def test_gauss_vs_cq(): """ Проверяем, как работают quad_gauss() и composite_quad() при одинакомом количестве обращений к функции """ x0, x1 = 0, np.pi/2 p = Harmonic(0, 1) y0 = p[x0, x1] n_nodes = 2 Y_gauss = [] Y_cquad = [] n_intervals = np.arange(1, 256, 5) for n in n_intervals: n_evals = n * n_nodes Y_gauss.append(quad_gauss(p, x0, x1, n_evals)) Y_cquad.append(composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n, n_nodes)) accuracy_gauss = get_accuracy(Y_gauss, y0 * np.ones_like(Y_gauss)) accuracy_gauss[accuracy_gauss > 17] = 17 accuracy_cquad = get_accuracy(Y_cquad, y0 * np.ones_like(Y_cquad)) accuracy_cquad[accuracy_cquad > 17] = 17 plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), accuracy_gauss, '.:', label=f'gauss') plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), accuracy_cquad, '.:', label=f'2-node CQ') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('log10(n_evals)') plt.suptitle(f'test gauss vs CQ')
def test_harmonic(fname, func: callable): """ Сравниваем аппроксимацию алгебраическими многочленами и гармониками """ n = 50 dim = 21 m = 99 xs0 = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) xs1 = np.linspace(-1, 1, m) ys0 = func(xs0) ys1 = func(xs1) colors = 'br' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.plot(xs1, ys1, 'k-', label='exact') ax1.plot(xs0, ys0, 'k.') for color, approx_type in zip(colors, [Algebraic, Harmonic]): approx = approx_type(xs0, ys0, dim) ys1_num = approx(xs1) ax1.plot(xs1, ys1_num, f'{color}-', ax2.plot(xs1, get_accuracy(ys1, ys1_num), f'{color}-', ax1.legend(), ax1.set_title(f'y(x)') ax2.legend(), ax2.set_title('accuracy') fig.suptitle(f'{fname}')
def on_forward(state): loss = state['loss'].item() accuracy = get_accuracy(state['output'].cpu(), state['sample'][1].cpu()) state['iterator'].write('batch %d loss %.3f accuracy %.3f ' % (state['t'], loss, accuracy), end='\n')
def summarize_train(writer, global_step, last_time, model, opt, inputs, targets, optimizer, loss, pred, ans): if opt.summary_grad: for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if not param.requires_grad: continue norm = torch.norm( writer.add_scalar('gradient_norm/' + name, norm, global_step) writer.add_scalar('input_stats/batch_size', targets.size(0), global_step) if inputs is not None: writer.add_scalar('input_stats/input_length', inputs.size(1), global_step) i_nonpad = (inputs != opt.src_pad_idx).view(-1).type(torch.float32) writer.add_scalar('input_stats/inputs_nonpadding_frac', i_nonpad.mean(), global_step) writer.add_scalar('input_stats/target_length', targets.size(1), global_step) t_nonpad = (targets != opt.trg_pad_idx).view(-1).type(torch.float32) writer.add_scalar('input_stats/target_nonpadding_frac', t_nonpad.mean(), global_step) writer.add_scalar('optimizer/learning_rate', optimizer.learning_rate(), global_step) writer.add_scalar('loss', loss.item(), global_step) acc = utils.get_accuracy(pred, ans, opt.trg_pad_idx) writer.add_scalar('training/accuracy', acc, global_step) steps_per_sec = 100.0 / (time.time() - last_time) writer.add_scalar('global_step/sec', steps_per_sec, global_step)
def test_quad_vs_cq(): """ Проверяем, как работают ИКФ и СКФ при одинакомом количестве обращений к функции """ x0, x1 = 0, np.pi/2 p = Harmonic(0, 1) y0 = p[x0, x1] n_nodes = 2 ys_nt_ct = [] ys_gauss = [] ys_cquad = [] n_intervals = 2 ** np.arange(8) for n in n_intervals: n_evals = n * n_nodes ys_nt_ct.append(quad(p, x0, x1, np.linspace(0, 1, n_evals) * (x1-x0) + x0)) ys_gauss.append(quad_gauss(p, x0, x1, n_evals)) ys_cquad.append(composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n, n_nodes)) for ys, label in zip((ys_nt_ct, ys_gauss, ys_cquad), (f'newton-cotes', f'gauss', f'{n_nodes}-node CQ')): acc = get_accuracy(ys, y0 * np.ones_like(ys)) acc[acc > 17] = 17 plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), acc, '.:', label=label) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('log10(n_evals)') plt.suptitle(f'test quad vs composite quad')
