def get_action(self, obs_dict, step_cnt): """ get actions :param detector_obs_list: :param fighter_obs_list: :param joint_obs_dict: :param step_cnt: :return: """ detector_action = [] fighter_action = [] for y in range(self.fighter_num): tmp_course = obs_dict['fighter'][y]['course'] # (1, ) tmp_pos = obs_dict['fighter'][y]['pos'] # (2, ) tmp_r_visible_pos = obs_dict['fighter'][y][ 'r_visible_pos'] # (10, 2) tmp_l_missile = obs_dict['fighter'][y]['l_missile'] # rule use tmp_s_missile = obs_dict['fighter'][y]['s_missile'] # rule use tmp_j_visible_fp = obs_dict['fighter'][y][ 'j_visible_fp'] # rule use tmp_j_visible_dir = obs_dict['fighter'][y][ 'j_visible_dir'] # (10, 1) tmp_g_visible_pos = obs_dict['fighter'][y][ 'g_visible_pos'] # (10, 2) # rule use tmp_striking_id = obs_dict['fighter'][y]['striking_id'] # (10, 1) # model obs change, 归一化 course = tmp_course / 359. pos = tmp_pos / self.size_x r_visible_pos = tmp_r_visible_pos.reshape( 1, -1)[0] / self.size_x # (20,) j_visible_dir = tmp_j_visible_dir.reshape(1, -1)[0] / 359 # (10,) striking_id = tmp_striking_id.reshape(1, -1)[0] / 1 obs = np.concatenate( (course, pos, r_visible_pos, j_visible_dir, striking_id), axis=0) logger.debug('obs: {}'.format(obs)) true_action = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0], dtype=np.int32) if obs_dict['fighter'][y]['alive']: # rule policy true_action = fighter_rule(tmp_course, tmp_pos, tmp_l_missile, tmp_s_missile, tmp_r_visible_pos, tmp_j_visible_dir, tmp_j_visible_fp, tmp_g_visible_pos, step_cnt) logger.debug('true action rule out: {}'.format(true_action)) # model policy if not any([any(r_visible_pos >= 0), any(j_visible_dir >= 0)]): tmp_action = self.maddpg.select_action(y, obs) logger.debug('tmp action: {}'.format(tmp_action)) # 添加动作, 将动作转换为偏角 tmp_action_i = np.argmax(tmp_action)'tmp action i: {}'.format(tmp_action_i)) true_action[0] = action2direction(true_action[0], tmp_action_i, ACTION_NUM)'true action: {}'.format(true_action)) fighter_action.append(true_action) fighter_action = np.array(fighter_action) return detector_action, fighter_action
def get_action(self, obs_dict, step_cnt): """ get actions :param detector_obs_list: :param fighter_obs_list: :param joint_obs_dict: :param step_cnt: :return: # 在观测列表中选第一个目标时为id最小目标(与之前优先选择先观测到的目标不同) """ red_obs_dict_fighter = obs_dict['fighter'] detector_action = [] fighter_action = [] for y in range(self.fighter_num): tmp_course = red_obs_dict_fighter[y]['course'] # (1, ) tmp_pos = red_obs_dict_fighter[y]['pos'] # (2, ) tmp_l_missile = red_obs_dict_fighter[y]['l_missile'] # (1, ) tmp_s_missile = red_obs_dict_fighter[y]['s_missile'] # (1, ) tmp_r_visible_pos = red_obs_dict_fighter[y][ 'r_visible_pos'] # (10, 2) tmp_j_visible_dir = red_obs_dict_fighter[y][ 'j_visible_dir'] # (10, 1) tmp_j_visible_fp = red_obs_dict_fighter[y][ 'j_visible_fp'] # (10, 1) tmp_striking_list = red_obs_dict_fighter[y][ 'striking_id'] # (10, 1) tmp_g_visible_pos = red_obs_dict_fighter[y][ 'g_visible_pos'] # (10, 2) course = tmp_course / 359. # (1, 1) pos = tmp_pos / 1000 # (1, 2) r_visible_pos = tmp_r_visible_pos.reshape(1, -1)[0] / 1000 # (1, 20) j_visible_dir = tmp_j_visible_dir.reshape(1, -1)[0] / 359. # (1, 10) g_visible_pos = tmp_g_visible_pos.reshape(1, -1)[0] / 1000 # striking_list = tmp_striking_list.reshape(1, -1)[0] # (1, 