def parse_seed(conf): parser = Parser() seed_dir = os.path.join(conf.data_dir, 'seed') ast_dir = os.path.join(conf.data_dir, 'ast_all') make_dir(ast_dir) parser.parse(seed_dir, ast_dir) return ast_dir
result = [] for w_s, h_s in angle_sorted: # ugly hack to correct the discrepancy # between coordinates and the "up" direction h_s = -h_s sline = takewhile(lambda p: w > p[0] >= 0 and h > p[1] >= 0, scanline(x, y, w_s, h_s)) scanned = [p for p in sline if p in asteroids] if scanned: result.append(scanned) return result parser = Parser("Day 10: Monitoring Station - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: data = [line.strip() for line in input] width = len(data[0]) height = len(data) flattened = "".join(data) asteroids = {(i % width, i // width) for i, symbol in enumerate(flattened) if symbol == '#'} x_max, y_max = max( asteroids, key=lambda p: count_visible_from(p[0], p[1], width, height, asteroids))
from utils.parse import Parser from aoc.intcode import Machine from itertools import product from copy import deepcopy def run_with_params(program, noun, verb): program[1] = noun program[2] = verb computer = Machine(deepcopy(program), lambda: None) return parser = Parser("Day 2: 1202 Program Alarm - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] filtered = ((n, v) for n, v in product(range(100), range(100)) if run_with_params(program, n, v) == 19690720) noun, verb = next(filtered) solution = 100 * noun + verb print(solution)
from utils.parse import Parser from itertools import groupby from collections import deque from operator import itemgetter def is_direct_ore_product(recipes, name): _, ings = recipes[name] return all(ing == 'ORE' for ing, _ in ings) parser = Parser("Day 14: Space Stoichiometry - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: split = (l.strip().split('=>') for l in input) recipes = {} for ingredients, product in split: ings = ingredients.strip().split(', ') tmp = (el.split() for el in ings) ings = [(name, int(amount)) for amount, name in tmp] product_amount, product_name = product.split() recipes[product_name] = int(product_amount), ings current_searchspace = deque([('FUEL', 1)]) surpluses = {} direct_ore_products = [] while current_searchspace: name, amount = current_searchspace.popleft()
def dust_amount(self): return self.__dust_amount def run(self): def __get_routine(self): c = next(self.__it) return ord(c) def __get_dust(self, value): self.__dust_amount = value # use misc.d17path to obtain the path and then manually divide it into routines parser = Parser("Day 17: Set and Forget - Part 2") parser.add_argument("--routine", type=FileType('r'), metavar="ROUTINE", required=True, help="File with movement routine description") parser.parse() with parser.input as input, parser.routine as routine: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] routines = program[0] = 2 robot = VacuumRobot(program, routines) print(robot.dust_amount)
if d == 'L': return x - l, y elif d == 'R': return x + l, y elif d == 'U': return x, y + l else: return x, y - l def dist(pos): x, y = pos return abs(x) + abs(y) parser = Parser("Day 3: Crossed Wires - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line1 = input.readline() wire_a = [(path[:1], int(path[1:])) for path in line1.strip().split(',')] line2 = input.readline() wire_b = [(path[:1], int(path[1:])) for path in line2.strip().split(',')] grid_a = Grid() current_pos = (0, 0) for d, l in wire_a: grid_a.wire(d, current_pos, l) current_pos = move_pos(current_pos, d, l) grid_b = Grid() current_pos = (0, 0)
def __get_panel_color(self): return self.__grid[self.__coordinates] def __get_instructions(self, value): if self.__color__given: turn_side = 1 if value else -1 self.__dir = self.__dir.turn(turn_side) self.__move() self.__color__given = False else: self.__current_color = value self.__paint_panel() self.__color__given = True parser = Parser("Day 11: Space Police - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.strip().split(',')] painter = Painter(deepcopy(program)) painter.paint() white_panels = {coords for coords, color in painter.grid.items() if color == 1} max_x = max(x for x, _ in white_panels) max_y = max(y for _, y in white_panels) min_x = min(x for x, _ in white_panels) min_y = min(y for _, y in white_panels) painted_grid = [[
