예제 #1
    def run(self, drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind):
        car_to_ball, distance = (agent.ball.location - drone.location).normalize(True)
        ball_to_target = (self.target - agent.ball.location).normalize()

        relative_velocity = car_to_ball.dot(drone.velocity - agent.ball.velocity)
        if relative_velocity != 0.0:
            eta = cap(distance / cap(relative_velocity, 400, 2300), 0.0, 1.5)
            eta = 1.5

        # If we are approaching the ball from the wrong side the car will try to only hit the very edge of the ball
        left_vector = car_to_ball.cross((0, 0, 1))
        right_vector = car_to_ball.cross((0, 0, -1))
        target_vector = -ball_to_target.clamp(left_vector, right_vector)
        final_target = agent.ball.location + (target_vector * (distance / 2))

        # Some adjustment to the final target to ensure we don't try to drive through any goalposts to reach it
        if abs(drone.location[1]) > 5150:
            final_target[0] = cap(final_target[0], -750, 750)

        agent.line(final_target - Vector3(0, 0, 100), final_target + Vector3(0, 0, 100), [255, 255, 255])

        angles = defaultPD(drone, drone.local(final_target - drone.location))
        defaultThrottle(drone, 2300 if distance > 1600 else 2300 - cap(1600 * abs(angles[1]), 0, 2050))
        drone.controller.boost = False if drone.airborne or abs(angles[1]) > 0.3 else drone.controller.boost
        drone.controller.handbrake = True if abs(angles[1]) > 2.3 else drone.controller.handbrake

        if abs(angles[1]) < 0.05 and (eta < 0.45 or distance < 150):
예제 #2
파일: aerial_turn.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
def aerial_input_generate(omega_start: np.ndarray, omega_end: np.ndarray,
                          theta_start: np.ndarray, dt: float):
    # Net torque in world coordinates.
    tau = (omega_end - omega_start) / dt

    # Ner torque in local coordinates.
    tau = np.dot(theta_start.T, tau)

    # Beggining-step angular velocity, in local coordinates.
    omega_local = np.dot(theta_start.T, omega_start)

    rhs = np.zeros(3)
    rhs[0] = tau[0] - D_r * omega_local[0]
    rhs[1] = tau[1] - D_p * omega_local[1]
    rhs[2] = tau[2] - D_y * omega_local[2]

    # User inputs: roll, pitch, yaw.
    u = np.zeros(3)
    u[0] = rhs[0] / T_r
    u[1] = rhs[1] / (T_p + np.sign(rhs[1]) * omega_local[1] * D_p)
    u[2] = rhs[2] / (T_y - np.sign(rhs[2]) * omega_local[2] * D_y)

    # Ensure that values are between -1 and 1.
    u[0] = cap(u[0], -1, 1)
    u[1] = cap(u[1], -1, 1)
    u[2] = cap(u[2], -1, 1)

    return u
예제 #3
파일: control.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def run(self):
        local_target = local(self.drone.orient_m, self.drone.pos, self.target)
        angle = np.arctan2(local_target[1], local_target[0])

        if abs(angle) > GK_MIN_ANGLE or np.pi - abs(angle) > GK_MIN_ANGLE:
            self.drone.ctrl.steer = 1 if angle > 0 else -1

        distance = abs(local_target[0])

        if abs(angle) > GK_BACK_ANGLE:
            self.drone.ctrl.throttle = cap(-1 * GK_THROTTLE * distance, -1, 1)
            self.drone.ctrl.throttle = cap(1 * GK_THROTTLE * distance, -1, 1)
예제 #4
    def run(self, agent, player, target):
        """Runs the controller.
            agent {BaseAgent} -- The agent.
            player {Car} -- Car object for which to generate controls.
            target {np.ndarray} -- World coordinates of where we want to hit the ball.
        # Calculate drone's distance to ball.
        distance = np.linalg.norm(agent.ball.pos - agent.pos)

        # Find directions based on where we want to hit the ball.
        direction_to_hit = normalise(target - agent.ball.pos)
        perpendicular_to_hit = np.cross(direction_to_hit, a3l([0, 0, 1]))