10) tmp_r_visible_pos = tmp_r_visible_pos.transpose(1, 0) # (2,10) tmp_j_visible_dir = tmp_j_visible_dir.transpose(1, 0) # (1,10) tmp_j_visible_fp = tmp_j_visible_fp.transpose(1, 0) # (1,10) # tmp_striking_list = tmp_striking_list.transpose(1, 0) # (1,10) tmp_g_visible_pos = tmp_g_visible_pos.transpose(1, 0) # (2,10) obs = np.concatenate((course, pos, r_visible_pos, j_visible_dir, g_visible_pos, striking_list), axis=0) # # 判断是否战斗单元侦测到可攻击的对象 farr = np.where( tmp_r_visible_pos[0] >= 0) # 主动观测列表 farr = [id, id'] farr1 = np.where(tmp_g_visible_pos[0] >= 0) # 全局观测列表 farr2 = np.where(tmp_j_visible_dir[0] >= 0) # 被动观测列表 farr_strike = np.where(tmp_striking_list > 0) if not red_obs_dict_fighter[y]['alive']: true_action = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.int32) else: true_action = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.int32) true_action[0] = tmp_course # 固定航向 if tmp_l_missile[0] == 0 and tmp_s_missile[0] > 0: # 雷达观测到有敌人 if len(farr[0]) > 0: logger.debug('雷达观测到敌人............') print('farr[0]', farr[0]) # logger.wait() id_ = random.choice(farr[0]) fightpos = [ tmp_r_visible_pos[0][id_], tmp_r_visible_pos[1][id_] ] print('fightpos', fightpos) # ........ceshi action_id = id_ + 1 # id为索引号+1 true_action[0] = getarc360( int( math.atan2(fightpos[1] - tmp_pos[1], fightpos[0] - tmp_pos[0]) * 180 / math.pi)) # true_action[2] = 1 # if get_distance(fightpos[0], fightpos[1], tmp_pos[0], tmp_pos[1]) > 40: # if step_cnt % 5 == 0: if get_distance(fightpos[0], fightpos[1], tmp_pos[0], tmp_pos[1]) <= 50: # todo 加攻击距离 true_action[3] = action_id + 10 # ------------------------------- # if len(farr_strike[0]) > 0: # true_action[0] = true_action[0] + 6 # logger.wait() # step = step_cnt # step += 1 # 战机被动观测列表观测到敌人 elif len(farr2[0]) > 0: logger.debug('len(farr2[0]: {}'.format(len(farr2[0]))) logger.debug('被动观测列表敌人频点............') print(y + 1, 'sj_farr2[0]', farr2[0]) id_ = random.choice(farr2[0]) print(y + 1, 'sj_id_', id_) action_id = id_ + 1 # print('true_action[0]', true_action[0]) # logger.wait() print(y + 1, 'true_action[2]', true_action[2]) # logger.wait() # if step % 5 == 0: # if id_ in farr[0]: true_action[0] = tmp_j_visible_dir[0][id_] # todo # true_action[3] = action_id + 10 # todo # if len(farr2[0]) > 1: # true_action[2] = 11 # else: true_action[2] = tmp_j_visible_fp[0][id_] # ------------------------------- # if len(farr_strike[0]) > 0: # true_action[0] = true_action[0] + 6 # logger.wait() # step += 1 # joint全局列表被动观测到有敌人 elif len(farr1[0]) > 0: logger.debug('joint列表被动观测到有敌人............') id_ = random.choice(farr1[0]) fightpos = [ tmp_g_visible_pos[0][id_], tmp_g_visible_pos[1][id_] ] action_id = id_ + 1 true_action[0] = getarc360( int( math.atan2(fightpos[1] - tmp_pos[1], fightpos[0] - tmp_pos[0]) * 180 / math.pi)) if get_distance(fightpos[0], fightpos[1], tmp_pos[0], tmp_pos[1]) <= 50: # todo 加攻击距离 true_action[3] = action_id + 10 # if len(farr_strike[0]) > 0: # true_action[0] = true_action[0] + 6 # logger.wait() else: logger.debug('没有探测到敌人............') # tmp_course[0] = int(tmp_course[0]) # if tmp_pos[0] == 0: # if tmp_pos[1] == 0 or tmp_pos[1] == 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(180 - tmp_course[0])) # else: # true_action[0] = tmp_course[0] - 250 if tmp_course > 270 else tmp_course[0] - 110 # todo # elif tmp_pos[0] == 1000: # if tmp_pos[1] == 0 or tmp_pos[1] == 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(180 - tmp_course[0])) # else: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 110)) if tmp_course < 90 else getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 250)) # todo # elif tmp_pos[1] == 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 110)) if tmp_course < 180 else getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 250)) # todo # elif tmp_pos[1] == 1000 and tmp_pos[0] != 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 250)) if tmp_course < 180 else getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 110)) logger.debug('.............没有探测到敌人............') if tmp_pos[0] == 1000: true_action[0] = 180 elif tmp_pos[0] == 0: true_action[0] = 0 else: true_action[0] = tmp_course[0] if tmp_pos[1] == 0: true_action[0] = 90 if tmp_pos[1] == 1000: true_action[0] = 270 elif tmp_l_missile[0] > 0: if len(farr[0]) > 0: id_ = random.choice(farr[0]) fightpos = [ tmp_r_visible_pos[0][id_], tmp_r_visible_pos[1][id_] ] # true_action[0] = getarc360( # int(math.atan2(fightpos[1] - tmp_pos[1], fightpos[0] - tmp_pos[0]) * 180 / math.pi)) if get_distance(fightpos[0], fightpos[1], tmp_pos[0], tmp_pos[1]) <= 120: # todo 加攻击距离 true_action[3] = id_ + 1 logger.debug('雷达发现敌人长导弹打击: {}'.format(true_action[3])) # if len(farr_strike[0]) > 0: # true_action[0] = true_action[0] + 6 # logger.wait() elif len(farr2[0]) > 0: # print('...............farr2[0]', farr2[0]) # logger.wait() id_ = random.choice(farr2[0]) # logger.wait() # if id_ in farr[0]: true_action[0] = tmp_j_visible_dir[0][id_] # todo # true_action[3] = id_ + 1 # todo print('true_action[3]', true_action[3]) # if len(farr2[0]) > 1: # todo # true_action[2] = 11 # else: true_action[2] = tmp_j_visible_fp[0][id_] print(y + 1, '-------true_action[2]', true_action[2]) # if len(farr_strike[0]) > 0: # true_action[0] = true_action[0] + 6 # logger.wait() # logger.wait() logger.debug('被动观测发现敌人长导弹打击: {}'.format( true_action[3])) elif len(farr1[0]) > 0: id_ = random.choice(farr1[0]) fightpos = [ tmp_g_visible_pos[0][id_], tmp_g_visible_pos[1][id_] ] # true_action[0] = getarc360( # int(math.atan2(fightpos[1] - tmp_pos[1], fightpos[0] - tmp_pos[0]) * 180 / math.pi)) if get_distance(fightpos[0], fightpos[1], tmp_pos[0], tmp_pos[1]) <= 120: # todo 加攻击距离 true_action[3] = id_ + 1 logger.debug('全局被动发现敌人长导弹打击: {}'.format( true_action[3])) # if len(farr_strike[0]) > 0: # true_action[0] = true_action[0] + 6 # logger.wait() else: logger.debug('.............没有探测到敌人............') if tmp_pos[0] == 1000: true_action[0] = 180 elif tmp_pos[0] == 0: true_action[0] = 0 else: true_action[0] = tmp_course[0] if tmp_pos[1] == 0: true_action[0] = 90 if tmp_pos[1] == 1000: true_action[0] = 270 # tmp_course[0] = int(tmp_course[0]) # if tmp_pos[0] == 0: # if tmp_pos[1] == 0 or tmp_pos[1] == 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(180 - tmp_course[0])) # else: # true_action[0] = tmp_course[0] - 250 if tmp_course > 270 else tmp_course[ # 0] - 110 # todo # elif tmp_pos[0] == 1000: # if tmp_pos[1] == 0 or tmp_pos[1] == 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(180 - tmp_course[0])) # else: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 110)) if tmp_course < 90 else getarc360( # int(tmp_course[0] - 250)) # todo # elif