def widget(self, frame) -> ttk.Entry: """Create the special textbox used to open the selector window. Use like 'selWin.widget(parent).grid(row=0, column=1)' to create and place the textbox. """ self.display = tk_tools.ReadOnlyEntry( frame, textvariable=self.disp_label, cursor=utils.CURSORS['regular'], ) utils.bind_leftclick( self.display, self.open_win, ) self.display.bind("<Key>", self.set_disp) utils.bind_rightclick( self.display, self.open_context, ) self.disp_btn = ttk.Button( self.display, text="...", width=1.5, command=self.open_win, ) self.disp_btn.pack(side=RIGHT) add_tooltip(self.display, self.description, show_when_disabled=True) return self.display
def __init__( self, man: Manager, parent: tkinter.Misc, is_source: bool, label: str, ) -> None: """Internal only, use Manager.slot().""" = man self.is_source = is_source self._contents = None self._pos_type = None self._lbl = tkinter.Label( parent, image=man._img_blank, ) utils.bind_leftclick(self._lbl, self._evt_start) self._lbl.bind(utils.EVENTS['LEFT_SHIFT'], self._evt_fastdrag) self._lbl.bind('<Enter>', self._evt_hover_enter) self._lbl.bind('<Leave>', self._evt_hover_exit) config_event = self._evt_configure utils.bind_rightclick(self._lbl, config_event) if label: self._text_lbl = tkinter.Label( self._lbl, text=label, font=('Helvetica', -12), relief='ridge', bg=img.PETI_ITEM_BG_HEX, ) else: self._text_lbl = None if man.config_icon: self._info_btn = tkinter.Label( self._lbl, image=img.png('icons/gear'), relief='ridge', ) @utils.bind_leftclick(self._info_btn) def info_button_click(e): """Trigger the callback whenever the gear button was pressed.""" config_event(e) # Cancel the event sequence, so it doesn't travel up to the main # window and hide the window again. return 'break' # Rightclick does the same as the main icon. utils.bind_rightclick(self._info_btn, config_event) else: self._info_btn = None
def init_widgets(): """Initiallise all the window components.""" global prop_window prop_window = Toplevel(TK_ROOT) prop_window.overrideredirect(1) prop_window.resizable(False, False) prop_window.transient(master=TK_ROOT) prop_window.attributes('-topmost', 1) prop_window.withdraw() # starts hidden f = ttk.Frame(prop_window, relief="raised", borderwidth="4") f.grid(row=0, column=0) ttk.Label( f, text="Properties:", anchor="center", ).grid( row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW", ) wid['name'] = ttk.Label(f, text="", anchor="center") wid['name'].grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW") wid['ent_count'] = ttk.Label( f, text="", anchor="e", compound="left", image=png.spr('gear_ent'), ) wid['ent_count'].grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=2, sticky=E) tooltip.add_tooltip( wid['ent_count'], 'The number of entities used for this item. The Source engine limits ' 'this to 2048 in total. This provides a guide to how many of these ' 'items can be placed in a map at once.' ) wid['author'] = ttk.Label(f, text="", anchor="center", relief="sunken") wid['author'].grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW") sub_frame = ttk.Frame(f, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken") sub_frame.grid(column=0, columnspan=3, row=3) for i in range(5): wid['subitem', i] = ttk.Label( sub_frame, image=png.png('BEE2/alpha_64'), ) wid['subitem', i].grid(row=0, column=i) utils.bind_leftclick( wid['subitem', i], functools.partial(sub_sel, i), ) utils.bind_rightclick( wid['subitem', i], functools.partial(sub_open, i), ) wid['wip_dep'] = ttk.Label(f, text='', anchor="nw") wid['wip_dep'].grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="NW") ttk.Label(f, text="Description:", anchor="sw").grid( row=4, column=0, sticky="SW", ) spr_frame = ttk.Frame(f, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken") spr_frame.grid(column=1, columnspan=2, row=4, sticky=W) # sprites: inputs, outputs, rotation handle, occupied/embed state, # desiredFacing for spr_id in SPR: wid['sprite', spr_id] = sprite = ttk.Label( spr_frame, image=png.spr('ap_grey'), relief="raised", ) sprite.grid(row=0, column=spr_id.value) tooltip.add_tooltip(sprite) desc_frame = ttk.Frame(f, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken") desc_frame.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW") desc_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) wid['desc'] = tkRichText(desc_frame, width=40, height=8) wid['desc'].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="EW") desc_scroll = tk_tools.HidingScroll( desc_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=wid['desc'].yview, ) wid['desc']['yscrollcommand'] = desc_scroll.set desc_scroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="NS") def show_more_info(): url = selected_item.url if url is not None: try:, new=OPEN_IN_TAB, autoraise=True) except webbrowser.Error: if messagebox.askyesno( icon="error", title="BEE2 - Error", message='Failed to open a web browser. Do you wish for ' 'the URL to be copied to the clipboard ' 'instead?', detail='"{!s}"'.format(url), parent=prop_window ):"Saving {} to clipboard!", url) TK_ROOT.clipboard_clear() TK_ROOT.clipboard_append(url) # Either the webbrowser or the messagebox could cause the # properties to move behind the main window, so hide it # so it doesn't appear there. hide_context(None) wid['moreinfo'] = ttk.Button(f, text="More