        # Calculating component lengths and multiplying with direction.
        perpendicular_component = perpendicular_to_hit * cap(
            np.dot(perpendicular_to_hit, agent.ball.pos),
            -distance * self.PERP_DIST_COEFF, distance * self.PERP_DIST_COEFF)
        in_direction_component = -direction_to_hit * distance * self.DIRECT_DIST_COEFF

        # Combine components to get a drive target.
        drive_target = agent.ball.pos + in_direction_component + perpendicular_component

        super().run(agent, player, drive_target)
예제 #5
파일: control.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def run(self, hive, drone, target):
        """Runs the controller.
            hive {Hivemind} -- The hivemind.
            drone {Drone} -- Drone being controlled.
            target {np.ndarray} -- World coordinates of where we want to hit the ball.
        # Calculate drone's distance to ball.
        distance = np.linalg.norm(hive.ball.pos - drone.pos)

        # Find directions based on where we want to hit the ball.
        direction_to_hit = normalise(target - hive.ball.pos)
        perpendicular_to_hit = np.cross(direction_to_hit, a3l([0, 0, 1]))

        # Calculating component lengths and multiplying with direction.
        perpendicular_component = perpendicular_to_hit * cap(
            np.dot(perpendicular_to_hit, hive.ball.pos),
            -distance * self.PERP_DIST_COEFF, distance * self.PERP_DIST_COEFF)
        in_direction_component = -direction_to_hit * distance * self.DIRECT_DIST_COEFF

        # Combine components to get a drive target.
        drive_target = hive.ball.pos + in_direction_component + perpendicular_component

        super().run(hive, drone, drive_target)
예제 #6
    def _readFuzzingFile(self):
	Read the fuzzed data

	The fuzzer has generated a new file with fuzzed data.
	Read it, then remove that file.
	Also remove the original input file.	
        file = open(self.fuzzingOutFile, "r")
        data = file.read()

        logging.debug("Read fuzzing data: " + utils.cap(data, 64))

        self.choice["data"] = data
        self.choice["isFuzzed"] = True

            print("Failed to remove file %s!" % self.fuzzingInFile)

# keep fuzzed files for debugging purposes
        if "keep_temp" in self.config and self.config["keep_temp"]:
            return True

            print("Failed to remove file %s!" % self.fuzzingOutFile)

        return True
예제 #7
    def _readDataFromFile(self):
        Read the mutated data.

        The fuzzer has generated a new file with fuzzed data.
        Read it, then remove that file.
        Also remove the original input file.
        file = open(self.fuzzingOutFile, "r")
        data = file.read()

        logging.debug("Read fuzzing data: " + utils.cap(data, 64))

            logging.warn("Failed to remove file %s!" % self.fuzzingInFile)

        # keep fuzzed files for debugging purposes
        if "keep_temp" in self.config and self.config["keep_temp"]:
                logging.warn("Failed to remove file %s!" % self.fuzzingOutFile)

        return data
예제 #8
파일: base.py 프로젝트: cbx33/pyola
 def calc_value(self, value=0):
     if self.timeout:
         if time.time() - self.start_time > self.timeout:
             self.start_time = time.time()
     if self.initial:
         value = self.initial
     nval = self.calculate()
     return cap(value + nval)
예제 #9
    def is_viable(self, drone: CarObject, time: float):
        T = self.intercept_time - time
        xf = drone.location + drone.velocity * T + 0.5 * gravity * T ** 2
        vf = drone.velocity + gravity * T
        if not drone.airborne:
            vf += drone.up * (2 * jump_speed + jump_acc * jump_max_duration)
            xf += drone.up * (jump_speed * (2 * T - jump_max_duration) + jump_acc * (
                    T * jump_max_duration - 0.5 * jump_max_duration ** 2))

        delta_x = self.ball_location - xf
        f = delta_x.normalize()
        phi = f.angle3D(drone.forward)
        turn_time = 0.7 * (2 * math.sqrt(phi / 9))

