예제 #1
    def get(self):
        Return a list of event and the registration count for each.
        # Get claims from jwt token.
        claims = get_jwt_claims()

        # Get all events if super admin sends the request
        if claims['is_super_admin']:
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events()
            # Fetch identity from jwt token.
            id = get_jwt_identity()
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events(id['username'])
        if event_names:
            # Store all event names in a list.
            event_names_list = [i['event_name'] for i in event_names]
            # Store a count of registration in each event in a dictionary
            event_registration_count = RegistrationMethods.get_registration_count_by_event(event_names_list)
            if event_registration_count:
                return event_registration_count, 200
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
            # Check if the list is empty or None.
            if not len(event_names):
                return NO_EVENT_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        except TypeError:
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
    def post(self):
        Add new registration to the database.
        Return:Request Status
        # Parse the request body and stores in a dictionary.
        data = self.registration_parser.parse_args()

        # Check if a registration with same email for an event has been created before.
        registration_details = RegistrationMethods.validate_registration(
            data['email'], data['event_name'])
        if registration_details is not None:
            return REGISTRATION_EXISTS_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        elif registration_details is None:
            # Creating registration number.
            data['registration_number'] = uuid4().hex
            registration_obj = RegistrationMethods(**data)
            if registration_obj.save_to_db():
                return {
                    "registration_number": data['registration_number']
                }, 201
                return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
예제 #3
    def post(self):
        Logs in the adminstrator.
        Returns: JSON message describing the status of request
        # Parses the request body and stores it in a dictionary.
        data = admin_parser.parse_args()
        # check if the admin with the provides username exists or not.
        admin_details = AdminMethods.fetch_by_username(data['username'])
        if admin_details is None:
            return REGISTER_ADMIN_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        if admin_details is False:
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501

        # Verify if admin exists and the pasword is correct.
        if admin_details and sha256_crypt.verify(data["password"],
            # Create an identity for the user that will be stored in the jwt token
            identity = {
                "uuid": admin_details['uuid'],
                "username": data['username']
            # JWT access and refresh token creation using the above created identity.
            access_token = create_access_token(identity=identity, fresh=True)
            refresh_token = create_refresh_token(identity)
            return {
                "access_token": access_token,
                "refresh_token": refresh_token,
                "admin_name": data['username'],
                "expires_in": int(parser.get('API', 'EXPIRE_TIME')),
                "registered_user": True
            }, 200

        return INVALID_CREDENTIALS_ERROR.to_json(), 400
예제 #4
    def post(self):
        Changes password for the adminstrator.
        Parameters: Username,New password
        Returns: JSON message describing the status of request
        # Parse the request body and stores in a dictionary.
        data = self.admin_changepwd_parser.parse_args()
        admin_details = AdminMethods.fetch_by_username(data['username'])
        # Get the username from identity of the jwt token.
        jwt_username = get_jwt_identity()['username']
        if admin_details is None:
            return REGISTER_ADMIN_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        # Check if the username in the jwt token and the username in the request
        # body is the same.
        if admin_details['username'] != jwt_username:
            return INSUFFICIENT_PRIVELEGES_ERROR.to_json(), 403

        # Verify if admin exists and the old password is correct.
        if admin_details and sha256_crypt.verify(data["old_password"],
            admin_obj = AdminMethods(data['username'], data['new_password'])
            if admin_obj.change_pwd():
                return PASSWORD_CHANGED.to_json(), 201
                return CHANGE_PASSWORD_ERROR.to_json(), 501
            return INCORRECT_OLD_PASSWORD_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
    def get(self):
        Finds all user registrations from the database
        Returns: Registrations
        # Get the claims frpm jwt token.
        claims = get_jwt_claims()
        if claims['is_super_admin']:
            # Store all the registrations in a list.
            all_registrations = RegistrationMethods.find_all_registrations()
            #Get identity fom jwt token.
            username = get_jwt_identity()['username']
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events(username)

            # Store all the events in a list.
            event = [i["event_name"] for i in event_names]
            # Store all the registrations for the events in a list.
            all_registrations = RegistrationMethods.find_registration_by_event(
        if all_registrations:
            return all_registrations, 200
            # Check if the list is empty or None.
            if not (len(all_registrations)):
                return NO_REGISTRATIONS_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        except TypeError:
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
    def get(self, registration_number):
        Finds registration details corresponding to id from the database.
            1. Registration Number(String)
        Returns: Registration Details
        # Get claims from the jwt token.
        claims = get_jwt_claims()
        if claims['is_super_admin']:
            # Store all events in a list.
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events()
            # Fetch username from jwt token.
            username = get_jwt_identity()['username']
            # Get a dictionary event names hosted by the admin.
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events(username)

        if event_names:
            # Created a list of all event names.
            event_name_list = [i["event_name"] for i in event_names]
            #Find the registration details using the registration_number
            # and event name list.
            registration_details = RegistrationMethods.find_by_registration_id(
                registration_number, event_name_list)
            if registration_details:
                return registration_details, 200
            if registration_details is None:
                return NO_REGISTRATIONS_ERROR.to_json(), 400
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
        return NO_REGISTRATIONS_ERROR.to_json(), 400
예제 #7
    def delete(self):
        Deletes an admin and all its corresponding information.
        Returns:JSON message describing the status of request
        # Parses the request body and stores in a dictionary.
        data = self.delete_admin_parser.parse_args()
        # Check if the username provided is not that of the super admin.
        if data['username'] == parser.get('API', 'ADMIN_NAME'):
            return INSUFFICIENT_PRIVELEGES_ERROR.to_json(), 401
        # Get the claims from jwt_token
        claims = get_jwt_claims()

