async def withdraw(Bot, msg): if in bot_data['user_data'] and "bank" in bot_data[ 'user_data'][]: try: amount = round(float(strutils.strip_command(msg.content)) * 100) except ValueError: if strutils.strip_command(msg.content) == 'all': amount = bot_data['user_data'][]["bank"] else: await Bot.send_message(, "Your input was invalid! Please input a number.") return if amount <= bot_data['user_data'][]["bank"]: bot_data['user_data'][]["bank"] -= amount bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] += amount await Bot.send_message(, "Withdrew " + '{0:.2f}'.format(amount / 100) + " from your Bovine Bank account.\nYour new bank balance is " + '{0:.2f}'.format( bot_data['user_data'][]["bank"] / 100) + ".") else: await Bot.send_message(, "You can't withdraw that much money, you only have `" + '{0:.2f}'.format(bot_data['user_data'][]["bank"] / 100) + '` in your bank!') else: await Bot.send_message(, "You have no Mooney to withdraw! Try depositing mooney first")
async def quiz(Bot, msg): if not in bot_data['quiz_data']: bot_data['quiz_data'][] = [None, {}] else: for k in bot_data['quiz_data'][][1].keys(): if not bot_data['quiz_data'][][1][k]: del bot_data['quiz_data'][][1][k] try: newmsg = strutils.strip_command(msg.content).split(" ") except IndexError: em = Embed(title="Missing subcommand", description=strutils.format_response("You must specify a subcommand!\nValid options include `cow quiz add` and `cow quiz take`.", _msg=msg), colour=0xff7830) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) return try: if not in quiz_users: quiz_users.append( try: await quiz_handlers[newmsg[0]](Bot, msg) except KeyError: raise finally: quiz_users.remove( else: await Bot.send_message(, "You already have a quiz running!\nPlease cancel that command first.") except KeyError: em = Embed(title="ERROR", description="Unknown subcommand **%s**." % newmsg[0], colour=0xd32323) await Bot.send_message(, embed=em)
async def transfer(Bot, msg): try: amt = int( float(strutils.strip_command(msg.content).split(' ', 1)[0]) * 100) if amt <= bot_data['user_data'][]["money"]: give(amt, msg.mentions[0].id) give(-1 * amt, em = Embed(title="Money Transfer", description='{0:.2f}'.format(amt / 100) + " mooney given to " + msg.mentions[0].mention, colour=0xffd747) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) else: await Bot.send_message(, "You don't have that much money to transfer!") except (ValueError, TypeError): em = Embed(title="Invalid Amount", description="Mooney to give must be a number.", colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) except IndexError: em = Embed(title="Missing User", description="You must specify the user to give mooney to.", colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em)
async def slots(Bot, msg): bet = int(float(strutils.strip_command(msg.content)) * 100) if in bot_data['user_data']: if bet > bot_data['user_data'][]["money"]: await Bot.send_message(, "You don't have that much to bet, silly!") else: moneychange = randint(-1 * bet, bet) if moneychange >= 0: await Bot.send_message(, + " won " + '{0:.2f}'.format(moneychange / 100) + " Mooney. Nice job!") else: await Bot.send_message(, + " lost " + '{0:.2f}'.format(-1 * moneychange / 100) + " Mooney. Better luck next time!") datautils.nested_addition(moneychange, 'user_data',, 'money', default=0) else: await Bot.send_message(, "You have no mooney yet! Do `cow daily` to recieve your daily reward." )
async def addMooney(Bot, msg): if == "418827664304898048": try: amt = int( float(strutils.strip_command(msg.content).split(' ', 1)[0]) * 100) give(amt, msg.mentions[0].id) em = Embed(title="Money Added", description='{0:.2f}'.format(amt / 100) + " mooney given to " + msg.mentions[0].mention, colour=0xffd747) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) except (ValueError, TypeError): em = Embed(title="Invalid Amount", description="Mooney to give must be a number.", colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) except IndexError: em = Embed( title="Missing User", description="You must specify the user to give mooney to.", colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) else: em = Embed( title="Insufficient Permissions", description=strutils.format_response( "{_mention} does not have sufficient permissions to perform this task.", _msg=msg), colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em)
