def test_model(model, sess, test_set, model_args): batch_size = model_args["batch_size"] total_steps = int(test_set.shape[0] / batch_size) mrr_list = {5: [], 20: []} hr_list = {5: [], 20: []} ndcg_list = {5: [], 20: []} time_buffer = [] for batch_step in range(total_steps): test_batch = test_set[batch_step * batch_size:(batch_step + 1) * batch_size, :] tic = time.time() pred_probs =, feed_dict={model.input_test: test_batch}) toc = time.time() time_buffer.append(toc - tic) ground_truth = test_batch[:, -1] top_5_rank, top_20_rank = sample_top_ks(pred_probs, [5, 20]) indices_5 = [ np.argwhere(line == item) for line, item in zip(top_5_rank, ground_truth) ] indices_20 = [ np.argwhere(line == item) for line, item in zip(top_20_rank, ground_truth) ] mrr5_sub, hr5_sub, ndcg5_sub = get_metric(indices_5) mrr20_sub, hr20_sub, ndcg20_sub = get_metric(indices_20) mrr_list[5].extend(mrr5_sub), mrr_list[20].extend(mrr20_sub) hr_list[5].extend(hr5_sub), hr_list[20].extend(hr20_sub) ndcg_list[5].extend(ndcg5_sub), ndcg_list[20].extend(ndcg20_sub) mrr_list[5].extend(mrr5_sub) hr_list[5].extend(hr5_sub) ndcg_list[5].extend(ndcg5_sub)"[Test] Time: {:.3f}s +- {:.3f}s per batch".format( np.mean(time_buffer), np.std(time_buffer))) ndcg_5, ndcg_20 = np.mean(ndcg_list[5]), np.mean(ndcg_list[20]) mrr_5, mrr_20 = np.mean(mrr_list[5]), np.mean(mrr_list[20]) hr_5, hr_20 = np.mean(hr_list[5]), np.mean(hr_list[20])"\t MRR@5: {:.4f}, HIT@5: {:.4f}, NDCG@5: {:.4f}".format( mrr_5, hr_5, ndcg_5))"\tMRR@20: {:.4f}, HIT@20: {:.4f}, NDCG@20: {:.4f}".format( mrr_20, hr_20, ndcg_20)) return mrr_5
def start(global_args): preset(global_args) model_args, train_set, test_set = get_data_and_config(global_args) ratio = global_args["occupy"] if ratio is None: gpu_config = get_proto_config()"Auto-growth GPU memory.") else: gpu_config = get_proto_config_with_occupy(ratio)"{:.1f}% GPU memory occupied.".format(ratio * 100)) sess = tf.Session(config=gpu_config) with tf.variable_scope("policy_net"): policy_net = PolicyNetGumbelGru(model_args) policy_net.build_policy() with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): model = NextItNetGumbel(model_args) model.build_train_graph(policy_action=policy_net.action_predict) model.build_test_graph(policy_action=policy_net.action_predict) variables = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_to_restore() model_variables = [ v for v in variables if not"policy_net") ] policy_variables = [ v for v in variables if"policy_net") ] with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): optimizer_finetune = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=model_args["lr"], name="Adam_finetune") train_model = optimizer_finetune.minimize(model.loss, var_list=model_variables) with tf.variable_scope("policy_net"): optimizer_policy = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=model_args["lr"], name="Adam_policy") train_policy = optimizer_policy.minimize(model.loss, var_list=policy_variables) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # restore if needed if global_args["use_pre"]: restore_op = tf.train.Saver(var_list=model_variables) restore_op.restore(sess, global_args["pre"]), model.item_embedding))">>>>> Parameters loaded from pre-trained model.") else:">>>>> Training without pre-trained model.")"Start @ {}".format(strftime("%m.