예제 #1
def run(pgmname, argv):
    global debug

    # Determine system character encodings.
        # getdefaultlocale() may sometimes return None.
        # Fall back to ASCII encoding in that case.
        terminalenc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] + ""
    except TypeError:
        # Invalid locale, fall back to ASCII terminal encoding.
        terminalenc = "ascii"

        # sys.getfilesystemencoding() was introduced in Python v2.3 and
        # it can sometimes return None. Fall back to ASCII if something
        # goes wrong.
        filesystemenc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() + ""
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        filesystemenc = "ascii"

        gopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
        # Python <v2.3, GNU-style parameter ordering not supported.
        gopt = getopt.getopt

    # Parse command line arguments.
    short_opts = "a:k:p:e:vh"
    long_opts = [
        "cert=", "privkey=", "passphrase=", "encoding=", "verbose", "debug",
    args = gopt(argv, short_opts, long_opts)

    opts = dict(args[0])
    pargs = args[1]

    if len(pargs) < 2:
        raise ValueError("wrong number of arguments")

    # Override character encoding of command line and filesystem.
    encs = opts.get("--encoding",
                    opts.get("-e", "%s,%s" % (terminalenc, filesystemenc)))
        terminalenc, filesystemenc = encs.split(",")
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("invalid encoding string '%s'" % encs)

    # Get input SIS file names.
    infiles = [f.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc) for f in pargs[:-1]]

    # Determine output SIS file name.
    outfile = pargs[-1].decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)
    if os.path.isdir(outfile):
        # Output to directory, use input file name.
        outfile = os.path.join(outfile, os.path.basename(infiles[0]))

    # Get certificate and its private key file names.
    cert = opts.get("--cert", opts.get("-a", None))
    privkey = opts.get("--privkey", opts.get("-k", None))
    if cert != None and privkey != None:
        # Convert file names from terminal encoding to filesystem encoding.
        cert = cert.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)
        privkey = privkey.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)

        # Read certificate file.
        f = file(cert, "rb")
        certdata = f.read(MAXCERTIFICATELENGTH + 1)

        if len(certdata) > MAXCERTIFICATELENGTH:
            raise ValueError("certificate file too large")

        # Read private key file.
        f = file(privkey, "rb")
        privkeydata = f.read(MAXPRIVATEKEYLENGTH + 1)

        if len(privkeydata) > MAXPRIVATEKEYLENGTH:
            raise ValueError("private key file too large")
    elif cert == None and privkey == None:
        # No certificate given, use the Ensymble default certificate.
        # defaultcert.py is not imported when not needed. This speeds
        # up program start-up a little.
        from utils import defaultcert
        certdata = defaultcert.cert
        privkeydata = defaultcert.privkey

            "%s: warning: no certificate given, using "
            "insecure built-in one" % pgmname)
        raise ValueError("missing certificate or private key")

    # Get pass phrase. Pass phrase remains in terminal encoding.
    passphrase = opts.get("--passphrase", opts.get("-p", None))
    if passphrase == None and privkey != None:
        # Private key given without "--passphrase" option, ask it.
        if sys.stdin.isatty():
            # Standard input is a TTY, ask password interactively.
            passphrase = getpass.getpass("Enter private key pass phrase:")
            # Not connected to a TTY, read stdin non-interactively instead.
            passphrase = sys.stdin.read(MAXPASSPHRASELENGTH + 1)

            if len(passphrase) > MAXPASSPHRASELENGTH:
                raise ValueError("pass phrase too long")

            passphrase = passphrase.strip()

    # Determine verbosity.
    verbose = False
    if "--verbose" in opts.keys() or "-v" in opts.keys():
        verbose = True

