예제 #1
    def __init__(self, transform, test_dir, batch_size=32):
        self.test_dir = test_dir
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.filenames = os.listdir(self.test_dir)
        self.batch_index = 0
        self.transform = transform
        self.skeleton = load_skeleton(osp.join('/home/ubuntu/3d-testing/InterHand2.6M/data/InterHand2.6M/annotations', 'skeleton.txt'), 21*2)
        self.bboxs = open("bbs.txt", "r")
        self.files = open("my_hand_files.txt", "r")
        self.index = -1

        self.fs = self.files.readlines()
        self.bs = self.bboxs.readlines()
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, transform, mode, annot_subset):
        self.mode = mode # train, test, val
        self.annot_subset = annot_subset # all, human_annot, machine_annot
        self.img_path = '../data/InterHand2.6M/images'
        self.annot_path = '../data/InterHand2.6M/annotations'
        if self.annot_subset == 'machine_annot' and self.mode == 'val':
            self.rootnet_output_path = '../data/InterHand2.6M/rootnet_output/rootnet_interhand2.6m_output_machine_annot_val.json'
            self.rootnet_output_path = '../data/InterHand2.6M/rootnet_output/rootnet_interhand2.6m_output_all_test.json'
        self.transform = transform
        self.joint_num = 21 # single hand
        self.root_joint_idx = {'right': 20, 'left': 41}
        self.joint_type = {'right': np.arange(0,self.joint_num), 'left': np.arange(self.joint_num,self.joint_num*2)}
        self.skeleton = load_skeleton(osp.join(self.annot_path, 'skeleton.txt'), self.joint_num*2)
        self.datalist = []
        self.datalist_sh = []
        self.datalist_ih = []
        self.sequence_names = []
        # load annotation
        print("Load annotation from  " + osp.join(self.annot_path, self.annot_subset))
        db = COCO(osp.join(self.annot_path, self.annot_subset, 'InterHand2.6M_' + self.mode + '_data.json'))
        with open(osp.join(self.annot_path, self.annot_subset, 'InterHand2.6M_' + self.mode + '_camera.json')) as f:
            cameras = json.load(f)
        with open(osp.join(self.annot_path, self.annot_subset, 'InterHand2.6M_' + self.mode + '_joint_3d.json')) as f:
            joints = json.load(f)

        if (self.mode == 'val' or self.mode == 'test') and cfg.trans_test == 'rootnet':
            print("Get bbox and root depth from " + self.rootnet_output_path)
            rootnet_result = {}
            with open(self.rootnet_output_path) as f:
                annot = json.load(f)
            for i in range(len(annot)):
                rootnet_result[str(annot[i]['annot_id'])] = annot[i]
            print("Get bbox and root depth from groundtruth annotation")
        for aid in db.anns.keys():
            ann = db.anns[aid]
            image_id = ann['image_id']
            img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0]
            capture_id = img['capture']
            seq_name = img['seq_name']
            cam = img['camera']
            frame_idx = img['frame_idx']
            img_path = osp.join(self.img_path, self.mode, img['file_name'])
            campos, camrot = np.array(cameras[str(capture_id)]['campos'][str(cam)], dtype=np.float32), np.array(cameras[str(capture_id)]['camrot'][str(cam)], dtype=np.float32)
            focal, princpt = np.array(cameras[str(capture_id)]['focal'][str(cam)], dtype=np.float32), np.array(cameras[str(capture_id)]['princpt'][str(cam)], dtype=np.float32)
            joint_world = np.array(joints[str(capture_id)][str(frame_idx)], dtype=np.float32)
            joint_cam = world2cam(joint_world.transpose(1,0), camrot, campos.reshape(3,1)).transpose(1,0)
            joint_img = cam2pixel(joint_cam, focal, princpt)[:,:2]

            joint_valid = np.array(ann['joint_valid'],dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.joint_num*2)
            # if root is not valid -> root-relative 3D pose is also not valid. Therefore, mark all joints as invalid
            joint_valid[self.joint_type['right']] *= joint_valid[self.root_joint_idx['right']]
            joint_valid[self.joint_type['left']] *= joint_valid[self.root_joint_idx['left']]
            hand_type = ann['hand_type']
            hand_type_valid = np.array((ann['hand_type_valid']), dtype=np.float32)
            if (self.mode == 'val' or self.mode == 'test') and cfg.trans_test == 'rootnet':
                bbox = np.array(rootnet_result[str(aid)]['bbox'],dtype=np.float32)
                abs_depth = {'right': rootnet_result[str(aid)]['abs_depth'][0], 'left': rootnet_result[str(aid)]['abs_depth'][1]}
                img_width, img_height = img['width'], img['height']
                bbox = np.array(ann['bbox'],dtype=np.float32) # x,y,w,h
                bbox = process_bbox(bbox, (img_height, img_width))
                abs_depth = {'right': joint_cam[self.root_joint_idx['right'],2], 'left': joint_cam[self.root_joint_idx['left'],2]}

            cam_param = {'focal': focal, 'princpt': princpt}
            joint = {'cam_coord': joint_cam, 'img_coord': joint_img, 'valid': joint_valid}
            data = {'img_path': img_path, 'seq_name': seq_name, 'cam_param': cam_param, 'bbox': bbox, 'joint': joint, 'hand_type': hand_type, 'hand_type_valid': hand_type_valid, 'abs_depth': abs_depth, 'file_name': img['file_name'], 'capture': capture_id, 'cam': cam, 'frame': frame_idx}
            if hand_type == 'right' or hand_type == 'left':
            if seq_name not in self.sequence_names:

        self.datalist = self.datalist_sh + self.datalist_ih
        print('Number of annotations in single hand sequences: ' + str(len(self.datalist_sh)))
        print('Number of annotations in interacting hand sequences: ' + str(len(self.datalist_ih)))
예제 #3
    return args

# argument parsing
args = parse_args()
cudnn.benchmark = True

# joint set information is in annotations/skeleton.txt
joint_num = 21  # single hand
root_joint_idx = {'right': 20, 'left': 41}
joint_type = {
    'right': np.arange(0, joint_num),
    'left': np.arange(joint_num, joint_num * 2)
skeleton = load_skeleton(
    osp.join('../data/InterHand2.6M/annotations/skeleton.txt'), joint_num * 2)

# snapshot load
model_path = './snapshot_%d.pth.tar' % int(args.test_epoch)
assert osp.exists(model_path), 'Cannot find model at ' + model_path
print('Load checkpoint from {}'.format(model_path))
model = get_model('test', joint_num)
model = DataParallel(model).cuda()
ckpt = torch.load(model_path)
model.load_state_dict(ckpt['network'], strict=False)

# prepare input image
transform = transforms.ToTensor()
img_path = 'input.jpg'
original_img = cv2.imread(img_path)
예제 #4
        gpus[1] = int(gpus[1]) + 1
        args.gpu_ids = ','.join(map(lambda x: str(x), list(range(*gpus))))
    assert args.test_epoch, 'Test epoch is required.'
    return args

# argument parsing
args = parse_args()
cudnn.benchmark = True

# joint set information is in annotations/skeleton.txt
joint_num = 21 # single hand
root_joint_idx = {'right': 20, 'left': 41}
joint_type = {'right': np.arange(0,joint_num), 'left': np.arange(joint_num,joint_num*2)}
skeleton = load_skeleton(osp.join('/media/lwk/T7/datasets/InterHand2.6M/annotations/skeleton.txt'), joint_num*2)

# snapshot load
model_path = './snapshot_%d.pth.tar' % int(args.test_epoch)
assert osp.exists(model_path), 'Cannot find model at ' + model_path
print('Load checkpoint from {}'.format(model_path))
model = get_model('test', joint_num)
model = DataParallel(model).cuda()
ckpt = torch.load(model_path)
model.load_state_dict(ckpt['network'], strict=False)

# prepare input image
transform = transforms.ToTensor()
img_path = 'input.jpg'
original_img = cv2.imread(img_path)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, transform, mode, annot_subset):
        self.mode = mode
        self.root_path = '../data/RHD/data'
        self.rootnet_output_path = '../data/RHD/rootnet_output/rootnet_rhd_output.json'
        self.original_img_shape = (320, 320) # height, width
        self.transform = transform
        self.joint_num = 21 # single hand
        self.joint_type = {'right': np.arange(self.joint_num,self.joint_num*2), 'left': np.arange(0,self.joint_num)}
        self.root_joint_idx = {'right': 21, 'left': 0}
        self.skeleton = load_skeleton(osp.join(self.root_path, 'skeleton.txt'), self.joint_num*2)
        self.datalist = [];
        if self.mode == 'train':
            set = 'training'
            set = 'evaluation'
        self.annot_path = osp.join(self.root_path, 'RHD_' + set + '.json')
        db = COCO(self.annot_path)
        if self.mode == 'test' and cfg.trans_test == 'rootnet':
            print("Get bbox and root depth from " + self.rootnet_output_path)
            rootnet_result = {}
            with open(self.rootnet_output_path) as f:
                annot = json.load(f)
            for i in range(len(annot)):
                rootnet_result[str(annot[i]['annot_id'])] = annot[i]
            print("Get bbox and root depth from groundtruth annotation")

        for aid in db.anns.keys():
            ann = db.anns[aid]
            image_id = ann['image_id']
            img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0]
            img_path = osp.join(self.root_path, set, 'color', img['file_name'])
            img_width, img_height = img['width'], img['height']
            cam_param = img['cam_param']
            focal, princpt = np.array(cam_param['focal'],dtype=np.float32), np.array(cam_param['princpt'],dtype=np.float32)
            joint_img = np.array(ann['joint_img'],dtype=np.float32)
            joint_cam = np.array(ann['joint_cam'],dtype=np.float32)
            joint_valid = np.array(ann['joint_valid'],dtype=np.float32)
            # transform single hand data to double hand data structure
            hand_type = ann['hand_type']
            joint_img_dh = np.zeros((self.joint_num*2,2),dtype=np.float32)
            joint_cam_dh = np.zeros((self.joint_num*2,3),dtype=np.float32)
            joint_valid_dh = np.zeros((self.joint_num*2),dtype=np.float32)
            joint_img_dh[self.joint_type[hand_type]] = joint_img
            joint_cam_dh[self.joint_type[hand_type]] = joint_cam
            joint_valid_dh[self.joint_type[hand_type]] = joint_valid
            joint_img = joint_img_dh; joint_cam = joint_cam_dh; joint_valid = joint_valid_dh;

            if self.mode == 'test' and cfg.trans_test == 'rootnet':
                bbox = np.array(rootnet_result[str(aid)]['bbox'],dtype=np.float32)
                abs_depth = rootnet_result[str(aid)]['abs_depth']
                bbox = np.array(ann['bbox'],dtype=np.float32) # x,y,w,h
                bbox = process_bbox(bbox, (img_height, img_width))
                abs_depth = joint_cam[self.root_joint_idx[hand_type],2] # single hand abs depth

            cam_param = {'focal': focal, 'princpt': princpt}
            joint = {'cam_coord': joint_cam, 'img_coord': joint_img, 'valid': joint_valid}
            data = {'img_path': img_path, 'bbox': bbox, 'cam_param': cam_param, 'joint': joint, 'hand_type': hand_type, 'abs_depth': abs_depth}