%d-%H:%M:%S", localtime()))) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3) batch_size = model_args["batch_size"] log_meter = model_args["log_every"] total_iters = model_args["iterations"] total_steps = int(train_set.shape[0] / batch_size) test_steps = int(test_set.shape[0] / batch_size) model_save_path = global_args["store_path"] model_name = global_args["name"]"Batch size = {}, Batches = {}".format( batch_size, total_steps)) best_mrr_at5 = 0.0 for idx in range(total_iters):"-" * 30)"Iter: {} / {}".format(idx + 1, total_iters)) num_iter = 1 tic = time.time() train_usage_sample = [] for batch_step in range(total_steps): train_batch = train_set[batch_step * batch_size:(batch_step + 1) * batch_size, :] _, _, loss, action = [ train_model, train_policy, model.loss, policy_net.action_predict ], feed_dict={ model.input_train: train_batch, policy_net.input: train_batch, }, ) train_usage_sample.extend(np.array(action).tolist()) if num_iter % log_meter == 0:"\t{:5d} /{:5d} Loss: {:.3f}".format( batch_step + 1, total_steps, loss)) num_iter += 1 summary_block(train_usage_sample, len(model_args["dilations"]), "Train") # 1. eval model mrr_list = {5: [], 20: []} hr_list = {5: [], 20: []} ndcg_list = {5: [], 20: []} test_usage_sample = [] for batch_step in range(test_steps): test_batch = test_set[batch_step * batch_size:(batch_step + 1) * batch_size, :] action, pred_probs = [policy_net.action_predict, model.probs], feed_dict={ model.input_test: test_batch, policy_net.input: test_batch, }, ) test_usage_sample.extend(np.array(action).tolist()) ground_truth = test_batch[:, -1] top_5_rank, top_20_rank = sample_top_ks(pred_probs, [5, 20]) indices_5 = [ np.argwhere(line == item) for line, item in zip(top_5_rank, ground_truth) ] indices_20 = [ np.argwhere(line == item) for line, item in zip(top_20_rank, ground_truth) ] mrr5_sub, hr5_sub, ndcg5_sub = get_metric(indices_5) mrr20_sub, hr20_sub, ndcg20_sub = get_metric(indices_20) mrr_list[5].extend(mrr5_sub), mrr_list[20].extend(mrr20_sub) hr_list[5].extend(hr5_sub), hr_list[20].extend(hr20_sub) ndcg_list[5].extend(ndcg5_sub), ndcg_list[20].extend(ndcg20_sub) summary_block(test_usage_sample, len(model_args["dilations"]), "Test") ndcg_5, ndcg_20 = np.mean(ndcg_list[5]), np.mean(ndcg_list[20]) mrr_5, mrr_20 = np.mean(mrr_list[5]), np.mean(mrr_list[20]) hr_5, hr_20 = np.mean(hr_list[5]), np.mean(hr_list[20])"<Metric>::TestSet") "\t MRR@5: {:.4f}, HIT@5: {:.4f}, NDCG@5: {:.4f}".format( mrr_5, hr_5, ndcg_5)) "\tMRR@20: {:.4f}, HIT@20: {:.4f}, NDCG@20: {:.4f}".format( mrr_20, hr_20, ndcg_20)) mrr_at5 = mrr_5 # 2. save model if mrr_at5 > best_mrr_at5: ">>>>> Saving model due to better MRR@5: {:.4f} <<<<< ".format( mrr_at5)) sess, os.path.join(model_save_path, "{}_{}.tfkpt".format(model_name, num_iter)), ) best_mrr_at5 = mrr_at5 toc = time.time()"Iter: {} / {} finish. Time: {:.2f} min".format( idx + 1, total_iters, (toc - tic) / 60)) sess.close()
def run_epoch(self, phase, epoch, data_loader, no_aug_loader=None): model_with_loss = self.model if phase == 'train': model_with_loss.train() else: if len(self.opt.gpus) > 1: model_with_loss = self.model.module model_with_loss.eval() torch.cuda.empty_cache() opt = self.opt results = {} data_time, batch_time = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() avg_loss_stats = {l: AverageMeter() for l in self.loss_stats} num_iters = len(data_loader) if opt.num_iters < 0 else opt.num_iters bar = Bar('{}/{}'.format(opt.task, opt.exp_id), max=num_iters) end = time.time() if opt.save_video: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') vid_pth = os.path.join(opt.save_dir, opt.exp_id + '_pred') gt_pth = os.path.join(opt.save_dir, opt.exp_id + '_gt') out_pred = cv2.VideoWriter('{}.mp4'.format(vid_pth), fourcc, opt.save_framerate, (opt.input_w, opt.input_h)) out_gt = cv2.VideoWriter('{}.mp4'.format(gt_pth), fourcc, opt.save_framerate, (opt.input_w, opt.input_h)) delta_max = opt.delta_max delta_min = opt.delta_min delta = delta_min umax = opt.umax a_thresh = opt.acc_thresh metric = get_metric(opt) iter_id = 0 data_iter = iter(data_loader) update_lst = [] acc_lst = [] coco_res_lst = [] while True: load_time, total_model_time, model_time, update_time, tot_time, display_time = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 start_time = time.time() # data loading try: batch = next(data_iter) except StopIteration: break if iter_id > opt.num_iters: break loaded_time = time.time() load_time += (loaded_time - start_time) if opt.adaptive: if iter_id % delta == 0: u = 0 update = True while (update): output, tmp_model_time = self.run_model(batch) total_model_time += tmp_model_time # save the stuff every iteration acc = metric.get_score(batch, output, u) print(acc) if u < umax and acc < a_thresh: update_time = self.update_model(batch) else: update = False u += 1 if acc > a_thresh: delta = min(delta_max, 2 * delta) else: delta = max(delta_min, delta / 2) output, _ = self.run_model( batch) # run model with new weights model_time = total_model_time / u update_lst += [(iter_id, u)] acc_lst += [(iter_id, acc)] self.accum_coco.store_metric_coco(iter_id, batch, output, opt) else: update_lst += [(iter_id, 0)] output, model_time = self.run_model(batch) if opt.acc_collect and (iter_id % opt.acc_interval == 0): acc = metric.get_score(batch, output, 0) print(acc) acc_lst += [(iter_id, acc)] self.accum_coco.store_metric_coco( iter_id, batch, output, opt) else: output, model_time = self.run_model(batch) if opt.acc_collect: acc = metric.get_score(batch, output, 0, is_baseline=True) print(acc) acc_lst += [(iter_id, acc)] self.accum_coco.store_metric_coco(iter_id, batch, output, opt, is_baseline=True) display_start = time.time() if opt.tracking: trackers, viz_pred = self.tracking( batch, output, iter_id) # TODO: factor this into the other class out_pred.write(viz_pred) elif opt.save_video: pred, gt = self.debug(batch, output, iter_id) out_pred.write(pred) out_gt.write(gt) if opt.debug > 1: self.debug(batch, output, iter_id) display_end = time.time() display_time = (display_end - display_start) end_time = time.time() tot_time = (end_time - start_time) # add a bunch of stuff to the bar to print Bar.suffix = '{phase}: [{0}][{1}/{2}]|Tot: {total:} |ETA: {eta:} '.format( epoch, iter_id, num_iters, phase=phase, total=bar.elapsed_td, eta=bar.eta_td) # add to the progress bar if opt.print_iter > 0: if iter_id % opt.print_iter == 0: print('{}/{}| {}'.format(opt.task, opt.exp_id, Bar.suffix)) else: if opt.display_timing: time_str = 'total {:.3f}s| load {:.3f}s | model_time {:.3f}s | update_time {:.3f}s | display {:.3f}s'.format( tot_time, load_time, model_time, update_time, display_time) print(time_str) self.save_result(output, batch, results) del output iter_id += 1 bar.finish() ret = {k: v.avg for k, v in avg_loss_stats.items()} ret['time'] = bar.elapsed_td.total_seconds() / 60. save_dict = {} if opt.adaptive: plt.scatter(*zip(*update_lst)) plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel('number of updates') plt.savefig(opt.save_dir + '/update_frequency.png') save_dict['updates'] = update_lst plt.clf() if opt.acc_collect: plt.scatter(*zip(*acc_lst)) plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel('mAP') plt.savefig(opt.save_dir + '/acc_figure.png') save_dict['acc'] = acc_lst if opt.adaptive and opt.acc_collect: x, y = zip(*filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, update_lst)) plt.scatter(x, y, c='r', marker='o') plt.xlabel('iteration') # save dict # gt_dict = self.accum_coco.get_gt() # dt_dict = self.accum_coco.get_dt() dt_dict = self.accum_coco_det.get_dt() # save_dict['gt_dict'] = gt_dict # save_dict['dt_dict'] = dt_dict save_dict['full_res_pred'] = dt_dict return ret, results, save_dict
