예제 #1
 async def ban_member(self, ctx, member: FetchMember, days: typing.Optional[int] = 0, *, reason=""):
     """Bans a user from the server. OP+ only. Optional: [days] Specify up to 7 days of messages to delete."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "ban"):
     if days > 7:
         days = 7
     elif days < 0:
         days = 0
     if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
         msg = f"You were banned from {ctx.guild.name}."
         if reason != "":
             msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
         msg += "\n\nThis ban does not expire."
         await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg)
         await ctx.cog.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timeban')
         self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
         await ctx.guild.ban(member, reason=reason, delete_message_days=days)
     except discord.errors.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
     await ctx.send(f"{member} is now b&. 👍")
     msg = f"⛔ **Ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
     await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user." if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #2
파일: mod_warn.py 프로젝트: TurtleP/Kurisu
    async def softwarn(self,
                       member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User],
        """Warn a user without automated action. Staff and Helpers only."""
        issuer = ctx.author
        channel = ctx.channel
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "warn"):
        warn_count = len(await crud.get_warns(member.id))
        if warn_count >= 5:
            await ctx.send("A user can't have more than 5 warns!")
        warn_count += 1
        await crud.add_warn(member.id, ctx.author.id, reason)
        if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
            msg = f"You were warned on {ctx.guild}."
            if reason != "":
                # much \n
                msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
            msg += f"\n\nThis is warn #{warn_count}."
            msg += "\n\nThis won't trigger any action."
            await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg, ctx)

        await ctx.send(
            f"{member.mention} softwarned. User has {warn_count} warning(s)")
        msg = f"⚠️ **Warned**: {issuer.mention} softwarned {member.mention} in {channel.mention} ({self.bot.escape_text(channel)}) (warn #{warn_count}) | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
        signature = utils.command_signature(self.warn)
        if reason != "":
            # much \n
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (
            f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
            if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #3
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
 async def mute(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=""):
     """Mutes a user so they can't speak. Staff only."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "mute"):
     if not await crud.add_permanent_role(member.id,
         # Check if the user has a timed restriction.
         # If there is one, this will convert it to a permanent one.
         # If not, it will display that it was already taken.
         if not await crud.get_time_restrictions_by_user_type(
                 member.id, 'timemute'):
             return await ctx.send("User is already muted!")
             await crud.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timemute')
     await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['Muted'])
     await member.remove_roles(self.bot.roles['#elsewhere'],
     msg_user = "******"
     if reason != "":
         msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
     await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user, ctx)
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer speak.")
     msg = f"🔇 **Muted**: {ctx.author.mention} muted {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #4
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
 async def helpmute(self,
                    member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User],
     """Remove speak perms to the assistance channels. Staff and Helpers only."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "helpmute"):
     if not await crud.add_permanent_role(member.id,
         if not await crud.get_time_restrictions_by_user_type(
                 member.id, 'timehelpmute'):
             return await ctx.send("This user is already helpmuted!")
             await crud.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timehelpmute')
     msg_user = "******"
     if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
         await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['help-mute'])
         if reason != "":
             msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
         msg_user += "\n\nIf you feel this was unjustified, you may appeal in <#270890866820775946>."
         await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user, ctx)
     await ctx.send(
         f"{member.mention} can no longer speak in the help channels.")
     msg = f"🚫 **Help mute**: {ctx.author.mention} removed speak access in help channels from {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #5
 async def kick_member(self, ctx: GuildContext, member: discord.Member, *, reason: str = ""):
     """Kicks a user from the server. Staff only."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "kick"):
     msg = f"You were kicked from {ctx.guild.name}."
     if reason != "":
         msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
     msg += "\n\nYou are able to rejoin the server, but please read the rules in #welcome-and-rules before participating again."
     await send_dm_message(member, msg, ctx)
         self.bot.actions.append("uk:" + str(member.id))
         await member.kick(reason=reason)
     except discord.errors.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
     await ctx.send(f"{member} is now gone. 👌")
     msg = f"👢 **Kick**: {ctx.author.mention} kicked {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
     await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
     signature = command_signature(ctx.command)
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. "
                                                     f"In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}`"
                                                     f" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
                                                     if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #6
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
 async def probate(self,
                   member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User],
     """Probate a user. Staff and Helpers only."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "probate"):
     if not await crud.add_permanent_role(member.id,
         return await ctx.send("This user is already probated!")
     if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
         await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['Probation'])
         msg_user = "******"
         if reason != "":
             msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
         await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user, ctx)
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} is now in probation.")
     msg = f"🚫 **Probated**: {ctx.author.mention} probated {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #7
    async def timeban_member(self, ctx: GuildContext, member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], length: int = commands.parameter(converter=DateOrTimeToSecondsConverter), *, reason=""):
        """Bans a user for a limited period of time. OP+ only.\n\nLength format: #d#h#m#s"""
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "timeban"):