        tau1 = turn_time * cap(1 - 0.3 / phi, 0, 1)
        required_acc = (2 * delta_x.magnitude()) / ((T - tau1) ** 2)
        ratio = required_acc / boost_accel
        tau2 = T - (T - tau1) * math.sqrt(1 - cap(ratio, 0, 1))
        velocity_estimate = vf + boost_accel * (tau2 - tau1) * f
        boos_estimate = (tau2 - tau1) * 30
        enough_boost = boos_estimate < 0.95 * drone.boost
        enough_time = abs(ratio) < 0.9
        return velocity_estimate.magnitude() < 0.9 * max_speed and enough_boost and enough_time
예제 #10
파일: control.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def run(self):
        line_v = self.line[1] - self.line[0]
        theta = angle_between_vectors(line_v, self.line[1] - self.drone.pos)
        distance = np.linalg.norm(self.line[1] - self.drone.pos)
        print("theta", theta)
        phi = angle_between_vectors(line_v, self.drone.vel)
        print("phi", phi)

        self.drone.ctrl.throttle = 1
        self.drone.ctrl.steer = cap(
            LINE_PD_ALPHA * (np.sin(theta) * distance) + LINE_PD_BETA * phi,
            -1, 1)

        local_target = local(self.drone.orient_m, self.drone.pos, self.line[1])
        angle = np.arctan2(local_target[1], local_target[0])

        if abs(angle) < LINE_PD_BOOST_ANGLE:
            self.drone.ctrl.boost = True
예제 #11
    def run(self, drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind):
        if self.boost is None:
        car_to_boost = self.boost.location - drone.location
        distance_remaining = car_to_boost.flatten().magnitude()

        agent.line(self.boost.location - Vector3(0, 0, 500), self.boost.location + Vector3(0, 0, 500), [0, 255, 0])

        if self.target is not None:
            vector = (self.target - self.boost.location).normalize()
            side_of_vector = sign(vector.cross((0, 0, 1)).dot(car_to_boost))
            car_to_boost_perp = car_to_boost.cross((0, 0, side_of_vector)).normalize()
            adjustment = car_to_boost.angle2D(vector) * distance_remaining / 3.14
            final_target = self.boost.location + (car_to_boost_perp * adjustment)
            car_to_target = (self.target - drone.location).magnitude()
            adjustment = 9999
            car_to_target = 0
            final_target = self.boost.location

        # Some adjustment to the final target to ensure it's inside the field and
        # we don't try to dirve through any goalposts to reach it
        if abs(drone.location[1]) > 5150:
            final_target[0] = cap(final_target[0], -750, 750)

        local_target = drone.local(final_target - drone.location)

        angles = defaultPD(drone, local_target)
        defaultThrottle(drone, 2300)

        drone.controller.boost = self.boost.large if abs(angles[1]) < 0.3 else False
        drone.controller.handbrake = True if abs(angles[1]) > 2.3 else drone.controller.handbrake

        velocity = 1 + drone.velocity.magnitude()
        if not self.boost.active or drone.boost >= 99.0 or distance_remaining < 350:
        elif drone.airborne:
        elif abs(angles[1]) < 0.05 and 600 < velocity < 2150 and (
                distance_remaining / velocity > 2.0 or (adjustment < 90 and car_to_target / velocity > 2.0)):
예제 #12
    def run(self, drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind):
        target = agent.friend_goal.location + (agent.ball.location - agent.friend_goal.location) / 2
        car_to_target = target - drone.location
        distance_remaining = car_to_target.flatten().magnitude()

        agent.line(target - Vector3(0, 0, 500), target + Vector3(0, 0, 500), [255, 0, 255])

        if self.vector is not None:
            # See commends for adjustment in jump_shot or aerial for explanation
            side_of_vector = sign(self.vector.cross((0, 0, 1)).dot(car_to_target))
            car_to_target_perp = car_to_target.cross((0, 0, side_of_vector)).normalize()
            adjustment = car_to_target.angle(self.vector) * distance_remaining / 3.14
            final_target = target + (car_to_target_perp * adjustment)
            final_target = target

