def _validate_args(mdb, dp, si): driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(utils.GDALFileDriver.ShapeFile()) dataSource = driver.Open(dp, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "Not a valid shape file (%s) provided for parameter --dp." % dp) else: dataSource.Destroy() try: if not os.path.dirname(mdb): mdb = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mdb) conn = pyodbc.connect(utils.MS_ACCESS_CONNECTION % mdb) conn.close() except pyodbc.Error as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) dataSource = gdal.Open(si, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "File open error. Not a valid file (%s) provided for the '--si' parameter." % si) else: dataSource = None
def _validate_args(net, sca, ad8, sac, spe): driver_shp = ogr.GetDriverByName(utils.GDALFileDriver.ShapeFile()) try: dataSource = driver_shp.Open(net, 1) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "Not a valid shape file (%s) provided for the '--net' parameter." % net) else: dataSource.Destroy() except Exception as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) try: if not ad8 and not sca: raise utils.ValidationException( "One of the 2 parameters '--ad8' or '--sca' must be specified." ) if ad8 and sca: raise utils.ValidationException( "Only one of the 2 parameters '--ad8' or '--sca' needs to be specified." ) if sca: dataSource = gdal.Open(sca, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "File open error. Not a valid file (%s) provided for the '--sca' " "parameter." % sca) else: dataSource = None if ad8: dataSource = gdal.Open(ad8, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "File open error. Not a valid file (%s) provided for '--ad8' " "parameter." % ad8) else: dataSource = None dataSource = gdal.Open(sac, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "File open error. Not a valid file (%s) provided for '--sac' parameter." % sac) else: dataSource = None except Exception as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) spe_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(spe)) if not os.path.exists(spe_dir): raise utils.ValidationException( "File path '(%s)' for output file (parameter '--spe') does not exist." % spe_dir)
def _validate_args(mdb, high_esi, medium_esi, low_esi, alpha): try: if not os.path.dirname(mdb): mdb = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mdb) conn = pyodbc.connect(utils.MS_ACCESS_CONNECTION % mdb) conn.close() except pyodbc.Error as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) err_msg = "Invalid value found for the parameter '{}'. Value must be greater than zero" if high_esi <= 0: raise utils.ValidationException(err_msg.format('--high-esi')) if medium_esi <= 0: raise utils.ValidationException(err_msg.format('--medium-esi')) if low_esi <= 0: raise utils.ValidationException(err_msg.format('--low-esi')) err_msg = "Invalid value found for the parameter '{}'." if high_esi != max(high_esi, medium_esi, low_esi): raise utils.ValidationException( err_msg.format('--high-esi') + " The specified value is not the highest value.") if low_esi != min(high_esi, medium_esi, low_esi): raise utils.ValidationException( err_msg.format('--low-esi') + " The specified value is not the lowest value.") if alpha <= 0: raise utils.ValidationException( "Invalid value found for parameter '--alpha.'. Value must be more than zero." )
def _validate_args(dp, rd, z, mdb, dpsi): # DEBUG: print("Validating inputs...") driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(utils.GDALFileDriver.ShapeFile()) try: dataSource = driver.Open(dp, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "Not a valid shapefile (%s) provided for parameter --dp." % dp) else: dataSource.Destroy() except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to open the shapefile (%s) provided for parameter --dp. " % dp + e.message raise utils.ValidationException(msg) try: dataSource = driver.Open(rd, GA_ReadOnly) if not dataSource: raise utils.ValidationException( "Not a valid shapefile (%s) provided for parameter --rd." % rd) else: dataSource.Destroy() except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to open the shapefile (%s) provided for parameter --rd. " % rd + e.message raise utils.ValidationException(msg) dpsi_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dpsi)) if not os.path.exists(dpsi_dir): raise utils.ValidationException( "File path '(%s)' for output file (parameter --dpsi) does not exist." % dpsi_dir) try: if not os.path.dirname(mdb): mdb = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mdb) conn = pyodbc.connect(utils.MS_ACCESS_CONNECTION % mdb) conn.close() except pyodbc.Error as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) try: dem = gdal.Open(z) dem = None except Exception as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) # DEBUG: print("Finished validating inputs...")