        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=length)
        unban_time = timestamp + delta
        unban_time_string = format_dt(unban_time)

        if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
            msg = f"You were banned from {ctx.guild.name}."
            if reason != "":
                msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
            msg += f"\n\nThis ban lasts until {unban_time_string}."
            await send_dm_message(member, msg, ctx)
            self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
            await ctx.guild.ban(member, reason=reason, delete_message_days=0)
        except discord.errors.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
        await crud.add_timed_restriction(member.id, unban_time, 'timeban')
        await ctx.send(f"{member} is now b& until {unban_time_string}. 👍")
        msg = f"⛔ **Time ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} until {unban_time_string} | {member}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
        signature = command_signature(ctx.command)
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. "
                                                        f"In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}`"
                                                        f" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
                                                        if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #8
    async def superban(self, ctx: GuildContext, member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], days: Optional[Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] = 0, *, reason=""):
        """Bans a user from the server. OP+ only. Optional: [days] Specify up to 7 days of messages to delete."""
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "ban"):

        if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
            msg = f"You were superbanned from {ctx.guild.name}."
            if reason != "":
                msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
            msg += "\n\nThis ban does not expire.\n\nhttps://nintendohomebrew.com/assets/img/banned.gif"
            await send_dm_message(member, msg, ctx)
            await crud.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timeban')
            self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
            await ctx.guild.ban(member, reason=reason, delete_message_days=days)   # type: ignore
        except discord.errors.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
        await ctx.send(f"{member} is now SUPER BANNED. 👍 https://nintendohomebrew.com/assets/img/banned.gif")
        msg = f"⛔ **Ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
        signature = command_signature(ctx.command)
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. "
                                                        f"In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}`"
                                                        f" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
                                                        if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #9
 async def silentban_member(self,
                            member: discord.Member,
                            days: Optional[int] = 0,
     """Bans a user from the server, without a notification. OP+ only.  Optional: [days] Specify up to 7 days of messages to delete."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "ban"):
     if days > 7:
         days = 7
     elif days < 0:
         days = 0
         self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
         await ctx.cog.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timeban')
         await member.ban(reason=reason, delete_message_days=days)
     except discord.errors.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
     await ctx.send(f"{member} is now b&. 👍")
     msg = f"⛔ **Silent ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n"\
           f"🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
     await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (
         f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}`."
         if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #10
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
 async def taketech(self,
                    member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User],
     """Remove access to the tech channel. Staff and Helpers only."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "taketech"):
     if not await crud.add_permanent_role(member.id,
         # Check if the user has a timed restriction.
         # If there is one, this will convert it to a permanent one.
         # If not, it will display that it was already taken.
         if not await crud.get_time_restrictions_by_user_type(
                 member.id, 'timenotech'):
             return await ctx.send("This user's tech is already taken!")
             await crud.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timenotech')
     msg_user = "******"
     if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
         await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['No-Tech'])
         if reason != "":
             msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
         msg_user += "\n\nIf you feel this was unjustified, you may appeal in <#270890866820775946>."
         await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user, ctx)
     await ctx.send(
         f"{member.mention} can no longer access the tech channel.")
     msg = f"🚫 **Help access removed**: {ctx.author.mention} removed access to tech channel from {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #11
 async def warn(self,
                ctx: GuildContext,
                member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User],
     """Warn a user. Staff and Helpers only."""
     issuer = ctx.author
     channel = ctx.channel
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "warn"):
     warn_count = len(await crud.get_warns(member.id))
     if warn_count >= 5:
         await ctx.send("A user can't have more than 5 warns!")
     await crud.add_warn(member.id, issuer.id, reason)
     warn_count += 1
     if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
         msg = f"You were warned on {ctx.guild.name}."
         if reason != "":
             # much \n
             msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
         msg += f"\n\nPlease read the rules in {self.bot.channels['welcome-and-rules'].mention}. This is warn #{warn_count}."
         if warn_count == 2:
             msg += " __The next warn will automatically kick.__"
         elif warn_count == 3:
             msg += "\n\nYou were kicked because of this warning. You can join again right away. Two more warnings will result in an automatic ban."
         elif warn_count == 4:
