예제 #1
    def roi_feature_transform(self, blobs_in, rpn_ret, blob_rois='rois', method='RoIPoolF',
                              resolution=7, spatial_scale=1. / 16., sampling_ratio=0, panet=False):
        """Add the specified RoI pooling method. The sampling_ratio argument
        is supported for some, but not all, RoI transform methods.

        RoIFeatureTransform abstracts away:
          - Use of FPN or not
          - Specifics of the transform method
        assert method in {'RoIPoolF', 'RoICrop', 'RoIAlign'}, \
            'Unknown pooling method: {}'.format(method)

        if isinstance(blobs_in, list):
            # FPN case: add RoIFeatureTransform to each FPN level
            device_id = blobs_in[0].get_device()
            k_max = cfg.FPN.ROI_MAX_LEVEL  # coarsest level of pyramid
            k_min = cfg.FPN.ROI_MIN_LEVEL  # finest level of pyramid
            assert len(blobs_in) == k_max - k_min + 1
            bl_out_list = []
            for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
                bl_in = blobs_in[k_max - lvl]  # blobs_in is in reversed order
                sc = spatial_scale[k_max - lvl]  # in reversed order
                if not panet:
                    bl_rois = blob_rois + '_fpn' + str(lvl)
                    bl_rois = blob_rois
                if len(rpn_ret[bl_rois]):
                    rois = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rpn_ret[bl_rois])).cuda(device_id)
                    if method == 'RoIPoolF':
                        # Warning!: Not check if implementation matches Detectron
                        xform_out = RoIPoolFunction(resolution, resolution, sc)(bl_in, rois)
                    elif method == 'RoICrop':
                        # Warning!: Not check if implementation matches Detectron
                        grid_xy = net_utils.affine_grid_gen(
                            rois, bl_in.size()[2:], self.grid_size)
                        grid_yx = torch.stack(
                            [grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 1], grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 0]], 3).contiguous()
                        xform_out = RoICropFunction()(bl_in, Variable(grid_yx).detach())
                        if cfg.CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL:
                            xform_out = F.max_pool2d(xform_out, 2, 2)
                    elif method == 'RoIAlign':
                        xform_out = RoIAlignFunction(
                            resolution, resolution, sc, sampling_ratio)(bl_in, rois)
            if not panet:
                # The pooled features from all levels are concatenated along the
                # batch dimension into a single 4D tensor.
                xform_shuffled = torch.cat(bl_out_list, dim=0)

                # Unshuffle to match rois from dataloader
                device_id = xform_shuffled.get_device()
                restore_bl = rpn_ret[blob_rois + '_idx_restore_int32']
                restore_bl = Variable(
                    torch.from_numpy(restore_bl.astype('int64', copy=False))).cuda(device_id)
                xform_out = xform_shuffled[restore_bl]
                return bl_out_list
            # Single feature level
            # rois: holds R regions of interest, each is a 5-tuple
            # (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2) specifying an image batch index and a
            # rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2)
            device_id = blobs_in.get_device()
            rois = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rpn_ret[blob_rois])).cuda(device_id)
            if method == 'RoIPoolF':
                xform_out = RoIPoolFunction(resolution, resolution, spatial_scale)(blobs_in, rois)
            elif method == 'RoICrop':
                grid_xy = net_utils.affine_grid_gen(rois, blobs_in.size()[2:], self.grid_size)
                grid_yx = torch.stack(
                    [grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 1], grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 0]], 3).contiguous()
                xform_out = RoICropFunction()(blobs_in, Variable(grid_yx).detach())
                if cfg.CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL:
                    xform_out = F.max_pool2d(xform_out, 2, 2)
            elif method == 'RoIAlign':
                xform_out = RoIAlignFunction(
                    resolution, resolution, spatial_scale, sampling_ratio)(blobs_in, rois)

        return xform_out
    def roi_feature_transform(self, blobs_in, rpn_ret, blob_rois='rois', method='RoIPoolF',
                              resolution=7, spatial_scale=1. / 16., sampling_ratio=0):
        """Add the specified RoI pooling method. The sampling_ratio argument
        is supported for some, but not all, RoI transform methods.