current_length = path_length visited.add(p) directions = (d.azimuth for d in Direction) x, y = p choices = [(x + a_x, y + a_y) for a_x, a_y in directions] mapped = map(lambda p: ship_map.get(p, None), choices) valid_choices = ((c, m) for c, m in zip(choices, mapped) if c not in visited and m is not None) selected_paths = ((path_length + 1, choice) for choice, room in valid_choices if room is not Room.WALL) current_searchspace.extend(selected_paths) return current_length parser = Parser("Day 15: Oxygen System - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] controller = Controller(deepcopy(program)) solution = time_to_fill(controller.room_map, controller.oxygen_position) print(solution)
return list(chained) def deal_increment(deck, args): incr = args.value size = len(deck) indices = (i % size for i in count(step=incr)) result = [None for _ in deck] for ind, v in zip(indices, deck): result[ind] = v return result parser = Parser() parser.parse() with parser.input as input: lines = (line.strip() for line in input) mapped = [parse_instruction(s) for s in lines] op_mappings = { Operation.DEAL_STACK: deal_stack, Operation.CUT: cut, Operation.DEAL_INCREMENT: deal_increment } deck = list(range(10007)) for op, args in mapped: deck = op_mappings[op](deck, args)
while True: do_time_step(moons) positions = (axis_func(m.position) for m in moons) velocities = (axis_func(m.velocity) for m in moons) state = tuple(zip(positions, velocities)) if state in states: ind = ordered.index(state) loop_size = len(states) - ind return ind, loop_size states.add(state) ordered.append(state) parser = Parser("Day 12: The N-Body Problem - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: stripped = (l.strip('<>\n') for l in input) coordinates = (l.split(',') for l in stripped) moons = [] for moon in coordinates: values = (coord.strip('xyz= ') for coord in moon) position = Vector(*map(int, values)) moons.append(Moon(position)) _, x_loop = find_loop_in_axis(deepcopy(moons), itemgetter(0)) _, y_loop = find_loop_in_axis(deepcopy(moons), itemgetter(1)) _, z_loop = find_loop_in_axis(deepcopy(moons), itemgetter(2)) tmp_lcm = (x_loop * y_loop) // gcd(x_loop, y_loop)
from utils.parse import Parser from aoc.intcode import Machine parser = Parser("Day 5: Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] program_input = lambda: 5 program_output = lambda v: None computer = Machine(program, program_input, program_output) print(computer.last_output)
def __get_instructions(self, value): self.__state_actions[self.__paint_state](value) self.__paint_state = self.__paint_state.advance() def __read_x(self, x): self.__x = x def __read_y(self, y): self.__y = y def __paint_tile(self, value): coords = self.__x, self.__y self.__grid[coords] = Tile(value) parser = Parser("Day 13: Care Package - Print Screen") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] arcade = Arcade(deepcopy(program)) tile_map = { Tile.EMPTY: ' ', Tile.WALL: '#', Tile.BLOCK: 'B', Tile.PADDLE: 'P', Tile.BALL: '@' }
from utils.parse import Parser from itertools import zip_longest, tee def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks" # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" args = [iter(iterable)] * n return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue) parser = Parser("Day 8: Space Image Format - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: data = [int(c) for c in input.readline().strip()] w, h = 25, 6 layer_size = w * h layers = grouper(data, layer_size) fewest_zeroes = min(layers, key=lambda l: sum(p == 0 for p in l)) ones = sum(p == 1 for p in fewest_zeroes) twos = sum(p == 2 for p in fewest_zeroes) print(ones * twos)
from utils.parse import Parser from aoc.intcode import Machine from copy import deepcopy parser = Parser("Day 9: Sensor Boost - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] program_input = lambda: 2 computer = Machine(deepcopy(program), program_input)
self.__script = springscript self.__it = iter(self.__script) @property def output(self): return self.__cpu.last_output def run(self): def __get_input(self): c = next(self.__it) return ord(c) parser = Parser("Day 21: Springdroid Adventure - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] script = ( "NOT C J\n" "AND D J\n" "NOT A T\n" "OR T J\n" "WALK\n" ) droid = SpringDroid(program, script)
