예제 #1
def _find_spike(signal, points):
    Looks for a pacemaker spike in a signal fragment, applying fixed thresholds
    on wave duration, angles and amplitude. These thresholds are the following:

    - The duration of the spike must be shorter than 30ms.
    - The ascent and descent angles of the spike must be higher than 75º in
    common ECG scale.
    - The amplitude of the spike must be at least 0.2 mV (2mm) in the edge with
    lower amplitude.
    - The falling edge must be of lower amplitude than the rising edge.

        Numpy array containing the signal information referenced by the wave
        Relevant points detected on the signal.

        Tuple with three integer values, which are the begin, peak, and
        end of the detected spike. If no spikes were detected, returns None.

    #Angle between two points
    angle = lambda a, b : math.atan(dg2mm(abs(signal[b]-signal[a])/sp2mm(b-a)))
    #First we search for the left edge of the spike.
    spike = []
    for i in xrange(1, len(points)-3):
        for j in xrange(i+1, len(points)-2):
            pts = points[i:j+1]
            llim = pts[-1]
            #There can be no peaks inside the left edge.
            if (llim-pts[0] > C.SPIKE_DUR or
                          (len(pts) >= 3 and len(get_peaks(signal[pts])) > 0)):
            #The end of the left edge must be a peak.
            if len(get_peaks(signal[llim-1:llim+2])) < 1:
            #Left edge candidate
            ledge = abs(signal[pts[0]] - signal[llim])
            if (ledge >= C.SPIKE_EDGE_AMP and
                                      angle(pts[0], llim) >= math.radians(85)):
                #Right edge delineation.
                ulim = min(int(pts[0]+C.SPIKE_DUR), points[-1])
                rsig = signal[llim:ulim+1]
                if len(rsig) < 3:
                rpks = get_peaks(rsig)
                if np.any(rpks):
                    ulim = llim + rpks[0]
                ulim = ulim-1 if ulim-1 in points else ulim
                ulim = ulim+1 if ulim+1 in points else ulim
                while ulim > llim:
                    redge = abs(signal[ulim] - signal[llim])
                    if redge < C.SPIKE_EDGE_AMP:
                    if (redge-ledge < C.SPIKE_ECGE_DIFF and
                                        angle(llim, ulim) >= math.radians(75)):
                        #Spike candidate detected
                        spike.append((pts[0], llim, ulim))
                    ulim -= 1
    if not spike or max(sp[0] for sp in spike) >= min(sp[-1] for sp in spike):
        return None
    #We get the spike with highest energy.
    return max(spike, key = lambda spk:
예제 #2
def _paced_qrs_delineation(signal, points, peak, baseline):
    Checks if a sequence of waves is a paced heartbeat. The main criteria is
    the presence of a spike at the beginning of the beat, followed by at least
    one significant wave.
        #Gets the slope between two points.
        slope = lambda a, b : abs(dg2mm((signal[b]-signal[a])/sp2mm(b-a)))
        #First we search for the spike.
        spike = _find_spike(signal, points)
        if not spike[-1] in points:
            points = np.insert(points, bisect.bisect(points, spike[-1]),
        #Now we get relevant points, checking some related constraints.
        bpts = points[points <= spike[0]]
        apts = points[points >= spike[-1]]
        verify(len(apts) >= 2)
        #Before and after the spike there must be a significant slope change.
        verify(slope(spike[0], spike[1]) > 2.0 * slope(bpts[-2], bpts[-1]))
        verify(slope(spike[1], spike[-1]) > 2.0 * slope(apts[0], apts[1]))
        #Now we look for the end of the QRS complex, by applying the same
        #clustering strategy than regular QRS, but only for the end.
        slopes = (signal[apts][1:]-signal[apts][:-1])/(apts[1:]-apts[:-1])
        features = []
        for i in xrange(len(slopes)):
            #The features are the slope in logarithmic scale and the distance to
            #the peak.
                                                        abs(apts[i+1] - peak)])
        features = whiten(features)
        #We initialize the centroids in the extremes (considering what is
        #interesting of each feature for us)
        fmin = np.min(features, 0)
        fmax = np.max(features, 0)
        valid = np.where(kmeans2(features, np.array([[fmin[0], fmax[1]],
                                 [fmax[0], fmin[1]]]), minit = 'matrix')[1])[0]
        end = apts[valid[-1]+1]
        #The duration of the QRS complex after the spike must be more than 2
        #times the duration of the spike.
        verify((end-apts[0]) > 2.0 * (spike[-1]-spike[0]))
        #The amplitude of the qrs complex must higher than 0.5 the amplitude
        #of the spike.
        sgspike = signal[spike[0]:spike[-1]+1]
        sgqrs = signal[apts[0]:end+1]
        verify(np.ptp(sgqrs) > ph2dg(0.5))
        verify(np.ptp(sgqrs) > 0.5 * np.ptp(sgspike))
        #There must be at least one peak in the QRS fragment.
        qrspt = signal[apts[apts <= end]]
        verify(len(qrspt) >= 3)
        verify(abs(signal[end] - signal[spike[0]]) <= ph2dg(0.3)
                                                  or len(get_peaks(qrspt)) > 0)
        #The area of the rest of the QRS complex must be higher than the spike.
        verify(np.sum(np.abs(sgspike-sgspike[0])) <
        #The distance between the beginning of the spike and the baseline
        #cannot be more than the 30% of the amplitude of the complex.
        verify(abs(signal[spike[0]]-baseline) <
                                          0.3 * np.ptp(signal[spike[0]:end+1]))
        #At last, we have found the paced QRS limits.
        return Iv(spike[0], end)
    except InconsistencyError:
        return None