tmp_pos[1] == 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 110)) if tmp_course < 180 else getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 250)) # todo # elif tmp_pos[1] == 1000 and tmp_pos[0] != 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 1000: # true_action[0] = getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 250)) if tmp_course < 180 else getarc360(int(tmp_course[0] - 110)) elif tmp_l_missile[0] == 0 and tmp_s_missile[0] == 0: true_action[1] = 0 if len(farr1[0]) > 0: id_ = random.choice(farr1[0]) fightpos = [ tmp_g_visible_pos[0][id_], tmp_g_visible_pos[1][id_] ] e_course = getarc360( int( math.atan2(fightpos[1] - tmp_pos[1], fightpos[0] - tmp_pos[0]) * 180 / math.pi)) true_action[0] = getarc360(180 - e_course) elif len(farr2[0]) > 0: id_ = random.choice(farr2[0]) true_action[0] = getarc360(180 - tmp_j_visible_dir[0][id_]) true_action[2] = tmp_j_visible_fp[0][id_] else: if tmp_pos[0] == 0: if tmp_pos[1] == 0: true_action[ 0] = 90 if 45 < tmp_course < 225 else 0 elif tmp_pos[1] == 1000: true_action[ 0] = 270 if 135 < tmp_course < 315 else 0 else: true_action[ 0] = 270 if tmp_course > 180 else 90 elif tmp_pos[0] == 1000: if tmp_pos[1] == 0: true_action[ 0] = 180 if 135 < tmp_course < 315 else 90 elif tmp_pos[1] == 1000: true_action[ 0] = 180 if 45 < tmp_course < 225 else 270 else: true_action[ 0] = 270 if tmp_course > 180 else 90 elif tmp_pos[1] == 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 0 and tmp_pos[ 0] != 1000: true_action[0] = 0 if tmp_course > 270 else 180 elif tmp_pos[1] == 1000 and tmp_pos[ 0] != 0 and tmp_pos[0] != 1000: true_action[0] = 0 if tmp_course < 90 else 180 if step_cnt == 1: arc_center = getarc360( int( math.atan2(500 - tmp_pos[1], 500 - tmp_pos[0]) * 180 / math.pi)) if 90 < arc_center < 270: true_action[0] = 180 else: true_action[0] = 0 # 添加动作action[0] if step_cnt > STEP_BEFORE_TRAIN and (len(farr[0]) <= 0 and len(farr1[0]) <= 0 and len(farr2[0]) <= 0): tmp_action = self.fighter_model.choose_action(obs) # if len(farr_strike[0]) <= 0: # if len(farr2[0]) > 0: true_action[0] = action2direction(true_action[0], tmp_action, ACTION_NUM) # print(y+1, '偏角', tmp_action) fighter_action.append(copy.deepcopy(true_action)) # print("fighter_action", fighter_action) # logger.debug() fighter_action = np.array(fighter_action) # print("fighter_action", fighter_action) # logger.debug() return detector_action, fighter_action
any(r_visible_pos >= 0), any(j_visible_dir >= 0) ]): tmp_action = np.array( [0. for _ in range(ACTION_NUM)], dtype=np.float32) tmp_action[0] = 1. else: tmp_action = maddpg.select_action(y, obs) tmp_action_i = np.random.choice( tmp_action.shape[0], p=tmp_action.ravel()) # 根据概率选动作 # tmp_action_i = np.argmax(tmp_action) logger.debug( 'tmp action i: {}'.format(tmp_action_i)) true_action[0] = action2direction( true_action[0], tmp_action_i, ACTION_NUM) logger.debug('tmp action: {}'.format(tmp_action)) action_list.append(tmp_action) logger.debug('true action: {}'.format(true_action)) fighter_action.append(true_action) # env step'agent0 true action: {}'.format( fighter_action[0])) # test red_fighter_action = np.array(fighter_action[:10]) blue_fighter_action = np.array(fighter_action[10:]) env.step(red_detector_action, red_fighter_action, blue_detector_action, blue_fighter_action) # get reward