    # Determine if debug output is requested.
    if "--debug" in opts.keys():
        debug = True

        # Enable debug output for OpenSSL-related functions.

    # Ingredients for successful SIS generation:
    # terminalenc          Terminal character encoding (autodetected)
    # filesystemenc        File system name encoding (autodetected)
    # infiles              A list of input SIS file names, filesystemenc encoded
    # outfile              Output SIS file name, filesystemenc encoded
    # cert                 Certificate in PEM format
    # privkey              Certificate private key in PEM format
    # passphrase           Pass phrase of priv. key, terminalenc encoded string
    # verbose              Boolean indicating verbose terminal output

    if verbose:
        print "Input SIS files   %s" % " ".join(
            [f.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc) for f in infiles])
        print "Output SIS file   %s" % (
        print "Certificate       %s" % (
            (cert and cert.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc))
            or "<default>")
        print "Private key       %s" % (
            (privkey and privkey.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc))
            or "<default>")

    insis = []
    for n in xrange(len(infiles)):
        # Read input SIS files.
        f = file(infiles[n], "rb")
        instring = f.read(MAXSISFILESIZE + 1)

        if len(instring) > MAXSISFILESIZE:
            raise ValueError("%s: input SIS file too large" % infiles[n])

        if n == 0:
            # Store UIDs for later use.
            uids = instring[:16]  # UID1, UID2, UID3 and UIDCRC

        # Convert input SIS file to SISFields.
        sf, rlen = sisfield.SISField(instring[16:], False)

        # Ignore extra bytes after SIS file.
        if len(instring) > (rlen + 16):
            print("%s: %s: warning: %d extra bytes after SIS file (ignored)" %
                  (pgmname, infiles[n], (len(instring) - (rlen + 16))))

        # Try to release some memory early.
        del instring

        # Check that there are no embedded SIS files.
        if len(sf.Data.DataUnits) > 1:
            raise ValueError("%s: input SIS file contains "
                             "embedded SIS files" % infiles[n])


    # Temporarily remove the SISDataIndex SISField from the first SISController.
    ctrlfield = insis[0].Controller.Data
    didxfield = ctrlfield.DataIndex
    ctrlfield.DataIndex = None

    # Remove old signatures from the first SIS file.
    if len(ctrlfield.getsignatures()) > 0:
            "%s: warning: removing old signatures "
            "from the first input SIS file" % pgmname)

    for n in xrange(1, len(insis)):
        # Append SISDataUnit SISFields into SISData array of the first SIS file.

        # Set data index in SISController SISField.
        insis[n].Controller.Data.DataIndex.DataIndex = n

        # Embed SISController into SISInstallBlock of the first SIS file.

    # Calculate a signature of the modified SISController.
    string = ctrlfield.tostring()
    string = sisfield.stripheaderandpadding(string)
    signature, algoid = sisfile.signstring(privkeydata, passphrase, string)

    # Create a SISCertificateChain SISField from certificate data.
    sf1 = sisfield.SISBlob(Data=cryptutil.certtobinary(certdata))
    sf2 = sisfield.SISCertificateChain(CertificateData=sf1)

    # Create a SISSignature SISField from calculated signature.
    sf3 = sisfield.SISString(String=algoid)
    sf4 = sisfield.SISSignatureAlgorithm(AlgorithmIdentifier=sf3)
    sf5 = sisfield.SISBlob(Data=signature)
    sf6 = sisfield.SISSignature(SignatureAlgorithm=sf4, SignatureData=sf5)

    # Create a new SISSignatureCertificateChain SISField.
    sa = sisfield.SISArray(SISFields=[sf6])
    sf7 = sisfield.SISSignatureCertificateChain(Signatures=sa,

    # Set certificate, restore data index.
    ctrlfield.Signature0 = sf7
    ctrlfield.DataIndex = didxfield

    # Convert SISFields to string.
    outstring = insis[0].tostring()

    # Write output SIS file.
    f = file(outfile, "wb")
예제 #2
def run(pgmname, argv):
    global debug

    # Determine system character encodings.
        # getdefaultlocale() may sometimes return None.
        # Fall back to ASCII encoding in that case.
        terminalenc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] + ""
    except TypeError:
        # Invalid locale, fall back to ASCII terminal encoding.
        terminalenc = "ascii"

        # sys.getfilesystemencoding() was introduced in Python v2.3 and
        # it can sometimes return None. Fall back to ASCII if something
        # goes wrong.
        filesystemenc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() + ""
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        filesystemenc = "ascii"

        gopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
        # Python <v2.3, GNU-style parameter ordering not supported.
        gopt = getopt.getopt