def start(global_args): preset(global_args) model_args, train_set, test_set = get_data_and_config(global_args) # ---------------------- # Part.1 Build Model(s) # ---------------------- ratio = global_args["occupy"] if ratio is None: gpu_config = get_proto_config()"Auto-growth GPU memory.") else: gpu_config = get_proto_config_with_occupy(ratio)"{:.1f}% GPU memory occupied.".format(ratio * 100)) sess = tf.Session(config=gpu_config) with tf.variable_scope("policy_net"): policy_net = PolicyNetGumbelRL(model_args) policy_net.build_policy() with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): model = NextItNetGumbelRL(model_args) model.build_train_graph(policy_action=policy_net.action_predict) model.build_test_graph(policy_action=policy_net.action_predict) # step-1, prepare parameters' name variables = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_to_restore() model_variables = [ v for v in variables if not"policy_net") ] policy_variables = [ v for v in variables if"policy_net") ] # step-2, create optimizer with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): optimizer_finetune = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=model_args["lr"], name="Adam_finetune") train_model = optimizer_finetune.minimize(model.loss, var_list=model_variables) # train_model_rl = optimizer_finetune.minimize( # policy_net.rl_loss, var_list=model_variables # ) with tf.variable_scope("policy_net"): optimizer_policy = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=model_args["lr"], name="Adam_policy") train_policy = optimizer_policy.minimize(model.loss, var_list=policy_variables) train_policy_rl = optimizer_policy.minimize(policy_net.rl_loss, var_list=policy_variables) # step-4, restore parameters if needed if not global_args["resume"]: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() start_at = 0 if global_args["use_pre"]: # step-4.1 restore pre-trained parameters restore_op = tf.train.Saver(var_list=model_variables) restore_op.restore(sess, global_args["pre"]) # step-4.2 copy embedding to policy-net, model.item_embedding))">>>>> Parameters loaded from pre-trained model.") else:">>>>> Training without pre-trained model.") else: resume_op = tf.train.Saver() resume_op.restore(sess, global_args["resume_path"]) start_at = global_args["resume_at"] ">>>>> Resume from checkpoint, start at epoch {}".format(start_at)) # ---------------------- # Part.2 Train # ----------------------"Start @ {}".format(strftime("%m.%d-%H:%M:%S", localtime()))) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3) batch_size = model_args["batch_size"] log_meter = model_args["log_every"] total_iters = model_args["iter"] total_steps = int(train_set.shape[0] / batch_size) test_steps = int(test_set.shape[0] / batch_size) model_save_path = global_args["store_path"] model_name = global_args["name"]"Batch size = {}, Batches = {}".format( batch_size, total_steps)) best_mrr_at5 = 0.0 action_nums = len(model_args["dilations"]) for idx in range(start_at, total_iters):"-" * 30) if idx < global_args["rl_iter"]: rl_str = "OFF" else: rl_str = " ON""[RL-{}] Iter: {} / {}".format(rl_str, idx + 1, total_iters)) num_iter = 1 tic = time.time() train_usage_sample = [] for batch_step in range(total_steps): train_batch = train_set[batch_step * batch_size:(batch_step + 1) * batch_size, :] if idx >= global_args["rl_iter"]: # 1. soft_result # 2. map_result # 3. advantage -> reward -> optimize [soft_probs, soft_action] = [model.probs, policy_net.action_predict], feed_dict={ model.input_test: train_batch, policy_net.input: train_batch, policy_net.method: np.array(0), policy_net.sample_action: np.ones((batch_size, action_nums)), }, ) [hard_probs, hard_action] = [model.probs, policy_net.action_predict], feed_dict={ model.input_test: train_batch, policy_net.input: train_batch, policy_net.method: np.array(1), policy_net.sample_action: np.ones((batch_size, action_nums)), }, ) ground_truth = train_batch[:, -1] reward_soft = reward_fn(soft_probs, ground_truth, soft_action, global_args["gamma"]) reward_hard = reward_fn(hard_probs, ground_truth, hard_action, global_args["gamma"]) reward_train = reward_soft - reward_hard _, _, _, action, loss, rl_loss = [ train_policy_rl, train_policy, train_model, policy_net.action_predict, model.loss, policy_net.rl_loss, ], feed_dict={ model.input_train: train_batch, policy_net.input: train_batch, policy_net.method: np.array(-1), policy_net.sample_action: soft_action, policy_net.reward: reward_train, }, ) train_usage_sample.extend(np.array(action).tolist()) if num_iter % log_meter == 0: "\t{:5d} /{:5d} Loss: {:.3f}, RL-Loss: {:.3f}, Reward-Avg: {:.3f}" .format( batch_step + 1, total_steps, loss, rl_loss, np.mean(reward_train), )) num_iter += 1 else: [hard_action] = [policy_net.action_predict], feed_dict={ policy_net.method: np.array(1), policy_net.input: train_batch, policy_net.sample_action: np.ones((batch_size, action_nums)), }, ) [_, _, action, loss] = [ train_model, train_policy, policy_net.action_predict, model.loss ], feed_dict={ model.input_train: train_batch, policy_net.input: train_batch, policy_net.sample_action: hard_action, policy_net.method: np.array(-1), }, ) train_usage_sample.extend(np.array(action).tolist()) if num_iter % log_meter == 0:"\t{:5d} /{:5d} Loss: {:.3f}".format( batch_step + 1, total_steps, loss)) num_iter += 1 summary_block(train_usage_sample, len(model_args["dilations"]), "Train") # 1. eval model mrr_list = {5: [], 20: []} hr_list = {5: [], 20: []} ndcg_list = {5: [], 20: []} test_usage_sample = [] for batch_step in range(test_steps): test_batch = test_set[batch_step * batch_size:(batch_step + 1) * batch_size, :] action, pred_probs = [policy_net.action_predict, model.probs], feed_dict={ model.input_test: test_batch, policy_net.input: test_batch, policy_net.method: np.array(1), policy_net.sample_action: np.ones( (batch_size, action_nums)), }, ) test_usage_sample.extend(np.array(action).tolist()) ground_truth = test_batch[:, -1] top_5_rank, top_20_rank = sample_top_ks(pred_probs, [5, 20]) indices_5 = [ np.argwhere(line == item) for line, item in zip(top_5_rank, ground_truth) ] indices_20 = [ np.argwhere(line == item) for line, item in zip(top_20_rank, ground_truth) ] mrr5_sub, hr5_sub, ndcg5_sub = get_metric(indices_5) mrr20_sub, hr20_sub, ndcg20_sub = get_metric(indices_20) mrr_list[5].extend(mrr5_sub), mrr_list[20].extend(mrr20_sub) hr_list[5].extend(hr5_sub), hr_list[20].extend(hr20_sub) ndcg_list[5].extend(ndcg5_sub), ndcg_list[20].extend(ndcg20_sub) summary_block(test_usage_sample, len(model_args["dilations"]), "Test") ndcg_5, ndcg_20 = np.mean(ndcg_list[5]), np.mean(ndcg_list[20]) mrr_5, mrr_20 = np.mean(mrr_list[5]), np.mean(mrr_list[20]) hr_5, hr_20 = np.mean(hr_list[5]), np.mean(hr_list[20])"<Metric>::TestSet") "\t MRR@5: {:.4f}, HIT@5: {:.4f}, NDCG@5: {:.4f}".format( mrr_5, hr_5, ndcg_5)) "\tMRR@20: {:.4f}, HIT@20: {:.4f}, NDCG@20: {:.4f}".format( mrr_20, hr_20, ndcg_20)) mrr_at5 = mrr_5 # 2. save model if mrr_at5 > best_mrr_at5: ">>>>> Saving model due to better MRR@5: {:.4f} <<<<< ".format( mrr_at5)) sess, os.path.join(model_save_path, "{}_{}.tfkpt".format(model_name, num_iter)), ) best_mrr_at5 = mrr_at5 toc = time.time()"Iter: {} / {} finish. Time: {:.2f} min".format( idx + 1, total_iters, (toc - tic) / 60)) sess.close()