def test_adaptive(ode, y0): """ Проверяем алгоритмы выбора шага """ t0, t1 = 0, 4 * np.pi atol = 1e-6 rtol = 1e-3 tss = [] yss = [] methods = ( (ExplicitEulerMethod(), AdaptType.RUNGE), (RungeKuttaMethod(coeffs.rk4_coeffs), AdaptType.RUNGE), (EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod(coeffs.dopri_coeffs), AdaptType.EMBEDDED), ) for method, adapt_type in methods: ode.clear_call_counter() ts, ys = adaptive_step_integration(method=method, ode=ode, y_start=y0, t_span=(t0, t1), adapt_type=adapt_type, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) print(f'{} took {ode.get_call_counter()} function calls') tss.append(np.array(ts)) yss.append(ys) ts = np.array(sorted([t for ts in tss for t in ts])) exact = ode[ts].T y0 = np.array([y[0] for y in exact]) # plots fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(num='y(t)') fig1.suptitle('test_adaptive: y(t)') ax1.set_xlabel('t'), ax1.set_ylabel('y') ax1.plot(ts, y0, 'ko-', label='exact') fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(num='dt(t)') fig2.suptitle('test_adaptive: step sizes') ax2.set_xlabel('t'), ax2.set_ylabel('dt') fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(num='dy(t)') fig3.suptitle('test_adaptive: accuracies') ax3.set_xlabel('t'), ax3.set_ylabel('accuracy') for (m, _), ts, ys in zip(methods, tss, yss): ax1.plot(ts, [y[0] for y in ys], '.', ax2.plot(ts[:-1], ts[1:] - ts[:-1], '.-', ax3.plot(ts, get_accuracy(ode[ts].T, ys), '.-', ax1.legend() ax2.legend() ax3.legend()
def test_quad_gauss_degree(): """ Проверяем АСТ для ИКФ Гаусса """ x0, x1 = 0, 1 max_degree = 8 for deg in range(max_degree): p = Monome(deg) y0 = p[x0, x1] node_counts = range(1, 6) Y = [quad_gauss(p, x0, x1, node_count) for node_count in node_counts] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, y0 * np.ones_like(Y)) # Проверяем точность for node_count, acc in zip(node_counts, accuracy): if 2 * node_count >= deg + 1: assert acc > 6 plt.plot(node_counts, accuracy, '.:', label=f'x^{deg}') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('node count') plt.suptitle(f'test quad gauss')
def test_quad_degree(): """ Проверяем АСТ для ИКФ Q: почему в некоторых случаях x^n интегрируется почти без ошибок при n узлах ИКФ? """ x0, x1 = 0, 1 max_degree = 7 max_nodes = 7 for deg in range(max_degree): p = Monome(deg) y0 = p[x0, x1] node_counts = range(1, max_nodes+1) Y = [quad(p, x0, x1, np.linspace(x0, x1, node_count)) for node_count in node_counts] # Y = [quad(p, x0, x1, x0 + (x1-x0) * np.random.random(node_count)) for node_count in max_node_count] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, y0 * np.ones_like(Y)) # Проверяем точность for node_count, acc in zip(node_counts, accuracy): if node_count >= deg + 1: assert acc > 6 plt.plot(node_counts, accuracy, '.:', label=f'x^{deg}') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('node_count') plt.suptitle(f'test quad')
def test_composite_quad_degree(v): """ Проверяем сходимость СКФ при наличии неравных весов Q: скорость сходимости оказывается дробной, почему? """ from .variants import params a, b, alpha, beta, f = params(v) x0, x1 = a, b # a, b = -10, 10 L = 2 n_intervals = [L**q for q in range(2, 11)] n_nodes = 3 exact = sp_quad(lambda x: f(x) / (x - a)**alpha / (b - x)**beta, x0, x1)[0] Y = [ composite_quad(f, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes, a=a, b=b, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) for n in n_intervals ] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, exact * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[5:8], L) a1, a0 = np.polyfit(x, accuracy, 1) assert a1 > 1, 'composite quad did not converge!' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) # график весовой функции xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, n_intervals[-1] + 1) ys = 1 / ((xs - a)**alpha * (b - xs)**beta) ax1.plot(xs, ys, label='weights') ax = list(ax1.axis()) ax[2] = 0. ax1.axis(ax) ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('p(x)') ax1.legend() # график точности ax2.plot(x, accuracy, 'kh') ax2.plot(x, a1 * x + a0, 'b:', label=f'{a1:.2f}*x+{a0:.2f}') ax2.set_xlabel('log10(n_intervals)') ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy') ax2.legend() fig.suptitle(f'variant #{v} (alpha={alpha:4.2f}, beta={beta:4.2f})\n' f'aitken estimation: {aitken_degree:.2f}') fig.tight_layout()
def test_composite_quad(n_nodes): """ Проверяем 2-, 3-, 5-узловые СКФ Q: объясните скорость сходимости для каждого случая """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) x0, x1 = 0, 1 L = 2 n_intervals = [L ** q for q in range(0, 8)] for i, degree in enumerate((5, 6)): p = Monome(degree) Y = [composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes) for n in n_intervals] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, p[x0, x1] * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) # оценка сходимости ind = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(accuracy) k, b = np.polyfit(x[ind], accuracy[ind], 1) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[0:6:2], L ** 2) ax[i].plot(x, k*x+b, 'b:', label=f'{k:.2f}*x+{b:.2f}') ax[i].plot(x, aitken_degree*x+b, 'm:', label=f'aitken ({aitken_degree:.2f})') ax[i].plot(x, accuracy, 'kh', label=f'accuracy for x^{degree}') ax[i].set_title(f'{n_nodes}-node CQ for x^{degree}') ax[i].set_xlabel('log10(n_intervals)') ax[i].set_ylabel('accuracy') ax[i].legend() if n_nodes < degree: assert np.abs(aitken_degree - k) < 0.5, \ f'Aitken estimation {aitken_degree:.2f} is too far from actual {k:.2f}'
def test_convergence(self): """ Проверка сходимости """ func = np.abs a, b = -5, 5 interp_params = [ # color, interp_name, nodes_type, label ['b', LaGrange, NodeType.EQ], ['r', LaGrange, NodeType.CHEB], ['c', Spline3, NodeType.EQ], ] node_params = [ # n_nodes, style [5, '-'], [17, '--'], [65, ':'], # [257, '-.'], ] # точки, в которых будем сравнивать с точным значением m = 1025 xs_dense = np.linspace(a, b, m) ys_dense = func(xs_dense) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 6)) ax1.plot(xs_dense, ys_dense, 'k-', label='exact') for (color, interp_name, nodes_type) in interp_params: for (n_nodes, style) in node_params: xs = self._get_nodes(nodes_type, a, b, n_nodes) ys = func(xs) interp = interp_name(xs, ys) ys_dense_num = interp(xs_dense) label = f'{}-{str(}-{n_nodes}' ax1.plot(xs_dense, ys_dense_num, f'{color}{style}', label=label) ax1.plot(xs, ys, f'{color}.') ax2.plot(xs_dense, get_accuracy(ys_dense, ys_dense_num), f'{color}{style}', label=label) ax1.set_title(f'y(x)') ax1.axis([a, b, -1, 6]) ax1.legend() ax2.set_title('accuracy') ax2.legend()
def evaluate(loader, model): print("Evaluate") # Set model to eval model.eval() accuracy = AverageMeter() positive_accuracy = AverageMeter() negative_accuracy = AverageMeter() y_true = None y_scores = None with torch.no_grad(): for batch_idx, (x, y) in enumerate(loader): x = y = scores = model(x) scores = torch.squeeze(scores, 2) y = torch.unsqueeze(y, 1) loss = criterion(scores, y) scores = torch.squeeze(scores, 1) y = torch.squeeze(y, 1) if y_true is None: y_true = y y_scores = scores else: y_true =, y)) y_scores =, scores)) acc = get_accuracy(y, scores) # neg_acc, pos_acc = get_accuracy_per_class(y.cpu(), scores.cpu()) accuracy.update(acc) # positive_accuracy.update(pos_acc) # negative_accuracy.update(neg_acc) auc = roc_auc_score(y_true.cpu(), y_scores.cpu()) wandb.log({ "valid_acc": accuracy.avg, # "positive_acc": positive_accuracy.avg, # "negative_acc": negative_accuracy.avg, "valid_loss": loss.item(), "AUC": auc }) accuracy.reset() # Set model back to train model.train()