async def trivia(Bot, msg): cont = strutils.strip_command(msg.content) cont = (cont.split(' ') if ' ' in cont else [cont]) diff = None cat = None if cont[0].lower() in Data.difficulties.value: diff = Data.difficulties.value[cont.pop(0).lower()] elif cont[-1].lower() in Data.difficulties.value: diff = Data.difficulties.value[cont.pop().lower()] cont = ' '.join(cont) if not cont.isspace(): if cont.lower() in Data.categories.value: cat = Data.categories.value[cont.lower()] else: em = Embed( title="Unknown Category", description= "Could not find the specified category. Valid categories include:\n\n" + '\n'.join(Data.categories.value.keys()), colour=0xff7830) await Bot.send_message(, embed=em) return question = triviaAPI.getquestion(category=cat, difficulty=diff)[0] options = {question["correct_answer"]: True} options.update({(k, False) for k in question["incorrect_answers"]}) questionOBJ = Question(question['question'], options, True) questionOBJ.optshuf() em = Embed(title="Trivia Question", description=questionOBJ.getstr(), colour=0xff7830) msgEmbed = await Bot.send_message(, embed=em) def check(s): return len(s.content) == 1 and 0 <= ord( s.content.lower()) - ord('a') < len(options) response = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) selection = ord(response.content.lower()) - ord('a') em.description = questionOBJ.getstr(selected=selection, showCorrect=True) if list(questionOBJ.options.values())[selection] == True: increment(, "answerstreak", 1) reward = randint( 0, 250 * bot_data['user_data'][]['answerstreak'] * (['easy', 'medium', 'hard'].index(question['difficulty']) + 1)) give(reward, em.description += '\n\nYou answered correctly! Your answer streak is now `' + str( bot_data['user_data'][] ['answerstreak']) + '` and you have recieved ' + '{0:.2f}'.format( reward / 100) + ' Mooney!\nYou now have ' + '{0:.2f}'.format( bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] / 100) + ' Mooney.' else: set_element(, "answerstreak", 0) em.description += '\n\nYour answer was incorrect! Your answer streak is now `0`.' await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, msgEmbed, em)
async def settings(Bot, msg): perms = if perms.manage_server: newmsg = strutils.strip_command(msg.content).split(" ") try: await settings_handlers[newmsg[0]](Bot, msg, newmsg) except KeyError: em = Embed(title="ERROR", description="Unknown subcommand **%s**." % newmsg[0], colour=0xd32323) await Bot.send_message(, embed=em)
async def deposit(Bot, msg): if in bot_data['user_data']: try: amount = round(float(strutils.strip_command(msg.content)) * 100) except ValueError: if strutils.strip_command(msg.content) == 'all': amount = bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] else: await Bot.send_message(, "Your input was invalid! Please input a number.") return if amount <= bot_data['user_data'][]["money"]: datautils.nested_addition(amount, 'user_data',, 'bank', default=0) bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] -= amount await Bot.send_message(, "Deposited `" + '{0:.2f}'.format(amount / 100) + "` Mooney to your Bovine Bank account.\nYour new bank balance is `" + '{0:.2f}'.format( bot_data['user_data'][]["bank"] / 100) + "` Mooney.") else: await Bot.send_message(, "You can't deposit that much money, you only have `" + '{0:.2f}'.format( bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] / 100) + '`!') else: await Bot.send_message(, "You have no Mooney to deposit! Try using `cow work` or `cow daily` first." )
async def add(Bot, msg): if (bot_data['quiz_data'][][0] and bot_data['quiz_data'][][0] not in and not em = Embed(title="Insufficient Permissions", description=strutils.format_response("{_mention} does not have sufficient permissions to perform this task.", _msg=msg), colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) return question = strutils.strip_command(msg.content).split(" ", 1)[1] em = Embed(title="Add Quiz Question", description="Question:\n"+question, colour=0xff7830) desc = '' if len(bot_data['quiz_data'][][1]) > 0: for k,v in bot_data['quiz_data'][][1].items(): desc+='\n'+k else: desc = '\nNone' em.add_field(name="Question Category", value="Available Categories:"+desc+"\n\nIf your desired category is not listed, you may add one below.\n\nIf you want to cancel, type `cancel`.", inline=False) qmsg = await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) cat = await getquestioncategory(Bot, msg, qmsg, em, add=True) if not cat: return em.set_field_at(0, name="Question Category", value=cat, inline=False) quest = await editquestion(Bot, msg, qmsg, em, cat, question) bot_data['quiz_data'][][1][cat].append(quest)