        # Some adjustment to the final target to ensure it's inside the field and
        # we don't try to drive through any goalposts to reach it
        if abs(drone.location[1]) > 5150:
            final_target[0] = cap(final_target[0], -750, 750)

        local_target = drone.local(final_target - drone.location)

        angles = defaultPD(drone, local_target, self.direction)
        defaultThrottle(drone, 2300, self.direction)

        drone.controller.boost = False
        drone.controller.handbrake = True if abs(angles[1]) > 2.3 else drone.controller.handbrake

        velocity = 1 + drone.velocity.magnitude()
        if distance_remaining < 350:
        elif abs(angles[1]) < 0.05 and 600 < velocity < 2150 and distance_remaining / velocity > 2.0:
        # TODO Halfflip
        # elif abs(angles[1]) > 2.8 and velocity < 200:
        #     agent.push(flip(local_target, True))
        elif drone.airborne:
예제 #13
def get_slices(drone: CarObject, cap_):
    # Get the struct
    struct = drone.ball_prediction_struct

    # Make sure it isn't empty
    if struct is None:

    start_slice = 6
    end_slices = None

    # If we're shooting, crop the struct
    if len(
    ) > 0 and drone.stack[0].__class__.__name__ != "ShortShot" and hasattr(
            drone.stack[0], "intercept_time"):
        # Get the time remaining
        time_remaining = drone.stack[0].intercept_time - drone.time
        if 0.5 > time_remaining >= 0:

        # if the shot is done but it's working on it's 'follow through', then ignore this stuff
        if time_remaining > 0:
            # Convert the time remaining into number of slices, and take off the minimum gain accepted from the time
            min_gain = 0.05
            end_slice = round(min(time_remaining - min_gain, cap_) * 60)

    if end_slices is None:
        # Cap the slices
        end_slice = round(cap_ * 60)

    # We can't end a slice index that's lower than the start index
    if end_slice <= start_slice:

    # for every second worth of slices that we have to search,
    # skip 1 more slice (for performance reasons) - min 1 and max 3
    skip = cap(end_slice - start_slice / 60, 1, 3)
    return struct.slices[start_slice:end_slice:skip]
예제 #14
파일: tools.py 프로젝트: robbai/RLBotPack
def find_hits(drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind, targets):
    # find_hits takes a dict of (left,right) target pairs and finds routines that could hit the ball
    # between those target pairs
    # find_hits is only meant for routines that require a defined intercept time/place in the future
    # find_hits should not be called more than once in a given tick,
    # as it has the potential to use an entire tick to calculate

    # Example Useage:
    # targets = {"goal":(opponent_left_post,opponent_right_post), "anywhere_but_my_net":(my_right_post,my_left_post)}
    # hits = find_hits(agent,targets)
    # print(hits)
    # >{"goal":[a ton of jump and aerial routines,in order from soonest to latest],
    # "anywhere_but_my_net":[more routines and stuff]}
    hits = {name: [] for name in targets}
    struct = agent.get_ball_prediction_struct()

    # Begin looking at slices 0.25s into the future
    # The number of slices
    i = 15
    while i < struct.num_slices:
        # Gather some data about the slice
        intercept_time = struct.slices[i].game_seconds
        time_remaining = intercept_time - agent.time
        if time_remaining > 0:
            ball_location = Vector3(struct.slices[i].physics.location)
            ball_velocity = Vector3(

            if abs(ball_location[1]) > 5250:
                break  # abandon search if ball is scored at/after this point

            # determine the next slice we will look at, based on ball velocity (slower ball needs fewer slices)
            i += 15 - cap(int(ball_velocity // 150), 0, 13)

            car_to_ball = ball_location - drone.location
            # Adding a True to a vector's normalize will have it also return the magnitude of the vector
            direction, distance = car_to_ball.normalize(True)

            # How far the car must turn in order to face the ball, for forward and reverse
            forward_angle = direction.angle(drone.forward)
            backward_angle = math.pi - forward_angle

            # Accounting for the average time it takes to turn and face the ball
            # Backward is slightly longer as typically the car is moving forward and takes time to slow down
            forward_time = time_remaining - (forward_angle * 0.318)
            backward_time = time_remaining - (backward_angle * 0.418)

