def submit(): token = request.form['g-recaptcha-response'] expiry = + 115 tokenDict = {'token': token, 'expiry': expiry} tokens.append(tokenDict) c_logging("Token harvested and stored.", "green") return redirect('/')
def login(): global session global auth_state_value global SAMLResponse1 global SAML login_post_url = "" payload = { "username": username, "password": password, "AuthState":auth_state_value } login =,headers = headers, data = payload) #VERIFY if login was sucessfull! verify = bs(login.text,"html.parser") if ("Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect" in login.text): c_logging(" - Erreur: Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect.",'red') sys.exit() elif ("votre compte est temporairement" in login.text): c_logging(" - Erreur: Compte temporairement bloque.",'red') sys.exit() #print(login.text) #print(error_text) SAML = bs(login.text,"html.parser") SAMLResponse1 = SAML.find("input",{"name":"SAMLResponse"}).get("value")
def manageTokens(): while True: for token in tokens: if token['expiry'] < tokens.remove(token) c_logging("Token expired and deleted.", "red") sleep(5)
def fetch_token(): try: token = tokens.pop(0) c_logging("Token requested and returned to user.", "blue") return token['token'] except: c_logging("Token requested but none available.", "yellow") return "ERROR"
def java1(): global session global SAML endpoint1 = "" payload = { "SAMLResponse":SAMLResponse1 } post1 =,headers = headers,data = payload) text = bs(post1.text,"html.parser") ############################################################################################################################### endpoint2 = "" special_headers = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7", "Cache-Control": "max-age=0", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36" } SAMLResponse2 = text.find("input",{"name":"SAMLResponse"}).get("value") payload = { "SAMLResponse":SAMLResponse2 } post2 =,headers = special_headers,data = payload,allow_redirects = False) if post2.status_code == 302: c_logging(" - Connexion reussie avec succes (session: {})".format(username),'green') else: c_logging(" - Erreur: Ecole incorrecte",'red') sys.exit() get = session.get('')
def main(num): count = 0 headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Host': '', 'Origin': '', 'Referer': '', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36' } for i in range(int(num)): min_char = 9 max_char = 14 min_char0 = 8 max_char0 = 10 allchar = string.ascii_letters + string.digits rprefix = "".join( choice(allchar) for x in range(randint(min_char0, max_char0))) passw = config['password'] s = requests.session() a = "", headers=headers) soup0 = bs(a.content, "html.parser") sk1 = soup0.find('input', {'name': 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_securekey'}) sk1 = str(sk1) sk1 = sk1.split('value="')[1] sk1 = sk1.split('"/>')[0] link0 = soup0.find_all('form', {'data-component': 'form/Form'}) link0 = str(link0) link0 = link0.split( '' )[1] link0 = link0.split('" class="fanyform"')[0] link0 = link0.split('"')[0] link0 = "{}".format( link0) firstname = names.get_first_name(gender='male') lastname = names.get_last_name() dayofmonth = randint(1, 25) month = randint(1, 12) year = randint(1990, 1999) payload1 = { 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_firstname': firstname, 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_lastname': lastname, 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_customer_birthday_dayofmonth': dayofmonth, 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_customer_birthday_month': month, 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_customer_birthday_year': year, 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_step1': 'Next', 'dwfrm_mipersonalinfo_securekey': sk1, } req1 =, data=payload1, headers=headers) soup1 = bs(req1.content, "html.parser") link2 = soup1.find_all('form', {'id': 'dwfrm_milogininfo'}) link2 = str(link2) link2 = link2.split( '' )[1] link2 = link2.split('" class="fanyform"')[0] link2 = link2.split('"')[0] link2 = "{}".format( link2) sk2 = soup1.find('input', {'name': 'dwfrm_milogininfo_securekey'}) sk2 = str(sk2) sk2 = sk2.split('value="')[1] sk2 = sk2.split('"/>')[0] emailJig = config['emailJig'] emailJig = emailJig.upper() if emailJig == "GMAIL": prefix = config['email'].split("@")[0] dotarray = dot_trick(prefix) dotnum = randint(0, len(dotarray) - 1) email = dotarray[dotnum] else: prefix = config['email'].split("@")[0] domain = config['email'].split("@")[1] email = "{}{}@{}".format(prefix, rprefix, domain) payload2 = { 'dwfrm_milogininfo_email': email, 'dwfrm_milogininfo_password': passw, 'dwfrm_milogininfo_newpasswordconfirm': passw, 'dwfrm_milogininfo_step2': 'Next', 'dwfrm_milogininfo_securekey': sk2, } req2 =, data=payload2, headers=headers) soupf = bs(req2.content, "html.parser") link3 = soupf.find_all('form', {'id': 'dwfrm_micommunicinfo'}) link3 = str(link3) link3 = link3.split( '' )[1] link3 = link3.split('" class="fanyform"')[0] link3 = link3.split('"')[0] link3 = "{}".format( link3) sk3 = soupf.find('input', {'name': 'dwfrm_micommunicinfo_securekey'}) sk3 = str(sk3) sk3 = sk3.split('value="')[1] sk3 = sk3.split('"/>')[0] payload3 = { 'dwfrm_micommunicinfo_agreeterms': 'true', 'dwfrm_micommunicinfo_step3': 'Register', 'dwfrm_micommunicinfo_securekey': sk3, } req3 =, data=payload3, headers=headers) if req3.status_code == 200: count = count + 1 f = open("accounts.txt", "a+") f.write("{}:{} | {} {}\n".format(email, passw, firstname, lastname)) c_logging("Created Account {}/{}".format(count, num), "green") else: c_logging("Error Creating Account", "red") c_logging("Created {}/{} Accounts".format(count, num), "magenta") c_logging("If you love me", "magenta")
} req3 =, data=payload3, headers=headers) if req3.status_code == 200: count = count + 1 f = open("accounts.txt", "a+") f.write("{}:{} | {} {}\n".format(email, passw, firstname, lastname)) c_logging("Created Account {}/{}".format(count, num), "green") else: c_logging("Error Creating Account", "red") c_logging("Created {}/{} Accounts".format(count, num), "magenta") c_logging("If you love me", "magenta") if __name__ == '__main__': n_logging("===========================") c_logging("Adidas Account Creator V2", "cyan") c_logging("Made By XO", "cyan") c_logging("", "cyan") n_logging("===========================") print("") n_logging("----------------------------") c_logging("Email Jig: {}".format(config['emailJig']), "magenta") c_logging("Email: {}".format(config['email']), "magenta") c_logging("Password: {}".format(config['password']), "magenta") n_logging("----------------------------") print("") num = input("# Of Accs To Create: ") main(num)
account = '{}:{}'.format(email, password) if r.status_code == return True, account else: return False, None if __name__ == '__main__': with open('config.json') as file: config = json.load(file) file.close() _thread.start_new_thread(, ()) _thread.start_new_thread(manageTokens, ()) accountsList = [] c_logging("Adidas Account Creator (v3.0.0.0)", "cyan") c_logging("@TheRealChefUK interface added by XO", "cyan") c_logging("", "cyan") c_logging("***************************************************************************", "cyan") c_logging("WARNING: THIS WILL NOT WORK UNLESS YOU HAVE EDITED THE HOSTS FILE AND HAVE ALL REQUIREMENTS INSTALLED. VIEW THE README", "cyan") c_logging("WARNING: FOR EACH ACCOUNT YOU WANT TO CREATE YOU WILL HAVE TO SOLVE A CAPTCHA. NONE WILL SAVE UNTIL EVERY CAPTCHA IS COMPLETED", "cyan") creator = Generator(config['locale'], '6LdyFRkUAAAAAF2YmQ9baZ6ytpVnbVSAymVpTXKi', '') num = input("ENTER THE # OF ACCOUNTS TO CREATE: ")'') c_logging("Started account generator.", "cyan") for x in range(int(num)): email = '{}-{}@{}'.format(config['prefix'], randint(1111,999999999), config['domain']) allchar = string.ascii_letters + string.digits passw = "".join(choice(allchar) for x in range(randint(8, 12))) c_logging("Task {} - Waiting for captcha token.".format(x), "yellow") # token = creator.fetch_token()