        RoIFeatureTransform abstracts away:
          - Use of FPN or not
          - Specifics of the transform method
        assert method in {'RoIPoolF', 'RoICrop', 'RoIAlign'}, \
            'Unknown pooling method: {}'.format(method)

        if isinstance(blobs_in, list):
            # FPN case: add RoIFeatureTransform to each FPN level
            device_id = blobs_in[0].get_device()
            k_max = cfg.FPN.ROI_MAX_LEVEL  # coarsest level of pyramid
            k_min = cfg.FPN.ROI_MIN_LEVEL  # finest level of pyramid
            assert len(blobs_in) == k_max - k_min + 1
            bl_out_list = []
            for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
                bl_in = blobs_in[k_max - lvl]  # blobs_in is in reversed order
                sc = spatial_scale[k_max - lvl]  # in reversed order
                bl_rois = blob_rois + '_fpn' + str(lvl)
                if len(rpn_ret[bl_rois]):
                    rois = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rpn_ret[bl_rois])).cuda(device_id)
                    if method == 'RoIPoolF':
                        # Warning!: Not check if implementation matches Detectron
                        xform_out = RoIPoolFunction(resolution, resolution, sc)(bl_in, rois)
                    elif method == 'RoICrop':
                        # Warning!: Not check if implementation matches Detectron
                        grid_xy = net_utils.affine_grid_gen(
                            rois, bl_in.size()[2:], self.grid_size)
                        grid_yx = torch.stack(
                            [grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 1], grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 0]], 3).contiguous()
                        xform_out = RoICropFunction()(bl_in, Variable(grid_yx).detach())
                        if cfg.CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL:
                            xform_out = F.max_pool2d(xform_out, 2, 2)
                    elif method == 'RoIAlign':
                        xform_out = RoIAlignFunction(
                            resolution, resolution, sc, sampling_ratio)(bl_in, rois)

            # The pooled features from all levels are concatenated along the
            # batch dimension into a single 4D tensor.
            xform_shuffled = torch.cat(bl_out_list, dim=0)

            # Unshuffle to match rois from dataloader
            device_id = xform_shuffled.get_device()
            restore_bl = rpn_ret[blob_rois + '_idx_restore_int32']
            restore_bl = Variable(
                torch.from_numpy(restore_bl.astype('int64', copy=False))).cuda(device_id)
            xform_out = xform_shuffled[restore_bl]
            # Single feature level
            # rois: holds R regions of interest, each is a 5-tuple
            # (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2) specifying an image batch index and a
            # rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2)
            device_id = blobs_in.get_device()
            rois = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rpn_ret[blob_rois])).cuda(device_id)
            if method == 'RoIPoolF':
                xform_out = RoIPoolFunction(resolution, resolution, spatial_scale)(blobs_in, rois)
            elif method == 'RoICrop':
                grid_xy = net_utils.affine_grid_gen(rois, blobs_in.size()[2:], self.grid_size)
                grid_yx = torch.stack(
                    [grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 1], grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 0]], 3).contiguous()
                xform_out = RoICropFunction()(blobs_in, Variable(grid_yx).detach())
                if cfg.CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL:
                    xform_out = F.max_pool2d(xform_out, 2, 2)
            elif method == 'RoIAlign':
                xform_out = RoIAlignFunction(
                    resolution, resolution, spatial_scale, sampling_ratio)(blobs_in, rois)

        return xform_out
예제 #3
    def roi_feature_transform(self,
                              spatial_scale=1. / 16.,
        """Add the specified RoI pooling method. The sampling_ratio argument
        is supported for some, but not all, RoI transform methods.

