예제 #1
def get_history_sum_embedded(self):
    # TODO: add mask info for this operation
    his_days =['one', 'two', 'three', 'four','five','six','seven','eight','nine',

    for fir in his_days:
        key = "history_" + fir + "_chap_ph"
        embed_key = "history_" + fir + "_chap_embedded"
        setattr(self, embed_key,get_mask_zero_embedded(self.chapters_embeddings_var,
                                    getattr(self, key)))
    for fir in his_days:
        key = "history_" + fir + "_sec_ph"
        embed_key = "history_" + fir + "_sec_embedded"
        setattr(self, embed_key,get_mask_zero_embedded(self.sections_embeddings_var,
                                    getattr(self, key)))

    chap = tf.reduce_mean(self.history_one_chap_embedded, axis=-2)
    #b*x*128 b*128    b*(128*14)
    sec = tf.reduce_mean(self.history_one_sec_embedded, axis=-2)

    for fir in his_days[:0:-1]:
        key_c = "history_" + fir + "_chap_embedded"
        chap = tf.concat([chap, tf.reduce_mean(getattr(self, key_c), axis=-2)], axis=-1)
        key_s = "history_" + fir + "_sec_embedded"
        sec = tf.concat([sec, tf.reduce_mean(getattr(self, key_s), axis=-2)], axis=-1)
    history_chap_emb = tf.reshape(chap, [-1, HIS_DAYS, EMBEDDING_DIM])
    history_sec_emb = tf.reshape(sec, [-1, HIS_DAYS, EMBEDDING_DIM])

    chap_mean = tf.reduce_mean(history_chap_emb, axis=-2)
    sec_mean = tf.reduce_mean(history_sec_emb, axis=-2)
    return chap_mean, sec_mean
예제 #2
def diagonal_lstm(inputs, scope='diagonal_lstm'):
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(scope):

        skewed_inputs = skew(inputs, scope="skewed_i")

        input_to_state = conv2d(skewed_inputs,
                                64, [1, 1],
        column_wise_inputs = tf.transpose(input_to_state, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])

        batch, width, height, channel = column_wise_inputs.get_shape().as_list(
        rnn_inputs = tf.reshape(column_wise_inputs,
                                [-1, width, height * channel])

        cell = DiagonalLSTMCell(16, height, channel)

        outputs, states = tf.compat.v1.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,
        width_first_outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, width, height, 16])

        skewed_outputs = tf.transpose(width_first_outputs, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
        outputs = unskew(skewed_outputs)

        return outputs
예제 #3
    def __call__(self, i_to_s, state, scope="DiagonalBiLSTMCell"):

        c_prev = tf.slice(state, [0, 0], [-1, self._num_units])
        h_prev = tf.slice(state, [0, self._num_units], [-1, self._num_units])

        with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(scope):

            conv1d_inputs = tf.reshape(
                h_prev, [-1, self._height, 1, self._hidden_dims],

            conv_s_to_s = conv1d(conv1d_inputs,
                                 4 * self._hidden_dims,
            s_to_s = tf.reshape(conv_s_to_s,
                                [-1, self._height * self._hidden_dims * 4])

            lstm_matrix = tf.sigmoid(s_to_s + i_to_s)

            i, g, f, o = tf.split(lstm_matrix, 4, 1)

            c = f * c_prev + i * g
            h = tf.multiply(o, tf.tanh(c), name='hid')

        new_state = tf.concat([c, h], 1)
        return h, new_state
def get_history_sum_embedded(self):
    # TODO: add mask info for this operation
    his_days =['one', 'two', 'three', 'four','five','six','seven','eight','nine',

    for fir in his_days:
        key_c = "history_" + fir + "_chap_ph"
        embed_key_c = "history_" + fir + "_chap_embedded"
        setattr(self, embed_key_c,get_mask_zero_embedded(self.chapters_embeddings_var,
                                    getattr(self, key_c)))
        key_s = "history_" + fir + "_sec_ph"
        embed_key_s = "history_" + fir + "_sec_embedded"
        setattr(self, embed_key_s,get_mask_zero_embedded(self.sections_embeddings_var,
                                    getattr(self, key_s)))

        key_st = "style_" + fir + "_ph"
        embed_key_st = "history_" + fir + "_sty_embedded"
        setattr(self, embed_key_st,tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.style_embeddings_var,
                                    getattr(self, key_st)))  

    chap = get_rnn_sum(self.history_one_chap_embedded,"rnncha")
    #b*x*128 b*128    b*(128*14)
    sec = get_rnn_sum(self.history_one_sec_embedded, "rnnsec")
    sty = self.history_one_sty_embedded

    for fir in his_days[:0:-1]:
        key_c = "history_" + fir + "_chap_embedded"
        chap = tf.concat([chap, get_rnn_sum(getattr(self, key_c), "rnncha")], axis=-1)
        key_s = "history_" + fir + "_sec_embedded"
        sec = tf.concat([sec, get_rnn_sum(getattr(self, key_s), "rnnsec")], axis=-1)
        key_st = "history_" + fir + "_sty_embedded"
        sty = tf.concat([sty, getattr(self, key_st)], axis=-1)
    history_chap_emb = tf.reshape(chap, [-1, HIS_DAYS, EMBEDDING_DIM])
    history_sec_emb = tf.reshape(sec, [-1, HIS_DAYS, EMBEDDING_DIM])
    history_sty_emb = tf.reshape(sty, [-1, HIS_DAYS, EMBEDDING_DIM])

    chap_mean = tf.reduce_mean(history_chap_emb, axis=-2)
    sec_mean = tf.reduce_mean(history_sec_emb, axis=-2)
    sty_mean = tf.reduce_mean(history_sty_emb, axis=-2)
    #return chap_mean, sec_mean

    return tf.concat([chap_mean, sec_mean,sty_mean], axis=-1)
예제 #5
def skew(inputs, scope="skew"):

    with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(scope):

        batch, height, width, channel = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
        rows = tf.split(inputs, height, 1)

        new_width = width + height - 1
        new_rows = []

        for idx, row in enumerate(rows):
            transposed_row = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(row, [1]), perm=[0, 2, 1])
            squeezed_row = tf.reshape(transposed_row, [-1, width])
            padded_row = tf.pad(squeezed_row,
                                paddings=((0, 0), (idx, height - 1 - idx)))

            unsqueezed_row = tf.reshape(padded_row, [-1, channel, new_width])
            untransposed_row = tf.transpose(unsqueezed_row, perm=[0, 2, 1])

        outputs = tf.stack(new_rows, axis=1, name="output")

    return outputs