async def wallet_watcher(): await client.wait_until_ready() start = int(rpc.getStatus()['blockCount']) - 100000 while not client.is_closed: height = int(rpc.getStatus()['blockCount']) print("HEIGHT IS: " + str(height)) for tx in get_deposits(start, session): session.add(tx) try: session.commit() except: session.rollback() balance = session.query(TipJar).filter( TipJar.paymentid == tx.paymentid).first() if not balance: # don't do for withdrawal return good_embed = discord.Embed(title="Deposit Recieved!", colour=discord.Colour(0xD4AF37)) good_embed.description = "Your deposit of {} {} has now been credited.".format( tx.amount / config['units'], config['symbol']) print("TRANSACTION PID IS: " + tx.paymentid) good_embed.add_field(name="New Balance", value="{0:,.2f}".format(balance.amount / config['units'])) user = await client.get_user_info(str(balance.userid)) await client.send_message(user, embed=good_embed) if start < height: start += 1000 if start >= height: start = height - 1 await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # just less than the block time
async def wallet_watcher(): await client.wait_until_ready() start = 194320 while not client.is_closed: height = int(rpc.getStatus()['blockCount']) for tx in get_deposits(start, session): session.add(tx) try: session.commit() except: session.rollback() if start < height: start += 1000 if start >= height: start = height - 1 await asyncio.sleep(10)
async def height(): """ Returns the current block count """ await client.say("The current block height is **{:,}**".format( rpc.getStatus()['blockCount']))
async def height(ctx): """ Returns the current block count """ await client.say("The current block height is **{:,}**".format(rpc.getStatus()['blockCount'])) await client.delete_message(ctx.message)