async def query(Bot, msg): question = strutils.strip_command(msg.content) em = Embed(title=question, description="Requesting Data", colour=0xe4671b) oldem = await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) res = wa_client.query(question) if "@pods" not in res: try: resp = urllib.request.urlopen(res["@recalculate"]) assert resp.headers.get_content_type() == 'text/xml' assert resp.headers.get_param('charset') == 'utf-8' res = wolframalpha.Result(resp) except ValueError: pass titles = [] images = [] try: for pod in res.pods: titles.append(textwrap.wrap(pod.title, width=50)) subimgs = [] for sub in pod.subpods: subimgs.append( BytesIO(requests.get(sub['img']['@src']).content))) images.append(subimgs) except AttributeError: em = Embed(title=question, description="No results", colour=0xe4671b) await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, oldem, em) return chained_imgs = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(images)) widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in chained_imgs)) item_padding = 20 font_size = 15 font_padding = 3 max_width = max(widths) + 2 * item_padding total_height = sum(heights) + item_padding * (len(chained_imgs) + 2 + len( titles)) + (font_padding + font_size) * len( list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(titles))) new_im = imgutils.round_rectangle((max_width, total_height), item_padding, "white") font = ImageFont.truetype("Data/Roboto-Regular.ttf", font_size) total_pods = 0 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_im) y_offset = item_padding for i in range(len(titles)): pod = images[i] for line in titles[i]: draw.text((item_padding, y_offset), line, fill=(119, 165, 182), font=font) y_offset += font_size + font_padding y_offset += item_padding for im in pod: total_pods += 1 new_im.paste(im, (item_padding, y_offset)) y_offset += im.size[1] + item_padding if (total_pods < len(chained_imgs)): draw.line((0, y_offset - item_padding / 2, max_width, y_offset - item_padding / 2), fill=(233, 233, 233), width=1)"Data/wa_save.png") res_img = imgur_client.upload_image("Data/wa_save.png", title=question) em = Embed(title=question,, colour=0xe4671b) em.set_image( await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, oldem, em)
async def thesaurus(Bot, msg): #Taken from contractions = { "ain't": ["am not", "are not", "is not", "has not", "have not"], "aren't": ["are not", "am not"], "can't": ["cannot"], "can't've": ["cannot have"], "'cause": ["because"], "could've": ["could have"], "couldn't": ["could not"], "couldn't've": ["could not have"], "didn't": ["did not"], "doesn't": ["does not"], "don't": ["do not"], "hadn't": ["had not"], "hadn't've": ["had not have"], "hasn't": ["has not"], "haven't": ["have not"], "he'd": ["he had", "he would"], "he'd've": ["he would have"], "he'll": ["he shall: [he will"], "he'll've": ["he shall have", "he will have"], "he's": ["he has", "he is"], "how'd": ["how did"], "how'd'y": ["how do you"], "how'll": ["how will"], "how's": ["how has", "how is", "how does"], "I'd": ["I had", "I would"], "I'd've": ["I would have"], "I'll": ["I shall", "I will"], "I'll've": ["I shall have", "I will have"], "I'm": ["I am"], "I've": ["I have"], "isn't": ["is not"], "it'd": ["it had", "it would"], "it'd've": ["it would have"], "it'll": ["it shall", "it will"], "it'll've": ["it shall have", "it will have"], "it's": ["it has", "it is"], "let's": ["let us"], "ma'am": ["madam"], "mayn't": ["may not"], "might've": ["might have"], "mightn't": ["might not"], "mightn't've": ["might not have"], "must've": ["must have"], "mustn't": ["must not"], "mustn't've": ["must not have"], "needn't": ["need not"], "needn't've": ["need not have"], "o'clock": ["of the clock"], "oughtn't": ["ought not"], "oughtn't've": ["ought not have"], "shan't": ["shall not"], "sha'n't": ["shall not"], "shan't've": ["shall not have"], "she'd": ["she had", "she would"], "she'd've": ["she would have"], "she'll": ["she shall", "she will"], "she'll've": ["she shall have", "she will have"], "she's": ["she has", "she is"], "should've": ["should have"], "shouldn't": ["should not"], "shouldn't've": ["should not have"], "so've": ["so have"], "so's": ["so as", "so is"], "that'd": ["that would", "that had"], "that'd've": ["that would have"], "that's": ["that has", "that is"], "there'd": ["there had", "there would"], "there'd've": ["there would have"], "there's": ["there has", "there is"], "they'd": ["they had", "they would"], "they'd've": ["they would have"], "they'll": ["they shall", "they will"], "they'll've": ["they shall have", "they will have"], "they're": ["they are"], "they've": ["they have"], "to've": ["to have"], "wasn't": ["was not"], "we'd": ["we had", "we would"], "we'd've": ["we would have"], "we'll": ["we will"], "we'll've": ["we will have"], "we're": ["we are"], "we've": ["we have"], "weren't": ["were not"], "what'll": ["what shall", "what