x_dim], name='target') is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=[]) y1, y2, y3 = tf.split(y, 3, 0) x1, x2, x3 = tf.split(x, 3, 0) with tf.variable_scope('Gen') as scope: G_sample = generator(y1, reuse=None, is_training=is_training) scope.reuse_variables() G_representation = generator(y, reuse=True, is_training=is_training) with tf.variable_scope('Disc') as scope: D_real = discriminator(x1, y1, reuse=None) scope.reuse_variables() D_fake = discriminator(G_sample, y1, reuse=True) D_real2 = discriminator(x1, y2, reuse=True) D_fake2 = discriminator(G_sample, y2, reuse=True) D_real3 = discriminator(x2, y1, reuse=True) D_fake3 = discriminator(G_sample, y1, reuse=True) D_consx = discriminator(x3, y1, reuse=True) D_consy = discriminator(x1, y3, reuse=True) # loss of discriminator loss_d = 1*(-tf.reduce_mean(D_real) + tf.reduce_mean(D_fake)) + \ opt.beta*(1*tf.reduce_mean(D_consx) + 1*tf.reduce_mean(D_consy)) + \ 1 *(-tf.reduce_mean(D_real2) + tf.reduce_mean(D_fake2)) + \ 1 * (-tf.reduce_mean(D_real3)) # loss of generator loss_g = -1 * tf.reduce_mean(D_fake) - 1 * tf.reduce_mean(D_fake2) # loss of MSE loss_eq = tf.nn.l2_loss(G_sample - x1) l2_loss = tf.losses.get_regularization_loss() tf.summary.histogram("D_real", D_real) tf.summary.histogram("D_fake", D_fake) tf.summary.histogram("G_sample", G_sample) d_params = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='Disc') g_params = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='Gen') opt_d = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-4).minimize( loss_d, var_list=d_params) opt_g = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-4).minimize( loss_g + opt.gamma * loss_eq + l2_loss, var_list=g_params) clip_d = [p.assign(tf.clip_by_value(p, -0.01, 0.01)) for p in d_params] # Add variable initializer. init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Build the summary operation based on the TF collection of Summaries. summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # Create a saver for writing training checkpoints. saver = tf.train.Saver() train_data_set, test_data_set = my_input.get_data(tt='cca') # Begin training. with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: # We must initialize all variables before we use them. print("Initialized") # Instantiate a SummaryWriter to output summaries and the Graph. summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_dir, sess.graph) average_loss_d = 0 average_loss_g = 0 start_time = time.time() time_sum = 0 with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'record.txt'), 'a') as f: f.write('-' * 30 + '\n') for step in range(opt.max_steps): # update discriminator for _ in range(opt.critic_itrs): batch_image, batch_text, batch_label = train_data_set.next_batch( opt.batch_size) if opt.dir == 'txt2img': _, loss_val_d =[opt_d, loss_d], feed_dict={ is_training: True, y: batch_text, x: batch_image }) else: _, loss_val_d =[opt_d, loss_d], feed_dict={ is_training: True, y: batch_image, x: batch_text }) average_loss_d += loss_val_d # update generator batch_image, batch_text, batch_label = train_data_set.next_batch( opt.batch_size) if opt.dir == 'txt2img': _, loss_val_g =[opt_g, loss_g], feed_dict={ is_training: True, y: batch_text, x: batch_image }) else: _, loss_val_g =[opt_g, loss_g], feed_dict={ is_training: True, y: batch_image, x: batch_text }) average_loss_g += loss_val_g # Write the summaries and print an overview fairly often. if (step + 1) % opt.log_interval == 0: average_loss_d /= (opt.log_interval * opt.critic_itrs) average_loss_g /= opt.log_interval duration = time.time() - start_time print( 'Step %d: average_loss_d = %.5f, average_loss_g = %.5f (%.3f sec)' % (step, average_loss_d, average_loss_g, duration)) average_loss_d = 0 average_loss_g = 0 if opt.dir == 'txt2img': summary_str =, feed_dict={ y: batch_text, x: batch_image }) else: summary_str =, feed_dict={ y: batch_image, x: batch_text }) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) summary_writer.flush() # Save a checkpoint and evaluate the model periodically. if (step + 1) % opt.save_interval == 0 or (step + 1) == opt.max_steps: save_path =, os.path.join(opt.save_dir, "model"), step) print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path) batch_image, batch_text, batch_label = test_data_set.next_batch( ) if opt.dir == 'txt2img': feed_dict = { is_training: False, y: batch_text, x: batch_image } [text_representation, image_representation] =[G_representation, x], feed_dict=feed_dict) else: feed_dict = { is_training: False, y: batch_image, x: batch_text } [image_representation, text_representation] =[G_representation, x], feed_dict=feed_dict) duration = time.time() - start_time time_sum = time_sum + duration map_i2t, map_t2i = metrics.evaluate(image_representation, text_representation, batch_label, metric='cos') # np.savez("coco_pre_%d.npz" % (step + 1), img_proj_te=image_representation, txt_proj_te=batch_text, # label_te=batch_label) start_time = time.time() with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'record.txt'), 'a') as f: f.write('%d %f %f %.3f\n' % (step + 1, map_i2t[-1], map_t2i[-1], time_sum))