def loadHierarchy_recur(self, node, lines, joint_pos): for li in lines: if li.split()[0] == 'hier' and li.split()[1] == pos = joint_pos[li.split()[2]] ch_node = TreeNode(li.split()[2], tuple(pos)) node.children.append(ch_node) ch_node.parent = node self.loadHierarchy_recur(ch_node, lines, joint_pos)
def predict_skeleton(input_data, vox, root_pred_net, bone_pred_net, mesh_filename): """ Predict skeleton structure based on joints :param input_data: wrapped data :param vox: voxelized mesh :param root_pred_net: network to predict root :param bone_pred_net: network to predict pairwise connectivity cost :param mesh_filename: meshfilename for debugging :return: predicted skeleton structure """ root_id = getInitId(input_data, root_pred_net) pred_joints = input_data.y[:input_data.num_joint[0]].data.cpu().numpy() with torch.no_grad(): connect_prob, _ = bone_pred_net(input_data) connect_prob = torch.sigmoid(connect_prob) pair_idx = input_data.pairs.long().data.cpu().numpy() prob_matrix = np.zeros((data.num_joint[0], data.num_joint[0])) prob_matrix[pair_idx[:, 0], pair_idx[:, 1]] = prob_matrix = prob_matrix + prob_matrix.transpose() cost_matrix = -np.log(prob_matrix + 1e-10) cost_matrix = increase_cost_for_outside_bone(cost_matrix, pred_joints, vox) pred_skel = Info() parent, key = primMST_symmetry(cost_matrix, root_id, pred_joints) for i in range(len(parent)): if parent[i] == -1: pred_skel.root = TreeNode('root', tuple(pred_joints[i])) break loadSkel_recur(pred_skel.root, i, None, pred_joints, parent) pred_skel.joint_pos = pred_skel.get_joint_dict() #show_mesh_vox(mesh_filename, vox, pred_skel.root) img = show_obj_skel(mesh_filename, pred_skel.root) return pred_skel
def add_duplicate_joints(skel): this_level = [skel.root] while this_level: next_level = [] for p_node in this_level: if len(p_node.children) > 1: new_children = [] for dup_id in range(len(p_node.children)): p_node_new = TreeNode( + '_dup_{:d}'.format(dup_id), p_node.pos) p_node_new.overlap = True p_node_new.parent = p_node p_node_new.children = [p_node.children[dup_id]] # for user interaction, we move overlapping joints a bit to its children p_node_new.pos = np.array( p_node_new.pos) + 0.03 * np.linalg.norm( np.array(p_node.children[dup_id].pos) - np.array(p_node_new.pos)) p_node_new.pos = (p_node_new.pos[0], p_node_new.pos[1], p_node_new.pos[2]) p_node.children[dup_id].parent = p_node_new new_children.append(p_node_new) p_node.children = new_children p_node.overlap = False next_level += p_node.children this_level = next_level return skel
def loadSkel_recur(self, node, lines, has_order): if has_order: ch_queue = Q.PriorityQueue() for li in lines: words = li.split() if words[5] == ch_queue.put((int(li.split()[6]), li)) while not ch_queue.empty(): item = ch_queue.get() li = item[1] ch_node = TreeNode(li.split()[1], (float(li.split()[2]), float( li.split()[3]), float(li.split()[4]))) ch_node.order = int(li.split()[6]) node.children.append(ch_node) ch_node.parent = node self.loadSkel_recur(ch_node, lines, has_order) else: for li in lines: words = li.split() if words[5] == ch_node = TreeNode( words[1], (float(words[2]), float(words[3]), float(words[4]))) node.children.append(ch_node) ch_node.parent = node self.loadSkel_recur(ch_node, lines, has_order)
def loadSkel_recur(p_node, parent_id, joint_name, joint_pos, parent): """ Converst prim algorithm result to our skel/info format recursively :param p_node: Root node :param parent_id: parent name of current step of recursion. :param joint_name: list of joint names :param joint_pos: joint positions :param parent: parent index returned by prim alg. :return: p_node (root) will be expanded to linked with all joints """ for i in range(len(parent)): if parent[i] == parent_id: if joint_name is not None: ch_node = TreeNode(joint_name[i], tuple(joint_pos[i])) else: ch_node = TreeNode('joint_{}'.format(i), tuple(joint_pos[i])) p_node.children.append(ch_node) ch_node.parent = p_node loadSkel_recur(ch_node, i, joint_name, joint_pos, parent)
