def __init__(self, year, method, flg_sym, norm="norm", is_gcc=False): self.year = year if flg_sym: self.flg_sym = 'sym' else: self.flg_sym = '' self.G = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(self.dirPre, self.year, self.flg_sym) self.gcc = max(nx.connected_components(self.G), key=len) self.num_gcc = len(self.gcc) self.trade_ntwrk_graph, self.imports, self.exports =\ dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(self.dirIn, year, self.num_countries, self.flg_sym) assert np.any(np.sum(self.trade_ntwrk_graph, axis=0) == self.imports), 'Imports are Weird' assert np.any(np.sum(self.trade_ntwrk_graph, axis=1) == self.exports), 'Exports are Weird' if method is "Laplacian": print('hi') self.trade_ntwrk = nm.networkX_laplacian(self.G, self.flg_sym, norm) else: self.trade_ntwrk = nm.construct_ntwrk_method( self.trade_ntwrk_graph, method) if is_gcc: self.trade_ntwrk = nm.convert_adjacency_to_giant_component( self.G, self.trade_ntwrk) self.labels = None
# from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # import time # import os # import csv # import sys # import scipy as sp # library to deal with sparse graphs for Cuthill-Mckee and Laplacian #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load in a network for a specific year dirPre = dm.set_dir_tree() year = np.array(1962) flg_sym = True G = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre=dirPre, year=year, flg_sym=flg_sym) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Explore 'community' module # Compute best partition and dendrogram using Louvain algorithm in 'community' module res = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10] # different resolution values for partitioning algorithms q_bp = np.zeros_like(res) q_dend = np.zeros((3, len(res))) coverage = np.zeros_like(res) for i, r in enumerate(res): print('Resolution is ', r) #
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import networkx as nx import pickle import utils.data_manipulation as dm import utils.network_manipulation as nm # This script Construct directed network Graph object that NetworkX can analyze from the Adjacency matrix # loaded from an .npz file. It will save the graph object as a .gpickle file. It will also save output # figures of the Adjacency Matrix, and the network overlayed on a map. sym = 'sym' # 'sym' if undirected or '' if directed. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## (0). Check what Operating System you are on (either my machine or Cortex cluster) and adjust directory structure accordingly. dirPre = dm.set_dir_tree() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## (1). Load country names that align with 3 letter acronyms used in origin destination file countries = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre) num_countries = countries.shape[0] ### Loop over each year years = range(1962, 2015) # For each year: Each trade network from years 1962 - 2014. for year in years: print(str(year)) # Construct a networkX graph containing node and edge attributes. trade_ntwrkG = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre, year, flg_sym)
conts = set(continent) # this is a 'set object' (all the different countries) conts = list(conts) # convert 'set object' to a list that I can iterate over. conts = np.sort(conts) node_colors_by_continent = np.zeros(len(continent)) for i in range(0, len(conts)): node_colors_by_continent[np.array(continent == conts[i])] = i # (-) Loop through different years and compute modularity using NetworkX for year in range(1962, 1963): ## (-) First the adjacency matrix is loaded from the adj_npz. # Then the adj_matrix is converted into a NetworkX DiGraph object. # Finally the DiGraph is used to create a laplacian matrix, using the NetworkX # laplacian_matrix functions, selected in our network manipulation suit. adj_npz, _, _ = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, year, num_countries, sym) adj_graph = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre, year, sym) lap_ntwkX = nm.networkX_laplacian(adj_graph, sym, norm, weight) # (-) Uncomment these lines to check if Our implemented modularity matches results of NetworkX version. # dirLap = str(dirPre + 'laplacian_ntwrk_npz_files/') # lap_npz = dm.load_laplacian_npz_year(dirLap, year, num_countries, sym) # diff = lap_ntwkX - lap_npz # claim = (diff).any() # print('Claim differences in 2 laplacian calcs.', claim ) # if claim: # plt.imshow(diff) # plt.colorbar() # if False: np.savez(str(dirOut + file_name + str(year) + '_' + str(num_countries) + 'countries.npz'),