            # If the car only had to drive in a straight line, we ensure it has enough time to reach the ball
            # (a few assumptions are made)
            forward_flag = forward_time > 0.0 and (
                distance * 1.05 / forward_time) < (
                    2290 if drone.boost > distance / 100 else 1400)
            backward_flag = distance < 1500 and backward_time > 0.0 and (
                distance * 1.05 / backward_time) < 1200

            # Provided everything checks out, we begin to look at the target pairs
            if forward_flag or backward_flag:
                for pair in targets:
                    # First we correct the target coordinates to account for the ball's radius
                    # If swapped == True, the shot isn't possible because the ball wouldn't fit between the targets
                    left, right, swapped = post_correction(
                        ball_location, targets[pair][0], targets[pair][1])
                    if not swapped:
                        # Now we find the best direction to hit the ball in order to land it between the target points
                        left_vector = (left - ball_location).normalize()
                        right_vector = (right - ball_location).normalize()
                        best_shot_vector = direction.clamp(
                            left_vector, right_vector)

                        # Check to make sure our approach is inside the field
                        if in_field(ball_location - (200 * best_shot_vector),
                            # The slope represents how close the car is to the chosen vector, higher = better
                            # A slope of 1.0 would mean the car is 45 degrees off
                            slope = find_slope(best_shot_vector, car_to_ball)
                            if forward_flag:
                                if ball_location[2] <= 300 and slope > 0.0:
                                        JumpShot(ball_location, intercept_time,
                                                 best_shot_vector, slope))
                                if 300 < ball_location[
                                        2] < 600 and slope > 1.0 and (
                                            ball_location[2] -
                                            250) * 0.14 > drone.boost:
                            elif backward_flag and ball_location[
                                    2] <= 280 and slope > 0.25:
                                    JumpShot(ball_location, intercept_time,
                                             best_shot_vector, slope, -1))
    return hits
예제 #15
    def run(self, drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind):
        if self.time == -1:
            elapsed = 0
            self.time = agent.time
            elapsed = agent.time - self.time
        T = self.intercept_time - agent.time
        xf = drone.location + drone.velocity * T + 0.5 * gravity * T ** 2
        vf = drone.velocity + gravity * T
        if self.jumping:
            if self.jump_time == -1:
                jump_elapsed = 0
                self.jump_time = agent.time
                jump_elapsed = agent.time - self.jump_time
            tau = jump_max_duration - jump_elapsed
            if jump_elapsed == 0:
                vf += drone.up * jump_speed
                xf += drone.up * jump_speed * T

            vf += drone.up * jump_acc * tau
            xf += drone.up * jump_acc * tau * (T - 0.5 * tau)

            vf += drone.up * jump_speed
            xf += drone.up * jump_speed * (T - tau)

            if jump_elapsed < jump_max_duration:
                drone.controller.jump = True
            elif elapsed >= jump_max_duration and self.counter < 3:
                drone.controller.jump = False
                self.counter += 1
            elif elapsed < 0.3:
                drone.controller.jump = True
                self.jumping = jump_elapsed <= 0.3
            drone.controller.jump = 0

        delta_x = self.ball_location - xf
        direction = delta_x.normalize()
        if delta_x.magnitude() > 50:
            defaultPD(drone, drone.local(delta_x))
            if self.target is not None:
                defaultPD(drone, drone.local(self.target))
                defaultPD(drone, drone.local(self.ball_location - drone.location))

        if jump_max_duration <= elapsed < 0.3 and self.counter == 3:
            drone.controller.roll = 0
            drone.controller.pitch = 0
            drone.controller.yaw = 0
            drone.controller.steer = 0

        if drone.forward.angle3D(direction) < 0.3:
            if delta_x.magnitude() > 50:
                drone.controller.boost = 1
                drone.controller.throttle = 0
                drone.controller.boost = 0
                drone.controller.throttle = cap(0.5 * throttle_accel * T ** 2, 0, 1)
            drone.controller.boost = 0
            drone.controller.throttle = 0