def run_mst_generate(args): """ generate skeleton in batch :param args: input folder path and data folder path """ test_list = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(args.dataset_folder, 'test_final.txt'), root_select_model = ROOTNET() root_select_model.eval() root_checkpoint = torch.load(args.rootnet) root_select_model.load_state_dict(root_checkpoint['state_dict']) connectivity_model = PairCls() connectivity_model.eval() conn_checkpoint = torch.load(args.bonenet) connectivity_model.load_state_dict(conn_checkpoint['state_dict']) for model_id in test_list: print(model_id) pred_joints, vox = predict_joints(model_id, args) mesh_filename = os.path.join(args.dataset_folder, 'obj_remesh/{:d}.obj'.format(model_id)) mesh = surface_geodesic = calc_surface_geodesic(mesh) data = create_single_data(mesh, vox, surface_geodesic, pred_joints) root_id = getInitId(data, root_select_model) with torch.no_grad(): cost_matrix, _ = connectivity_model.forward(data) connect_prob = torch.sigmoid(cost_matrix) pair_idx = data.pairs.long().data.cpu().numpy() cost_matrix = np.zeros((data.num_joint[0], data.num_joint[0])) cost_matrix[pair_idx[:, 0], pair_idx[:, 1]] = cost_matrix = cost_matrix + cost_matrix.transpose() cost_matrix = -np.log(cost_matrix + 1e-10) #cost_matrix = flip_cost_matrix(pred_joints, cost_matrix) cost_matrix = increase_cost_for_outside_bone(cost_matrix, pred_joints, vox) skel = Skel() parent, key, root_id = primMST_symmetry(cost_matrix, root_id, pred_joints) for i in range(len(parent)): if parent[i] == -1: skel.root = TreeNode('root', tuple(pred_joints[i])) break loadSkel_recur(skel.root, i, None, pred_joints, parent) img = show_obj_skel(mesh_filename, skel.root) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(args.res_folder, '{:d}_skel.jpg'.format(model_id)), img[:, :, ::-1]) os.path.join(args.res_folder, '{:d}_skel.txt'.format(model_id)))
def load(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fin: lines = fin.readlines() for li in lines: words = li.split() if words[5] == "None": self.root = TreeNode( words[1], (float(words[2]), float(words[3]), float(words[4]))) if len(words) == 7: has_order = True self.root.order = int(words[6]) else: has_order = False break self.loadSkel_recur(self.root, lines, has_order)
def load(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f_txt: lines = f_txt.readlines() for line in lines: word = line.split() if word[0] == 'joints': self.joint_pos[word[1]] = [ float(word[2]), float(word[3]), float(word[4]) ] elif word[0] == 'root': root_pos = self.joint_pos[word[1]] self.root = TreeNode(word[1], (root_pos[0], root_pos[1], root_pos[2])) elif word[0] == 'skin': skin_item = word[1:] self.joint_skin.append(skin_item) self.loadHierarchy_recur(self.root, lines, self.joint_pos)
for i, character in enumerate(characters_list): # if i != args.character_idx: # continue for motion in motions_list[args.start:args.last]: joint_pos_file = os.path.join(joint_log, 'test', character, '%s_joint.npy' % (motion)) joint_pos = np.load(joint_pos_file, allow_pickle=True).item() joint_result = joint_pos[prediction_method] # save skeleton pred_skel = Info() nodes = [] for joint_index, joint_pos in enumerate(joint_result): nodes.append(TreeNode(name=joint_name[joint_index], pos=joint_pos)) pred_skel.root = nodes[0] for parent, children in enumerate(tree): for child in children: nodes[parent].children.append(nodes[child]) nodes[child].parent = nodes[parent] # calculate volumetric geodesic distance bones, _, _ = get_bones(pred_skel) mesh_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'objs', character + '/' + motion + '.obj') # mesh_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'test_objs', character + '_' + motion + '.obj') mesh = mesh.compute_vertex_normals() mesh_v = np.asarray(mesh.vertices)