def __getitem__(self, index): im =[index]).convert("RGB") kp = -1 kp_normalized = -1 # None visible = -1 if self.pair_image: # unsupervised contrastive learning # randomresizecrop is the key to generate pairs of images img1 = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) img2 = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) data =[img1, img2], dim=0) if self.crop != 0: # maybe useful for datasets other than celebA/MAFL data = data[:, self.crop:-self.crop, self.crop:-self.crop] else: # supervised postprocessing kp = self.keypoints[index].copy() data = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) if self.crop != 0: # maybe useful for datasets other than celebA/MAFL data = data[:, self.crop:-self.crop, self.crop:-self.crop] kp = kp - self.crop kp = torch.as_tensor(kp) C, H, W = data.shape # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() kp = kp_unnormalize( H, W, kp) # the initial form of kp is normalized to [0,1] kp_normalized = kp_normalize(H, W, kp) visible = self.visible[index] if self.visualize: # from torchvision.utils import make_grid from utils.visualization import norm_range plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() if self.pair_image: im1, im2 = torch.split(data, [3, 3], dim=0) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.imshow(norm_range(im1).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) ax = fig.add_subplot(122) ax.imshow(norm_range(im2).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) print(im1.shape, im2.shape) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(norm_range(data).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) kp_x = kp[visible][:, 0].numpy() kp_y = kp[visible][:, 1].numpy() ax.scatter(kp_x, kp_y) print(data.shape) # plt.savefig('check_dataloader.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(os.path.join('sanity_check', vis_name + '.png'), bbox_inches='tight') print(self.filenames[index]) plt.close() # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return data, visible, kp_normalized, index
def __getitem__(self, index): im_path = Path(self.root) / "images/{}.jpg".format(self.im_list[index]) im ="RGB") name = Path(im_path).stem anno_template = str(Path(self.root) / "labels/{}/{}_lbl{:02d}.png") seg = np.zeros((im.size[1], im.size[0]), dtype=np.uint8) # for ii in range(10, 0, -1): for ii in range(1, 11): anno_path = anno_template.format(name, name, ii) lbl_im = np.array("L")) assert lbl_im.ndim == 2, "expected greyscale" # if sum(seg[lbl_im > self.thresh]) > 0: # print("already colored these pixels") # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() seg[lbl_im > self.thresh * 255] = ii # plt.matshow(seg) # zs_dispFig() seg = Image.fromarray(seg, "L") # if self.train and False: # im, seg = self.augs(im, seg) seg = self.label_resizer(seg) seg = torch.from_numpy(np.array(seg)) data = self.resizer(im) data = self.transforms(data) if False: counts = torch.histc(seg.float(), bins=11, min=0, max=10) probs = counts / counts.sum() for name, prob in zip(self.classnames, probs): print("{}\t {:.2f}".format(name, prob)) if self.rand_in: data = torch.randn(data.shape) if self.visualize: from torchvision.utils import make_grid from utils.visualization import norm_range ims = norm_range(make_grid(data)).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() plt.close("all") plt.axis("off") fig = plt.figure() # a new figure window ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) ax1.imshow(ims) ax2.imshow(label_colormap(seg).numpy()) if self.downsample_labels: sz = tuple([x * self.downsample_labels for x in seg.size()]) seg_ = np.array(Image.fromarray(seg.numpy()).resize(sz)) else: seg_ = seg # ax3.matshow(seg_) ax3.imshow(label_colormap(seg_).numpy()) ax3.imshow(ims, alpha=0.5) zs_dispFig() return {"data": data, "meta": {"im_path": str(im_path), "lbls": seg}}
def dict_coll(batch): cb = cb["data"] = cb["data"].reshape((-1,) + cb["data"].shape[-3:]) # Flatten to be 4D if False: from torchvision.utils import make_grid from utils.visualization import norm_range ims = norm_range(make_grid(cb["data"])).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() plt.imshow(ims) return cb
