예제 #1
    def forward(self, z, label, shared_label=None, eval=False):
        affine_list = []
        with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(
        ) if self.mixed_precision and not eval else misc.dummy_context_mgr(
        ) as mp:
            if self.MODEL.info_type != "N/A":
                if self.g_info_injection == "concat":
                    z = self.info_mix_linear(z)
                elif self.g_info_injection == "cBN":
                    z, z_info = z[:, :self.z_dim], z[:, self.z_dim:]

            if self.g_cond_mtd != "W/O":
                if shared_label is None:
                    shared_label = self.shared(label)
            if len(affine_list) > 0:
                affines = torch.cat(affine_list, 1)
                affines = None

            act = self.linear0(z)
            act = act.view(-1, self.in_dims[0], 4, 4)
            for index, blocklist in enumerate(self.blocks):
                for block in blocklist:
                    if isinstance(block, ops.SelfAttention):
                        act = block(act)
                        act = block(act, affines)

            act = self.conv4(act)
            out = self.tanh(act)
        return out
예제 #2
    def forward(self, z, label, shared_label=None, eval=False):
        affine_list = []
        with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(
        ) if self.mixed_precision and not eval else misc.dummy_context_mgr(
        ) as mp:
            if self.MODEL.info_type != "N/A":
                if self.MODEL.g_info_injection == "concat":
                    z = self.info_mix_linear(z)
                elif self.MODEL.g_info_injection == "cBN":
                    z, z_info = z[:, :self.z_dim], z[:, self.z_dim:]

            zs = torch.split(z, self.chunk_size, 1)
            z = zs[0]
            if self.g_cond_mtd != "W/O":
                if shared_label is None:
                    shared_label = self.shared(label)
            if len(affine_list) == 0:
                affines = [item for item in zs[1:]]
                affines = [
                    torch.cat(affine_list + [item], 1) for item in zs[1:]

            act = self.linear0(z)
            act = act.view(-1, self.in_dims[0], self.bottom, self.bottom)
            counter = 0
            for index, blocklist in enumerate(self.blocks):
                for block in blocklist:
                    if isinstance(block, ops.SelfAttention):
                        act = block(act)
                        act = block(act, affines[counter])
                        counter += 1

            act = self.bn4(act)
            act = self.activation(act)
            act = self.conv2d5(act)
            out = self.tanh(act)
        return out
예제 #3
    def forward(self, x, label, eval=False, adc_fake=False):
        with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(
        ) if self.mixed_precision and not eval else misc.dummy_context_mgr(
        ) as mp:
            embed, proxy, cls_output = None, None, None
            mi_embed, mi_proxy, mi_cls_output = None, None, None
            info_discrete_c_logits, info_conti_mu, info_conti_var = None, None, None
            h = x
            for index, blocklist in enumerate(self.blocks):
                for block in blocklist:
                    h = block(h)
            h = self.conv1(h)
            if not self.apply_d_sn:
                h = self.bn1(h)
            bottom_h, bottom_w = h.shape[2], h.shape[3]
            h = self.activation(h)
            h = torch.sum(h, dim=[2, 3])

            # adversarial training
            adv_output = torch.squeeze(self.linear1(h))

            # make class labels odd (for fake) or even (for real) for ADC
            if self.aux_cls_type == "ADC":
                if adc_fake:
                    label = label * 2 + 1
                    label = label * 2

            # forward pass through InfoGAN Q head
            if self.MODEL.info_type in ["discrete", "both"]:
                info_discrete_c_logits = self.info_discrete_linear(
                    h / (bottom_h * bottom_w))
            if self.MODEL.info_type in ["continuous", "both"]:
                info_conti_mu = self.info_conti_mu_linear(
                    h / (bottom_h * bottom_w))
                info_conti_var = torch.exp(
                    self.info_conti_var_linear(h / (bottom_h * bottom_w)))

            # class conditioning
            if self.d_cond_mtd == "AC":
                if self.normalize_d_embed:
                    for W in self.linear2.parameters():
                        W = F.normalize(W, dim=1)
                    h = F.normalize(h, dim=1)
                cls_output = self.linear2(h)
            elif self.d_cond_mtd == "PD":
                adv_output = adv_output + torch.sum(
                    torch.mul(self.embedding(label), h), 1)
            elif self.d_cond_mtd in ["2C", "D2DCE"]:
                embed = self.linear2(h)
                proxy = self.embedding(label)
                if self.normalize_d_embed:
                    embed = F.normalize(embed, dim=1)
                    proxy = F.normalize(proxy, dim=1)
            elif self.d_cond_mtd == "MD":
                idx = torch.LongTensor(range(label.size(0))).to(label.device)
                adv_output = adv_output[idx, label]
            elif self.d_cond_mtd in ["W/O", "MH"]:
                raise NotImplementedError

            # extra conditioning for TACGAN and ADCGAN
            if self.aux_cls_type == "TAC":
                if self.d_cond_mtd == "AC":
                    if self.normalize_d_embed:
                        for W in self.linear_mi.parameters():
                            W = F.normalize(W, dim=1)
                    mi_cls_output = self.linear_mi(h)
                elif self.d_cond_mtd in ["2C", "D2DCE"]:
                    mi_embed = self.linear_mi(h)
                    mi_proxy = self.embedding_mi(label)
                    if self.normalize_d_embed:
                        mi_embed = F.normalize(mi_embed, dim=1)
                        mi_proxy = F.normalize(mi_proxy, dim=1)
        return {
            "h": h,
            "adv_output": adv_output,
            "embed": embed,
            "proxy": proxy,
            "cls_output": cls_output,
            "label": label,
            "mi_embed": mi_embed,
            "mi_proxy": mi_proxy,
            "mi_cls_output": mi_cls_output,
            "info_discrete_c_logits": info_discrete_c_logits,
            "info_conti_mu": info_conti_mu,
            "info_conti_var": info_conti_var