def run_training( experiment_name, debug=False, only_ees=False, only_kinematics=False, use_neptune=False, epochs=2000, # 20000 train_batch=21330, # 54726 // 2, val_batch=1123, # 2000 dtype=np.float32, val_split=0.05, shuffle_data=True, model_type="linear", # "GRU", # 'transformer', model_cfg=None, bptt=350, hidden_size=6, lr=1e-2, start_trim=700, log_interval=5, val_interval=20, clip_grad_norm=False, output_dir="results", normalize_input=True, optimizer="Adam", # "AdamW", scheduler=None, # "StepLR", train_weight=100., batch_first=True, toss_allzero_mn=True, dumb_augment=False, score="pearson", metric="l2"): # pearson """Run training and validation.""" if use_neptune and NEPTUNE_IMPORTED: neptune.init("Serre-Lab/deepspine") if experiment_name is None: experiment_name = "synthetic_data" neptune.create_experiment(experiment_name) assert model_type is not None, "You must select a model." default_model_params = tools.get_model_defaults() device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S') if model_cfg is None: print("Using default model cfg file.") model_cfg = model_type data = np.load(DATA_FILE) mn = data["mn"] ees = data["ees"] kinematics = data["kinematics"] X = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate((ees, kinematics), 1).astype(dtype)) Y = torch.from_numpy(mn.astype(dtype)) X = X.permute(0, 2, 1) Y = Y.permute(0, 2, 1) if only_ees: X = X[..., 0][..., None] # Only ees -- 0.73 if only_kinematics: X = X[..., 1:] # Only kinematics -- 0.89 input_size = X.size(-1) output_size = Y.size(-1) meta = Meta( batch_first=batch_first, data_size=X.shape, train_batch=train_batch, val_batch=val_batch, val_split=val_split, model_type=model_type, model_cfg=model_cfg, input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, output_size=output_size, metric=metric, score=score, normalize_input=normalize_input, lr=lr, bptt=bptt, epochs=epochs, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, clip_grad_norm=clip_grad_norm, log_interval=log_interval, val_interval=val_interval, start_trim=start_trim, train_weight=train_weight, device=device) # Prepare data if toss_allzero_mn: # Restrict to nonzero mn fibers # mask = (Y.sum(1) > 127.5).sum(-1) == 2 # Ys where both are nonzero at some point mask = ((Y > 200).sum(1) > 0).sum(-1) == 2 # Ys where both are > 127.5 at some point # mask = ((Y > 127.5).sum(1) > 0).sum(-1) >= 1 # Ys where either is > 127.5 at some point print("Throwing out {} examples.".format((mask == False).sum())) X = X[mask] Y = Y[mask] if meta.start_trim: X = X.narrow(1, meta.start_trim, X.size(1) - meta.start_trim) Y = Y.narrow(1, meta.start_trim, Y.size(1) - meta.start_trim) if shuffle_data: idx = np.random.permutation(len(X)) X = X[idx] Y = Y[idx] if meta.normalize_input: # X = (X - 127.5) / 127.5 # Y = (Y - 127.5) / 127.5 k_X = X[..., 1:] k_X = (k_X - k_X.mean(1, keepdim=True)) / (k_X.std(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8) # This is peaking but whatever... e_X = X[..., 0][..., None] e_X = e_X / 255. X =, e_X), -1) if meta.metric != "bce": Y = (Y - Y.mean(1, keepdim=True)) / (Y.std(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8) # Y = Y / 255. else: # Quantize Y Y = (Y > 127.5).float() X = Y = cv_idx = np.arange(len(X)) cv_idx = cv_idx > np.round(float(len(X)) * val_split).astype(int) X_train = X[cv_idx] Y_train = Y[cv_idx] X_val = X[~cv_idx] Y_val = Y[~cv_idx] assert meta.train_batch < len(X_train), "Train batch size > dataset size {}.".format(len(X_train) - 1) assert meta.val_batch < len(X_val), "Val batch size > dataset size {}.".format(len(X_val) - 1) if dumb_augment: X_train =, X_train[:, torch.arange(X_train.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()])) Y_train =, Y_train[:, torch.arange(Y_train.