def verify_payment_status(self, paymentSessionId): """tells if the payment was successful or not, returns tuple (success, whole response)""" cmd = dict(eshopGoId=settings.GOPAY_ESHOP_GOID, paymentSessionId=paymentSessionId) concat_cmd = self.concat(utils.Concat.PAYMENT_STATUS, cmd) cmd['encryptedSignature'] = self.crypt.encrypt(concat_cmd) cmd = utils.prefix_command_keys(cmd, prefix=const.PREFIX_CMD_PAYMENT_RESULT) r =, data=cmd, verify=VERIFY_SSL) # print r.content if r.status_code != 200: raise utils.ValidationException(WRONG_STATUS_MSG % r.status_code) utils.CommandsValidator(r.content).payment_status() response = utils.parse_xml_to_dict(r.content) # print response return response['sessionState'] == const.PAYMENT_DONE, response
def create_payment(self, productName, variableSymbol, totalPriceInCents, paymentChannels=const.PAYMENT_METHODS): cmd = self._create_payment_cmd(productName, variableSymbol, totalPriceInCents, paymentChannels) payment_string = self.concat(utils.Concat.PAYMENT, cmd) cmd['encryptedSignature'] = self.crypt.encrypt(payment_string) cmd = utils.prefix_command_keys(cmd, const.PREFIX_CMD_PAYMENT) r =, data=cmd, verify=VERIFY_SSL) if r.status_code != 200: raise utils.ValidationException(WRONG_STATUS_MSG % r.status_code) utils.CommandsValidator(r.content).payment() response = utils.parse_xml_to_dict(r.content) # print response return response['paymentSessionId']
def _compute_direct_stream_sediment(net): # ref to seddirstream c++ function for the logic of this function """ Computes 'SedDir" and 'SpecSedDir' and appends these 2 fields to the stream network shapefile :param net: stream network shapefile :return: None """ driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(utils.GDALFileDriver.ShapeFile()) dataSource = driver.Open(net, 1) layer = dataSource.GetLayer() layerDefn = layer.GetLayerDefn() # put area in m^2 to km^2 by multiplying 10^6 and then put weight in kg to Mg by dividing 10^3 KG_PER_SQUARE_METER_TO_MG_PER_SQUARE_KM_FACTOR = 1000 try: # delete field "SedDir" if it exists fld_index = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('SedDir') if fld_index > 0: layer.DeleteField(fld_index) # delete "SpecSedDir" if it exists fld_index = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('SpecSedDir') if fld_index > 0: layer.DeleteField(fld_index) # check the following fields exist fld_index_sed_accum = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('SedAccum') fld_index_spec_sed = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('SpecSed') fld_index_link_no = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('LINKNO') fld_index_us_link_no1 = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('USLINKNO1') fld_index_us_link_no2 = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('USLINKNO2') fld_index_cont_area = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('DSContArea') if any(index == -1 for index in [ fld_index_sed_accum, fld_index_spec_sed, fld_index_link_no, fld_index_us_link_no1, fld_index_us_link_no2, fld_index_cont_area ]): raise Exception("Invalid stream network shapefile.") except Exception as ex: raise utils.ValidationException(ex.message) # add a new field (column) 'SedDir' to the attribute table layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('SedDir', ogr.OFTReal)) fld_index_sed_dir = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('SedDir') # add a new field (column) 'SpecSedDir' to the attribute table layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('SpecSedDir', ogr.OFTReal)) fld_index_spec_sed_dir = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex('SpecSedDir') # list objects to store shape file data links = [] up1_links = [] up2_links = [] sed_accums = [] ds_areas = [] # populate the list objects for feature in layer: links.append(feature.GetField(fld_index_link_no)) up1_links.append( feature.GetField(fld_index_us_link_no1) if feature.GetField(fld_index_us_link_no1) > 0 else 0) up2_links.append( feature.GetField(fld_index_us_link_no2) if feature.GetField(fld_index_us_link_no2) > 0 else 0) sed_accums.append(feature.GetField(fld_index_sed_accum)) ds_areas.append(feature.GetField(fld_index_cont_area)) list_index = 0 sac_dir = 0 dir_area = 0 link_sed_accum = 0 link_ds_area = 0 layer.ResetReading() for feature in layer: try: def _get_upstream_sed_accum_and_area(link_no, links, sed_accums, ds_areas): if link_no == 0: return 0, 0 for i in range(0, len(links)): if links[i] == link_no: return sed_accums[i], ds_areas[i] return 0, 0 link_sed_accum = 0 if up1_links[list_index] == 0 and up2_links[list_index] == 0: # get the sedaccum and dsarea for the link link_sed_accum = sed_accums[list_index] sac_dir = link_sed_accum dir_area = ds_areas[list_index] elif up1_links[list_index] == 0 and up2_links[list_index] > 0: # get the sedaccum and dsarea for the link link_sed_accum = sed_accums[list_index] link_ds_area = ds_areas[list_index] # get the sedaccum and dsarea for the link upstream 2 link_up2_sed_accum, link_up2_ds_area = _get_upstream_sed_accum_and_area( up2_links[list_index], links, sed_accums, ds_areas) sac_dir = link_sed_accum - link_up2_sed_accum dir_area = link_ds_area - link_up2_ds_area else: # get the sedaccum and dsarea for the link link_sed_accum = sed_accums[list_index] link_ds_area = ds_areas[list_index] # get the sedaccum and dsarea for the link upstream 1 link_up1_sed_accum, link_up1_ds_area = _get_upstream_sed_accum_and_area( up1_links[list_index], links, sed_accums, ds_areas) # get the sedaccum and dsarea for the link upstream 2 link_up2_sed_accum, link_up2_ds_area = _get_upstream_sed_accum_and_area( up2_links[list_index], links, sed_accums, ds_areas) sac_dir = link_sed_accum - link_up1_sed_accum - link_up2_sed_accum dir_area = link_ds_area - link_up1_ds_area - link_up2_ds_area # due to rounding any dir sed accum that is too small, set those to zero if abs(sac_dir) < link_sed_accum * pow(10, -6): sac_dir = 0 # write dir sed accum to stream network shapefile feature.SetField(fld_index_sed_dir, sac_dir) specific_sed_accum = ( sac_dir / dir_area) * KG_PER_SQUARE_METER_TO_MG_PER_SQUARE_KM_FACTOR # write specific dir sed accum to stream network shapefile feature.SetField(fld_index_spec_sed_dir, specific_sed_accum) # rewrite the feature to the layer - this will in fact save the data to the file layer.SetFeature(feature) list_index += 1 #_show_progress() except: dataSource.Destroy() raise # close datasource dataSource.Destroy()