def main(): loggedin = False s = requests.session() num = config['numtocreate'] email = config['email'] passw = config['password'] limit = config['limit'] cname = config['cardname'] headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'Host': '', 'Origin': '', 'Referer': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36' } b ="", headers=headers) cookies = s.cookies.get_dict() sessionid = cookies["sessionID"] headers[ "Cookie"] = 'sessionID={}; abtests=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22extension-install-test%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22signup-step%22%7D%5D; landing_page=main'.format( sessionid) payload1 = { 'email': email, 'extensionInstalled': 'false', 'password': passw, } c_logging("Logging in this may take a while...", "yellow") a ="", data=json.dumps(payload1), headers=headers) if a.status_code == 200: c_logging("Logged In to {}:{} !".format(email, passw), "green") c_logging("Removing Credentials From Variables", "magenta") email = "" passw = "" loggedin = True response = a.json() token = response["token"] headers["Authorization"] = 'Bearer ' + token headers[ "Cookie"] = 'sessionID={}; abtests=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22extension-install-test%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22signup-step%22%7D%5D; landing_page=main; ETag="ps26i5unssI="; token={}'.format( sessionid, token) else: c_logging("ERROR LOGGING IN {}".format(str(a.text)), "red") print(a.text) if loggedin == False: exit() for i in range(int(num)): time.sleep(3) url = "" cnum = randint(0, 30000) name = cname + str(cnum) payload2 = { "CVV": "XXX", "expMonth": "XX", "expYear": "XXXX", "hostname": "null", "memo": name, "panWithSpaces": "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX", "reloadable": "true", "spendLimit": int(limit), "spendLimitDuration": "MONTHLY", "style": "null" } r =, data=json.dumps(payload2), headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: n_logging("#########################") card = r.json() number = card["card"]["pan"] expdate = card["card"]["expMonth"] + "/" + card["card"]["expYear"] cvv = card["card"]["cvv"] f = open("cards.txt", "a+") f.write("{} | {} | {}\n".format(number, expdate, cvv)) f.close() c_logging("Created Card", "green") print(number) print(expdate) print(cvv) n_logging("#########################") print("") else: n_logging("#########################") c_logging("ERROR CREATING CARD", "red") print(r.text) print(r.status_code) n_logging("#########################") print("") print("") c_logging("Finished Creating Cards!", "cyan") c_logging("Cards Made Were Saved To cards.txt", "magenta") c_logging("XO", "cyan")
expdate = card["card"]["expMonth"] + "/" + card["card"]["expYear"] cvv = card["card"]["cvv"] f = open("cards.txt", "a+") f.write("{} | {} | {}\n".format(number, expdate, cvv)) f.close() c_logging("Created Card", "green") print(number) print(expdate) print(cvv) n_logging("#########################") print("") else: n_logging("#########################") c_logging("ERROR CREATING CARD", "red") print(r.text) print(r.status_code) n_logging("#########################") print("") print("") c_logging("Finished Creating Cards!", "cyan") c_logging("Cards Made Were Saved To cards.txt", "magenta") c_logging("XO", "cyan") if __name__ == '__main__': c_logging("Privacy Card Gen", "cyan") c_logging("By XO", "yellow") print("") c_logging("Starting...", "magenta") main()
import time import json from utils import c_logging, n_logging from termcolor import colored, cprint from getpass import getpass import sys login_url = "" session = requests.Session() session.max_redirects = 999 headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36" } schools = ["LTB","ATHENEE","ECG","LAM","LAML","LBV","LCD","LGE","LGL","LJBM","LML","LMRL","LNB","LRSL","LTC","LTETT","LTMA","LTPS","LTPES","MLG","SPORTLYCEE"] schools1 = ["LTB","ltb","ATHENEE","athenee","ECG","egc","LAM","lam","LAML","laml","LBV","lbv","LCD","lcd","LGE","lge","LGL","lgl","LJBM","ljbm","LML","lml","LMRL","lmrl","LNB","lnb","LRSL","lrsl","LTC","ltc","LTETT","ltett","LTMA","ltma","LTPS","ltps","LTPES","ltpes","MLG","mlg","SPORTLYCEE","sportlycee"] c_logging(" - What