def download_lgw_content():


    # parameters
    base_url = ''
    destination_path = os.path.join(constants.root_path, 'code', 'lgw-import')

    # read and process the base url (get all games and categories)
    url = base_url + '/Category:Games'
    games = []
    while True:
        text = requests.get(url).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')
        #categories = soup.find('div', id='mw-subcategories').find_all('li')
        #categories = [(x.a['href'], x.a.string) for x in categories]

        # game pages
        pages = soup.find('div', id='mw-pages').find_all('li')
        games.extend(((x.a['href'], x.a.string) for x in pages))

        # next page
        next_page = soup.find('a', string='next page')
        if not next_page:
        url = base_url + next_page['href']

    # remove all those that start with user
    games = [
        game for game in games
        if not any(game[1].startswith(x)
                   for x in ('User:'******'Template:', 'Bullet'))

    print('current number of games in LGW {}'.format(len(games)))

    for game in games:
        url = base_url + game[0]
        destination_file = os.path.join(
            osg.canonical_entry_name(game[0][1:]) + '.html')

        text = requests.get(url).text
        utils.write_text(destination_file, text)
예제 #2
    index = divide_in_columns(developers_by_alphabet, developer_index)
    index['title'] = 'Open source game developers'
    index['subtitle'] = make_text('Alphabetical index of {} developers'.format(len(developers)))
    index['categories'] = extended_alphabet
    index['category-names'] = extended_alphabet_names
    index['number_entries_per_category_threshold'] = 10
    index['entry_bold'] = lambda x: 'tags' in x
    index['category-infos'] = {}
    write(template_categorical_index.render(index=index), developers_index_path)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # clean the output directory
    print('clean current static website')

    # load entries, inspirations and developers and sort them
    print('load entries, inspirations and developers')
    entries = osg.read_entries()
    entries.sort(key=lambda x: str.casefold(x['Title']))

    inspirations = osg.read_inspirations()
    inspirations = list(inspirations.values())
    inspirations.sort(key=lambda x: str.casefold(x['Name']))

    developers = osg.read_developers()
    developers = list(developers.values())
    developers.sort(key=lambda x: str.casefold(x['Name']))

    # re-generate static website