def test_optimization(eps_y, check_accuracy, student, n_dim, projection): N = student A = np.array([[4, 1, 1], [1, 6 + .2 * N, -1], [1, -1, 8 + .2 * N]], dtype='float')[:n_dim, :n_dim] b = np.array([1, -2, 3], dtype='float').T[:n_dim] x0 = np.zeros_like(b) x1 = np.linalg.solve(A, -b) y1 = (1 / 2 * x1.T @ A @ x1 + b.T @ x1).item() eps_x = np.sqrt(eps_y) methods = ['mngs', 'mps', 'newton'] styles = ['go:', 'bo:', 'mo:'] fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection=projection) for i, method in enumerate(methods): optimization.func.calls = 0 xs, ys = getattr(optimization, method)(A=A, b=b, x0=x0, eps=eps_y, max_iter=30) assert np.equal(x0, xs[0]).all(), 'xs should start with initial point' if check_accuracy: assert np.linalg.norm( x1 - xs[-1] ) < eps_x, 'last xs should be close enough to the optimum' assert np.linalg.norm( y1 - ys[-1] ) < eps_y, 'last ys should be close enough to the optimum' assert optimization.func.calls == len(ys), f'function was called {optimization.func.calls} times, ' \ f'but there is {len(ys)} point in the output' ax1.plot(get_accuracy(ys, y1 * np.ones_like(ys)), styles[i], label=method) ax2.plot(*list(np.array(xs).T), styles[i], label=method) ax2.plot(*[[x] for x in x1], 'kp', label='exact') ax = ax1.axis() ax1.plot(ax[:2], -np.log10([eps_y, eps_y]), 'k-') ax1.set_xlabel('N iter') ax1.set_ylabel('accuracy') ax1.legend() ax2.legend() fig.suptitle(f'Results for {n_dim}D')
def _test_case(self, fname, func: callable, a, b, n_nodes, interp_params): """ Общий метод проверки """ k_dense = 10 m = k_dense * n_nodes # точки, в которых будем сравнивать с точным значением xs_dense = np.array( sorted([ *np.linspace(a, b, m), *self._get_nodes(NodeType.EQ, a, b, n_nodes), *self._get_nodes(NodeType.CHEB, a, b, n_nodes) ])) ys_dense = func(xs_dense) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 6)) ax1.plot(xs_dense, ys_dense, 'k-', label='exact') for (color, interp_name, nodes_type) in interp_params: xs = self._get_nodes(nodes_type, a, b, n_nodes) ys = func(xs) interp = interp_name(xs, ys) # проверяем, что попали в узлы интерполяции ys_num = interp(xs) assert (np.abs(ys - ys_num) < 1e-6).all() # смотрим, как у нас дела в остальных точках интервала ys_dense_num = interp(xs_dense) label = f'{}-{str(}' ax1.plot(xs_dense, ys_dense_num, f'{color}:', label=label) ax1.plot(xs, ys, f'{color}.') ax2.plot(xs_dense, get_accuracy(ys_dense, ys_dense_num), f'{color}-', label=label) ax1.set_title(f'{fname}') ax1.legend() ax2.set_title('accuracy') ax2.legend()
def test_polynomial(fname, func: callable): """ Сравниваем аппроксимацию алгебраическими многочленами и многочленами Лежандра """ n = 15 dim = 5 m = 101 xs0 = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) xs1 = np.linspace(-1, 1, m) ys0 = func(xs0) ys1 = func(xs1) colors = 'bg' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.set_title(f'{fname}') ax2.set_title('accuracy') ax1.plot(xs1, ys1, 'k-', label='exact') ax1.plot(xs0, ys0, 'k.') coeffs = [] for color, approx_type in zip(colors, [Algebraic, Legendre]): approx = approx_type(xs0, ys0, dim) ys1_num = approx(xs1) coeffs.append(approx.coeffs) ax1.plot(xs1, ys1_num, f'{color}-', ax2.plot(xs1, get_accuracy(ys1, ys1_num), f'{color}-', assert (len(approx.coeffs) == dim ), f'{approx_type} polynome length should be {dim}' assert (all(abs(ys1 - ys1_num) < 1) ), f'{approx_type} polynome approximation is too bad' alg_poly = coeffs[0] leg_poly = P.legendre.leg2poly(coeffs[1]) assert (all( abs(alg_poly - leg_poly) < 1e-3)), 'algebraic and legendre are not consistent' ax1.legend() ax2.legend()