will"], "what'll've": ["what shall have", "what will have"], "what're": ["what are"], "what's": ["what has", "what is"], "what've": ["what have"], "when's": ["when has", "when is"], "when've": ["when have"], "where'd": ["where did"], "where's": ["where has", "where is"], "where've": ["where have"], "who'll": ["who shall", "who will"], "who'll've": ["who shall have", "who will have"], "who's": ["who has", "who is"], "who've": ["who have"], "why's": ["why has", "why is"], "why've": ["why have"], "will've": ["will have"], "won't": ["will not"], "won't've": ["will not have"], "would've": ["would have"], "wouldn't": ["would not"], "wouldn't've": ["would not have"], "y'all": ["you all"], "y'all'd": ["you all would"], "y'all'd've": ["you all would have"], "y'all're": ["you all are"], "y'all've": ["you all have"], "you'd": ["you had", "you would"], "you'd've": ["you would have"], "you'll": ["you shall", "you will"], "you'll've": ["you shall have", "you will have"], "you're": ["you are"], "you've": ["you have"] } link = "" sentence = strutils.strip_command(msg.content) em = Embed( title="Thesaurus-ifier", description= "Completely overuses the thesaurus on a sentence.\nCheck out the program at [Thesaurus-er]( by [UnsignedByte](!", colour=0x4e91fc) em.add_field(name="Input Sentence", value=sentence, inline=False) em.add_field(name="Output Sentence", value="Converting...", inline=False) m = await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) for k in sorted(contractions, key=len, reverse=True): # Through keys sorted by length sentence = sentence.replace(k, choice(contractions[k])) sentence = sentence.split() newsentence = [] for a in sentence: newa = a.strip(string.punctuation) punc = a.split(newa) #From newa = [ item for item in map(str.strip, re.split("(\W+)", newa)) if len(item) > 0 ] lets = [] for xi in range(0, len(newa)): x = newa[xi] if xi % 2 == 0: try: response = req.get(link + x) response.raise_for_status() html_doc = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser') chosenone = choice( list( map(lambda x: x.decode_contents(formatter="html"), soup.findAll("span", 'text')))) if x[0].isupper(): chosenone = chosenone.title() lets.append(chosenone) except (req.exceptions.HTTPError, IndexError): lets.append(x) else: lets.append(x) lets = punc[0] + ''.join(lets) + punc[1] newsentence.append(lets) em.set_field_at(1, name="Output Sentence", value=' '.join(newsentence), inline=False) await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, m, em)
async def take(Bot, msg): try: cat = strutils.strip_command(msg.content).split(" ", 1)[1].title() questions = bot_data['quiz_data'][][1][cat] except (KeyError, IndexError): em = Embed(title="Available Categories", colour=0xff7830) desc = 'We could not find the specified category in this server. Please choose one of the available options listed below.\n' if len(bot_data['quiz_data'][][1]) > 0: for k,v in bot_data['quiz_data'][][1].items(): desc+='\n'+k else: desc += '\nNone' em.description = desc qmsg = await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) def check(s): return s.content.title() in bot_data['quiz_data'][][1] or s.content.lower() == 'cancel' newm = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) if not newm or newm.content.lower() == 'cancel': em = Embed(title="Question Wizard", description='*Operation Cancelled*', colour=0xff7830) await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, qmsg, em) await Bot.delete_message(newm) return cat = newm.content.title() questions = bot_data['quiz_data'][][1][cat] await Bot.delete_messages([qmsg, newm]) def formatDesc(cat="Unknown", ql="Unknown", score=100): return "Category: "+cat+"\nQuestions Left: "+str(ql)+"\nPercent Correct: "+'{0:.2f}'.format(score)+"%" em = Embed(title="Quiz", description=formatDesc(cat=cat)+"\n\nHow many questions do you want in your quiz? There "+("is" if len(questions) == 1 else "are")+" "+str(len(questions))+" question"+("s" if len(questions) == 1 else "")+" in total to choose from.\nType a number, or type `all` to get all questions in the category.", colour=0xff7830) qmsg = await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) def check(s): return (objutils.integer(s.content) and 0<int(s.content)<=len(questions)) or s.content == 'all' nm = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) if not nm: return if nm.content != 'all': shuffle(questions) questions = questions[0:int(nm.content)] await Bot.delete_message(nm) em.add_field(name="Question", value="NULL") totalscore = 0 em.description=formatDesc(cat=cat, ql=len(questions), score=100.0) for a in range(len(questions)): questions[a].optshuf() em.set_field_at(0, name="Question "+str(a+1), value=questions[a].getstr()+"\n\nTo select your answer, type in the option letter (from A to "+chr(len(questions[a].options)+64)+").\nIf you don't know the answer, you can always guess!") qmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, qmsg, em) def check(s): return len(s.content)==1 and 1<=ord(s.content.upper())-64<=len(questions[a].options) def yesnocheck(s): return s.content in ['y', 'n', 'yes', 'no'] def confirmcheck(s): return check(s) or s.content in ['n', 'next'] select = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) select.content = str(ord(select.content.upper())-64) await Bot.delete_message(select) while True: em.set_field_at(0, name="Question "+str(a+1), value=questions[a].getstr(selected=int(select.content)-1)+"\n\nTo select another answer, type in the option letter (from A to "+chr(len(questions[a].options)+64)+").\nWhen you are ready to move on, type `next (n)`.\nIf you don't know the answer, you can always guess!") qmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, qmsg, em) newselect = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=confirmcheck) await Bot.delete_message(newselect) if newselect.content in ['n', 'next']: if questions[a].isCorrect(int(select.content)): totalscore += 1 em.set_field_at(0, name="Question "+str(a+1), value=questions[a].getstr(selected=int(select.content)-1, showCorrect=True)+'\n\nWhen you are done viewing answers, type `next (n)` to move on.') em.description = formatDesc(cat=cat, ql=len(questions)-a-1, score=100*totalscore/(a+1)) await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, qmsg, em) def moveoncheck(s): return s.content in ['n', 'next'] moveon = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=moveoncheck) await Bot.delete_message(moveon) break else: newselect.content = str(ord(newselect.content.upper())-64) select = newselect em.remove_field(0) moneyrecieved = randint(round(totalscore/2)*100, round(totalscore*2)*100) em.title = 'Quiz Completed!' em.description = 'Congratulations! You completed a quiz in the '+cat+' category with '+str(len(questions))+' questions.\nYou recieved a score of '+'{0:.2f}'.format(100*totalscore/len(questions))+'%, or '+str(totalscore)+' out of '+str(len(questions))+'!\nAs you answered '+str(totalscore)+' questions correctly, you have recieved $'+str(moneyrecieved/100)+'!' await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, qmsg, em) give(moneyrecieved,
async def stock(Bot, msg): subcomms = { "get": "get", "info": "get", "sell": "sell", "invest": "buy", "buy": "buy" } em = Embed(title="Stock information", description="Retrieving data...", colour=0xffd747) stockmsg = await msgutils.send_embed(Bot, msg, em) try: cont = strutils.strip_command(msg.content) except IndexError: em = Embed(title="Missing Inputs", description="Not enough inputs provided for **stock**.", colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, em) return minfo = cont.split(' ') if len(minfo) > 2: em = Embed(title="Invalid Input", description="Stock Name cannot contain whitespace", colour=0xd32323) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) return if len(minfo) == 1: cont = minfo[0] commtype = "get" elif len(minfo) == 2: try: commtype = subcomms[minfo[0]] except KeyError: em = Embed( title="Invalid Command", description="Could not find subcommand **" + minfo[0] + "**.\nValid subcommands are **get**, **sell**, and **buy**.", colour=0xd32323) await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, em) return cont = minfo[1] link = "" + cont try: response = req.get(link) response.raise_for_status() html_doc = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser') tabl = 0 el = [] for x in soup.find("div", { "id": "two_column_main_content_pnlData" }).findChildren(): if == 'table': for a in x.findChildren(): if == 'td': try: el.append(a.findChildren()[0].decode_contents( formatter="html")) except IndexError: el.append(a.decode_contents(formatter="html")) el =, 3) if len(el) > 1: em = Embed( title= "Multiple results found. Choose one. Type `cancel` to cancel", description="", colour=0xffd747) for a in range(0, len(el)): em.description += '\n' + str(a + 1) + ': ' + ' '.join(el[a]) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) def check(s): s = s.content if s == 'cancel': return True return objutils.integer(s) and int(s) <= len(el) and int(s) > 0 stock = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) if not stock: return await Bot.delete_message(stock) if stock.content == 'cancel': em = Embed(title="Stock Information", description="*Operation Cancelled*", colour=0xffd747) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) return