예제 #1
파일: Options.py 프로젝트: rhulkb27/track
 async def cog_check(self, ctx):
     if ctx.guild is None:
         raise commands.NoPrivateMessage()
     elif (not await self.bot.is_owner(ctx.author)
           and not ctx.channel.permissions_for(
         raise utils.CustomError(
             'You must be an administrator to use this command.')
     return True
예제 #2
    async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
        if not self.case_sensitive:
            argument = argument.lower()

        if argument not in self.accepted:
            parameter = list(ctx.command.clean_params.keys())[len(
                ctx.args) - 2]  # -2 removes Cog and Context object
            if not self.has_default:
                raise utils.CustomError(
                    f'Parameter `{parameter}` must be one of the following: {", ".join(self.accepted)} '
                    f'({"not " if not self.case_sensitive else ""}case sensitive)'

        return argument
예제 #3
    async def bot_check_once(self, ctx):
        if ctx.guild is None:
            return True

        options = self.bot.guild_options[ctx.guild.id]
        if (ctx.command.parent is not None and ctx.command.parent.name in options['disabled_commands'] or
                ctx.command.qualified_name in options['disabled_commands'] or
                ctx.command.cog.qualified_name in options['disabled_cogs']):
            if (not await self.bot.is_owner(ctx.author) and
                    not ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.message.author).administrator):
                raise utils.CustomError('This command or its category has been disabled in this server.')
                await utils.confirm(ctx, 'This command or its category has been disabled in this server. Override?')
        return True
예제 #4
파일: functions.py 프로젝트: rhulkb27/track
async def confirm(ctx, text, timeout=30):
    message = await ctx.send(f'{text}')
    await message.add_reaction('<:yes:651325958514802689>')
    await message.add_reaction('<:no:653131696169811979>')

    def check(reaction, user):
        return reaction.emoji.id in [651325958514802689, 653131696169811979] and user.id == ctx.author.id

        reaction, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=timeout)
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        raise utils.CustomError('Did not receive a response in time, aborting action.')
        if reaction.emoji.id == 653131696169811979:
            await message.edit(content='Aborted.')
            raise utils.SilentError()