def test_multi_step(): """ Проверяем методы Адамса Q: сравните правые графики для обоих случаев и объясните разницу """ y0 = np.array([0., 1.]) t0 = 0 t1 = np.pi dt = 0.1 f = Harmonic(y0, 1, 1) ts = np.arange(t0, t1 + dt, dt) exact = f[ts].T for one_step_method in [ RungeKuttaMethod(collection.rk4_coeffs), ExplicitEulerMethod(), ]: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.plot(ts, [e[0] for e in exact], 'k', label='Exact') for p, c in adams_coeffs.items(): f.clear_call_counter() t_adams, y_adams = adams(f, y0, ts, c, one_step_method=one_step_method) n_calls = f.get_call_counter() print( f'{p}-order multi-step with one-step {}: {n_calls} function calls' ) err = get_accuracy(exact, y_adams) label = f"Adams's order {p}" ax1.plot(t_adams, [y[0] for y in y_adams], '.--', label=label) ax2.plot(t_adams, err, '.--', label=label) ax1.legend(), ax1.set_title('y(t)') ax2.legend(), ax2.set_title('accuracy') fig.suptitle( f'test_multi_step\none step method: {}') fig.tight_layout()
def test_one_step(): """ Проверяем методы Эйлера и Рунге-Кутты """ y0 = np.array([0., 1.]) t0 = 0 t1 = np.pi ode = Harmonic(y0, 1, 1) for dt in [0.1, 0.01]: ts = np.arange(t0, t1 + dt, dt) exact = ode[ts].T fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4)) ax1.plot(ts, [e[0] for e in exact], 'k', label='Exact') colors = 'rgbcmyk' for i, method in enumerate([ ExplicitEulerMethod(), ImplicitEulerMethod(), RungeKuttaMethod(collection.rk4_coeffs), RungeKuttaMethod(collection.dopri_coeffs), ]): ode.clear_call_counter() _, y = fix_step_integration(method, ode, y0, ts) n_calls = ode.get_call_counter() print( f'One-step {}: {len(y)-1} steps, {n_calls} function calls' ) ax1.plot(ts, [_y[0] for _y in y], f'{colors[i]}.--', ax2.plot(ts, get_accuracy(exact, y), f'{colors[i]}.--', ax1.legend(), ax1.set_title('y(t)') ax2.legend(), ax2.set_title('accuracy') fig.suptitle(f'test_one_step, dt={dt}') fig.tight_layout()
def outer_loop(self, batch, is_train): train_inputs, train_targets, test_inputs, test_targets = self.unpack_batch(batch) loss_log = 0 acc_log = 0 grad_list = [] loss_list = [] for (train_input, train_target, test_input, test_target) in zip(train_inputs, train_targets, test_inputs, test_targets): with higher.innerloop_ctx(, self.inner_optimizer, track_higher_grads=False) as (fmodel, diffopt): for step in range(self.args.n_inner): self.inner_loop(fmodel, diffopt, train_input, train_target) train_logit = fmodel(train_input) in_loss = F.cross_entropy(train_logit, train_target) test_logit = fmodel(test_input) outer_loss = F.cross_entropy(test_logit, test_target) loss_log += outer_loss.item()/self.batch_size with torch.no_grad(): acc_log += get_accuracy(test_logit, test_target).item()/self.batch_size if is_train: params = list(fmodel.parameters(time=-1)) in_grad = torch.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(torch.autograd.grad(in_loss, params, create_graph=True)) outer_grad = torch.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(torch.autograd.grad(outer_loss, params)) implicit_grad =, outer_grad, params) grad_list.append(implicit_grad) loss_list.append(outer_loss.item()) if is_train: self.outer_optimizer.zero_grad() weight = torch.ones(len(grad_list)) weight = weight / torch.sum(weight) grad = mix_grad(grad_list, weight) grad_log = apply_grad(, grad) self.outer_optimizer.step() return loss_log, acc_log, grad_log else: return loss_log, acc_log
def test_multi_step(): """ test Adams method Q: compare the right plot for both cases and explain the difference """ y0 = np.array([0., 1.]) t0 = 0 t1 = 1. dt = 0.1 f = Harmonic(y0, 1, 1) ts = np.arange(t0, t1 + dt, dt) exact = f[ts].T for one_step_method in [ RungeKuttaMethod(collection.rk4_coeffs), ExplicitEulerMethod(), ]: _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.plot(ts, [e[0] for e in exact], 'k', label='Exact') for p, c in adams_coeffs.items(): f.clear_call_counter() t_adams, y_adams = adams(f, y0, ts, c, one_step_method=one_step_method) n_calls = f.get_call_counter() print( f'{p}-order multi-step with one-step {}: {n_calls} function calls' ) err = get_accuracy(exact, y_adams) label = f"Adams's order {p}" ax1.plot(t_adams, [y[0] for y in y_adams], '.--', label=label) ax2.plot(t_adams, err, '.--', label=label) ax1.set_xlabel('t'), ax1.set_ylabel('y'), ax1.legend() ax2.set_xlabel('t'), ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy'), ax2.legend() plt.suptitle( f'test_multi_step\none step method: {}')