    # Parse command line arguments.
    short_opts = "ua:k:p:b:d:e:vh"
    long_opts = [
        "unsign", "cert=", "privkey=", "passphrase=", "execaps=",
        "dllcaps=", "encoding=", "verbose", "debug", "help"
    args = gopt(argv, short_opts, long_opts)

    opts = dict(args[0])
    pargs = args[1]

    if len(pargs) == 0:
        raise ValueError("no SIS file name given")

    # Override character encoding of command line and filesystem.
    encs = opts.get("--encoding", opts.get("-e", "%s,%s" % (terminalenc,
        terminalenc, filesystemenc = encs.split(",")
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("invalid encoding string '%s'" % encs)

    # Get input SIS file name.
    infile = pargs[0].decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)

    # Determine output SIS file name.
    if len(pargs) == 1:
        # No output file, overwrite original SIS file.
        outfile = infile
    elif len(pargs) == 2:
        outfile = pargs[1].decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)
        if os.path.isdir(outfile):
            # Output to directory, use input file name.
            outfile = os.path.join(outfile, os.path.basename(infile))
        raise ValueError("wrong number of arguments")

    # Get unsign option.
    unsign = False
    if "--unsign" in opts.keys() or "-u" in opts.keys():
        unsign = True

    # Get certificate and its private key file names.
    cert = opts.get("--cert", opts.get("-a", None))
    privkey = opts.get("--privkey", opts.get("-k", None))
    if unsign:
        if cert != None or privkey != None:
            raise ValueError("certificate or private key given when unsigning")
    elif cert != None and privkey != None:
        # Convert file names from terminal encoding to filesystem encoding.
        cert = cert.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)
        privkey = privkey.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)

        # Read certificate file.
        f = file(cert, "rb")
        certdata = f.read(MAXCERTIFICATELENGTH + 1)

        if len(certdata) > MAXCERTIFICATELENGTH:
            raise ValueError("certificate file too large")

        # Read private key file.
        f = file(privkey, "rb")
        privkeydata = f.read(MAXPRIVATEKEYLENGTH + 1)

        if len(privkeydata) > MAXPRIVATEKEYLENGTH:
            raise ValueError("private key file too large")
    elif cert == None and privkey == None:
        # No certificate given, use the Ensymble default certificate.
        # defaultcert.py is not imported when not needed. This speeds
        # up program start-up a little.
        from utils import defaultcert
        certdata = defaultcert.cert
        privkeydata = defaultcert.privkey

        print ("%s: warning: no certificate given, using "
               "insecure built-in one" % pgmname)
        raise ValueError("missing certificate or private key")

    # Get pass phrase. Pass phrase remains in terminal encoding.
    passphrase = opts.get("--passphrase", opts.get("-p", None))
    if passphrase == None and privkey != None:
        # Private key given without "--passphrase" option, ask it.
        if sys.stdin.isatty():
            # Standard input is a TTY, ask password interactively.
            passphrase = getpass.getpass("Enter private key pass phrase:")
            # Not connected to a TTY, read stdin non-interactively instead.
            passphrase = sys.stdin.read(MAXPASSPHRASELENGTH + 1)

            if len(passphrase) > MAXPASSPHRASELENGTH:
                raise ValueError("pass phrase too long")

            passphrase = passphrase.strip()

    # Get EXE capabilities and normalize the names.
    execaps = opts.get("--execaps", opts.get("-b", None))
    if execaps != None:
        execapmask = symbianutil.capstringtomask(execaps)
        execaps = symbianutil.capmasktostring(execapmask, True)
        execapmask = None

    # Get DLL capabilities and normalize the names.
    dllcaps = opts.get("--dllcaps", opts.get("-d", None))
    if dllcaps != None:
        dllcapmask = symbianutil.capstringtomask(dllcaps)
        dllcaps = symbianutil.capmasktostring(dllcapmask, True)
        dllcapmask = None

    # Determine verbosity.
    verbose = False
    if "--verbose" in opts.keys() or "-v" in opts.keys():
        verbose = True

