def train_one_epoch(sess, n_epoch, saver): epoch_loss = utils.AverageMeter() np.random.shuffle(trainPerm) for i in range(trainPerm.shape[0] // batch_size): batchTrain = np.zeros( [batch_size, patch_size, patch_size, NUM_BANDS_IN], dtype=np.float32) batchTarget = np.zeros([batch_size, patch_size, patch_size, 1], dtype=np.float32) for j in range(batch_size): id_n = trainPerm[i * batch_size + j] // num_patches residual = trainPerm[i * batch_size + j] % num_patches id_x = patch_stride * (residual % num_patches_x) id_y = patch_stride * (residual // num_patches_x) image = trainData[id_n][id_x:id_x + patch_size, id_y:id_y + patch_size, :] augmentationType = np.random.randint(0, 6) batchTrain[j] = utils.augmentation(image, augmentationType) image = trainTarget[id_n][id_x:id_x + patch_size, id_y:id_y + patch_size, :] batchTarget[j] = utils.augmentation(image, augmentationType) _, batchLoss, g_step, curr_lr = [train_op, loss, global_steps, curr_lr_op], feed_dict={ phTrainInput: batchTrain, phTrainTarget: batchTarget }) epoch_loss.update(batchLoss) total_loss = epoch_loss.avg, str(ckpt_dir / f'{model_name}-{n_epoch}.ckpt')) return total_loss, curr_lr
def val_one_epoch(sess, n_epoch, saver, best_acc): epoch_loss = utils.AverageMeter() for i in range(valPerm.shape[0] // batch_size): batchTrain = np.zeros( [batch_size, patch_size, patch_size, NUM_BANDS_IN], dtype=np.float32) batchTarget = np.zeros([batch_size, patch_size, patch_size, 1], dtype=np.float32) for j in range(batch_size): id_n = valPerm[i * batch_size + j] // num_patches residual = valPerm[i * batch_size + j] % num_patches id_x = patch_stride * (residual % num_patches_x) id_y = patch_stride * (residual // num_patches_x) image = trainData[id_n][id_x:id_x + patch_size, id_y:id_y + patch_size, :] augmentationType = np.random.randint(0, 6) batchTrain[j] = utils.augmentation(image, augmentationType) image = trainTarget[id_n][id_x:id_x + patch_size, id_y:id_y + patch_size, :] batchTarget[j] = utils.augmentation(image, augmentationType) batchLoss =, feed_dict={ phTrainInput: batchTrain, phTrainTarget: batchTarget }) epoch_loss.update(batchLoss) total_loss = epoch_loss.avg if total_loss <= best_acc: best_acc = total_loss, str(best_ckpt_file)) return total_loss, best_acc
def processor(sample): data, labels, training = sample data = augmentation(process(data)) labels = torch.LongTensor(labels) labels = torch.sparse.torch.eye(num_classes).index_select(dim=0, index=labels) data = Variable(data).cuda() classes = F.softmax(model(data).cuda(), dim=1) labels = Variable(labels, requires_grad=False).cuda() loss = capsule_loss(classes, labels) return loss, classes
def __data_generation(self, index): 'Generates data containing batch_size samples' # X : (n_samples, *dims. n_channels) # Generate data & Store sample # Assign probablity and parameters #import code; code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals())) rand_p = random.random() # X_img #X_whole = Image.fromarray(np.load(list(self.total_images_dic.keys())[index])).resize((header.resize, header.resize)) #X_whole = np.asarray(X_whole) #X_whole_mask = Image.fromarray(np.load(list(self.total_images_dic.keys())[index].split('.image.npy')[0] + '.mask.npy')).resize(( # header.resize, header.resize)) #X_whole_mask = np.round(np.asarray(X_whole_mask)) X_masked = np.load(list(self.total_images_dic.keys())[index])['image'] h_whole = X_masked.shape[0] # original w w_whole = X_masked.shape[1] # original h non_zero_list = np.nonzero(X_masked) non_zero_row = random.choice( non_zero_list[0]) # random non-zero row index non_zero_col = random.choice( non_zero_list[1]) # random non-zero col index X_patch = X_masked[ int(max(0, non_zero_row - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(h_whole, non_zero_row + (header.img_size / 2))), int(max(0, non_zero_col - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(w_whole, non_zero_col + (header.img_size / 2)))] X_patch_img = self.data_transforms( augmentation(Image.fromarray(X_patch), rand_p=rand_p, mode=self.mode)) X_patch_img_ = np.squeeze(np.asarray(X_patch_img)) X_patch_1 = np.expand_dims(X_patch_img_, axis=0) X_patch_2 = np.expand_dims(X_patch_img_, axis=0) X_patch_3 = np.expand_dims(X_patch_img_, axis=0) X_ = np.concatenate((X_patch_1, X_patch_2, X_patch_3), axis=0) X = torch.from_numpy(X_) # Store classes y = list(self.total_images_dic.values())[index] return X, y
