def build_pkgs(last=False, pkg_info=None): if pkg_info is None: return False # Create our tmp directories result = os.path.join("/tmp", "result") cache = os.path.join("/var/tmp", "pkg_cache") for d in [result, cache]: if os.path.exists(d) and 'result' in d: shutil.rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d, 0o777) elif os.path.exists(d) and 'pkg_cache' in d:' 476 | Cleaning package cache....') db.set('building', 'Cleaning package cache.') for pcache in os.listdir(d): pcache = os.path.join(d, pcache) if not os.path.isdir(pcache): logger.error(' 479 | pcache is not a directory') continue for pfile in os.listdir(pcache): pname ='^([a-z]|[0-9]|-|_)+(?=-\d|r|v)', pfile) if not pname or pname == '': continue pname = pfile = os.path.join(pcache, pfile) dtime = time.time() if os.stat(pfile).st_mtime < (dtime - 7 * 86400) or status.all_packages().ismember(pname): remove(pfile) else: os.mkdir(d, 0o777) dirs = ['/var/tmp/32build', '/var/tmp/32bit'] for d in dirs: if os.path.exists(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d, 0o777) # pkglist = db.lrange('queue', 0, -1) pkglist1 = ['1'] in_dir_last = len([name for name in os.listdir(result)]) db.set('pkg_count', in_dir_last) for i in range(len(pkglist1)): pkg = if pkg and pkg is not None and pkg != '': pkgbuild_dir = pkg_info.build_path status.current_status = 'Building %s with makepkg' % pkg bld_obj = build_obj.get_build_object(pkg_obj=pkg_info) bld_obj.failed = False bld_obj.completed = False bld_obj.version_str = pkg_info.version_str bld_obj.start_str ="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p") status.building_num = bld_obj.bnum status.building_start = bld_obj.start_str build_id = bld_obj.bnum tlmsg = 'Build <a href="/build/%s">%s</a> for <strong>%s</strong> started.' % (build_id, build_id, pkg) Timeline(msg=tlmsg, tl_type=3) pbuilds = pkg_info.builds() pbuilds.append(build_id) bld_obj.pkgname = pkg pkg_deps = pkg_info.depends() or [] pkg_deps_str = ' '.join(pkg_deps) run_docker_clean(pkg) if pkg_info is not None and pkg_info.autosum == "True": build_env = ['_AUTOSUMS=True'] else: build_env = ['_AUTOSUMS=False'] if '/cinnamon/' in pkg_info.path: build_env.append('_ALEXPKG=True') else: build_env.append('_ALEXPKG=False') hconfig = docker_utils.create_pkgs_host_config(cache, pkgbuild_dir, result) try: container = doc.create_container("antergos/makepkg", command="/makepkg/ " + pkg_deps_str, volumes=['/var/cache/pacman', '/makepkg', '/repo', '/pkg', '/root/.gnupg', '/staging', '/32bit', '/32build', '/result'], environment=build_env, cpuset='0-3', name=pkg, host_config=hconfig) if container.get('Warnings') and container.get('Warnings') != '': logger.error(container.get('Warnings')) except Exception as err: logger.error('Create container failed. Error Msg: %s' % err) bld_obj.failed = True bld_obj.completed = False continue bld_obj.container = container.get('Id') try: doc.start(container.get('Id')) cont = bld_obj.container stream_process = Process(target=publish_build_ouput, args=(cont, bld_obj)) stream_process.start() result = doc.wait(cont) if result is not 0: bld_obj.failed = True bld_obj.completed = False logger.error('[CONTAINER EXIT CODE] Container %s exited. Return code was %s' % (pkg, result)) else:'[CONTAINER EXIT CODE] Container %s exited. Return code was %s' % (pkg, result)) bld_obj.failed = False bld_obj.completed = True except Exception as err: logger.error('Start container failed. Error Msg: %s' % err) bld_obj.failed = True bld_obj.completed = False continue # db.publish('build-ouput', 'ENDOFLOG') # stream = doc.logs(container, stdout=True, stderr=True, timestamps=True) # log_stream = stream.split('\n') # db_filter_and_add(log_stream, this_log) # in_dir = len([name for name in os.listdir(result)]) # last_count = int(db.get('pkg_count')) #'last count is %s %s' % (last_count, type(last_count))) #'in_dir is %s %s' % (in_dir, type(in_dir))) pkgs2sign = None if not bld_obj.failed: db.publish('build-output', 'Signing package..') pkgs2sign = glob.glob( '/srv/***.xz' % pkg) pkgs2sign32 = glob.glob( '/srv/***.xz' % pkg) pkgs2sign = pkgs2sign + pkgs2sign32'[PKGS TO SIGN] %s' % pkgs2sign) if pkgs2sign