def test_one_step(): """ test Euler and RK methods """ y0 = np.array([0., 1.]) t0 = 0 t1 = np.pi / 2 dt = 0.1 f = Harmonic(y0, 1, 1) ts = np.arange(t0, t1 + dt, dt) exact = f[ts].T _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.plot(ts, [e[0] for e in exact], 'k', label='Exact') colors = 'rgbcmyk' for i, method in enumerate([ ExplicitEulerMethod(), ImplicitEulerMethod(), RungeKuttaMethod(collection.rk4_coeffs), RungeKuttaMethod(collection.dopri_coeffs), ]): f.clear_call_counter() _, y = fix_step_integration(method, f, y0, ts) n_calls = f.get_call_counter() print( f'One-step {}: {len(y)-1} steps, {n_calls} function calls' ) ax1.plot(ts, [_y[0] for _y in y], f'{colors[i]}.--', ax2.plot(ts, get_accuracy(exact, y), f'{colors[i]}.--', ax1.set_xlabel('t'), ax1.set_ylabel('y'), ax1.legend() ax2.set_xlabel('t'), ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy'), ax2.legend() plt.suptitle('test_one_step')
def test_quad_degree(): """ Проверяем АСТ для ИКФ Q: почему в некоторых случаях x^n интегрируется почти без ошибок при n узлах ИКФ? A: Поскольку многочлен Лагранжа Ln является алгебраическим многочленом степени n − 1, то по построению, он имеет алгебраический порядок точности не ниже n − 1. Однако если n нечетно, т.е. когда середина отрезка [a, b] входит в состав сетки, то формула оказывается точна и для многочленов степени n. """ x0, x1 = 0, 1 max_degree = 7 max_nodes = 7 for deg in range(max_degree): p = Monome(deg) y0 = p[x0, x1] node_counts = range(1, max_nodes + 1) Y = [ quad(p, x0, x1, np.linspace(x0, x1, node_count)) for node_count in node_counts ] # Y = [quad(p, x0, x1, x0 + (x1-x0) * np.random.random(node_count)) for node_count in node_counts] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, y0 * np.ones_like(Y)) # Проверяем точность for node_count, acc in zip(node_counts, accuracy): if node_count >= deg + 1: assert acc > 6 plt.plot(node_counts, accuracy, '.:', label=f'x^{deg}') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('node_count') plt.suptitle(f'test quad')
def test_iteratives(tol, check): """ Сравниваем итерационные методы Q: который метод лучше? Почему? Q: почему во втором случае мы не всегда можем достичь заданной точности? """ n = 5 A = np.array([ [n + 2, 1, 1], [1, n + 4, 1], [1, 1, n + 6], ], dtype='float64') b = np.array([n + 4, n + 6, n + 8], dtype='float64') * np.pi methods = [richardson, jacobi, seidel] colors = 'mgb' names = ['Richardson', 'Jacobi', 'Gauss-Seidel'] for method, color, name in zip(methods, colors, names): xs, ys = method(A, b, tol) plt.plot(range(len(ys)), get_accuracy(ys, np.zeros_like(ys), eps=tol / 10), f'{color}.-', label=name) if check: assert np.linalg.norm(A @ xs[-1] - b) <= tol, f'{name} method failed' axes = plt.axis() plt.plot(axes[:2], -np.log10([tol, tol]), 'k:', label='tolerance') plt.title(f'test iterative methods for tol {tol}') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('N iter') plt.legend()
def evaluate(loader, model): print("Evaluate") # Set model to eval model.eval() accuracy = AverageMeter() positive_accuracy = AverageMeter() negative_accuracy = AverageMeter() with torch.no_grad(): for batch_idx, (x, y) in enumerate(loader): x = y = y = torch.unsqueeze(y, 1) scores = model(x) loss = criterion(scores, y) scores = torch.squeeze(scores, 1) y = torch.squeeze(y, 1) acc = get_accuracy(y, scores) neg_acc, pos_acc = get_accuracy_per_class(y.cpu(), scores.cpu()) accuracy.update(acc) positive_accuracy.update(pos_acc) negative_accuracy.update(neg_acc) wandb.log({ "valid_acc": accuracy.avg, "positive_acc": positive_accuracy.avg, "negative_acc": negative_accuracy.avg, "valid_loss": loss.item() }) # Set model back to train model.train()