stock = el[int(stock.content) - 1] elif len(el) == 1: stock = el[0] else: em = Embed( title="No Results", description="Could not find results matching your input.", colour=0xffd747) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) return link = "" + stock[0] response = req.get(link) response.raise_for_status() html_doc = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser') arr = " \u2b06 " if 'arrow-red' in soup.find("div", { "id": "qwidget-arrow" }).findChildren()[0].get("class"): arr = " \u2b07 " name = soup.find("div", {"id": "qwidget_pageheader"}).get_text() data = (soup.find("div", { "id": "qwidget_lastsale" }).get_text(), soup.find("div", { "id": "qwidget_netchange" }).get_text(), soup.find("div", { "id": "qwidget_percent" }).get_text()) info = "**" + data[0] + "**• " + data[1] + arr + data[ 2] + '\nFor more information go to [the nasdaq website](' + link + ").\n\nThis was taken from [Stock-Viewer]( by [UnsignedByte](" if commtype == "get": em = Embed(title=name, description=info, colour=0xffd747) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) if commtype == "buy": if in bot_data['user_data']: def check(s): s = s.content if s == 'cancel': return True return objutils.integer(s) and int(s) > 0 em = Embed( title="Buying Shares...", description= "How many shares would you like to buy? Input an integer.", colour=0xffd747) em.add_field(name=name, value=info) while True: stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) num = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) if not num: return await Bot.delete_message(num) if num.content == 'cancel': em = Embed(title="Stock Information", description="*Operation Cancelled*", colour=0xffd747) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) return num = int(num.content) if num * float(data[0][1:]) * 100 > bot_data['user_data'][]["money"]: em.description = "How many shares would you like to buy? Input an integer.\n\nCannot buy " + str( num) + " shares, you do not have enough mooney!" else: break bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] -= num * float( data[0][1:]) * 100 if "stock" in bot_data['user_data'][]: if stock[0] in bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"]: bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"][ stock[0]] += num else: bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"][ stock[0]] = num else: bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"] = {} bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"][ stock[0]] = num em.title = "Shares Bought." em.description = "You bought " + str( num) + " shares for " + str( num * float(data[0][1:])) + " Mooney!" stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, em) else: em = Embed( title="No Mooney", description= "You cannot buy stocks, as you have no mooney yet! Do `cow daily` to recieve your daily reward.", colour=0xd32323) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) elif commtype == "sell": if in bot_data['user_data'] and "stock" in bot_data[ 'user_data'][] and stock[0] in bot_data[ 'user_data'][]["stock"]: def check(s): s = s.content if s == 'cancel': return True return objutils.integer(s) and int(s) > 0 em = Embed( title="Selling Shares...", description= "How many shares would you like to sell? Input an integer.", colour=0xffd747) em.add_field(name=name, value=info) while True: stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) num = await Bot.wait_for_message(timeout=600,,, check=check) if not num: return await Bot.delete_message(num) if num.content == 'cancel': em = Embed(title="Stock Information", description="*Operation Cancelled*", colour=0xffd747) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) return num = int(num.content) if num > bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"][ stock[0]]: em.description = "How many shares would you like to sell? Input an integer.\n\nCannot sell " + str( num) + " shares, you do not own that many!" else: break bot_data['user_data'][]["money"] += num * float( data[0][1:]) * 100 bot_data['user_data'][]["stock"][stock[0]] -= num em.title = "Shares sold." em.description = "You sold " + str(num) + " shares for " + str( num * float(data[0][1:])) + " Mooney!" stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, em) else: em = Embed(title="No Stocks", description="You have no stocks to sell.", colour=0xd32323) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) except req.exceptions.HTTPError: em = Embed(title="Invalid Input", description="Your input was invalid", colour=0xd32323) stockmsg = await msgutils.edit_embed(Bot, stockmsg, embed=em) return