예제 #1
def find_min_xmx(options, args):
    # Args will be destroyed
    assert len(args) == 0
    # If we can run in 128 MB then we are good (which we can for small examples
    # or D8 on medium sized examples)
    if options.find_min_xmx_min_memory:
        not_working = options.find_min_xmx_min_memory
    elif options.compiler == 'd8':
        not_working = 128
        not_working = 1024
    if options.find_min_xmx_max_memory:
        working = options.find_min_xmx_max_memory
        working = 1024 * 8
    exit_code = 0
    range = int(options.find_min_xmx_range_size)
    while working - not_working > range:
        next_candidate = int(working - ((working - not_working) / 2))
        print('working: %s, non_working: %s, next_candidate: %s' %
              (working, not_working, next_candidate))
        extra_args = ['-Xmx%sM' % next_candidate]
        t0 = time.time()
        exit_code = run_with_options(options, [], extra_args)
        t1 = time.time()
        print('Running took: %s ms' % (1000.0 * (t1 - t0)))
        if exit_code != 0:
            if exit_code not in [OOM_EXIT_CODE, TIMEOUT_KILL_CODE]:
                print('Non OOM/Timeout error executing, exiting')
                return 2
        if exit_code == 0:
            working = next_candidate
        elif exit_code == TIMEOUT_KILL_CODE:
            print('Timeout. Continue to the next candidate.')
            not_working = next_candidate
            assert exit_code == OOM_EXIT_CODE
            not_working = next_candidate

    assert working - not_working <= range
    found_range = 'Found range: %s - %s' % (not_working, working)

    if options.find_min_xmx_archive:
        sha = utils.get_HEAD_sha1()
        (version, _) = get_version_and_data(options)
        destination = os.path.join(utils.R8_TEST_RESULTS_BUCKET,
                                   FIND_MIN_XMX_DIR, sha, options.compiler,
                                   options.compiler_build, options.app,
                                   version, get_type(options))
        gs_destination = 'gs://%s' % destination
        utils.archive_value(FIND_MIN_XMX_FILE, gs_destination,
                            found_range + '\n')

    return 0
예제 #2
파일: internal_test.py 프로젝트: Lanchon/r8
def archive_log(stdout, stderr, exitcode, timed_out, cmd):
  sha = utils.get_HEAD_sha1()
  cmd_dir = cmd.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_')
  destination = os.path.join(get_sha_destination(sha), cmd_dir)
  gs_destination = 'gs://%s' % destination
  url = 'https://storage.cloud.google.com/%s' % destination
  log('Archiving logs to: %s' % gs_destination)
  utils.archive_value(EXITCODE, gs_destination, exitcode)
  utils.archive_value(TIMED_OUT, gs_destination, timed_out)
  utils.archive_file(STDOUT, gs_destination, stdout)
  utils.archive_file(STDERR, gs_destination, stderr)
  log('Logs available at: %s' % url)
예제 #3
파일: internal_test.py 프로젝트: Lanchon/r8
def put_magic_file(name, sha):
  utils.archive_value(name, get_magic_file_base_path(), sha)
예제 #4
파일: internal_test.py 프로젝트: Lanchon/r8
def archive_status(failed):
  gs_destination = 'gs://%s' % get_sha_destination(utils.get_HEAD_sha1())
  utils.archive_value('status', gs_destination, failed)