             msg += "\n\nYou were kicked because of this warning. This is your final warning. You can join again, but **one more warn will result in a ban**."
         elif warn_count == 5:
             msg += "\n\nYou were automatically banned due to five warnings."
         await send_dm_message(member, msg, ctx)
         if warn_count in {3, 4}:
                 self.bot.actions.append("wk:" + str(member.id))
                 await member.kick(reason=f"{warn_count} warns.")
             except discord.Forbidden:
                 await ctx.send("I can't kick this user!")
     if warn_count >= 5:  # just in case
         self.bot.actions.append("wb:" + str(member.id))
             await ctx.guild.ban(member,
                                 reason="5 warns.",
         except discord.Forbidden:
             await ctx.send("I can't ban this user!")
     await ctx.send(
         f"{member.mention} warned. User has {warn_count} warning(s)")
     msg = f"⚠️ **Warned**: {issuer.mention} warned {member.mention} in {channel.mention} ({self.bot.escape_text(channel)}) (warn #{warn_count}) | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         # much \n
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (
         f"\nPlease add an explanation below."
         f" In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}`"
         f" as the reason is automatically sent to the user." if reason ==
         "" else ""))
예제 #12
 async def watch(self, ctx, member: converters.SafeMember, *, reason=""):
     if await self.is_watched(member.id):
         await ctx.send("User is already being watched!")
     await self.add_watch(member.id)
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} is being watched.")
     msg = f"👀 **Watch**: {ctx.author.mention} put {member.mention} on watch | {member}"
     if reason != "":
         # much \n
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (
         f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is very useful for saving time." if reason == "" else ""))
     await self.bot.channels['watch-logs'].send(msg + (
         "\nNo reason provided." if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #13
 async def noart(self, ctx, member: SafeMember, *, reason=""):
     """Removes art-discussion access from a user. Staff only."""
     if not await self.add_restriction(member.id, self.bot.roles['No-art']):
         return await ctx.send("This user is already restricted from art channels.")
         await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['No-art'])
     except discord.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer access art-discussion.")
     msg = f"🚫 **Removed art**: {ctx.message.author.mention} removed art access from {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #14
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
 async def noelsewhere(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=""):
     """Removes elsewhere access from a user. Staff only."""
         if not await crud.add_permanent_role(
                 member.id, self.bot.roles['No-elsewhere'].id):
             return await ctx.send(
                 "This user is already restricted from elsewhere!")
         await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['No-elsewhere'])
         await member.remove_roles(self.bot.roles['#elsewhere'])
         await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer access elsewhere.")
         msg = f"🚫 **Removed elsewhere**: {ctx.author.mention} removed elsewhere access from {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
         signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
         if reason != "":
             msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
             msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
         await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
     except discord.errors.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
예제 #15
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
 async def metamute(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=""):
     """Mutes a user so they can't speak in meta. Staff only."""
     if not await crud.add_permanent_role(member.id,
         await ctx.send("User is already meta muted!")
     await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['meta-mute'])
     msg_user = "******"
     if reason != "":
         msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
     await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user, ctx)
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer speak in meta.")
     msg = f"🔇 **Meta muted**: {ctx.author.mention} meta muted {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #16
 async def metamute(self, ctx, member: SafeMember, *, reason=""):
     """Mutes a user so they can't speak in meta. Staff only."""
     if not await self.add_restriction(member.id, self.bot.roles['meta-mute']):
         await ctx.send("User is already meta muted!")
     await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['meta-mute'])
     msg_user = "******"
     if reason != "":
         msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
         await member.send(msg_user)
     except discord.errors.Forbidden:
         pass  # don't fail in case user has DMs disabled for this server, or blocked the bot
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer speak in meta.")
     msg = f"🔇 **Meta muted**: {ctx.author.mention} meta muted {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
     signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
     if reason != "":
         msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
         msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
     await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
예제 #17
 async def noembed(self, ctx, member: SafeMember, *, reason=""):
     """Removes embed permissions from a user. Staff only."""
     if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "noembed"):
         await self.add_restriction(member.id, self.bot.roles['No-Embed'])
         await member.add_roles(self.bot.roles['No-Embed'])
         msg_user = "******"
         if reason != "":
             msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
         msg_user += "\n\nIf you feel this was unjustified, you may appeal in <#270890866820775946>."
         await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user)
         await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer embed links or attach files.")
         msg = f"🚫 **Removed Embed**: {ctx.author.mention} removed embed from {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}"
         signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
         if reason != "":
             msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
             msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
         await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
     except discord.errors.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
예제 #18
class KickBan(DatabaseCog):
    Kicking and banning users.

