def main(): # Parse arguments args = parse_commandline_arguments() # Loading FlattenConcat plugin library using CDLL has a side # effect of loading FlattenConcat plugin into internal TensorRT # PluginRegistry data structure. This will be needed when parsing # network into UFF, since some operations will need to use this plugin try: ctypes.CDLL(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()) except: print("Error: {}\n{}\n{}".format( "Could not find {}".format(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()), "Make sure you have compiled FlattenConcat custom plugin layer", "For more details, check")) sys.exit(1) # build engine trt_inference_wrapper = inference_utils.TRTInference( args.engine_path, args.model_file, trt.DataType.HALF, 1) inference_time = [] cnt = 0 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.video_file) start = success, frame = while success: cnt += 1 frame = preprocess_frame(frame) start_infer = trt_inference_wrapper.infer_numpy(frame) end_infer = inference_time.append( (end_infer - start_infer).total_seconds() * 1000.0) success, frame = end = time_delta = (end - start).total_seconds() fps = cnt / time_delta print( "===============================================================================" ) print("Process time (exclude load model time): {time:.2f}s".format( time=time_delta)) print("Total #frames: {cnt}".format(cnt=cnt)) print("Process FPS (exclude load model time): {time:.2f}".format(time=fps)) print("Average inference time is: {time:.2f}ms".format( time=np.mean(inference_time))) print( "===============================================================================" )
def main(): # Parse command line arguments args = parse_commandline_arguments() # Loading FlattenConcat plugin library using CDLL has a side # effect of loading FlattenConcat plugin into internal TensorRT # PluginRegistry data structure. This will be needed when parsing # network into UFF, since some operations will need to use this plugin try: ctypes.CDLL(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()) except: print( "Error: {}\n{}\n{}".format( "Could not find {}".format(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()), "Make sure you have compiled FlattenConcat custom plugin layer", "For more details, check" ) ) sys.exit(1) # Fetch .uff model path, convert from .pb # if needed, using prepare_ssd_model ssd_model_uff_path = PATHS.get_model_uff_path(MODEL_NAME) if not os.path.exists(ssd_model_uff_path): model_utils.prepare_ssd_model(MODEL_NAME) # Set up all TensorRT data structures needed for inference trt_inference_wrapper = inference_utils.TRTInference( args.trt_engine_path, ssd_model_uff_path, trt_engine_datatype=args.trt_engine_datatype, batch_size=args.max_batch_size) # Start measuring time inference_start_time = time.time() # Get TensorRT SSD model output detection_out, keep_count_out = \ trt_inference_wrapper.infer(args.input_img_path) # Make PIL.Image for drawing bounding boxes and # let analyze_prediction() draw them based on model output img_pil = prediction_fields = len(TRT_PREDICTION_LAYOUT) for det in range(int(keep_count_out[0])): analyze_prediction(detection_out, det * prediction_fields, img_pil) # Output total [img load + inference + drawing bboxes] time print("Total time taken for one image: {} ms\n".format( int(round((time.time() - inference_start_time) * 1000)))) # Save output image and output path print("Saved output image to: {}".format(args.output))
def main(): # Parse command line arguments args = parse_commandline_arguments() # Loading FlattenConcat plugin library using CDLL has a side # effect of loading FlattenConcat plugin into internal TensorRT # PluginRegistry data structure. This will be needed when parsing # network into UFF, since some operations will need to use this plugin try: ctypes.CDLL(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()) except: print( "Error: {}\n{}\n{}".format( "Could not find {}".format(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()), "Make sure you have compiled FlattenConcat custom plugin layer", "For more details, check" ) ) sys.exit(1) input_shape = (3, 300, 300) if not args.input_shape else args.input_shape print("[SSD Mobilenet V2 Converter] Converting {input_file} to UFF format...".format(input_file=args.input_file)) if args.model_name == "ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco": model_utils.model_to_uff(args.input_file, args.output_path, preprocess_func=model_utils.ssd_mobilenet_v2_unsupported_nodes_to_plugin_nodes, input_shape=input_shape) elif args.model_name == "ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco": model_utils.model_to_uff(args.input_file, args.output_path, preprocess_func=model_utils.ssd_mobilenet_v1_unsupported_nodes_to_plugin_nodes, input_shape=input_shape) else: raise ValueError("Got unsupported model: {model_name}".format(model_name=args.model_name)) print("[SSD Mobilenet V2 Converter] Convert succeed, output is saved to {output_path}" .format(output_path=args.output_path))
skip_inference = should_skip_inference(parsed) # And if inference will not be skipped, then we # create files to store its results in detection_files = {} if not skip_inference: for voc_class in VOC_CLASSES: detection_files[voc_class] = open( os.path.join(parsed['results_dir'], 'det_test_{}.txt'.format(voc_class)), 'w') # Loading FlattenConcat plugin library using CDLL has a side # effect of loading FlattenConcat plugin into internal TensorRT # PluginRegistry data structure. This will be needed when parsing # network into UFF, since some operations will need to use this plugin try: ctypes.CDLL(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()) except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: {}\n{}\n{}".format( "Could not find {}".format(PATHS.get_flatten_concat_plugin_path()), "Make sure you have compiled FlattenConcat custom plugin layer", "For more details, check")) sys.exit(1) # Fetch frozen model .pb path... ssd_model_pb_path = PATHS.get_model_pb_path(MODEL_NAME) # ...and .uff path, if needed (converting .pb to .uff if not already done) if parsed['inference_backend'] == 'tensorrt': ssd_model_uff_path = PATHS.get_model_uff_path(MODEL_NAME) if not os.path.exists(ssd_model_uff_path): model_utils.prepare_ssd_model(MODEL_NAME)