예제 #1
    def upscale_alg(self, im_l_y, s):
        # assert im_l_y.ndim == 2, 'Input image has to be a grayscale image!'

        if im_l_y.ndim == 2:  # input is single frame
            im_l_y = utils.ExtendBorder(im_l_y, self.params['border_size'])
            self.model.blobs[self.input_blob].data[...] = np.reshape(
                im_l_y, (1, 1) + im_l_y.shape)
        else:  # input is multiple frames
            im_tmp = np.empty([
                im_l_y.shape[1] + 2 * self.params['border_size'],
                im_l_y.shape[2] + 2 * self.params['border_size']
            for j in range(im_l_y.shape[0]):
                im_tmp[j, ...] = utils.ExtendBorder(np.squeeze(im_l_y[j, ...]),
            im_l_y = im_tmp
            self.model.blobs[self.input_blob].data[...] = np.expand_dims(
                im_l_y, axis=0)

        t_start = time.time()
        fea = self.model.forward(blobs=[self.output_blob])
        t_end = time.time()
        im_h_y = fea[self.output_blob][0, 0, :, :]
        print 'caffe time: {}'.format(t_end - t_start)

        return im_h_y
예제 #2
    def upscale_alg(self, im_l_y, s):
        h_gt, w_gt = im_l_y.shape[0]*s, im_l_y.shape[1]*s
#        hpsz = self.params['patch_size']/2
        itr_all = int(np.ceil(np.log(s)/np.log(self.params['mdl_scale'])))

        indata = np.zeros((self.params['input_size']**2, self.params['batch']), dtype=np.float32)
        outdata = np.zeros((self.params['output_size']**2, self.params['batch']), dtype=np.float32)
        idxdata = np.zeros((2, self.params['batch']), dtype=np.float32)
        ftrs = np.zeros((self.params['batch'], self.params['output_size']**2), dtype=np.float32)

        for itr in range(itr_all):
            print 'itr:', itr
            if self.params['matlab_bic']==1:
                im_y = utils.imresize_bic2(im_l_y, self.params['mdl_scale'])
                im_y = utils.imresize(im_l_y, self.params['mdl_scale'])
            im_y = utils.ExtendBorder(im_y, self.params['border_size'])
            h, w = im_y.shape

            Height_idx = range(0, h-self.params['input_size'], self.params['output_size'])
            Width_idx  = range(0, w-self.params['input_size'], self.params['output_size'])
            Height_idx += [h-self.params['input_size']]
            Width_idx  += [w-self.params['input_size']]

            bcnt = 0
            im_h_y = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
            t0 = time.time()
            for i in Height_idx:
                for j in Width_idx:
                    idxdata[0, bcnt] = i
                    idxdata[1, bcnt] = j
                    tmp = im_y[i:i+self.params['input_size'], j:j+self.params['input_size']]
                    indata[:, bcnt] = np.reshape(tmp, (indata.shape[0], ))
                    bcnt += 1
                    if bcnt==self.params['batch'] or (i==Height_idx[-1] and j==Width_idx[-1]):
                        self.model.do_write_one_feature([indata, outdata], ftrs, self.params['layer_idx'])
                        for b in range(bcnt):
                            si = idxdata[0, b]+self.params['border_size']
                            sj = idxdata[1, b]+self.params['border_size']
                            im_h_y[si:si+self.params['output_size'], sj:sj+self.params['output_size']] = \
                                    np.reshape(ftrs[b, :], (self.params['output_size'], self.params['output_size']))
                        bcnt = 0
            t1 = time.time()
            print 'convnet time: {}'.format(t1-t0)

            im_h_y = im_h_y[self.params['border_size']:-self.params['border_size'], self.params['border_size']:-self.params['border_size']]
            im_l_y = im_h_y

        # shrink size to gt
        if (im_h_y.shape[0]>h_gt):
            print 'downscale from {} to {}'.format(im_h_y.shape, (h_gt, w_gt))
            if self.params['matlab_bic']==1:
                im_h_y = utils.imresize_bic2(im_h_y, 1.0*h_gt/im_h_y.shape[0])
                im_h_y = utils.imresize(im_h_y, 1.0*h_gt/im_h_y.shape[0])

        return im_h_y
예제 #3
    def upscale_alg(self, im_l_y, s):
        h_gt, w_gt = im_l_y.shape[0] * s, im_l_y.shape[1] * s
        hpsz = self.PATCH_SIZE / 2

        itr_all = int(np.ceil(np.log(s) / np.log(self.MDL_SCALE)))
        for itr in range(itr_all):
            print 'itr:', itr
            im_y = utils.imresize(im_l_y, self.MDL_SCALE)
            im_y = utils.ExtendBorder(im_y, self.BORDER_SIZE)
            mdl = self.mdls[itr]