    async def cog_check(self, ctx):
        if ctx.guild is None:
            raise commands.NoPrivateMessage()
        return True

    async def meme(self, beaner: discord.Member, beaned: discord.Member, action: str, channel: discord.TextChannel, reason: str):
        await channel.send(f"Seriously? What makes you think it's okay to try and {action} another staff or helper like that?")
        msg = f"{beaner.mention} attempted to {action} {beaned.mention}|{beaned} in {channel.mention} "
        if reason != "":
            msg += "for the reason " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['meta'].send(msg + (" without a reason" if reason == "" else ""))

    async def kick_member(self, ctx, member: SafeMember, *, reason=""):
        """Kicks a user from the server. Staff only."""
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "kick"):
        msg = f"You were kicked from {ctx.guild.name}."
        if reason != "":
            msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
        msg += "\n\nYou are able to rejoin the server, but please read the rules in #welcome-and-rules before participating again."
        await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg)
            self.bot.actions.append("uk:" + str(member.id))
            await member.kick(reason=reason)
        except discord.errors.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
        await ctx.send(f"{member} is now gone. 👌")
        msg = f"👢 **Kick**: {ctx.author.mention} kicked {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
        signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user." if reason == "" else ""))

    @commands.command(name="ban", aliases=["yeet"])
    async def ban_member(self, ctx, member: FetchMember, days: typing.Optional[int] = 0, *, reason=""):
        """Bans a user from the server. OP+ only. Optional: [days] Specify up to 7 days of messages to delete."""
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "ban"):
        if days > 7:
            days = 7
        elif days < 0:
            days = 0
        if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
            msg = f"You were banned from {ctx.guild.name}."
            if reason != "":
                msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
            msg += "\n\nThis ban does not expire."
            await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg)
            await ctx.cog.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timeban')
            self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
            await ctx.guild.ban(member, reason=reason, delete_message_days=days)
        except discord.errors.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
        await ctx.send(f"{member} is now b&. 👍")
        msg = f"⛔ **Ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
        signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user." if reason == "" else ""))

    @commands.command(name="unban", aliases=["unyeet"])
    async def unban_member(self, ctx, user: FetchMember, reason):
        """Unbans a user from the server. OP+ only."""