        if T <= 0 or not shot_valid(agent, self, threshold=150):
예제 #16
파일: spline.py 프로젝트: cbx33/pyola
 def calculate(self):
     return cap(scipy.interpolate.splev([self.current_time], self.rep, der=0)[0])
예제 #17
    def run_simba(self):
        verbose = self.verbose
        for index in tqdm(range(len(self.X))):
            if verbose:
                print("Index:", index)
            queries_count = 0
            img = self.X[index].copy()
            if verbose:
                print("INITIAL IMAGE")
            if self.reshape_flag:
                new_shape = self.reshape
                new_shape = np.shape(img)
            if verbose:
                plt.imshow(np.reshape(img, new_shape))
            label = np.argmax(self.y[index])

            shape = np.shape(img)
            selected = set()

            init_probs_distribution = self.model.predict(np.array([img]))[0]
            queries_count += 1
            curr_probs_distribution = init_probs_distribution.copy()
            init_prob = init_probs_distribution[label]
            curr_prob = init_prob
            perturbed = False
            l0_distance = 0

            for step in range(self.max_iterations):
                if (l0_distance > self.max_l0_distance):
                    if verbose:
                        print("l0_distance exceeded")
                if (step % 100 == 0):
                    if verbose:
                        print(" Step:", step)
                        print(" Prob:", curr_prob)
                if SimbaWrapper.stop_condition_success(curr_probs_distribution,
                    if verbose:
                        print("Perturbation successful")
                        print("Classified as: ",
                        print("Perturbed image:")
                        if self.reshape_flag:
                            new_shape = self.reshape
                            new_shape = np.shape(img)
                        plt.imshow(np.reshape(img, new_shape))
                    perturbed = True

                if queries_count >= self.max_queries:
                    if verbose:
                        print("max queries exceeded")

                if len(selected) >= np.shape(self.X[0])[0] * np.shape(
                    if verbose:
                        print("all pixels consumed")

                # Pick next pixel to alter. This can't be part of the pixels already expored, as per the SimBA paper.
                i = random.randint(0, shape[0] - 1)
                j = random.randint(0, shape[1] - 1)
                while (i, j) in selected:
                    i = random.randint(0, shape[0] - 1)
                    j = random.randint(0, shape[1] - 1)
                selected.add((i, j))

                img_pos = img.copy()
                    0] = img_pos[i][j][0] + self.epsilon * self.max_value
                img_pos[i][j][0] = utils.cap(img_pos[i][j][0], 0,

                #                 random_intensity = random.randint(0,255) / 255
                #                 img_pos[i][j][0] = random_intensity

                res_pos_distribution = self.model.predict(np.array([img_pos
                queries_count += 1
                res_pos = res_pos_distribution[label]

                if (res_pos < curr_prob):
                    curr_probs_distribution = res_pos_distribution
                    curr_prob = res_pos
                    img = img_pos
                    l0_distance += 1
                    img_neg = img.copy()
                        0] = img_neg[i][j][0] - self.epsilon * self.max_value
                    img_neg[i][j][0] = utils.cap(img_neg[i][j][0], 0,
                    #                     img_neg[i][j][0] = random_intensity

                    res_neg_distribution = self.model.predict(
                    queries_count += 1
                    res_neg = res_neg_distribution[label]

                    if (res_neg < curr_prob):
                        curr_probs_distribution = res_neg_distribution
                        curr_prob = res_neg
                        img = img_neg
                        l0_distance += 1
            if verbose:
                print(" Queries:", queries_count)


            if index % 20 == 0:
                FILE_COUNT = index // 20
                save_data = {
                    "queries": self.queries,
                    "perturbed": self.perturbed,
                    "l0_distances": self.l0_distances
                with open(self.folder + "/" + str(FILE_COUNT) + ".json",
                          "w") as fp:
                    json.dump(save_data, fp)
예제 #18
    def run(self, drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind):
        raw_time_remaining = self.intercept_time - agent.time
        # Capping raw_time_remaining above 0 to prevent division problems
        time_remaining = cap(raw_time_remaining, 0.01, 10.0)

