예제 #1
    def __calc_rlout_reward(self, prune_ratios):
        """Calculate the reward of the current roll-out.

    * prune_ratios: list of pruning ratios

    * reward: reward of the current roll-out

        # initialize the weight sparsified network with given pruning ratios
                            feed_dict={self.pr_all: prune_ratios})
        self.sess_train.run([self.init_op, self.rg_init_op, self.ft_init_op])
        if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu:

        # evaluate the network before re-training
        if is_primary_worker('global'):
            loss_pre, metrics_pre = self.__calc_loss_n_metrics()
            assert 'accuracy' in metrics_pre or 'acc_top5' in metrics_pre, \
              'either <accuracy> or <acc_top5> must be evaluated and returned'

        # re-train the network with layerwise regression & network fine-tuning

        # evaluate the network after re-training
        if is_primary_worker('global'):
            loss_post, metrics_post = self.__calc_loss_n_metrics()
            assert 'accuracy' in metrics_post or 'acc_top5' in metrics_post, \
                'either <accuracy> or <acc_top5> must be evaluated and returned'

        # evaluate the weight sparsified network
        reward = None
        if is_primary_worker('global'):
            if 'accuracy' in metrics_post:
                reward_pre = self.rl_helper.calc_reward(
                reward = self.rl_helper.calc_reward(metrics_post['accuracy'])
            elif 'acc_top5' in metrics_post:
                reward_pre = self.rl_helper.calc_reward(
                reward = self.rl_helper.calc_reward(metrics_post['acc_top5'])
            prune_ratio = self.rl_helper.calc_overall_prune_ratio()
            metrics_diff = ' | '.join([
                '%s: %.4f -> %.4f' % (key, metrics_pre[key], metrics_post[key])
                for key in metrics_post
                'loss: %.4e -> %.4e | %s | reward: %.4f -> %.4f | prune_ratio = %.4f'
                % (loss_pre, loss_post, metrics_diff, reward_pre, reward,

        return reward
예제 #2
  def dump_n_eval(self, outputs, action):
    """Dump the model's outputs to files and evaluate."""

    if not is_primary_worker('global'):

    if action == 'init':
      if os.path.exists(FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir):
    elif action == 'dump':
      filename = outputs['predictions']['filename'][0].decode('utf8')[:-4]
      shape = outputs['predictions']['shape'][0]
      for idx_cls in range(1, FLAGS.nb_classes):
        with open(os.path.join(FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir, 'results_%d.txt' % idx_cls), 'a') as o_file:
          scores = outputs['predictions']['scores_%d' % idx_cls][0]
          bboxes = outputs['predictions']['bboxes_%d' % idx_cls][0]
          bboxes[:, 0] = (bboxes[:, 0] * shape[0]).astype(np.int32, copy=False) + 1
          bboxes[:, 1] = (bboxes[:, 1] * shape[1]).astype(np.int32, copy=False) + 1
          bboxes[:, 2] = (bboxes[:, 2] * shape[0]).astype(np.int32, copy=False) + 1
          bboxes[:, 3] = (bboxes[:, 3] * shape[1]).astype(np.int32, copy=False) + 1
          for idx_bbox in range(bboxes.shape[0]):
            bbox = bboxes[idx_bbox][:]
            if bbox[2] > bbox[0] and bbox[3] > bbox[1]:
              o_file.write('%s %.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n'
                           % (filename, scores[idx_bbox], bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2]))
    elif action == 'eval':
      do_python_eval(os.path.join(self.dataset_eval.data_dir, 'test'), FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir)
      raise ValueError('unrecognized action in dump_n_eval(): ' + action)
    def dump_n_eval(self, outputs, action):
        """Dump the model's outputs to files and evaluate."""

        if not is_primary_worker('global'):

        if action == 'init':
            if os.path.exists(FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir):

        elif action == 'dump':
            image_id = outputs['predictions']['image_id'][0]
            shape = outputs['predictions']['shape'][0]
            for idx_cls in range(1, FLAGS.nb_classes):
                with open(
                                     'results_%d.txt' % idx_cls),
                        'a') as o_file:
                    scores = outputs['predictions']['scores_%d' % idx_cls][0]
                    bboxes = outputs['predictions']['bboxes_%d' % idx_cls][0]
                    bboxes[:, 0] = (bboxes[:, 0] * shape[0])
                    bboxes[:, 1] = (bboxes[:, 1] * shape[1])
                    bboxes[:, 2] = (bboxes[:, 2] * shape[0])
                    bboxes[:, 3] = (bboxes[:, 3] * shape[1])
                    for idx_bbox in range(bboxes.shape[0]):
                        bbox = bboxes[idx_bbox][:]
                        if bbox[2] > bbox[0] and bbox[3] > bbox[1]:
                            # data format convert
                            x = float(format(bbox[1], '.2f'))
                            y = float(format(bbox[0], '.2f'))
                            delta_x = float(format(bbox[3] - bbox[1], '.2f'))
                            delta_y = float(format(bbox[2] - bbox[0], '.2f'))
                            score = float(format(scores[idx_bbox], '.3f'))