def __getitem__(self, index): im_path = self.im_list[index] im ="RGB") data = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) if False: from torchvision.utils import make_grid from utils.visualization import norm_range ims = norm_range(make_grid(data)).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() plt.imshow(ims) import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() return {"data": data, "im_path": im_path}
def plot_images(image, points, path): C, H, W = image.size() points = np.array(points) points[:, 0] = (points[:, 0] + 1.) / 2. * (H - 1) points[:, 1] = (points[:, 1] + 1.) / 2. * (W - 1) fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(1., 1, forward = False) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(norm_range(image).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) _cmap ='gist_rainbow') K = len(points) colors = [np.array(_cmap(i)[:3]) for i in np.arange(0,1,1/K)] for i, point in enumerate(points): ax.scatter(point[1], point[0], c=[colors[i]], marker='.') plt.savefig(path, dpi=2*image.shape[1]) plt.close()
def __getitem__(self, index): im =, self.filenames[index])).convert("RGB") kp_normalized = -1 # None # Crop bounding box xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounding_boxes[index] keypts = self.keypoints[index] # This is basically copied from matlab code and assumes matlab indexing bw = xmax - xmin + 1 bh = ymax - ymin + 1 bcy = ymin + (bh + 1) / 2 bcx = xmin + (bw + 1) / 2 # To simplify the preprocessing, we do two image resizes (can fix later if speed # is an issue) preresize_sz = 100 bw_ = 52 # make the (tightly cropped) face 52px fac = bw_ / bw imr = im.resize((int(im.width * fac), int(im.height * fac))) bcx_ = int(np.floor(fac * bcx)) bcy_ = int(np.floor(fac * bcy)) bx = bcx_ - bw_ / 2 + 1 bX = bcx_ + bw_ / 2 by = bcy_ - bw_ / 2 + 1 bY = bcy_ + bw_ / 2 pp = (preresize_sz - bw_) / 2 bx = int(bx - pp) bX = int(bX + pp) by = int(by - pp - 2) bY = int(bY + pp - 2) imr = pad_and_crop(np.array(imr), [(by - 1), bY, (bx - 1), bX]) im = Image.fromarray(imr) cutl = bx - 1 keypts = keypts.copy() * fac keypts[:, 0] = keypts[:, 0] - cutl cutt = by - 1 keypts[:, 1] = keypts[:, 1] - cutt kp = keypts - 1 # from matlab to python style kp = kp * self.imwidth / preresize_sz kp = torch.tensor(kp) if self.pair_image: # unsupervised contrastive learning # randomresizecrop is the key to generate pairs of images img1 = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) img2 = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) data =[img1, img2], dim=0) if self.crop != 0: # maybe useful for datasets other than celebA/MAFL data = data[:, self.crop:-self.crop, self.crop:-self.crop] else: # supervised postprocessing data = self.transforms(self.initial_transforms(im)) if self.crop != 0: # maybe useful for datasets other than celebA/MAFL data = data[:, self.crop:-self.crop, self.crop:-self.crop] kp = kp - self.crop C, H, W = data.shape # kp = torch.tensor(kp) kp = torch.as_tensor(kp) kp_normalized = kp_normalize(H, W, kp) if self.visualize: # from torchvision.utils import make_grid from utils.visualization import norm_range plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() if self.pair_image: im1, im2 = torch.split(data, [3, 3], dim=0) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.imshow(norm_range(im1).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) ax = fig.add_subplot(122) ax.imshow(norm_range(im2).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(norm_range(data).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) kp_x = kp[:, 0].numpy() kp_y = kp[:, 1].numpy() ax.scatter(kp_x, kp_y) plt.savefig('check_dataloader.png') print(os.path.join(self.root, self.filenames[index])) plt.close() return data, kp, kp_normalized, index