        car_to_ball = self.ball_location - drone.location
        # whether we are to the left or right of the shot vector
        side_of_shot = sign(self.shot_vector.cross((0, 0, 1)).dot(car_to_ball))

        car_to_intercept = self.intercept - drone.location
        car_to_intercept_perp = car_to_intercept.cross((0, 0, side_of_shot))  # perpendicular
        distance_remaining = car_to_intercept.flatten().magnitude()

        speed_required = distance_remaining / time_remaining
        # When still on the ground we pretend gravity doesn't exist, for better or worse
        acceleration_required = backsolve(self.intercept, drone, time_remaining, 0 if self.jump_time == 0 else 325)
        local_acceleration_required = drone.local(acceleration_required)

        # The adjustment causes the car to circle around the dodge point in an effort to line up with the shot vector
        # The adjustment slowly decreases to 0 as the bot nears the time to jump
        adjustment = car_to_intercept.angle(self.shot_vector) * distance_remaining / 1.57  # size of adjustment
        adjustment *= (cap(self.jump_threshold - (acceleration_required[2]), 0.0,
                           self.jump_threshold) / self.jump_threshold)  # factoring in how close to jump we are
        # we don't adjust the final target if we are already jumping
        final_target = self.intercept + ((car_to_intercept_perp.normalize() * adjustment) if self.jump_time == 0 else 0)

        # Some extra adjustment to the final target to ensure it's inside the field and
        # we don't try to drive through any goalposts to reach it
        if abs(drone.location[1] > 5150):
            final_target[0] = cap(final_target[0], -750, 750)

        local_final_target = drone.local(final_target - drone.location)

        # drawing debug lines to show the dodge point and final target (which differs due to the adjustment)
        agent.line(drone.location, self.intercept)
        agent.line(self.intercept - Vector3(0, 0, 100), self.intercept + Vector3(0, 0, 100), [255, 0, 0])
        agent.line(final_target - Vector3(0, 0, 100), final_target + Vector3(0, 0, 100), [0, 255, 0])

        angles = defaultPD(drone, local_final_target)

        if self.jump_time == 0:
            defaultThrottle(drone, speed_required)
            drone.controller.boost = False if abs(angles[1]) > 0.3 or drone.airborne else drone.controller.boost
            drone.controller.handbrake = True if abs(angles[1]) > 2.3 else drone.controller.handbrake
            if acceleration_required[2] > self.jump_threshold:
                # Switch into the jump when the upward acceleration required reaches our threshold,
                # hopefully we have aligned already...
                self.jump_time = agent.time
            time_since_jump = agent.time - self.jump_time

            # While airborne we boost if we're within 30 degrees of our local acceleration requirement
            if drone.airborne and local_acceleration_required.magnitude() * time_remaining > 100:
                angles = defaultPD(drone, local_acceleration_required)
                if abs(angles[0]) + abs(angles[1]) < 0.5:
                    drone.controller.boost = True
            if self.counter == 0 and (time_since_jump <= 0.2 and local_acceleration_required[2] > 0):
                # hold the jump button up to 0.2 seconds to get the most acceleration from the first jump
                drone.controller.jump = True
            elif time_since_jump > 0.2 and self.counter < 3:
                # Release the jump button for 3 ticks
                drone.controller.jump = False
                self.counter += 1
            elif local_acceleration_required[2] > 300 and self.counter == 3:
                # the acceleration from the second jump is instant, so we only do it for 1 frame
                drone.controller.jump = True
                drone.controller.pitch = 0
                drone.controller.yaw = 0
                drone.controller.roll = 0
                self.counter += 1

        if raw_time_remaining < -0.25 or not shot_valid(agent, self):
예제 #19
    def run(self, drone: CarObject, agent: MyHivemind):
        raw_time_remaining = self.intercept_time - agent.time
        # Capping raw_time_remaining above 0 to prevent division problems
        time_remaining = cap(raw_time_remaining, 0.001, 10.0)
        car_to_ball = self.ball_location - drone.location
        # whether we are to the left or right of the shot vector
        side_of_shot = sign(self.shot_vector.cross((0, 0, 1)).dot(car_to_ball))

        car_to_dodge_point = self.dodge_point - drone.location
        car_to_dodge_perp = car_to_dodge_point.cross((0, 0, side_of_shot))  # perpendicular
        distance_remaining = car_to_dodge_point.magnitude()

        speed_required = distance_remaining / time_remaining
        acceleration_required = backsolve(self.dodge_point, drone, time_remaining, 0 if not self.jumping else 650)
        local_acceleration_required = drone.local(acceleration_required)