            # extract gradient features
            convfea = utils.ExtrConvFea(im_y, mdl['conv'])
            im_mean = utils.ExtrConvFea(im_y, mdl['mean2'])
            diffms = utils.ExtrConvFea(im_y, mdl['diffms'])

            # matrix operation
            h, w, c = convfea.shape
            convfea = convfea.reshape([h * w, c])
            convfea_norm = np.linalg.norm(convfea, axis=1)
            convfea = (convfea.T / convfea_norm).T
            wd = np.dot(convfea, mdl['wd'])
            z0 = utils.ShLU(wd, 1)
            z = utils.ShLU(np.dot(z0, mdl['usd1']) + wd, 1)  #sparse code

            hPatch = np.dot(z, mdl['ud'])
            hNorm = np.linalg.norm(hPatch, axis=1)
            diffms = diffms.reshape([h * w, diffms.shape[2]])
            mNorm = np.linalg.norm(diffms, axis=1)
            hPatch = (hPatch.T / hNorm * mNorm).T * self.SCALE_Y
            hPatch = hPatch * mdl['addp'].flatten()

            hPatch = hPatch.reshape([h, w, hPatch.shape[1]])
            im_h_y = im_mean[:, :, 0]
            h, w = im_h_y.shape
            cnt = 0
            for ii in range(self.PATCH_SIZE - 1, -1, -1):
                for jj in range(self.PATCH_SIZE - 1, -1, -1):
                    im_h_y = im_h_y + hPatch[jj:(jj + h), ii:(ii + w), cnt]
                    cnt = cnt + 1

            im_l_y = im_h_y

        # shrink size to gt
        if (im_h_y.shape[0] > h_gt):
            print 'downscale from {} to {}'.format(im_h_y.shape, (h_gt, w_gt))
            im_h_y = utils.imresize(im_h_y, 1.0 * h_gt / im_h_y.shape[0])
            assert (im_h_y.shape[1] == w_gt)

        return im_h_y
예제 #4
    def upscale_alg(self, im_l_y, s):
        h_gt, w_gt = im_l_y.shape[0]*s, im_l_y.shape[1]*s
#        hpsz = self.params['patch_size']/2
        itr_all = int(np.ceil(np.log(s)/np.log(self.params['mdl_scale'])))
        idxdata = np.zeros((2, self.params['batch']), dtype=np.float32)
        indata = np.zeros(self.model.blobs[self.input_blob].data.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        for itr in range(itr_all):
            print 'itr:', itr
            if self.params['matlab_bic']==1:
                im_y = utils.imresize_bic2(im_l_y, self.params['mdl_scale'])
                im_y = utils.imresize(im_l_y, self.params['mdl_scale'])
            im_y = utils.ExtendBorder(im_y, self.params['border_size'])
#            im_y = utils.RepeatBorder(im_y, self.params['border_size'])
            h, w = im_y.shape

            Height_idx = range(0, h-self.params['input_size'], self.params['output_size'])
            Width_idx  = range(0, w-self.params['input_size'], self.params['output_size'])
            Height_idx += [h-self.params['input_size']]
            Width_idx  += [w-self.params['input_size']]

            bcnt = 0
            im_h_y = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
            t0 = time.time()
            #fea = self.model.forward(data=indata, end=self.params['layer'], blobs=[self.params['layer'], 'data'])
            for i in Height_idx:
                for j in Width_idx:
                    idxdata[0, bcnt] = i
                    idxdata[1, bcnt] = j
                    tmp = im_y[i:i+self.params['input_size'], j:j+self.params['input_size']]
                    indata[bcnt, 0, :, :] = np.reshape(tmp, (1, 1)+tmp.shape)
                    bcnt += 1
                    if bcnt==self.params['batch'] or (i==Height_idx[-1] and j==Width_idx[-1]):
#                        fea = self.model.forward(data=indata, end=self.params['layer'], blobs=[self.params['layer'], 'data'])
                        self.model.blobs[self.input_blob].data[...] = indata
                        fea = self.model.forward(blobs=[self.output_blob])

                        for b in range(bcnt):
                            si = idxdata[0, b]+self.params['border_size']
                            sj = idxdata[1, b]+self.params['border_size']
                            im_h_y[si:si+self.params['output_size'], sj:sj+self.params['output_size']] = \
                                    np.reshape(fea[self.output_blob][b, 0, :, :], (self.params['output_size'], self.params['output_size']))
                        bcnt = 0
            t1 = time.time()
            print 'caffe time: {}'.format(t1-t0)

            im_h_y = im_h_y[self.params['border_size']:-self.params['border_size'], self.params['border_size']:-self.params['border_size']]
            im_l_y = im_h_y