    # Determine if debug output is requested.
    if "--debug" in opts.keys():
        debug = True

        # Enable debug output for OpenSSL-related functions.

    # Ingredients for successful SIS generation:
    # terminalenc          Terminal character encoding (autodetected)
    # filesystemenc        File system name encoding (autodetected)
    # infile               Input SIS file name, filesystemenc encoded
    # outfile              Output SIS file name, filesystemenc encoded
    # cert                 Certificate in PEM format
    # privkey              Certificate private key in PEM format
    # passphrase           Pass phrase of priv. key, terminalenc encoded string
    # execaps, execapmask  Capability names and bitmask for EXE files or None
    # dllcaps, dllcapmask  Capability names and bitmask for DLL files or None
    # verbose              Boolean indicating verbose terminal output

    if verbose:
        print "Input SIS file    %s"        % (
        print "Output SIS file   %s"        % (
        if unsign:
            print "Remove signatures Yes"
            print "Certificate       %s"        % ((cert and
                cert.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc)) or
            print "Private key       %s"        % ((privkey and
                privkey.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc)) or
        if execaps != None:
            print "EXE capabilities  0x%x (%s)" % (execapmask, execaps)
            print "EXE capabilities  <not set>"
        if dllcaps != None:
            print "DLL capabilities  0x%x (%s)" % (dllcapmask, dllcaps)
            print "DLL capabilities  <not set>"

    # Read input SIS file.
    f = file(infile, "rb")
    instring = f.read(MAXSISFILESIZE + 1)

    if len(instring) > MAXSISFILESIZE:
        raise ValueError("input SIS file too large")

    # Convert input SIS file to SISFields.
    uids = instring[:16]    # UID1, UID2, UID3 and UIDCRC
    insis, rlen = sisfield.SISField(instring[16:], False)

    # Ignore extra bytes after SIS file.
    if len(instring) > (rlen + 16):
        print ("%s: warning: %d extra bytes after input SIS file (ignored)" %
               (pgmname, (len(instring) - (rlen + 16))))

    # Try to release some memory early.
    del instring

    # Check if there are embedded SIS files. Warn if there are.
    if len(insis.Data.DataUnits) > 1:
        print ("%s: warning: input SIS file contains "
               "embedded SIS files (ignored)" % pgmname)

    # Modify EXE- and DLL-files according to new capabilities.
    if execaps != None or dllcaps != None:
        # Generate FileIndex to SISFileDescription mapping.
        sisfiledescmap = mapfiledesc(insis.Controller.Data.InstallBlock)

        exemods, dllmods = modifycaps(insis, sisfiledescmap,
                                      execapmask, dllcapmask)
        print ("%s: %d EXE-files will be modified, "
               "%d DLL-files will be modified" % (pgmname, exemods, dllmods))

    # Temporarily remove the SISDataIndex SISField from SISController.
    ctrlfield = insis.Controller.Data
    didxfield = ctrlfield.DataIndex
    ctrlfield.DataIndex = None

    if not unsign:
        # Remove old signatures.
        if len(ctrlfield.getsignatures()) > 0:
            print ("%s: warning: removing old signatures "
                   "from input SIS file" % pgmname)

        # Calculate a signature of the modified SISController.
        string = ctrlfield.tostring()
        string = sisfield.stripheaderandpadding(string)
        signature, algoid = sisfile.signstring(privkeydata, passphrase, string)

        # Create a SISCertificateChain SISField from certificate data.
        sf1 = sisfield.SISBlob(Data = cryptutil.certtobinary(certdata))
        sf2 = sisfield.SISCertificateChain(CertificateData = sf1)

        # Create a SISSignature SISField from calculated signature.
        sf3 = sisfield.SISString(String = algoid)
        sf4 = sisfield.SISSignatureAlgorithm(AlgorithmIdentifier = sf3)
        sf5 = sisfield.SISBlob(Data = signature)
        sf6 = sisfield.SISSignature(SignatureAlgorithm = sf4,
                                    SignatureData = sf5)