        # The adjustment causes the car to circle around the dodge point in an effort to line up with the shot vector
        # The adjustment slowly decreases to 0 as the bot nears the time to jump
        adjustment = car_to_dodge_point.angle(self.shot_vector) * distance_remaining / 2.0  # size of adjustment
        adjustment *= (cap(self.jump_threshold - (acceleration_required[2]), 0.0,
                           self.jump_threshold) / self.jump_threshold)  # factoring in how close to jump we are
        # we don't adjust the final target if we are already jumping
        final_target = self.dodge_point + (
            (car_to_dodge_perp.normalize() * adjustment) if not self.jumping else 0) + Vector3(0, 0, 50)
        # Ensuring our target isn't too close to the sides of the field,
        # where our car would get messed up by the radius of the curves

        # Some adjustment to the final target to ensure it's inside the field and
        # we don't try to dirve through any goalposts to reach it
        if abs(drone.location[1]) > 5150:
            final_target[0] = cap(final_target[0], -750, 750)

        local_final_target = drone.local(final_target - drone.location)

        # drawing debug lines to show the dodge point and final target (which differs due to the adjustment)
        agent.line(drone.location, self.dodge_point)
        agent.line(self.dodge_point - Vector3(0, 0, 100), self.dodge_point + Vector3(0, 0, 100), [255, 0, 0])
        agent.line(final_target - Vector3(0, 0, 100), final_target + Vector3(0, 0, 100), [0, 255, 0])

        # Calling our drive utils to get us going towards the final target
        angles = defaultPD(drone, local_final_target, self.direction)
        defaultThrottle(drone, speed_required, self.direction)

        agent.line(drone.location, drone.location + (self.shot_vector * 200), [255, 255, 255])

        drone.controller.boost = False if abs(angles[1]) > 0.3 or drone.airborne else drone.controller.boost
        drone.controller.handbrake = True if abs(
            angles[1]) > 2.3 and self.direction == 1 else drone.controller.handbrake

        if not self.jumping:
            if raw_time_remaining <= 0.0 or (speed_required - 2300) * time_remaining > 45 or not shot_valid(agent,
                # If we're out of time or not fast enough to be within 45 units of target at the intercept time, we pop
                if drone.airborne:
            elif local_acceleration_required[2] > self.jump_threshold \
                    and local_acceleration_required[2] > local_acceleration_required.flatten().magnitude():
                # Switch into the jump when the upward acceleration required reaches our threshold,
                # and our lateral acceleration is negligible
                self.jumping = True
            if (raw_time_remaining > 0.2 and not shot_valid(agent, self, 150)) or raw_time_remaining <= -0.9 or (
                    not drone.airborne and self.counter > 0):
            elif self.counter == 0 and local_acceleration_required[2] > 0.0 and raw_time_remaining > 0.083:
                # Initial jump to get airborne + we hold the jump button for extra power as required
                drone.controller.jump = True
            elif self.counter < 3:
                # make sure we aren't jumping for at least 3 frames
                drone.controller.jump = False
                self.counter += 1
            elif 0.1 >= raw_time_remaining > -0.9:
                # dodge in the direction of the shot_vector
                drone.controller.jump = True
                if not self.dodging:
                    vector = drone.local(self.shot_vector)
                    self.p = abs(vector[0]) * -sign(vector[0])
                    self.y = abs(vector[1]) * sign(vector[1]) * self.direction
                    self.dodging = True
                # simulating a deadzone so that the dodge is more natural
                drone.controller.pitch = self.p if abs(self.p) > 0.2 else 0
                drone.controller.yaw = self.y if abs(self.y) > 0.3 else 0