                            # image_info = dict()
                            # image_info['image_id'] = int(image_id)
                            # image_info['category_id'] = idx_cls
                            # image_info['bbox'] = [x, y, delta_x, delta_y]
                            # image_info['score'] = score
                            # o_file.write(str(image_info)+',')

                            # [{"image_id":42,"category_id":18,"bbox":[258.15,41.29,348.26,243.78],"score":0.236},
                            o_file.write('%d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.3f\n' %
                                         (int(image_id), idx_cls, x, y,
                                          delta_x, delta_y, score))

        elif action == 'eval':
            do_python_eval(FLAGS.data_dir_local, FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir)
            raise ValueError('unrecognized action in dump_n_eval(): ' + action)
예제 #4
  def dump_n_eval(self, outputs, action):
    """Dump the model's outputs to files and evaluate."""
    if not is_primary_worker('global'):
    if action == 'init':
      if os.path.exists(FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir):

    elif action == 'dump':
      filename = outputs['predictions']['filename'][0].decode('utf8')[:-4]
      raw_shape = outputs['predictions']['shape'][0]
      resized_shape= outputs['predictions']['resized_shape']

      detected_boxes = outputs['predictions']['detected_boxes']
      detected_scores = outputs['predictions']['detected_scores']
      detected_categories = outputs['predictions']['detected_categories']

      raw_h, raw_w = raw_shape[0], raw_shape[1]
      resized_h, resized_w = resized_shape[1], resized_shape[2]

      xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = detected_boxes[:, 0], detected_boxes[:, 1], \
                               detected_boxes[:, 2], detected_boxes[:, 3]

      xmin = xmin * raw_w / resized_w
      xmax = xmax * raw_w / resized_w
      ymin = ymin * raw_h / resized_h
      ymax = ymax * raw_h / resized_h

      boxes = np.transpose(np.stack([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]))
      dets = np.hstack((detected_categories.reshape(-1, 1),
                        detected_scores.reshape(-1, 1),

      for cls_id in range(1, FLAGS.nb_classes):
        with open(os.path.join(FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir, 'results_%d.txt' % cls_id), 'a') as o_file:
          this_cls_detections = dets[dets[:, 0] == cls_id]
          if this_cls_detections.shape[0] == 0:
            continue  # this cls has none detections in this img
          for a_det in this_cls_detections:
            o_file.write('{:s} {:.3f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}\n'.
                    format(filename, a_det[1],
                           a_det[2], a_det[3],
                           a_det[4], a_det[5]))  # that is [img_name, score, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

    elif action == 'eval':
      do_python_eval(os.path.join(self.dataset_eval.data_dir, 'test'), FLAGS.outputs_dump_dir)
      raise ValueError('unrecognized action in dump_n_eval(): ' + action)
    def __init__(self, sm_writer, model_helper, mpi_comm):
        """Constructor function.

    * sm_writer: TensorFlow's summary writer
    * model_helper: model helper with definitions of model & dataset
    * mpi_comm: MPI communication object

        # initialize a full-precision model
        self.model_scope = 'distilled_model'  # to distinguish from models created by other learners
        enbl_dst = False  # disable the distillation loss for teacher model
        from learners.full_precision.learner import FullPrecLearner
        self.learner = FullPrecLearner(sm_writer, model_helper,
                                       self.model_scope, enbl_dst)

        # initialize a model for training with the distillation loss
        if is_primary_worker('local'):
        if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu:
예제 #6
    def run(self):
        """Run the optimizer to obtain pruning ratios for all maskable variables.

    * var_names_n_prune_ratios: list of variable name & pruning ratio pairs

        # obtain a list of (variable name, pruning ratio) tuples
        if FLAGS.ws_prune_ratio_prtl == 'uniform':
            var_names_n_prune_ratios = self.__calc_uniform_prune_ratios()
        elif FLAGS.ws_prune_ratio_prtl == 'heurist':
            var_names_n_prune_ratios = self.__calc_heurist_prune_ratios()
        elif FLAGS.ws_prune_ratio_prtl == 'optimal':
            var_names_n_prune_ratios = self.__calc_optimal_prune_ratios()

        # display the pruning ratio for each maskable variable
        if is_primary_worker('global'):
            for var_name, prune_ratio in var_names_n_prune_ratios:
                tf.logging.info('%s: %f' % (var_name, prune_ratio))

        return var_names_n_prune_ratios
예제 #7
    def __calc_optimal_prune_ratios(self):
        """Calculate pruning ratios using the 'optimal' protocol.