def calculate_phase(suffix): partial_chain = partial_sum_chain(reversed(suffix)) digits = [abs(v) % 10 for v in partial_chain] digits.reverse() return digits def phase_chain(data): current = data while True: current = calculate_phase(current) yield current parser = Parser("Day 16: Flawed Frequency Transmission - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline().strip() data = [int(el) for el in line] # works based on the assumption # that message offset lies in the second half of the data message_offset = int(line[:7]) real_data = chain.from_iterable(repeat(data, 10000)) relevant_suffix = list(islice(real_data, message_offset, None)) bound_chain = islice(phase_chain(relevant_suffix), 100) *_, solution = bound_chain
@property def special_msg(self): return self.__special_msg def run(self): while self.__special_msg is None: for c in self.__computers: c.step() def __send_message(self, dest, x, y): if dest == 255: if self.__special_msg is None: self.__special_msg = y return recipient = self.__computers[dest] recipient.queue_message(x, y) parser = Parser("Day 23: Category Six - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] network = Network(program) print(network.special_msg)
opcode = prog_slice[0] if not is_valid(opcode): return None, [] op = opcode % 100 n = get_n_args(op) return op, get_args(prog_slice[1:], n, opcode // 100) def get_arg_symbol(code): symbols = {0: "", 1: "#", 2: "@"} return symbols[code] parser = Parser("Intcode prettifier") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] names = {1: "ADD", 2: "MUL", 3: "INP", 4: "OUT", 5: "JNZ", 6: "JEZ", 7: "TLT", 8: "TEQ", 9: "REL", 99: "HLT"} pos = 0 size = len(program) while pos < size: current_slice = program[pos:] op, args = parse_instruction(current_slice) name = names.get(op, "??? ({})".format(program[pos])) formatted_args = ("{}{}".format(get_arg_symbol(code), value) for code, value in args)
from utils.parse import Parser from itertools import groupby, dropwhile, zip_longest, tee, takewhile from operator import itemgetter, truth parser = Parser("Day 6: Universal Orbit Map - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: mappings = (l.strip().split(')') for l in input) orbit_map = [(grav, orb) for grav, orb in mappings] orbit_map = sorted(orbit_map) grouped = groupby(orbit_map, itemgetter(0)) gravs = {g: [o for _, o in orbs] for g, orbs in grouped} # depth-first search current_searchspace = [([], 'COM')] santa_found = False me_found = False while current_searchspace: path, g = current_searchspace.pop() current_path = path + [g] orbiters = ((current_path, orb) for orb in gravs.get(g, [])) current_searchspace.extend(orbiters) if g == 'SAN': santa_path = path santa_found = True elif g == 'YOU': me_path = path me_found = True
def __get_panel_color(self): return self.__grid[self.__coordinates] def __get_instructions(self, value): if self.__color__given: turn_side = 1 if value else -1 self.__dir = self.__dir.turn(turn_side) self.__move() self.__color__given = False else: self.__current_color = value self.__paint_panel() self.__color__given = True parser = Parser("Day 11: Space Police - Bonus Art") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.strip().split(',')] painter = Painter(deepcopy(program)) painter.paint() white_panels = {coords for coords, color in painter.grid.items() if color == 1} max_x = max(x for x, _ in white_panels) max_y = max(y for _, y in white_panels) min_x = min(x for x, _ in white_panels) min_y = min(y for _, y in white_panels) painted_grid = [[
x, y = pos adjacent = ((x + az_x, y + az_y) for az_x, az_y in GameOfLife.__dirs) n_adjacent_bugs = sum( 1 for p in adjacent if self.__prev.get(p, Entity.EMPTY) is Entity.BUG) current_state = self.__prev[pos] if current_state is Entity.EMPTY and n_adjacent_bugs in GameOfLife.__infestation_cond: return Entity.BUG if current_state is Entity.BUG and n_adjacent_bugs != 1: return Entity.EMPTY return current_state parser = Parser("Day 24: Planet of Discord - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: coords = ((x, y) for y, x in product(range(5), range(5))) stripped = (l.strip() for l in input) chained = chain.from_iterable(stripped) mappings = {'.': Entity.EMPTY, '#': Entity.BUG} initial_state = {pos: mappings[v] for pos, v in zip(coords, chained)} game = GameOfLife(initial_state) print(game.current_biodiversity)