        # shrink size to gt
        if (im_h_y.shape[0]>h_gt):
            print 'downscale from {} to {}'.format(im_h_y.shape, (h_gt, w_gt))
#            if self.params['matlab_bic']==1:
            if 0:
                im_h_y = utils.imresize_bic2(im_h_y, 1.0*h_gt/im_h_y.shape[0])
                im_h_y = utils.imresize(im_h_y, 1.0*h_gt/im_h_y.shape[0])

        return im_h_y
예제 #5
    def upscale_alg(self, im_l_y, s):
#        h_gt, w_gt = im_l_y.shape[0]*s, im_l_y.shape[1]*s
        if len(im_l_y.shape)==2:
            im_l_y = im_l_y[None,...] 
        h_gt, w_gt = im_l_y.shape[1], im_l_y.shape[2]
        itr_all = int(np.ceil(np.log(s)/np.log(self.params['mdl_scale'])))
        idxdata = np.zeros((2, self.params['batch']), dtype=np.float32)
        indata = np.zeros(self.model.blobs[self.input_blob].data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
#        print 'indata shape: ', indata.shape

        for itr in range(itr_all):
            print 'itr:', itr
            if self.params['matlab_bic']==1:
                im_y = utils.imresize_bic2(im_l_y, self.params['mdl_scale'])
                im_y = utils.imresize(im_l_y, self.params['mdl_scale'])
            im_y = im_l_y
            im_y_tmp = np.empty([im_y.shape[0], im_y.shape[1]+2*self.params['border_size'], im_y.shape[2]+2*self.params['border_size']])
            for j in range(im_y.shape[0]):
                im_y_tmp[j,...] = utils.ExtendBorder( np.squeeze(im_y[j,...]), self.params['border_size'])
            im_y = im_y_tmp

            # if run comparison experiments
            if 0:
                im_y = im_y[im_y.shape[0]/2,...][None,...]

#            im_y = utils.RepeatBorder(im_y, self.params['border_size'])
            depth, h, w = im_y.shape
#            print 'im_y shape: ', im_y.shape
            Height_idx = range(0, h-self.params['input_size'], self.params['output_size'])
            Width_idx  = range(0, w-self.params['input_size'], self.params['output_size'])
            Height_idx += [h-self.params['input_size']]
            Width_idx  += [w-self.params['input_size']]

            bcnt = 0
            im_h_y = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
            t0 = time.time()
            #fea = self.model.forward(data=indata, end=self.params['layer'], blobs=[self.params['layer'], 'data'])
            for i in Height_idx:
                for j in Width_idx:
                    idxdata[0, bcnt] = i
                    idxdata[1, bcnt] = j
#                    tmp = im_y[i:i+self.params['input_size'], j:j+self.params['input_size']]
                    tmp = im_y[:, i:i+self.params['input_size'], j:j+self.params['input_size']]
#                    indata[bcnt, 0, :, :] = np.reshape(tmp, (1, 1)+tmp.shape)
                    indata[bcnt, :, :, :] = np.reshape(tmp, tmp[None,...].shape)
                    bcnt += 1
                    if bcnt==self.params['batch'] or (i==Height_idx[-1] and j==Width_idx[-1]):
#                        fea = self.model.forward(data=indata, end=self.params['layer'], blobs=[self.output_blob, self.input_blob])
                        self.model.blobs[self.input_blob].data[...] = indata
                        fea = self.model.forward(blobs=[self.output_blob])

                        for b in range(bcnt):
                            si = idxdata[0, b]+self.params['border_size']
                            sj = idxdata[1, b]+self.params['border_size']
                            im_h_y[si:si+self.params['output_size'], sj:sj+self.params['output_size']] = \
                                    np.reshape(fea[self.output_blob][b, 0, :, :], (self.params['output_size'], self.params['output_size']))
#                                    np.reshape(fea[self.params['layer']][b, 0, :, :], (self.params['output_size'], self.params['output_size']))
                        bcnt = 0
            t1 = time.time()
            print 'caffe time: {}'.format(t1-t0)

            im_h_y = im_h_y[self.params['border_size']:-self.params['border_size'], self.params['border_size']:-self.params['border_size']]
            im_l_y = im_h_y

#        print 'im_h_y shape: ', im_h_y.shape
        # shrink size to gt
        if (im_h_y.shape[0]>h_gt):
            print 'downscale from {} to {}'.format(im_h_y.shape, (h_gt, w_gt))
            if self.params['matlab_bic']==1:
                im_h_y = utils.imresize_bic2(im_h_y, 1.0*h_gt/im_h_y.shape[0])
                im_h_y = utils.imresize(im_h_y, 1.0*h_gt/im_h_y.shape[0])

        return im_h_y