        # Check if the username in the jwt token and the username in the request
        # body is the same if the request has not been made by the super admin.
        if not claims["is_super_admin"]:
            id = get_jwt_identity()
            jwt_username = id['username']
            if jwt_username != data['username']:
                return INSUFFICIENT_PRIVELEGES_ERROR.to_json(), 401
        # Fetch all the events the admin has created.
        event_details = EventMethods.get_events(data["username"])
        if event_details:
            event_name_list = [i['event_name'] for i in event_details]
            event_obj = EventMethods(event_name_list, data["username"])

            # Delete all the admin events and the registrations for the event.
            if event_obj.delete_from_db(
            ) and RegistrationMethods.delete_event_registrations(
                # Delete the user only if the all the corresponding details are deleted.
                if AdminMethods.delete_admin(data["username"]):
                    return ADMIN_DELETED.to_json(), 200
                return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501

        # If the admin has no events.
            if AdminMethods.fetch_by_username(data["username"]):
                if AdminMethods.delete_admin(data["username"]):
                    return ADMIN_DELETED.to_json(), 200
                return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
                return NO_ADMIN_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        return INSUFFICIENT_PRIVELEGES_ERROR.to_json(), 401
예제 #8
 def get(self):
     Returns all the events from database
     Return: All events,None, False
     # Fetch a list of all the ongoing events.
     event_names = EventMethods.get_events()
     if event_names:
         return event_names,200
         # Check if the list is empty or None.
         if not len(event_names):
             return NO_EVENT_ERROR.to_json(), 400
     except TypeError:
         return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
예제 #9
 def post(self):
     Description: Registers a new adminstrator with the provided credentials.
     Returns: JSON message describing the status of request
     # Parses the request body and stores in a dictionary.
     data = admin_parser.parse_args()
     # Check if the admin of the same username exists or not.
     admin_data = AdminMethods.fetch_by_username(data['username'])
     if admin_data:
         return ADMIN_EXISTS_ERROR.to_json(), 400
     if admin_data is None:
         data['uuid'] = str(uuid4())  #create a uuid for admin.
         admin_obj = AdminMethods(**data)
         if admin_obj.save_to_db():
             return ADMIN_CREATED.to_json(), 201
         return REGISTRATION_ERROR.to_json(), 501
     return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
예제 #10
 def get(self):
     Returns names and uuid of all admins.
     Return:List of admins
     # Get the claims from the jwt token.
     claims = get_jwt_claims()
     if claims['is_super_admin']:
         # Fetch all the admins in a list.
         all_admins = AdminMethods.get_all_admins()
         if all_admins:
             return all_admins, 200
             if not len(all_admins):
                 return NO_ADMIN_ERROR.to_json(), 400
         except TypeError:
             return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
     return INSUFFICIENT_PRIVELEGES_ERROR.to_json(), 401
예제 #11
    def delete(self):
        Deletes event from the database.
        Returns: JSON message describing the status of request
        # Parse the request body and stores in a dictionary.
        data = event_parser.parse_args()
        # Check if there is an ongoing event of the same name.
        event_data = EventMethods.find_by_event_name(data["event_name"])
        if event_data:
            # Get claims from jwt token.
            claims = get_jwt_claims()
            if not claims['is_super_admin']:
                # Fetch username from jwt token.
                jwt_id = get_jwt_identity()['username']
                # Check if the username in the jwt token and the username in the request
                # body is the same.
                if event_data['username'] != jwt_id:
                    return INSUFFICIENT_PRIVELEGES_ERROR.to_json(), 403
                data['username'] = jwt_id

            if claims['is_super_admin']:
                # Store the username in the parser.
                data['username'] = event_data['username']
            event_obj = EventMethods(**data)
            event_names_list = [data['event_name']]

            # Delete the event and all the registrations for that event.
            if event_obj.delete_from_db() and RegistrationMethods.delete_event_registrations(event_names_list):
                return EVENT_DELETED.to_json(), 202
            return EVENT_DELETE_ERROR.to_json(), 501

        # Check if an admin exists, but has no event hosted with provided name.
        if event_data is None:
            return NO_EVENT_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
예제 #12
    def post(self):
        Adds new event to the database.
        Returns: JSON message describing the status of request
        # Parse the request body and stores in a dictionary.
        data = event_parser.parse_args()

        # Check if there is an ongoing event of the same name.
        event_data = EventMethods.find_by_event_name(data["event_name"])
        if event_data:
            return ONGOING_EVENT_ERROR.to_json(), 400

        # Create new event.
        if event_data is None:
            # Get identity fom jwt token and store it in the parser.
            # Fetch username from identity.
            data['username'] = get_jwt_identity()['username']
            event_obj = EventMethods(**data)
            if event_obj.save_to_db():
                return EVENT_ADDED.to_json(), 201
            return EVENT_ADD_ERROR.to_json(), 501
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501
예제 #13
    def get(self):
        Finds all the events from the database hosted by the admin that requests.
        Returns: List of all events
         # Get the claims frpm jwt token.
        claims = get_jwt_claims()
        if claims['is_super_admin']:
            # Store list of all the events.
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events()
            # Get identity fom jwt token.
            id = get_jwt_identity()

            # Store all the events hosted by the admin in a list.
            event_names = EventMethods.get_events(id['username'])
        if event_names:
            return event_names,200
            # Check if the list is empty or None.
            if not len(event_names):
                return NO_EVENT_ERROR.to_json(), 400
        except TypeError:
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR.to_json(), 501