school are you going to? ",'green') c_logging(" - List of schools: ",'green') print(*schools, sep='\n') c_logging(" - Type your school here:",'green');school=input() if school not in schools1: sys.exit('enter the name of your school') #SCHOOLS----------------------------------------------------- if school == "LTB" or school =="ltb": school = "" if school == "ATHENEE" or school =="athenee": school = "" if school == "ECG" or school =="ecg": school = "" if school == "LAM" or school =="lam": school = "" if school == "LAML" or school =="laml":
def main(): count = 0 scount = 0 for i in range(int(num)): count = count + 1 if useproxies == "true": def random_line(fname): lines = open(fname).read().splitlines() return choice(lines) proxy = random_line('proxies.txt') try: proxytest = proxy.split(":")[2] userpass = True except IndexError: userpass = False if userpass == True: ip = proxy.split(":")[0] port = proxy.split(":")[1] userpassproxy = ip + ":" + port proxyuser = proxy.split(":")[2].rstrip() proxypass = proxy.split(":")[3].rstrip() if userpass == True: proxies = {'http': 'http://' + proxyuser + ':' + proxypass + '@' + userpassproxy, 'https': 'http://' + proxyuser + ':' + proxypass + '@' + userpassproxy} if userpass == False: proxies = {'http': 'http://' + proxy, 'https': 'http://' + proxy} if emailjig == "gmail": prefix = names.get_first_name() prefixp2 = randint(111, 9999) prefixp2 = str(prefixp2) fullprefix = prefix + prefixp2 realemail = gmailadd.split("@")[0] email = "{}+{}".format(realemail, fullprefix) else: prefix = names.get_first_name() prefixp2 = randint(111, 9999) prefixp2 = str(prefixp2) fullprefix = prefix + prefixp2 email = "{}@{}".format(fullprefix, domain) if randomname == "true": if gender == "male": firstname = names.get_first_name(gender="male") else: firstname = names.get_first_name(gender="female") lastname = names.get_last_name() else: firstname = name.split(" ")[0] lastname = name.split(" ")[1] if randominsta == "true": instapart1 = names.get_first_name() instapart2 = names.get_last_name() instapart3 = randint(111, 9999) instapart3 = str(instapart3) instaname = "{}.{}{}".format(instapart1, instapart2, instapart3) else: instaname = config['insta'] n_logging("==============================================") c_logging("Starting Task {}/{}".format(count, num), "cyan") if useproxies == "true": c_logging("Using Proxy {}".format(proxy), "yellow") regheaders = { 'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language':'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control':'max-age=0', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Host':'', 'Origin':'', 'Referer':'', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests':'1', 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36' } s = requests.session() if useproxies == "true": a ="", headers=regheaders, proxies=proxies) else: a ="", headers=regheaders) soup0 = bs(a.text, "html.parser") formkey1 = soup0.find('input', {'name':'form_key'})['value'] regpayload = { 'success_url':'', 'error_url':'', 'form_key':formkey1, 'firstname':firstname, 'lastname':lastname, 'email':email, 'password':passw, 'confirmation':passw } if useproxies == "true": b ="", data=regpayload, headers=regheaders, proxies=proxies) else: b ="", data=regpayload, headers=regheaders) if "Thank you for registering with foot District." in b.text: c_logging("Created Account", "green") else: c_logging("Error Creating Account", "red") n_logging("==============================================") print("") continue addheaders1 = { 'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, br','' 'Accept-Language':'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control':'max-age=0', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Host':'', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests':'1', 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36' } #add address if useproxies == "true": c ="", headers=addheaders1, proxies=proxies) else: c ="", headers=addheaders1) addheaders2 = { 'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language':'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control':'max-age=0', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Host':'', 'Origin':'', 'Referer':'', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests':'1', 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36' } soup1 = bs(c.text, "html.parser") formkey2 = soup1.find('input', {'name':'form_key'})['value'] if genrandphone == "true": pnum = randint(1111111111, 9999999999) else: pnum = phonenum addpay = { 'form_key':formkey2, 'success_url':'', 'error_url':'', 'firstname':firstname, 'lastname':lastname, 'telephone':pnum, 'street[]':addline1, 'city':city, 'region_id':statecode, 'region':'', 'postcode':zipcode, 'country_id':'US', 'default_billing':'1', 'default_shipping':'1' } if useproxies == "true": d ="", headers=addheaders2, data=addpay, proxies=proxies) else: d ="", headers=addheaders2, data=addpay) if "The address has been saved." in d.text: c_logging("Added Address Into Account", "green") else: c_logging("Error Adding Address Into Account", "red") n_logging("==============================================") print("") continue sizelist = ['7 US - 40 EU', '7.5 US - 40.5 EU', '8 US - 41 EU', '8.5 US - 42 EU', '9 US - 42.5 EU', '9.5 US - 43 EU', '10 US - 44 EU', '10.5 US - 44.5 EU', '11 US - 45 EU', '11.5 US - 45.5 EU', '12 US - 46 EU', '12.5 US - 47 EU', '13 US - 47.5 EU'] sizenum = randint(0, len(sizelist) - 1) size = sizelist[sizenum] enterheaders = { 'Accept':'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language':'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Host':'', 'Origin':'', 'Referer':'', 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36', 'X-Requested-With':'XMLHttpRequest' } enterpay = { 'form[language]':'en', 'form[textfield:kX7xgn6R3OSw]':instaname, 'form[list:JFrgN8tk6o3V][choices]':'English', 'form[list:JFrgN8tk6o3V][other]':'', 'form[textfield:xMF5nPz41QJn]':'{} {}'.format(firstname, lastname), 'form[email:mGswtWzGMmma]':email, 'form[dropdown:I29KaKm566yp]':size, 'form[landed_at]':int(time.time()), 'form[token]':'e9c01c3389f973d829960b97c0d839e1$2y$11$e2dJZC0zIXZQK1pxbSZbL.GlvrtkB8Cog6cLRHUvnLHLyhLEKzIda' } if useproxies == "true": e ="", headers=enterheaders, data=enterpay, proxies=proxies) else: e ="", headers=enterheaders, data=enterpay) if "success" in e.text: scount = scount + 1 c_logging("Successfully Entered {}/{} SuccessCount: {}".format(count, num, scount), "green") f = open(logfile, "a+") f.write("{} | {} {} | {} | {}\n".format(email, firstname, lastname, pnum, size)) n_logging("==============================================") print("") else: c_logging("Failed Entering {}/{}".format(count, num), "red") n_logging("==============================================") print("") c_logging("Finished Entering Into Raffle", "green") c_logging("Successfully Entered {}/{}".format(scount, num), "green") c_logging("By XO", "cyan")
'form[dropdown:I29KaKm566yp]':size, 'form[landed_at]':int(time.time()), 'form[token]':'e9c01c3389f973d829960b97c0d839e1$2y$11$e2dJZC0zIXZQK1pxbSZbL.GlvrtkB8Cog6cLRHUvnLHLyhLEKzIda' } if useproxies == "true": e ="", headers=enterheaders, data=enterpay, proxies=proxies) else: e ="", headers=enterheaders, data=enterpay) if "success" in e.text: scount = scount + 1 c_logging("Successfully Entered {}/{} SuccessCount: {}".format(count, num, scount), "green") f = open(logfile, "a+") f.write("{} | {} {} | {} | {}\n".format(email, firstname, lastname, pnum, size)) n_logging("==============================================") print("") else: c_logging("Failed Entering {}/{}".format(count, num), "red") n_logging("==============================================") print("") c_logging("Finished Entering Into Raffle", "green") c_logging("Successfully Entered {}/{}".format(scount, num), "green") c_logging("By XO", "cyan") if __name__ == '__main__': c_logging("footdistrict freethrow line raffle", "cyan") c_logging("By XO", "magenta") print("") main()