def get_summoner_info(self, summoner_name): """ given a summoner name, retun the following data: { "profileIconId": 1665, "name": "EspinoKiller", "summonerLevel": 30, "accountId": 228772786, "id": 89028317, "revisionDate": 1500131820000 } :param summoner_name: the summoner name of a player :return a dictionary with the info """ summoner_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + 'summoner/v3/summoners/by-name/%s' % summoner_name) data = { 'id': summoner_info['id'], 'accountId': summoner_info['accountId'], 'name': summoner_info['name'], 'lvl': summoner_info['summonerLevel'], 'icon': PROFILE_ICONS_URL.format( Configuration.get_version("champion version"), summoner_info['profileIconId']) } return data
def get_several_matches_info(self, games_list): """ given a match id, return the data written in "match_info" file as an example. this function returns the summoner match data from several of his recent rankeds or unrankeds games :param games_list: a sublist of games receive from function "get_summoner_recent_games" or "get_summoner_recent_rankeds" :return: a list of dictionaries with info about the games """ info_list = [] for game in games_list: game_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + 'match/v3/matches/%s' % game['gameId']) for participant in game_info['participants']: if participant['championId'] == game['championId']: stats = participant['stats'] info = { 'win': stats['win'], 'kills': stats['kills'], 'goldEarned': stats['goldEarned'], 'deaths': stats['deaths'], 'assists': stats['assists'], 'champLvl': stats['champLevel'], 'cs': stats['totalMinionsKilled'], 'spell1': participant['spell1Id'], 'spell2': participant['spell2Id'] } info_list.append(info) break return info_list
def write_files(): """ writes the json response from the api into several files :return: None """ for id_locale, locale in LOCALES.items(): response = get_response(URL.format(locale)) with open("masteries{}.json".format(locale), "w") as outfile: json.dump(response, outfile)
def get_current_game_info(self, summoner_id): """ given a summoner id, return the data written in current_game_info if that summoner is currently playing or starting a match up :param summoner_id: the id of the summoner :return: a dictionary with the desired data """ current_game = {} current_game_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + "spectator/v3/active-games/by-summoner/%s" % summoner_id) current_game['gameId'] = current_game_info['gameId'] banned_champs = [] for champ in current_game_info['bannedChampions']: query = session.query(Champions).get(champ['championId']) champion_info = {"id":, "image": query.image_champion} banned_champs.append(champion_info) current_game['bannedChamps'] = banned_champs participants = [] for participant in current_game_info['participants']: participant_data = { "champion": session.query(Champions).get( participant['championId']).toJson(2), "summoner_name": participant['summonerName'], "summonerId": participant['summonerId'], "runes": [ session.query(Runes).get(rune['runeId']).toJson( self.language, count=rune["count"]) for rune in participant['runes'] ], "masteries": [ session.query(Masteries).get(mastery['masteryId']).toJson( self.language, count=mastery["rank"]) for mastery in participant['masteries'] ], "spell1": session.query(SummonerSpells).get( participant['spell1Id']).toJSon(self.language), "spell2": session.query(SummonerSpells).get( participant['spell2Id']).toJSon(self.language), "team": participant['teamId'] } participants.append(participant_data) current_game['participants'] = participants return current_game
def get_summoner_league(self, summoner_id): """ given a summoner id, return the following data { "queueType": "RANKED_FLEX_SR", "hotStreak": false, "wins": 5, "veteran": false, "losses": 7, "playerOrTeamId": "89028317", "tier": "BRONZE", "playerOrTeamName": "EspinoKiller", "inactive": false, "rank": "II", "freshBlood": false, "leagueName": "Cho'Gath's Mercenaries", "leaguePoints": 0 } :param summoner_id: the summoner id of a player, found in the returned data of get_summoner_info(summoner_name) :return a list of dictionaries with the leagues info """ league_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + 'league/v3/positions/by-summoner/%s' % summoner_id) leagues = [] for league in league_info: data = { 'league': league['queueType'], 'tier': league['tier'], 'rank': league['rank'], 'hotStreak': league['hotStreak'], 'freshBlood': league['freshBlood'], 'veteran': league['veteran'], 'wins': league['wins'], 'losses': league['losses'], 'points': league['leaguePoints'] } leagues.append(data) return leagues
def get_summoner_recent_rankeds(self, account_id): """ given an account id, return the following data "matches": [ { "lane": "TOP", "gameId": 3258236269, "champion": 106, "platformId": "EUW1", "timestamp": 1499692802391, "queue": 420, "role": "SOLO", "season": 9 }, "endIndex": 20, "startIndex": 0, "totalGames": 1568 :param account_id: the account id of a summoner, found in the returned data of get_summoner_info(summoner_name) :return: a list of dictionaries with info about the last 20 games of a summoner """ recent_games_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + 'match/v3/matchlists/by-account/%s?endIndex=20&beginIndex=0' % account_id)['matches'] recent_games = [] for game in recent_games_info: data = { 'lane': game['lane'], 'gameId': game['gameId'], 'championId': game['champion'], 'queue': game['queue'], 'season': game['season'] } recent_games.append(data) return recent_games
def get_summoner_recent_matches(self, account_id): """ given an account id, return the following data "matches": [ { "lane": "MID", "gameId": 3265138942, "champion": 50, "platformId": "EUW1", "timestamp": 1500130368205, "queue": 65, "role": "NONE", "season": 9 }, "endIndex": 20, "startIndex": 0, "totalGames": 20 :param account_id: the account id of a summoner, found in the returned data of get_summoner_info(summoner_name) :return: a list of dictionaries with info about the last 20 games of a summoner """ recent_games_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + 'match/v3/matchlists/by-account/%s/recent' % account_id)['matches'] recent_games = [] for game in recent_games_info: data = { 'lane': game['lane'], 'gameId': game['gameId'], 'championId': game['champion'], 'queue': game['queue'], 'season': game['season'] } recent_games.append(data) return recent_games
def get_summoner_top_champions(self, summoner_id): """ given a summoner id, return the following data 5 times { "championLevel": 7, "chestGranted": true, "championPoints": 167601, "championPointsSinceLastLevel": 146001, "playerId": 23880012, "championPointsUntilNextLevel": 0, "tokensEarned": 0, "championId": 119, "lastPlayTime": 1497895907000 } :param summoner_id: the summoner id of a player, found in the returned data of get_summoner_info(summoner_name) :return: a list of dictionaries with the info of the player's top champions """ top_champions_info = get_response( BASE_URL.format(self.platform) + 'champion-mastery/v3/champion-masteries/by-summoner/%s' % summoner_id) top_champions = [] for i in range(5): champion = top_champions_info[i] extra_info = session.query(Champions).get(champion['championId']) data = { 'lvl': champion['championLevel'], 'points': champion['championPoints'], } total_info = { **data, "name":, "title": extra_info.get_title(self.language), "image": CHAMPIONS_SPLASH_URL.format(extra_info.champ_key, 0) } top_champions.append(total_info) return top_champions