    * var_names_n_prune_ratios: list of variable name & pruning ratio pairs

        # restore the full-precision model from checkpoint files
        save_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(
        self.saver_full.restore(self.sess_train, save_path)

        # train an RL agent through multiple roll-outs
        if is_primary_worker('global'):
        reward_best = np.NINF  # pylint: disable=no-member
        prune_ratios_best = None
        file_path_prune_ratios = './ws.prune.ratios'
        file_path_reward = './ws.reward'
        for idx_rlout in range(FLAGS.ws_nb_rlouts):
            # compute actions & pruning ratios
            if is_primary_worker('global'):
                tf.logging.info('starting %d-th roll-out' % idx_rlout)
                prune_ratios, states_n_actions = self.__calc_rlout_actions()
                save_vals_to_file(prune_ratios, file_path_prune_ratios)
            if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu:
            prune_ratios = restore_vals_from_file(file_path_prune_ratios)

            # fine-tune the weight sparsified network to compute the reward
            reward = self.__calc_rlout_reward(prune_ratios)
            if is_primary_worker('global'):
                save_vals_to_file(np.array([reward]), file_path_reward)
            if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu:
            reward = restore_vals_from_file(file_path_reward)[0]

            # update the baseline function in DDPG
            if is_primary_worker('global'):
                rewards = reward * np.ones(len(self.vars_full['maskable']))

            # record transitions to train the RL agent
            if is_primary_worker('global'):
                self.__record_rlout_transitions(states_n_actions, reward)

            # record the best combination of pruning ratios
            if reward_best < reward:
                if is_primary_worker('global'):
                    tf.logging.info('best reward updated: %.4f -> %.4f' %
                                    (reward_best, reward))
                    tf.logging.info('optimal pruning ratios: ' + ' '.join([
                        '%.2f' % prune_ratio for prune_ratio in prune_ratios[:]
                reward_best = reward
                prune_ratios_best = np.copy(prune_ratios)

        # setup the optimal pruning ratios
        var_names_n_prune_ratios = []
        for idx, var_full in enumerate(self.vars_full['maskable']):
            var_names_n_prune_ratios += [(var_full.name,

        return var_names_n_prune_ratios
예제 #8
    def __build_train(self, model_helper):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        """Build the training graph for the 'optimal' protocol.

    * model_helper: model helper with definitions of model & dataset

        with tf.Graph().as_default():
            # create a TF session for the current graph
            config = tf.ConfigProto()
            config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(
                mgw.local_rank() if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu else 0)  # pylint: disable=no-member
            sess = tf.Session(config=config)

            # data input pipeline
            with tf.variable_scope(self.data_scope):
                iterator, __ = model_helper.build_dataset_train(
                images, labels = iterator.get_next()

            # model definition - full-precision network
            with tf.variable_scope(self.model_scope_full):
                logits = model_helper.forward_eval(
                    images)  # DO NOT USE forward_train() HERE!!!
                self.vars_full = get_vars_by_scope(self.model_scope_full)
                self.saver_full = tf.train.Saver(self.vars_full['all'])
                self.save_path_full = FLAGS.save_path

            # model definition - weight sparsified network
            with tf.variable_scope(self.model_scope_prnd):
                # forward pass & variables' saver
                logits = model_helper.forward_eval(
                    images)  # DO NOT USE forward_train() HERE!!!
                self.vars_prnd = get_vars_by_scope(self.model_scope_prnd)
                self.maskable_var_names = [
                    var.name for var in self.vars_prnd['maskable']
                loss, __ = model_helper.calc_loss(labels, logits,
                self.saver_prnd_train = tf.train.Saver(self.vars_prnd['all'])
                self.save_path_prnd = FLAGS.save_path.replace(
                    'models', 'models_pruned')

                # build masks for variable pruning
                self.masks, self.pr_all, self.pr_assign_op = self.__build_masks(

            # create operations for initializing the weight sparsified network
            init_ops = []
            for var_full, var_prnd in zip(self.vars_full['all'],
                if var_full not in self.vars_full['maskable']:
                    init_ops += [var_prnd.assign(var_full)]
                    idx = self.vars_full['maskable'].index(var_full)
                    init_ops += [var_prnd.assign(var_full * self.masks[idx])]
            self.init_op = tf.group(init_ops)

            # build operations for layerwise regression & network fine-tuning
            self.rg_init_op, self.rg_train_ops = self.__build_layer_rg_ops()
            self.ft_init_op, self.ft_train_op = self.__build_network_ft_ops(
            if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu:
                self.bcast_op = mgw.broadcast_global_variables(0)

            # create RL helper & agent on the primary worker
            if is_primary_worker('global'):
                self.rl_helper, self.agent = self.__build_rl_helper_n_agent(

            # TF operations
            self.sess_train = sess