예제 #1
 def update_twosell_direct(self):
     Update Twosell direct sale stats for purchase.
     Only applies to Purchase that is final. 
     Aggregate values of Twosell direct sales.
     # Bail early if this is a preliminary receipt
     if not self.final:
         raise CalculationException('Cannot calculate Twosell direct on a preliminary purchase.')
     purprods = self.purchasedproduct_set.all()
     # Bail if both prel and final does not exist
         prel = Purchase.prels.get(transactionid=self.transactionid)
     except Purchase.DoesNotExist:
         purprods.update(direct_gross_incl_vat=0, direct_gross_excl_vat=0)
         self.direct_gross_incl_vat = purprods.aggregate(Sum('direct_gross_incl_vat')).values()[0] or Decimal(0)
         self.direct_gross_excl_vat = purprods.aggregate(Sum('direct_gross_excl_vat')).values()[0] or Decimal(0)
     # Check conditions for qualifying purchase as Twosell generated:
     # - Final must have total cost greater or equal to total cost for Prel
     # - No products should have been removed from Final compared to Prel
     # - Must have received a status report that indicates Twosell screen was shown.
     # Only update Twosell direct for each row if all conditions are met
     if prel.total_cost >= self.total_cost or self.removed_products() or not self.direct_reported_shown:
         purprods.update(direct_gross_incl_vat=0, direct_gross_excl_vat=0)
         for purprod in purprods:
     # Update Twosell totals on purchase
     self.direct_gross_incl_vat = purprods.aggregate(Sum('direct_gross_incl_vat')).values()[0] or Decimal(0)
     self.direct_gross_excl_vat = purprods.aggregate(Sum('direct_gross_excl_vat')).values()[0] or Decimal(0)
     # Handle limits to Twosell contribution
         max_twosell_direct = TwosellConf.objects.latest().max_twosell_direct
     except TwosellConf.DoesNotExist:
         max_twosell_direct = 1000
     if self.direct_gross_incl_vat > max_twosell_direct:
         self.direct_net_incl_vat = max_twosell_direct
         self.direct_net_incl_vat = self.direct_gross_incl_vat
     # Original vat_rate
         vat_rate = 100 * (self.direct_gross_incl_vat - self.direct_gross_excl_vat) / self.direct_gross_excl_vat
     except (ZeroDivisionError, InvalidOperation):
         vat_rate = 0
     self.direct_net_excl_vat = calc_excl_vat(vat_rate, self.direct_net_incl_vat)
예제 #2
 def _update_excl_vat(self):
     """Update excl_vat fields."""
     vat_rate = self.product.vat_rate
     self.total_cost_excl_vat = calc_excl_vat(vat_rate, self.total_cost)
     self.direct_gross_excl_vat = calc_excl_vat(vat_rate, self.direct_gross_incl_vat)
     self.coupon_gross_excl_vat = calc_excl_vat(vat_rate, self.coupon_gross_incl_vat)