def test_fast_inv_sqrt(): """ Проверяем быстрое вычисление обратного квадратного корня при помощи трюка с плавающей запятой """ def fast_inv_sqrt(x, n_iter=1): c = 0x5f3759df s = tc.float2bin(x) i = c - tc.bin2dec(f'0{s[:-1]}', signed=False) y = tc.bin2float(tc.dec2bin(i, signed=False)) for _ in range(n_iter): y *= 1.5 - 0.5 * x * y * y return y X = np.linspace(0, 16, 100)[1:] Y0 = np.power(X, -0.5) Y = [[fast_inv_sqrt(x, n_iter=i) for x in X] for i in range(3)] colors = 'rgb' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.plot(X, Y0, 'k-', label='exact') for i in range(3): ax1.plot(X, Y[i], f'{colors[i]}.:', label=f'{i}-iterations approximation') ax1.legend() for i in range(3): ax2.plot(X, get_accuracy(Y0, Y[i]), f'{colors[i]}.:', label=f'{i}-iterations accuracy') ax2.legend()
conv_stride=1, first_pool_size=None, first_pool_stride=None, block_sizes=[2, 2, 2, 2], block_strides=[1, 2, 2, 2], data_format='channels_first') ############################################ # Loss, Accuracy, Train, Summary and Saver # ############################################ weight_decay = 2e-4 logits = resnet(images, training=True) cross_entropy = utils.get_cross_entropy(logits, labels) accuracy = utils.get_accuracy(logits, labels) tf.summary.scalar('cross_entropy', cross_entropy) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) reg_loss = utils.get_reg_loss(weight_decay) tf.summary.scalar('reg_loss', reg_loss) total_loss = cross_entropy + reg_loss tf.summary.scalar('total_loss', total_loss) global_step = tf.train.create_global_step() learning_rate = utils.configure_learning_rate(global_step, TRAIN_SAMPLES, FLAGS) tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate,
label_batch = [item[1] for item in query_set] label_example = label2tensor(label_batch) label_dict = label_example[0]'select labels:{}'.format(' '.join(list(label_dict.keys())))) # train model.train() class_vector, prob = model(query_set=query_batch, support_set=train_batch) loss = loss_f(prob, label_example[1])'training loss: {}'.format( optimize.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimize.step() accuracy = get_accuracy(prob, labels=label_example[1])'eval accuracy: {}'.format(accuracy)) # eval # model.eval() # # valid_batch = data_loader.build_example(valid_set, labeled=True) # valid_label = [label_dict[item[1]] for item in valid_set] # # with torch.no_grad(): # class_vector_valid, prob_valid = model(query_set=valid_batch, class_vector=class_vector, mode='eval') # valid_accuracy = get_accuracy(prob_valid, valid_label) #'eval accuracy: {}'.format(valid_accuracy))
optimizer.zero_grad() global_step += 1 validation_loss = 0 correct_count = 0 model.eval() for batch in val_dataloader: if torch.cuda.is_available(): batch = (item.cuda() for item in batch) input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, label_ids = batch with torch.no_grad(): val_logits = model(input_ids, segment_ids, input_mask) val_loss = loss_fct(val_logits.view(-1, 2), label_ids.view(-1)) correct_count = get_accuracy(val_logits.view(-1, 2), label_ids.view(-1), correct_count) validation_loss += val_loss.item() training_loss = training_loss / len(train_dataloader) validation_loss = validation_loss / len(val_data) accuracy = correct_count / len(val_data) '{}/{}, train loss: {}, validation loss: {}, val_accuracy: {}'.format( i, epochs, training_loss, validation_loss, accuracy)) if validation_loss < last_val_loss: model_to_save = model.module if hasattr(model, 'module') else model output_model_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'model_' + str(i) + '.bin'), output_model_file) output_config_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir,