def __init__(self, old_id_path, options, plus=False, log_info=None): # { self.log_info = log_info self.options = options tool_name = "idmapper" if plus: # { tool_name = "idmapper_plus" # } end if self.command = [GetCommand(self, tool_name), "-s", "human", "-f", old_id_path] DebugMsg(self, "Update command:\n %s" % (" ".join(self.command))) = RunCommandFromList(self.command, stdout=STREAM_OUT, dpt=getattr(self.options, "dpt", False)) # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, " finished creating update stream") self.GetLine()
class GeneIDUpdateStreamCls: # { def __init__(self, old_id_path, options, plus=False, log_info=None): # { self.log_info = log_info self.options = options tool_name = "idmapper" if plus: # { tool_name = "idmapper_plus" # } end if self.command = [GetCommand(self, tool_name), "-s", "human", "-f", old_id_path] DebugMsg(self, "Update command:\n %s" % (" ".join(self.command))) = RunCommandFromList(self.command, stdout=STREAM_OUT, dpt=getattr(self.options, "dpt", False)) # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, " finished creating update stream") self.GetLine() # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, " got the first line") # } end def def __iter__(self): # { # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "Creating iterator for GeneIDUpdateStreamCls") return self # } end def # returns a dictionary: mapping[old_id] = set(new_ids) def next(self): # { # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "In") if getattr(self, "finished", False): # { raise StopIteration # } end if if ID_UPDATE_HEADER != self.curr_line: # { raise MainClassError('Invalid ID update header line: "%s"' % self.curr_line) # } end if mapping = dict() self.GetLine() # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "Finished? %s" % getattr(self, "finished", False)) # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "CURR LINE: %s" % self.curr_line) while not getattr(self, "finished", False) and ID_UPDATE_HEADER != self.curr_line: # { # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, " Processing update: %s" % self.curr_line) (old_id, new_id) = self.curr_line.split(", ")[:2] if "." in old_id: # { old_id = old_id.split(".")[0] # } end if if "." in new_id: # { new_id = new_id.split(".")[0] # } end if # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, " Old ID: %s, New ID: %s" % (old_id, new_id)) if old_id != new_id: # { if old_id not in mapping: # { mapping[old_id] = set() # } end if mapping[old_id].add(new_id) # } end if self.GetLine() # } end while return mapping # } end def def GetLine(self): # { MAX_LOOPS = 100 count = 0 # self.GetRawLine() next_line = "" while not getattr(self, "finished", False) and "" == next_line: # { # "" == getattr(self, "curr_line", "")): #{} # self.GetRawLine() next_line = # next() should return at least "\n" for a blank line if "" == next_line: # { # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "STREAM COMPLETE") self.finished = True break # } end if next_line = CleanLine(next_line) # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "UPDATE LINE: %s" % next_line) count += 1 if MAX_LOOPS < count: # { raise MainClassError("Too many loops while getting update line!") # } end if # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "POLLING STREAM") # ret will be None until the process terminates # ret = # if (None != ret): #{ # ExtremeDebugMsg(self, "STREAM COMPLETE") # self.finished = True # } end if # } end while self.curr_line = next_line