def processor(sample): data, labels, training = sample data = augmentation(process(data)) labels = torch.LongTensor(labels) labels = torch.sparse.torch.eye(num_classes).index_select(dim=0, index=labels) data = Variable(data).cuda() labels = Variable(labels).cuda() if training: classes, reconstruction = model(data, labels) else: classes, reconstruction = model(data) loss = capsule_loss(data, labels, classes, reconstruction) return loss, classes
def community_detection(graph, null_samples, num_samples=20, small_criterion=4): augmented_g = augmentation(graph) communities = get_partition(augmented_g) graph = compute_first_density(graph, communities) graph = compute_second_density(graph, communities) graph = compute_third_density(graph, communities, null_samples[:num_samples]) graph = small_community_feature(graph, communities, small_criterion) graph = compute_first_strength(graph, communities) graph = compute_second_strength(graph, communities) return graph
def __getitem__(self, index): #open image and label img =[index]) label =[index]).convert("RGB") #resize image and label, then crop them scale = random.choice(self.scale) scale = (int(self.shape[0] * scale), int(self.shape[1] * scale)) seed = random.random() img = transforms.Resize(scale, Image.BILINEAR)(img) img = RandomCrop(self.shape, seed, pad_if_needed=True)(img) img = np.array(img) label = transforms.Resize(scale, Image.NEAREST)(label) label = RandomCrop(self.shape, seed, pad_if_needed=True)(label) label = np.array(label) #translete to CamVid color palette label = self.__toCamVid(label) #apply augmentation img, label = augmentation(img, label) if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: img = augmentation_pixel(img) img = Image.fromarray(img) img = self.to_tensor(img).float() #computing losses if self.loss == 'dice': # label -> [num_classes, H, W] label = one_hot_it_v11_dice(label, self.label_info).astype(np.uint8) label = np.transpose(label, [2, 0, 1]).astype(np.float32) label = torch.from_numpy(label) return img, label elif self.loss == 'crossentropy': label = one_hot_it_v11(label, self.label_info).astype(np.uint8) label = torch.from_numpy(label).long() return img, label
def processor(sample): data, labels, training = sample data = utils.augmentation(data.unsqueeze(1).float() / 255.0) labels = torch.eye(config.NUM_CLASSES).index_select(dim=0, index=labels) data = Variable(data) labels = Variable(labels) if torch.cuda.is_available(): data = data.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() if training: classes, reconstructions = model(data, labels) else: classes, reconstructions = model(data) loss = capsule_loss(data, labels, classes, reconstructions) return loss, classes
def _train_forward(x): if self.args.aug: return utils.augmentation(x, self.model, self.args.upscale) else: return self.model(x)
def main(): # Initialize the model for this run model_ft, input_size = initialize_model(model_name, num_classes, feature_extract, use_pretrained=True) # Temporary header # directory - normal, bacteria, TB, COVID-19, virus dir_test = '/home/ubuntu/segmentation/output/COVID-19/' label = 3 # set 3 for COVID-19 for virus class # Data loader test_masked_images = sorted(glob.glob(dir_test + '*.npz')) #test_masks = sorted(glob.glob(dir_test + '*.mask.npy')) for masked_img in test_masked_images: test_masked_img = np.load(masked_img) #test_mask = np.load(mask) test_masked_img = Image.fromarray(test_masked_img).resize((1024, 1024)) #test_mask = Image.fromarray(test_mask).resize((1024,1024)) #test_img = np.asarray(test_img) #test_mask = np.round(np.asarray(test_mask)) #test_masked = np.multiply(test_img, test_mask) test_normalized = test_masked_img h_whole = test_normalized.shape[0] # original w w_whole = test_normalized.shape[1] # original h background = np.zeros((h_whole, w_whole)) background_indicer = np.zeros((h_whole, w_whole)) sum_prob_wt = 0.0 for i in range(header.repeat): non_zero_list = np.nonzero(test_normalized) random_index = random.randint(0, len(non_zero_list[0]) - 1) non_zero_row = non_zero_list[0][ random_index] # random