        # Create a new SISSignatureCertificateChain SISField.
        sa  = sisfield.SISArray(SISFields = [sf6])
        sf7 = sisfield.SISSignatureCertificateChain(Signatures = sa,
                                                    CertificateChain = sf2)

        # Set new certificate.
        ctrlfield.Signature0 = sf7
        # Unsign, remove old signatures.

    # Restore data index.
    ctrlfield.DataIndex = didxfield

    # Convert SISFields to string.
    outstring = insis.tostring()

    # Write output SIS file.
    f = file(outfile, "wb")
예제 #3
def run(pgmname, argv):
    global debug

    # Determine system character encodings.
        # getdefaultlocale() may sometimes return None.
        # Fall back to ASCII encoding in that case.
        terminalenc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] + ""
    except TypeError:
        # Invalid locale, fall back to ASCII terminal encoding.
        terminalenc = "ascii"

        # sys.getfilesystemencoding() was introduced in Python v2.3 and
        # it can sometimes return None. Fall back to ASCII if something
        # goes wrong.
        filesystemenc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() + ""
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        filesystemenc = "ascii"

        gopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
        # Python <v2.3, GNU-style parameter ordering not supported.
        gopt = getopt.getopt

    # Parse command line arguments.
    short_opts = "a:k:p:e:vh"
    long_opts = [
        "cert=", "privkey=", "passphrase=",
        "encoding=", "verbose", "debug", "help"
    args = gopt(argv, short_opts, long_opts)

    opts = dict(args[0])
    pargs = args[1]

    if len(pargs) < 2:
        raise ValueError("wrong number of arguments")

    # Override character encoding of command line and filesystem.
    encs = opts.get("--encoding", opts.get("-e", "%s,%s" % (terminalenc,
        terminalenc, filesystemenc = encs.split(",")
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError("invalid encoding string '%s'" % encs)

    # Get input SIS file names.
    infiles = [f.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc) for f in pargs[:-1]]

    # Determine output SIS file name.
    outfile = pargs[-1].decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)
    if os.path.isdir(outfile):
        # Output to directory, use input file name.
        outfile = os.path.join(outfile, os.path.basename(infiles[0]))

    # Get certificate and its private key file names.
    cert = opts.get("--cert", opts.get("-a", None))
    privkey = opts.get("--privkey", opts.get("-k", None))
    if cert != None and privkey != None:
        # Convert file names from terminal encoding to filesystem encoding.
        cert = cert.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)
        privkey = privkey.decode(terminalenc).encode(filesystemenc)

        # Read certificate file.
        f = file(cert, "rb")
        certdata = f.read(MAXCERTIFICATELENGTH + 1)

        if len(certdata) > MAXCERTIFICATELENGTH:
            raise ValueError("certificate file too large")

        # Read private key file.
        f = file(privkey, "rb")
        privkeydata = f.read(MAXPRIVATEKEYLENGTH + 1)

        if len(privkeydata) > MAXPRIVATEKEYLENGTH:
            raise ValueError("private key file too large")
    elif cert == None and privkey == None:
        # No certificate given, use the Ensymble default certificate.
        # defaultcert.py is not imported when not needed. This speeds
        # up program start-up a little.
        from utils import defaultcert
        certdata = defaultcert.cert
        privkeydata = defaultcert.privkey

        print ("%s: warning: no certificate given, using "
               "insecure built-in one" % pgmname)
        raise ValueError("missing certificate or private key")

    # Get pass phrase. Pass phrase remains in terminal encoding.
    passphrase = opts.get("--passphrase", opts.get("-p", None))
    if passphrase == None and privkey != None:
        # Private key given without "--passphrase" option, ask it.
        if sys.stdin.isatty():
            # Standard input is a TTY, ask password interactively.
            passphrase = getpass.getpass("Enter private key pass phrase:")
            # Not connected to a TTY, read stdin non-interactively instead.
            passphrase = sys.stdin.read(MAXPASSPHRASELENGTH + 1)

            if len(passphrase) > MAXPASSPHRASELENGTH:
                raise ValueError("pass phrase too long")

            passphrase = passphrase.strip()

    # Determine verbosity.
    verbose = False
    if "--verbose" in opts.keys() or "-v" in opts.keys():
        verbose = True