def __getitem__(self, index): if (not self.use_ims and not self.use_keypoints): # early exit when caching is used return {"data": torch.zeros(3, 1, 1), "meta": {"index": index}} if self.use_ims: im =, self.filenames[index])) # print("imread: {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - tic)) ; tic = time.time() kp = None if self.use_keypoints: kp = self.keypoints[index].copy() meta = {} if self.warper is not None: if self.warper.returns_pairs: # tic = time.time() im1 = self.initial_transforms(im.convert("RGB")) # print("tx1: {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - tic)) ; tic = time.time() im1 = TF.to_tensor(im1) * 255 if False: from utils.visualization import norm_range plt.imshow(norm_range(im1).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) plt.scatter(kp[:, 0], kp[:, 1]) im1, im2, flow, grid, kp1, kp2 = self.warper(im1, keypts=kp, crop=self.crop) # print("warper: {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - tic)) ; tic = time.time() im1 = im2 = C, H, W = im1.shape im1 = TF.to_pil_image(im1) im2 = TF.to_pil_image(im2) im1 = self.transforms(im1) im2 = self.transforms(im2) # print("tx-2: {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - tic)) ; tic = time.time() C, H, W = im1.shape data = torch.stack((im1, im2), 0) meta = { 'flow': flow[0], 'grid': grid[0], 'im1': im1, 'im2': im2, 'index': index } if self.use_keypoints: meta = {**meta, **{'kp1': kp1, 'kp2': kp2}} else: im1 = self.initial_transforms(im.convert("RGB")) im1 = TF.to_tensor(im1) * 255 im1, kp = self.warper(im1, keypts=kp, crop=self.crop) im1 = im1 = TF.to_pil_image(im1) im1 = self.transforms(im1) C, H, W = im1.shape data = im1 if self.use_keypoints: meta = { 'keypts': kp, 'keypts_normalized': kp_normalize(H, W, kp), 'index': index } else: if self.use_ims: data = self.transforms( self.initial_transforms(im.convert("RGB"))) if self.crop != 0: data = data[:, self.crop:-self.crop, self.crop:-self.crop] C, H, W = data.shape else: # after caching descriptors, there is no point doing I/O H = W = self.imwidth - 2 * self.crop data = torch.zeros(3, 1, 1) if kp is not None: kp = kp - self.crop kp = torch.tensor(kp) if self.use_keypoints: meta = { 'keypts': kp, 'keypts_normalized': kp_normalize(H, W, kp), 'index': index } if self.visualize: # from torchvision.utils import make_grid from utils.visualization import norm_range num_show = 2 if self.warper and self.warper.returns_pairs else 1 plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() for ii in range(num_show): im_ = data[ii] if num_show > 1 else data ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_show, ii + 1) ax.imshow(norm_range(im_).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) if self.use_keypoints: if num_show == 2: kp_x = meta["kp{}".format(ii + 1)][:, 0].numpy() kp_y = meta["kp{}".format(ii + 1)][:, 1].numpy() else: kp_x = kp[:, 0].numpy() kp_y = kp[:, 1].numpy() ax.scatter(kp_x, kp_y) zs_dispFig() import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() # zs. # if self.train: # else: # if len(data.size()) < 4: # data_ = data.unsqueeze(0) # else: # data_ = data # for im_ in data_: # plt.clf() # im_ = norm_range(im_).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() # plt.imshow(im_) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # else: # ims = norm_range(make_grid(data)).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() # plt.imshow(ims) return {"data": data, "meta": meta}
def __getitem__(self, index): if self.use_ims: im =, self.filenames[index])).convert("RGB") # Crop bounding box xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounding_boxes[index] keypts = self.keypoints[index] # This is basically copied from matlab code and assumes matlab indexing bw = xmax - xmin + 1 bh = ymax - ymin + 1 bcy = ymin + (bh + 1) / 2 bcx = xmin + (bw + 1) / 2 # To simplify the preprocessing, we do two image resizes (can fix later if speed # is an issue) preresize_sz = 100 bw_ = 52 # make the (tightly cropped) face 52px fac = bw_ / bw if self.use_ims: imr = im.resize((int(im.width * fac), int(im.height * fac))) bcx_ = int(np.floor(fac * bcx)) bcy_ = int(np.floor(fac * bcy)) bx = bcx_ - bw_ / 2 + 1 bX = bcx_ + bw_ / 2 by = bcy_ - bw_ / 2 + 1 bY = bcy_ + bw_ / 2 pp = (preresize_sz - bw_) / 2 bx = int(bx - pp) bX = int(bX + pp) by = int(by - pp - 2) bY = int(bY + pp - 2) if self.use_ims: imr = pad_and_crop(np.array(imr), [(by - 1), bY, (bx - 1), bX]) im = Image.fromarray(imr) cutl = bx - 1 keypts = keypts.copy() * fac keypts[:, 0] = keypts[:, 0] - cutl cutt = by - 1 keypts[:, 1] = keypts[:, 1] - cutt kp = None if self.use_keypoints: kp = keypts - 1 # from matlab to python style kp = kp * self.imwidth / preresize_sz kp = torch.tensor(kp) meta = {} if self.warper is not None: if self.warper.returns_pairs: im1 = self.initial_transforms(im.convert("RGB")) im1 = TF.to_tensor(im1) * 255 im1, im2, flow, grid, kp1, kp2 = self.warper(im1, keypts=kp, crop=self.crop) im1 = im2 = C, H, W = im1.shape im1 = TF.to_pil_image(im1) im2 = TF.to_pil_image(im2) im1 = self.transforms(im1) im2 = self.transforms(im2) C, H, W = im1.shape data = torch.stack((im1, im2), 0) meta = { 'flow': flow[0], 'grid': grid[0], 'im1': im1, 'im2': im2, 'index': index } if self.use_keypoints: meta = {**meta, **{'kp1': kp1, 'kp2': kp2}} else: im1 = self.initial_transforms(im.convert("RGB")) im1 = TF.to_tensor(im1) * 255 im1, kp = self.warper(im1, keypts=kp, crop=self.crop) im1 = im1 = TF.to_pil_image(im1) im1 = self.transforms(im1) C, H, W = im1.shape data = im1 if self.use_keypoints: meta = { 'keypts': kp, 'keypts_normalized': kp_normalize(H, W, kp), 'index': index } else: if self.use_ims: data = self.transforms( self.initial_transforms(im.convert("RGB"))) if self.crop != 0: data = data[:, self.crop:-self.crop, self.crop:-self.crop] C, H, W = data.shape else: # after caching descriptors, there is no point doing I/O H = W = self.imwidth - 2 * self.crop data = torch.zeros(3, 1, 1) if kp is not None: kp = kp - self.crop kp = torch.tensor(kp) if self.use_keypoints: meta = { 'keypts': kp, 'keypts_normalized': kp_normalize(H, W, kp), 'index': index } if self.visualize: from utils.visualization import norm_range num_show = 2 if self.warper and self.warper.returns_pairs else 1 fig = plt.figure() for ii in range(num_show): im_ = data[ii] if num_show > 1 else data ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_show, ii + 1) ax.imshow(norm_range(im_).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) if self.use_keypoints: if num_show == 2: kp_x = meta["kp{}".format(ii + 1)][:, 0].numpy() kp_y = meta["kp{}".format(ii + 1)][:, 1].numpy() else: kp_x = kp[:, 0].numpy() kp_y = kp[:, 1].numpy() ax.scatter(kp_x, kp_y) import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() return {"data": data, "meta": meta}
def evaluation(config, logger=None, eval_data=None): device = torch.device('cuda:0' if config["n_gpu"] > 0 else 'cpu') if logger is None: logger = config.get_logger('test')"Running evaluation with configuration:") imwidth = config['dataset']['args']['imwidth'] root = config["dataset"]["args"]["root"] warp_crop_default = config['warper']['args'].get('crop', None) crop = config['dataset']['args'].get('crop', warp_crop_default) # Want explicit pair warper disable_warps = True dense_match = config.get("dense_match", False) if dense_match and disable_warps: # rotsd = 2.5 # scalesd=0.1 * .5 rotsd = 0 scalesd = 0 warp_kwargs = dict(warpsd_all=0, warpsd_subset=0, transsd=0, scalesd=scalesd, rotsd=rotsd, im1_multiplier=1, im1_multiplier_aff=1) else: warp_kwargs = dict(warpsd_all=0.001 * .5, warpsd_subset=0.01 * .5, transsd=0.1 * .5, scalesd=0.1 * .5, rotsd=5 * .5, im1_multiplier=1, im1_multiplier_aff=1) warper = tps.Warper(imwidth, imwidth, **warp_kwargs) if eval_data is None: eval_data = config["dataset"]["type"] constructor = getattr(module_data, eval_data) # handle the case of the MAFL split, which by default will evaluate on Celeba kwargs = { "val_split": "mafl" } if eval_data == "CelebAPrunedAligned_MAFLVal" else {} val_dataset = constructor( train=False, pair_warper=warper, use_keypoints=True, imwidth=imwidth, crop=crop, root=root, **kwargs, ) # NOTE: Since the matching is performed with pairs, we fix the ordering and then # use all pairs for datasets with even numbers of images, and all but one for # datasets that have odd numbers of images (via drop_last=True) data_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=2, collate_fn=dict_coll, shuffle=False, drop_last=True) # build model architecture model = get_instance(module_arch, 'arch', config) model.summary() # load state dict ckpt_path = config._args.resume"Loading checkpoint: {ckpt_path} ...") checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path) # checkpoint = torch.load(config["weights"]) state_dict = checkpoint['state_dict'] if config['n_gpu'] > 1: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) model.load_state_dict(clean_state_dict(state_dict)) if config['n_gpu'] > 1: model = model.module model = model.train() if dense_match: warp_dir = Path(config["warp_dir"]) / config["name"] warp_dir = warp_dir / "disable_warps{}".format(disable_warps) if not warp_dir.exists(): warp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) writer = SummaryWriter(warp_dir) model.eval() same_errs = [] diff_errs = [] torch.manual_seed(0) with torch.no_grad(): for i, batch in enumerate(tqdm(data_loader)): data, meta = batch["data"], batch["meta"] if (config.get("mini_eval", False) and i > 3): break # if i == 0: # # Checksum to make sure warps are deterministic # if True: # # redo later # if data.shape[2] == 64: # assert float(data.sum()) == -553.9221801757812 # elif data.shape[2] == 128: # assert float(data.sum()) == 754.1907348632812 data = output = model(data) descs = output[0] descs1 = descs[0::2] # 1st in pair (more warped) descs2 = descs[1::2] # 2nd in pair ims1 = data[0::2].cpu() ims2 = data[1::2].cpu() im_source = ims1[0] im_same = ims2[0] im_diff = ims2[1] C, imH, imW = im_source.shape B, C, H, W = descs1.shape stride = imW / W desc_source = descs1[0] desc_same = descs2[0] desc_diff = descs2[1] if not dense_match: kp1 = meta['kp1'] kp2 = meta['kp2'] kp_source = kp1[0] kp_same = kp2[0] kp_diff = kp2[1] if config.get("vis", False): fig = plt.figure() # a new figure window ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) ax1.imshow(norm_range(im_source).permute(1, 2, 0)) ax2.imshow(norm_range(im_same).permute(1, 2, 0)) ax3.imshow(norm_range(im_diff).permute(1, 2, 0)) if not dense_match: ax1.scatter(kp_source[:, 0], kp_source[:, 1], c='g') ax2.scatter(kp_same[:, 0], kp_same[:, 1], c='g') ax3.scatter(kp_diff[:, 0], kp_diff[:, 1], c='g') if False: fsrc = F.normalize(desc_source, p=2, dim=0) fsame = F.normalize(desc_same, p=2, dim=0) fdiff = F.normalize(desc_diff, p=2, dim=0) else: fsrc = desc_source.clone() fsame = desc_same.clone() fdiff = desc_diff.clone() if dense_match: # if False: # print("DEBUGGING WITH IDENTICAL FEATS") # fdiff = fsrc # tic = time.time() grid = dense_desc_match(fsrc, fdiff) im_warped = F.grid_sample(im_source.view(1, 3, imH, imW), grid) im_warped = im_warped.squeeze(0) # print("done matching in {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - tic)) plt.close("all") if config["subplots"]: fig = plt.figure() # a new figure window ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) ax1.imshow(norm_range(im_source).permute(1, 2, 0)) ax2.imshow(norm_range(im_diff).permute(1, 2, 0)) ax3.imshow(norm_range(im_warped).permute(1, 2, 0)) triplet_dest = warp_dir / "triplet-{:05d}.jpg".format(i) fig.savefig(triplet_dest) else: triplet_dest_dir = warp_dir / "triplet-{:05d}".format(i) if not triplet_dest_dir.exists(): triplet_dest_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for jj, im in enumerate((im_source, im_diff, im_warped)): plt.axis("off") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1.5, 1.5)) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) # ax.imshow(data, cmap = plt.get_cmap("bone")) im_ = norm_range(im).permute(1, 2, 0) ax.imshow(im_) dest_path = triplet_dest_dir / "im-{}-{}.jpg".format( i, jj) plt.savefig(str(dest_path), dpi=im_.shape[0]) # plt.savefig(filename, dpi = sizes[0]) writer.add_figure('warp-triplets', fig) else: for ki, kp in enumerate(kp_source): x, y = np.array(kp) gt_same_x, gt_same_y = np.array(kp_same[ki]) gt_diff_x, gt_diff_y = np.array(kp_diff[ki]) same_x, same_y = find_descriptor(x, y, fsrc, fsame, stride) err = compute_pixel_err( pred_x=same_x, pred_y=same_y, gt_x=gt_same_x, gt_y=gt_same_y, imwidth=imwidth, crop=crop, ) same_errs.append(err) diff_x, diff_y = find_descriptor(x, y, fsrc, fdiff, stride) err = compute_pixel_err( pred_x=diff_x, pred_y=diff_y, gt_x=gt_diff_x, gt_y=gt_diff_y, imwidth=imwidth, crop=crop, ) diff_errs.append(err) if config.get("vis", False): ax2.scatter(same_x, same_y, c='b') ax3.scatter(diff_x, diff_y, c='b') if config.get("vis", False): zs_dispFig() fig.savefig('/tmp/matching.pdf') print("") # cleanup print from tqdm subtraction"Matching Metrics:")"Mean Pixel Error (same-identity): {np.mean(same_errs)}")"Mean Pixel Error (different-identity) {np.mean(diff_errs)}")