            await ctx.guild.fetch_ban(user)
        except discord.errors.NotFound:
            return await ctx.send(f"{user} is not banned!")

        await ctx.cog.remove_timed_restriction(user.id, 'timeban')
        await ctx.guild.unban(user, reason=reason)

        await ctx.send(f"{user} is now unbanned.")
        msg = f"⚠ **Unban**: {ctx.author.mention} unbanned {user.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(user)}\n🏷 __User ID__: {user.id}\n✏️ __Reason__: {reason}"
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)

    @commands.command(name="silentban", aliases=["quietyeet"])
    async def silentban_member(self, ctx, member: SafeMember, days: typing.Optional[int] = 0, *, reason=""):
        """Bans a user from the server, without a notification. OP+ only.  Optional: [days] Specify up to 7 days of messages to delete."""
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "ban"):
        if days > 7:
            days = 7
        elif days < 0:
            days = 0
            self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
            await ctx.cog.remove_timed_restriction(member.id, 'timeban')
            await member.ban(reason=reason, delete_message_days=days)
        except discord.errors.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
        await ctx.send(f"{member} is now b&. 👍")
        msg = f"⛔ **Silent ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} | {self.bot.escape_text(member)}\n"\
              f"🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
        signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}`." if reason == "" else ""))

    @commands.command(name="timeban", aliases=["timeyeet"])
    async def timeban_member(self, ctx, member: FetchMember, length, *, reason=""):
        """Bans a user for a limited period of time. OP+ only.\n\nLength format: #d#h#m#s"""
        if await check_bot_or_staff(ctx, member, "timeban"):

        if (seconds := utils.parse_time(length)) == -1:
            return await ctx.send("💢 I don't understand your time format.")

        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
        unban_time = timestamp + delta
        unban_time_string = unban_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
            msg = f"You were banned from {ctx.guild.name}."
            if reason != "":
                msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
            msg += f"\n\nThis ban expires {unban_time_string} {time.tzname[0]}."
            await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg)
            self.bot.actions.append("ub:" + str(member.id))
            await ctx.guild.ban(member, reason=reason, delete_message_days=0)
        except discord.errors.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
        await self.add_timed_restriction(member.id, unban_time_string, 'timeban')
        await ctx.send(f"{member} is now b& until {unban_time_string} {time.tzname[0]}. 👍")
        msg = f"⛔ **Time ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned {member.mention} until {unban_time_string} | {member}\n🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
        await self.bot.channels['server-logs'].send(msg)
        signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg + (f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user." if reason == "" else ""))
예제 #19
파일: mod.py 프로젝트: hifinerd/Kurisu
            return await ctx.send("💢 I don't understand your time format.")

        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
        unmute_time = timestamp + delta
        unmute_time_string = unmute_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        old_timestamp = await crud.add_timed_restriction(
            member.id, unmute_time, 'timemute')
        await crud.add_permanent_role(member.id, self.bot.roles['Muted'].id)
        msg_user = "******"
        if reason != "":
            msg_user += " The given reason is: " + reason
        msg_user += f"\n\nThis mute expires {unmute_time_string} {time.tzname[0]}."
        await utils.send_dm_message(member, msg_user, ctx)
        signature = utils.command_signature(ctx.command)
        if not old_timestamp:
            await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} can no longer speak.")
            msg = f"🔇 **Timed mute**: {issuer.mention} muted {member.mention}| {self.bot.escape_text(member)} for {delta}, until {unmute_time_string} "
            await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} mute was updated.")
            msg = f"🔇 **Timed mute**: {issuer.mention} updated {member.mention}| {self.bot.escape_text(member)} time mute from {old_timestamp} until {unmute_time_string}"
        if reason != "":
            msg += "\n✏️ __Reason__: " + reason
            msg += f"\nPlease add an explanation below. In the future, it is recommended to use `{signature}` as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
        await self.bot.channels['mod-logs'].send(msg)