self.__phase_given = True return self.__phase def run_feedback_loop(phases, prog): links = [Link(p, 0) for p in phases] linkage = pairwise(cycle(links)) comps = [ Machine(deepcopy(prog), i, o) for i, o in islice(linkage, len(links)) ] for c in comps: c.break_on_output = True while not all(c.halted for c in comps): for c in comps: c.start_or_resume() return comps[-1].last_output parser = Parser("Day 7: Amplification Circuit - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] max_output = max( run_feedback_loop(t, program) for t in permutations(range(5, 10))) print(max_output)
self.__next_position = None @property def pulled(self): return self.__pulled def run(self): for pos in product(range(self.__grid_size), range(self.__grid_size)): self.__next_position = iter(pos) self.__drone = Machine(deepcopy(self.__program_copy), self.__get_position, self.__get_output) def __get_position(self): return next(self.__next_position) def __get_output(self, value): self.__pulled += value parser = Parser("Day 19: Tractor Beam - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] scanner = Scanner(deepcopy(program), 50) print(scanner.pulled) def __get_pixel(self, ascii): c = chr(ascii) x, y = self.__position mapping = self.__char_mapping.get(c, None) if mapping is None: self.__position = 0, y + 1 return self.__image[self.__position] = mapping self.__position = x + 1, y parser = Parser("Day 17: Set and Forget - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] camera = Camera(deepcopy(program)) image = camera.image min_x = min(x for x, _ in image.keys()) min_y = min(y for _, y in image.keys()) max_x = max(x for x, _ in image.keys()) max_y = max(y for _, y in image.keys())
a, b = tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b) def is_valid(password): group_len = 1 is_adjacent_pair_same = False for first, second in pairwise(password): if first > second: return False if first == second: group_len += 1 else: if group_len == 2: is_adjacent_pair_same = True group_len = 1 return group_len == 2 or is_adjacent_pair_same parser = Parser("Day 4: Secure Container - Part 2") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: a, b = map(int, input.readline().split('-')) n_valid = sum(is_valid(str(n)) for n in range(a, b + 1)) print(n_valid)
def run(self): def __get_instructions(self, value): self.__state_actions[self.__paint_state](value) self.__paint_state = self.__paint_state.advance() def __read_x(self, x): self.__x = x def __read_y(self, y): self.__y = y def __paint_tile(self, value): coords = self.__x, self.__y self.__grid[coords] = Tile(value) parser = Parser("Day 13: Care Package - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] arcade = Arcade(deepcopy(program)) n_blocks = sum(1 for tile in arcade.grid.values() if tile is Tile.BLOCK) print(n_blocks)
def parse(self): make_dir(self._ast_dir) parser = Parser() parser.parse(self._seed_dir, self._ast_dir)
from utils.parse import Parser def fuel_req(mass): return mass // 3 - 2 parser = Parser("Day 1: The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: modules = [int(val) for val in input] total_fuel = sum(fuel_req(m) for m in modules) print(total_fuel)
c = next(self.__input_it, None) if c is None: input_line = input('#> ') self.__input = [input_line, '\n'] self.__input_it = chain.from_iterable(self.__input) c = next(self.__input_it) return ord(c) def __get_output(self, ascii): c = chr(ascii) self.__output.append(c) def __flush_output(self): outprint = "".join(self.__output) print(outprint) self.__output.clear() # This part is interactive, navigate Santa's ship # and get through the Pressure-Sensitive Floor to win! parser = Parser("Day 25: Cryostasis - Part 1") parser.parse() with parser.input as inp: line = inp.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] droid = Droid(program)
c = chr(ascii) x, y = self.__position mapping = self.__char_mapping.get(c, None) if mapping is None: self.__position = 0, y + 1 return if mapping.is_robot: self.__vacuum_robot = self.__position, self.__dir_mapping[mapping] self.__image[self.__position] = mapping self.__position = x + 1, y parser = Parser("Day 17: Set and Forget - Path Finder") parser.parse() with parser.input as input: line = input.readline() program = [int(el) for el in line.split(',')] camera = Camera(deepcopy(program)) image = camera.image min_x = min(x for x, _ in image.keys()) min_y = min(y for _, y in image.keys()) max_x = max(x for x, _ in image.keys()) max_y = max(y for _, y in image.keys())