non-zero row index non_zero_col = non_zero_list[1][ random_index] # random non-zero col index X_patch = test_normalized[ int(max(0, non_zero_row - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(h_whole, non_zero_row + (header.img_size / 2))), int(max(0, non_zero_col - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(w_whole, non_zero_col + (header.img_size / 2)))] X_patch_img = data_transforms( augmentation(Image.fromarray(X_patch), rand_p=0.0, mode='test')) X_patch_img_ = np.squeeze(np.asarray(X_patch_img)) X_patch_1 = np.expand_dims(X_patch_img_, axis=0) X_patch_2 = np.expand_dims(X_patch_img_, axis=0) X_patch_3 = np.expand_dims(X_patch_img_, axis=0) X_ = np.concatenate((X_patch_1, X_patch_2, X_patch_3), axis=0) X_ = np.expand_dims(X_, axis=0) X = torch.from_numpy(X_) X = checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join(header.save_dir, str(header.inference_epoch) + '.pth')) model_ft.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) model_ft.eval() outputs = model_ft(X) outputs_prob = F.softmax(outputs) prob = outputs_prob[0][label] prob_wt = prob.detach().cpu().numpy() gradcam = GradCAM.from_config(model_type='resnet', arch=model_ft, layer_name='layer4') mask, logit = gradcam(X, class_idx=label) mask_np = np.squeeze(mask.detach().cpu().numpy()) indicer = np.ones((224, 224)) mask_np = np.asarray( cv2.resize( mask_np, dsize=( int(min(w_whole, non_zero_col + (header.img_size / 2))) - int(max(0, non_zero_col - (header.img_size / 2))), int(min(h_whole, non_zero_row + (header.img_size / 2))) - int(max(0, non_zero_row - (header.img_size / 2)))))) indicer = np.asarray( cv2.resize( indicer, dsize=( int(min(w_whole, non_zero_col + (header.img_size / 2))) - int(max(0, non_zero_col - (header.img_size / 2))), int(min(h_whole, non_zero_row + (header.img_size / 2))) - int(max(0, non_zero_row - (header.img_size / 2)))))) mask_add = np.zeros((1024, 1024)) mask_add[ int(max(0, non_zero_row - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(h_whole, non_zero_row + (header.img_size / 2))), int(max(0, non_zero_col - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(w_whole, non_zero_col + (header.img_size / 2)))] = mask_np mask_add = mask_add * prob_wt indicer_add = np.zeros((1024, 1024)) indicer_add[ int(max(0, non_zero_row - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(h_whole, non_zero_row + (header.img_size / 2))), int(max(0, non_zero_col - (header.img_size / 2)) ):int(min(w_whole, non_zero_col + (header.img_size / 2)))] = indicer indicer_add = indicer_add background = background + mask_add background_indicer = background_indicer + indicer_add # number in this indicer means how many time the area included. sum_prob_wt = sum_prob_wt + prob_wt final_mask = np.divide(background, background_indicer + 1e-7) final_mask = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(final_mask, axis=0), axis=0) torch_final_mask = torch.from_numpy(final_mask) test_img = np.asarray(Image.fromarray(test_img).resize((1024, 1024))) test_img = (test_img - test_img.min()) / test_img.max() test_img = np.expand_dims(test_img, axis=0) test_img = np.concatenate((test_img, test_img, test_img), axis=0) torch_final_img = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(test_img, axis=0)) final_cam, cam_result = visualize_cam(torch_final_mask, torch_final_img) final_cam = (final_cam - final_cam.min()) / final_cam.max() final_cam_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(np.asarray(final_cam), 0, 2), 0, 1) test_img_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(test_img, 0, 2), 0, 1) final_combined = test_img_np + final_cam_np final_combined = (final_combined - final_combined.min()) / final_combined.max() plt.imshow(final_combined) plt.savefig( test_masked_img.split('.image.npy')[0] + '.patch.heatmap_' + '.png')