def tween_scatter(t, im1, im2, scatter1, scatter2, title1, title2, fade_ims=True, heading1=None, heading2=None, frame=None, is_dve=None): ax_reset() base_subplot = plt.gca() plt.subplot(base_subplot) gridsize = int(np.sqrt(len(im1))) inner_grid = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(gridsize, gridsize, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) bb = base_subplot.get_position() l, b, r, tp = bb.extents inner_grid.update(left=l, bottom=b, right=r, top=tp) if fade_ims: prev_alpha = np.maximum(0., 1 - 2 * t) cur_alpha = np.maximum(0., -1 + 2 * t) else: prev_alpha = 0. cur_alpha = 1. for gi in range(gridsize**2): gax = plt.gcf().add_subplot(inner_grid[gi]) ax_reset() if prev_alpha: plt.imshow(norm_range(im1[gi]).permute(1, 2, 0), alpha=prev_alpha) if cur_alpha: plt.imshow(norm_range(im2[gi]).permute(1, 2, 0), alpha=cur_alpha) ease = (-np.cos(np.pi * t) + 1) / 2 scatter_tween = (1 - ease) * scatter1[gi] + ease * scatter2[gi] fac = plt.gca().get_position().width / base_subplot.get_position( ).width plt.scatter(scatter_tween[:, 0], scatter_tween[:, 1], c=rainbow, s=(matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] * fac)**2) if frame == args.hq_frame_snapshot and args.save_hq_ims: # create temp figure inline prev_fig = plt.gcf() plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) inline_ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.imshow(norm_range(im1[gi]).permute(1, 2, 0)) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) fname = f"frame{frame}-match-face{gi}" if is_dve is not None and is_dve: fname += "-dve" plt.scatter(scatter2[gi][:, 0], scatter2[gi][:, 1], c=rainbow, s=(matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] * 8)**2) plt.savefig(str(Path(args.fig_dir) / f"{fname}.png")) zs_dispFig() # return to prev figure plt.figure(prev_fig.number) ttl1 = plt.text(0.5, -.08, title1, transform=base_subplot.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center') ttl2 = plt.text(0.5, -.08, title2, transform=base_subplot.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center') if title1 == title2: ttl1.set_alpha(1) ttl2.set_alpha(0) else: ttl1.set_alpha(1 - t) ttl2.set_alpha(t) if heading2 is not None: h1 = plt.suptitle(heading1, x=0.5, y=0.94) h2 = plt.text(*h1.get_position(), heading2) foot = plt.text( 0.5, 0.08, 'DVE enables the use of higher dimensional unsupervised embeddings!' ) foot.update_from(h1) h1.set_fontsize('x-large') h2.update_from(h1) # Prevent flashing from font aliasing and alpha - brittle if not monospace and makes it too bold though cover = ''.join([ heading1[i] if heading1[i] == heading2[i] else '\u00a0' for i in range(min(len(heading1), len(heading2))) ]) hc = plt.text(*h1.get_position(), cover) hc.update_from(h1) h1.set_alpha(1 - t) h2.set_alpha(t)
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3)) query_ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) nodve_ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1, frameon=False) dve_ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3, frameon=False) nodve_ax.axis('square') grow_axis(nodve_ax, 0.05) nudge_axis(nodve_ax, 0.03) dve_ax.axis('square') grow_axis(dve_ax, 0.05) nudge_axis(dve_ax, -0.03) plt.imshow(norm_range(avface_tensor).permute(1, 2, 0)) rainbow =, 1, npts)) plt.xlabel('Query') plt.gca().set_prop_cycle('color', rainbow) grow_axis(query_ax, -0.05) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) fac = plt.gca().get_position().width / dve_ax.get_position().width for i in i_idxs: for j in j_idxs: plt.scatter(j, i, s=(matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] * fac)**2) def ax_reset():