is not None and pkgs2sign != []: try_sign = sign_pkgs.batch_sign(pkgs2sign) else: try_sign = False if try_sign: db.publish('build-output', 'Signature created successfully for %s' % pkg)'[SIGN PKG] Signature created successfully for %s' % pkg) db.publish('build-output', 'Updating staging repo database..') update_main_repo(pkg, 'staging', bld_obj) else: bld_obj.failed = True bld_obj.completed = False if not bld_obj.failed: db.publish('build-output', 'Build completed successfully!') tlmsg = 'Build <a href="/build/%s">%s</a> for <strong>%s</strong> completed.' % ( build_id, build_id, pkg) Timeline(msg=tlmsg, tl_type=4) # db.incr('pkg_count', (in_dir - last_count)) completed = status.completed() completed.rpush(build_id) bld_obj.review_stat = 'pending' else: tlmsg = 'Build <a href="/build/%s">%s</a> for <strong>%s</strong> failed.' % (build_id, build_id, pkg) Timeline(msg=tlmsg, tl_type=5) if pkgs2sign is not None: for p in pkgs2sign: remove(p) remove(p + '.sig') failed = status.failed() failed.rpush(build_id) bld_obj.end_str ="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p") status.container = '' status.building_num = '' status.building_start = '' if not bld_obj.failed: db.set('antbs:misc:cache_buster:flag', True) return True return False
def handle_hook(first=False, last=False): status.idle = False pull_from = 'antergos' packages = status.queue() if os.path.exists(REPO_DIR): remove(REPO_DIR) try: subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'clone', ''], cwd='/opt') subprocess.check_call(['chmod', '-R', 'a+rw', REPO_DIR], cwd='/opt') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logger.error(err) if status.iso_flag: status.iso_flag = False status.current_status = 'Building docker image.' status.iso_building = True image = docker_utils.maybe_build_mkarchiso() db.lrem('queue', 0, 'antergos-iso') db.lrem('queue', 0, 'antergos-iso.openbox') if image: archs = ['x86_64', 'i686'] if db.get('isoMinimal') == 'True': iso_name = 'antergos-iso-minimal-' else: iso_name = 'antergos-iso-' for arch in archs: db.rpush('queue', iso_name + arch) version ='%Y.%m.%d') pkgobj = package.get_pkg_object(iso_name + arch) pkgobj.save_to_db('version', version) build_iso() db.set('isoBuilding', 'False') db.set('isoMinimal', 'False') db.set('idle', "True") return True elif first and not status.iso_flag: status.current_status = 'Building docker image.' image = docker_utils.maybe_build_base_devel() if not image: return False'Checking database for packages.') status.current_status = 'Checking database for queued packages' all_deps = process_package_queue(packages)'All queued packages are in the database, checking deps to determine build order.') status.current_status = 'Determining build order by sorting package depends' if len(all_deps) > 1: topsort = check_deps(all_deps) check = [] packages.delete() for p in topsort: # TODO: What if there is already a group of packages in queue prior to the current group? packages.append(p)'Check deps complete. Starting build_pkgs') logger.debug((packages, status.iso_flag)) status.current_status = 'Check deps complete. Starting build container.' if not status.iso_flag and len(packages) > 0: pack = status.queue().lpop() if pack and pack is not None and pack != '': pkgobj = package.get_pkg_object(name=pack) else: return False rqjob = get_current_job(db) rqjob.meta['is_first'] = first rqjob.meta['is_last'] = last rqjob.meta['package'] = status.now_building = built = build_pkgs(last, pkgobj) # TODO: Move this into its own method if built: completed = status.completed() failed = status.failed() blds = pkgobj.builds() total = len(blds) if total > 0: success = len([x for x in pkgobj.blds if x in completed]) failure = len([x for x in pkgobj.blds if x in failed]) if success > 0: success = 100 * success / total else: success = 0 if failure > 0: failure = 100 * failure / total else: failure = 0 pkgobj.success_rate = success pkgobj.failure_rate = failure if last: remove('/opt/antergos-packages') status.idle = True status.building = 'Idle' status.now_building = 'Idle' status.container = '' status.building_num = '' status.building_start = '''All builds completed.')