        RoIFeatureTransform abstracts away:
          - Use of FPN or not
          - Specifics of the transform method
        assert method in {'RoIPoolF', 'RoICrop', 'RoIAlign'}, \
            'Unknown pooling method: {}'.format(method)

        if isinstance(blobs_in, list):
            # FPN case: add RoIFeatureTransform to each FPN level
            device_id = blobs_in[0].get_device()
            k_max = cfg.FPN.ROI_MAX_LEVEL  # coarsest level of pyramid
            k_min = cfg.FPN.ROI_MIN_LEVEL  # finest level of pyramid
            assert len(blobs_in) == k_max - k_min + 1
            bl_out_list = []
            for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
                bl_in = blobs_in[k_max - lvl]  # blobs_in is in reversed order
                sc = spatial_scale[k_max - lvl]  # in reversed order
                bl_rois = blob_rois + '_fpn' + str(lvl)
                if len(rpn_ret[bl_rois]):
                    rois = Variable(torch.from_numpy(
                    if method == 'RoIPoolF':
                        # Warning!: Not check if implementation matches Detectron
                        xform_out = RoIPoolFunction(resolution, resolution,
                                                    sc)(bl_in, rois)
                    elif method == 'RoICrop':
                        # Warning!: Not check if implementation matches Detectron
                        grid_xy = net_utils.affine_grid_gen(
                            bl_in.size()[2:], self.grid_size)
                        grid_yx = torch.stack([
                            grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 1], grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 0]
                        ], 3).contiguous()
                        xform_out = RoICropFunction()(
                            bl_in, Variable(grid_yx).detach())
                        if cfg.CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL:
                            xform_out = F.max_pool2d(xform_out, 2, 2)
                    elif method == 'RoIAlign':
                        xform_out = RoIAlignFunction(resolution, resolution,
                                                     sc, sampling_ratio)(bl_in,
                    # print(xform_out.size())
                    # input()
            #if bl_out_list[0].size(2) == 7:
            #    FLAG_MASK = False
            #    FLAG_MASK = True

            #feats = torch.FloatTensor(bl_out_list[0].size()).fill_(0).cuda(device_id)
            #feats = torch.autograd.Variable(feats)
            #if FLAG_MASK:
            #    for i in range(len(bl_out_list)):
            #        feats_t = bl_out_list[i]
            #        feats_t = F.relu(self.mask_fcn_1[i](feats_t))
            #        feats = torch.max(feats, feats_t)
            #    for i in range(len(bl_out_list)):
            #        feats_t = bl_out_list[i]
            #        feats_t = F.relu(self.box_fcn_1[i](feats_t))
            #        feats = torch.max(feats, feats_t)
            ## The pooled features from all levels are concatenated along the
            ## batch dimension into a single 4D tensor.
            ## xform_shuffled = torch.cat(bl_out_list, dim=0)
            #xform_shuffled = feats
            ## Unshuffle to match rois from dataloader
            #device_id = xform_shuffled.get_device()
            #xform_out = xform_shuffled
        #    # Single feature level
        #    # rois: holds R regions of interest, each is a 5-tuple
        #    # (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2) specifying an image batch index and a
        #    # rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2)
        #    device_id = blobs_in.get_device()
        #    rois = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rpn_ret[blob_rois])).cuda(device_id)
        #    if method == 'RoIPoolF':
        #        xform_out = RoIPoolFunction(resolution, resolution, spatial_scale)(blobs_in, rois)
        #    elif method == 'RoICrop':
        #        grid_xy = net_utils.affine_grid_gen(rois, blobs_in.size()[2:], self.grid_size)
        #        grid_yx = torch.stack(
        #            [grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 1], grid_xy.data[:, :, :, 0]], 3).contiguous()
        #        xform_out = RoICropFunction()(blobs_in, Variable(grid_yx).detach())
        #        if cfg.CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL:
        #            xform_out = F.max_pool2d(xform_out, 2, 2)
        #    elif method == 'RoIAlign':
        #        xform_out = RoIAlignFunction(
        #            resolution, resolution, spatial_scale, sampling_ratio)(blobs_in, rois)

        return bl_out_list