def update_core(self): cuda.Device(self.device).use() xp = self.model.xp if not self.source_only: # autoencoder training loss_rec_data = 0 n_batch = 0 total_batches = len(self.t_iter.dataset) / self.t_iter.batch_size for t_batch in self.t_iter: t_batch_augmented = [augmentation(data) for data in t_batch] t_imgs_copy, _ = self.converter(t_batch, self.device) t_imgs, _ = self.converter(t_batch_augmented, self.device) # whether to use denoising autoencoder if self.noise == 'impulse': t_imgs = get_impulse_noise(t_imgs, 0.5) elif self.noise == 'gaussian': t_imgs = get_gaussian_noise(t_imgs, 0.5) elif self.noise == 'no_noise': pass else: raise NotImplementedError t_encoding = self.model.encode(t_imgs) t_decoding = self.model.decode(t_encoding) loss_rec = F.mean_squared_error(t_decoding, t_imgs_copy) for opt in self.optimizers.values(): loss_rec.backward() for opt in self.optimizers.values(): opt.update() loss_rec_data += n_batch += 1 if n_batch >= total_batches: break loss_rec_data /= n_batch # encoder and classifier training loss_cla_s_data = 0 acc_s_data = 0 n_batch = 0 total_batches = len(self.s_iter.dataset) / self.s_iter.batch_size for s_batch in self.s_iter: s_batch_augmented = [augmentation(data) for data in s_batch] s_imgs, s_labels = self.converter(s_batch_augmented, self.device) s_encoding = self.model.encode(s_imgs) s_logits = self.model.classify(s_encoding) loss_cla_s = F.softmax_cross_entropy(s_logits, s_labels) acc_s = F.accuracy(s_logits, s_labels) for opt in self.optimizers.values(): loss_cla_s.backward() for opt in self.optimizers.values(): opt.update() n_batch += 1 loss_cla_s_data += acc_s_data += if n_batch >= total_batches: break loss_cla_s_data /= n_batch acc_s_data /= n_batch{'acc_s': acc_s_data}){'loss_cla_s': loss_cla_s_data}) if not self.source_only:{'loss_rec': loss_rec_data})
def __getitem__(self, index): # load image and crop seed = random.random() img =[index]) # random crop image # ===================================== # w,h = img.size # th, tw = self.scale # i = random.randint(0, h - th) # j = random.randint(0, w - tw) # img = F.crop(img, i, j, th, tw) # ===================================== scale = random.choice(self.scale) scale = (int(self.image_size[0] * scale), int(self.image_size[1] * scale)) # randomly resize image and random crop # ===================================== if self.mode == 'train': img = transforms.Resize(scale, Image.BILINEAR)(img) img = RandomCrop(self.image_size, seed, pad_if_needed=True)(img) # ===================================== img = np.array(img) # load label label =[index]) # crop the corresponding label # ===================================== # label = F.crop(label, i, j, th, tw) # ===================================== # randomly resize label and random crop # ===================================== if self.mode == 'train': label = transforms.Resize(scale, Image.NEAREST)(label) label = RandomCrop(self.image_size, seed, pad_if_needed=True)(label) # ===================================== label = np.array(label) # augment image and label if self.mode == 'train': # set a probability of 0.5 img, label = augmentation(img, label) # augment pixel image if self.mode == 'train': # set a probability of 0.5 if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: img = augmentation_pixel(img) # image -> [C, H, W] img = Image.fromarray(img) img = self.to_tensor(img).float() if self.loss == 'dice': # label -> [num_classes, H, W] label = one_hot_it_v11_dice(label, self.label_info).astype(np.uint8) label = np.transpose(label, [2, 0, 1]).astype(np.float32) # label = label.astype(np.float32) label = torch.from_numpy(label) return img, label elif self.loss == 'crossentropy': label = one_hot_it_v11(label, self.label_info).astype(np.uint8) # label = label.astype(np.float32) label = torch.from_numpy(label).long() return img, label
np.random.shuffle(pos_train) np.random.shuffle(neg_train) if not config.data_balance == 0: neg_train = neg_train[np.random.choice( len(neg_train), int(len(pos_train) * config.data_balance))] print('\nPos: {} Neg: {}\n'.format(len(pos_train), len(neg_train))) x_train = np.concatenate((pos_train, neg_train), axis=0) y_train = np.hstack((np.ones(len(pos_train)), np.zeros(len(neg_train)))) # shuffle and augmentation x_train, y_train = random_shuffle(x_train, y_train) x_train = augmentation(x_train) # Test Data pos_test = generate_from_file_list([config.pos_test]) neg_test = generate_from_file_list([config.neg_test]) pos_y = np.ones(len(pos_test)) neg_y = np.zeros(len(neg_test)) print('\nReading Data Done.\n') # Train # Load Model print('\nTrainging Begin\n') print('Loading Model...') pad = config.pad