    # Determine if debug output is requested.
    if "--debug" in opts.keys():
        debug = True

        # Enable debug output for OpenSSL-related functions.

    # Ingredients for successful SIS generation:
    # terminalenc          Terminal character encoding (autodetected)
    # filesystemenc        File system name encoding (autodetected)
    # infiles              A list of input SIS file names, filesystemenc encoded
    # outfile              Output SIS file name, filesystemenc encoded
    # cert                 Certificate in PEM format
    # privkey              Certificate private key in PEM format
    # passphrase           Pass phrase of priv. key, terminalenc encoded string
    # verbose              Boolean indicating verbose terminal output

    if verbose:
        print "Input SIS files   %s"        % " ".join(
            [f.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc) for f in infiles])
        print "Output SIS file   %s"        % (
        print "Certificate       %s"        % ((cert and
            cert.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc)) or "<default>")
        print "Private key       %s"        % ((privkey and
            privkey.decode(filesystemenc).encode(terminalenc)) or "<default>")

    insis = []
    for n in xrange(len(infiles)):
        # Read input SIS files.
        f = file(infiles[n], "rb")
        instring = f.read(MAXSISFILESIZE + 1)

        if len(instring) > MAXSISFILESIZE:
            raise ValueError("%s: input SIS file too large" % infiles[n])

        if n == 0:
            # Store UIDs for later use.
            uids = instring[:16]    # UID1, UID2, UID3 and UIDCRC

        # Convert input SIS file to SISFields.
        sf, rlen = sisfield.SISField(instring[16:], False)

        # Ignore extra bytes after SIS file.
        if len(instring) > (rlen + 16):
            print ("%s: %s: warning: %d extra bytes after SIS file (ignored)" %
                   (pgmname, infiles[n], (len(instring) - (rlen + 16))))

        # Try to release some memory early.
        del instring

        # Check that there are no embedded SIS files.
        if len(sf.Data.DataUnits) > 1:
            raise ValueError("%s: input SIS file contains "
                             "embedded SIS files" % infiles[n])


    # Temporarily remove the SISDataIndex SISField from the first SISController.
    ctrlfield = insis[0].Controller.Data
    didxfield = ctrlfield.DataIndex
    ctrlfield.DataIndex = None

    # Remove old signatures from the first SIS file.
    if len(ctrlfield.getsignatures()) > 0:
        print ("%s: warning: removing old signatures "
               "from the first input SIS file" % pgmname)

    for n in xrange(1, len(insis)):
        # Append SISDataUnit SISFields into SISData array of the first SIS file.

        # Set data index in SISController SISField.
        insis[n].Controller.Data.DataIndex.DataIndex = n

        # Embed SISController into SISInstallBlock of the first SIS file.

    # Calculate a signature of the modified SISController.
    string = ctrlfield.tostring()
    string = sisfield.stripheaderandpadding(string)
    signature, algoid = sisfile.signstring(privkeydata, passphrase, string)

    # Create a SISCertificateChain SISField from certificate data.
    sf1 = sisfield.SISBlob(Data = cryptutil.certtobinary(certdata))
    sf2 = sisfield.SISCertificateChain(CertificateData = sf1)

    # Create a SISSignature SISField from calculated signature.
    sf3 = sisfield.SISString(String = algoid)
    sf4 = sisfield.SISSignatureAlgorithm(AlgorithmIdentifier = sf3)
    sf5 = sisfield.SISBlob(Data = signature)
    sf6 = sisfield.SISSignature(SignatureAlgorithm = sf4, SignatureData = sf5)

    # Create a new SISSignatureCertificateChain SISField.
    sa  = sisfield.SISArray(SISFields = [sf6])
    sf7 = sisfield.SISSignatureCertificateChain(Signatures = sa,
                                                CertificateChain = sf2)

    # Set certificate, restore data index.
    ctrlfield.Signature0 = sf7
    ctrlfield.DataIndex = didxfield

    # Convert SISFields to string.
    outstring = insis[0].tostring()

    # Write output SIS file.
    f = file(outfile, "wb")