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()])) if not meta.batch_first: X_train = X_train.permute(1, 0, 2) Y_train = Y_train.permute(1, 0, 2) X_val = X_val.permute(1, 0, 2) Y_val = Y_val.permute(1, 0, 2) # Create model model = modeling.create_model( batch_first=meta.batch_first, bptt=meta.bptt, model_type=meta.model_type, model_cfg=meta.model_cfg, input_size=meta.input_size, hidden_size=meta.hidden_size, output_size=meta.output_size, default_model_params=default_model_params, device=meta.device) num_params = sum([p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]) print('Total number of parameters: {}'.format(num_params)) score, criterion = metrics.get_metric(metric, meta.batch_first) optimizer_fun = optimizers.get_optimizer(optimizer) assert lr < 1, "LR is greater than 1." if "adam" in optimizer.lower(): optimizer = optimizer_fun(model.parameters(), lr=lr, amsgrad=True) else: optimizer = optimizer_fun(model.parameters(), lr=lr) if scheduler is not None: scheduler = optimizers.get_scheduler(scheduler) scheduler = scheduler(optimizer) # Start training best_val_loss = float("inf") best_model = None X_val, _ = batchify(X_val, bsz=meta.val_batch, random=False, batch_first=meta.batch_first) Y_val, _ = batchify(Y_val, bsz=meta.val_batch, random=False, batch_first=meta.batch_first) for epoch in range(1, meta.epochs + 1): epoch_start_time = time.time() meta.epoch = epoch X_train_i, random_idx = batchify( X_train, bsz=meta.train_batch, random=True, batch_first=meta.batch_first) Y_train_i, _ = batchify( Y_train, bsz=meta.train_batch, random=random_idx, batch_first=meta.batch_first) min_train_loss, max_train_loss, train_output, train_gt = train( model=model, X=X_train_i, Y=Y_train_i, optimizer=optimizer, criterion=criterion, score=score, scheduler=scheduler, meta=meta) if epoch % meta.val_interval == 0: val_loss, val_score, val_output, val_gt = evaluate( model=model, X=X_val, Y=Y_val, criterion=criterion, score=score, meta=meta) meta.min_train_loss.append(min_train_loss) meta.max_train_loss.append(max_train_loss) meta.val_loss.append(val_loss) meta.val_score.append(val_score) print('-' * 89) print('| end of epoch {:3d} | time: {:5.2f}s | valid loss {:5.2f} | valid score {:5.2f}'.format( epoch, (time.time() - epoch_start_time), meta.val_loss[-1], meta.val_score[-1])) print('-' * 89) if use_neptune and NEPTUNE_IMPORTED: neptune.log_metric('min_train_loss', min_train_loss) neptune.log_metric('max_train_loss', max_train_loss) neptune.log_metric('val_{}'.format(meta.metric), val_loss) neptune.log_metric('val_pearson', val_score) if val_loss < best_val_loss: best_val_loss = val_loss best_model = model if val_loss < 0.65 and debug: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() plt.title('val') plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(val_output[50].cpu()) plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(val_gt[50].cpu()) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.title('train') plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(train_output[50].cpu().detach()) plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(train_gt[50].cpu()) plt.close(fig) if scheduler is not None: scheduler.step() # Fix some type issues meta.val_loss = [x.cpu() for x in meta.val_loss] meta.val_score = [x.cpu() for x in meta.val_score] np.savez(os.path.join(output_dir, '{}results_{}'.format(experiment_name, timestamp)), **meta.__dict__) # noqa np.savez(os.path.join(output_dir, '{}example_{}'.format(experiment_name, timestamp)), train_output=train_output.cpu().detach(), train_gt=train_gt.cpu(), val_output=val_output.cpu(), val_gt=val_gt.cpu()), os.path.join(output_dir, '{}model_{}.pth'.format(experiment_name, timestamp)))