Info>>", command=show_more_info) wid['moreinfo'].grid(row=6, column=2, sticky=E) tooltip.add_tooltip(wid['moreinfo']) menu_info = Menu(wid['moreinfo']) menu_info.add_command(label='', state='disabled') def show_item_props(): snd.fx('expand') itemPropWin.show_window( selected_item.get_properties(), wid['changedefaults'],, ) wid['changedefaults'] = ttk.Button( f, text="Change Defaults...", command=show_item_props, ) wid['changedefaults'].grid(row=6, column=1) tooltip.add_tooltip( wid['changedefaults'], 'Change the default settings for this item when placed.' ) wid['variant'] = ttk.Combobox( f, values=['VERSION'], exportselection=0, # On Mac this defaults to being way too wide! width=7 if utils.MAC else None, ) wid['variant'].state(['readonly']) # Prevent directly typing in values wid['variant'].bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', set_item_version) wid['variant'].current(0) wid['variant'].grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W) itemPropWin.init(hide_item_props)
def init_widgets(): """Initiallise all the window components.""" global prop_window prop_window = Toplevel(TK_ROOT) prop_window.overrideredirect(1) prop_window.resizable(False, False) prop_window.transient(master=TK_ROOT) prop_window.attributes('-topmost', 1) prop_window.withdraw() # starts hidden f = ttk.Frame(prop_window, relief="raised", borderwidth="4") f.grid(row=0, column=0) ttk.Label( f, text="Properties:", anchor="center", ).grid( row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW", ) wid['name'] = ttk.Label(f, text="", anchor="center") wid['name'].grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW") wid['ent_count'] = ttk.Label( f, text="", anchor="e", compound="left", image=img.spr('gear_ent'), ) wid['ent_count'].grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=2, sticky=E) tooltip.add_tooltip( wid['ent_count'], _('The number of entities used for this item. The Source engine ' 'limits this to 2048 in total. This provides a guide to how many of ' 'these items can be placed in a map at once.')) wid['author'] = ttk.Label(f, text="", anchor="center", relief="sunken") wid['author'].grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW") sub_frame = ttk.Frame(f, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken") sub_frame.grid(column=0, columnspan=3, row=3) for i in range(5): wid['subitem', i] = ttk.Label( sub_frame, image=img.invis_square(64), ) wid['subitem', i].grid(row=0, column=i) utils.bind_leftclick( wid['subitem', i], functools.partial(sub_sel, i), ) utils.bind_rightclick( wid['subitem', i], functools.partial(sub_open, i), ) ttk.Label(f, text=_("Description:"), anchor="sw").grid( row=4, column=0, sticky="SW", ) spr_frame = ttk.Frame(f, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken") spr_frame.grid(column=1, columnspan=2, row=4, sticky=W) # sprites: inputs, outputs, rotation handle, occupied/embed state, # desiredFacing for spr_id in SPR: wid['sprite', spr_id] = sprite = ttk.Label( spr_frame, image=img.spr('ap_grey'), relief="raised", ) sprite.grid(row=0, column=spr_id.value) tooltip.add_tooltip(sprite) desc_frame = ttk.Frame(f, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken") desc_frame.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="EW") desc_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) wid['desc'] = tkRichText(desc_frame, width=40, height=16) wid['desc'].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="EW") desc_scroll = tk_tools.HidingScroll( desc_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=wid['desc'].yview, ) wid['desc']['yscrollcommand'] = desc_scroll.set desc_scroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="NS") def show_more_info(): url = selected_item.url if url is not None: try:, new=OPEN_IN_TAB, autoraise=True) except webbrowser.Error: if messagebox.askyesno( icon="error", title="BEE2 - Error", message=_('Failed to open a web browser. Do you wish ' 'for the URL to be copied to the clipboard ' 'instead?'), detail='"{!s}"'.format(url), parent=prop_window):"Saving {} to clipboard!", url) TK_ROOT.clipboard_clear() TK_ROOT.clipboard_append(url) # Either the webbrowser or the messagebox could cause the # properties to move behind the main window, so hide it # so it doesn't appear there. hide_context(None) wid['moreinfo'] = ttk.Button(f, text=_("More Info>>"), command=show_more_info) wid['moreinfo'].grid(row=6, column=2, sticky=E) tooltip.add_tooltip(wid['moreinfo']) menu_info = Menu(wid['moreinfo']) menu_info.add_command(label='', state='disabled') def show_item_props(): snd.fx('expand') itemPropWin.show_window( selected_item.get_properties(), wid['changedefaults'],, ) wid['changedefaults'] = ttk.Button( f, text=_("Change Defaults..."), command=show_item_props, ) wid['changedefaults'].grid(row=6, column=1) tooltip.add_tooltip( wid['changedefaults'], _('Change the default settings for this item when placed.')) wid['variant'] = ttk.Combobox( f, values=['VERSION'], exportselection=0, # On Mac this defaults to being way too wide! width=7 if utils.MAC else None, ) wid['variant'].state(['readonly']) # Prevent directly typing in values wid['variant'].bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', set_item_version) wid['variant'].current(0) wid['variant'].grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W) itemPropWin.init(hide_item_props)