예제 #1
def function_to_minimize(chi_params_scalars, chi_params_init, params, iterative_params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, tau_bq, e):
        chi_params_scalars = guesses for multipliers for chi parameters ((S+J)x1 array)
        chi_params_init = chi parameters that will be multiplied ((S+J)x1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        weights_SS = steady state population weights (Sx1 array)
        rho_vec = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rates (Jx1 array)
        e = ability levels (Jx1 array)
        The sum of absolute percent deviations between the actual and simulated wealth moments
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, \
    a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    chi_params_init *= chi_params_scalars
    # print 'Print Chi_b: ', chi_params_init[:J]
    # print 'Scaling vals:', chi_params_scalars[:J]
    solutions_dict = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl", "rb"))
    solutions = solutions_dict['solutions']

    b_guess = solutions[:S*J]
    n_guess = solutions[S*J:2*S*J]
    wguess, rguess, factorguess, T_Hguess = solutions[2*S*J:]
    solutions = SS_solver(b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_params_init[J:], chi_params_init[:J], params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)

    b_new = solutions[:S*J]
    n_new = solutions[S*J:2*S*J]
    w_new, r_new, factor_new, T_H_new = solutions[2*S*J:]
    # Wealth Calibration Euler
    error5 = list(utils.check_wealth_calibration(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:-1, :], factor_new, params))
    # labor calibration euler
    lab_data_dict = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/labor_data_moments.pkl", "rb"))
    labor_sim = (n_new.reshape(S, J)*lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum(axis=1)
    if DATASET == 'SMALL':
        lab_dist_data = lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data'][:S]
        lab_dist_data = lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data']

    error6 = list(utils.perc_dif_func(labor_sim, lab_dist_data))
    # combine eulers
    output = np.array(error5 + error6)
    # Constraints
    eul_error = np.ones(J)
    for j in xrange(J):
        eul_error[j] = np.abs(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j], n_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j]), r_new, w_new, T_H_new, factor_new, j, params, chi_params_init[:J], chi_params_init[J:], tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)).max()
    fsolve_no_converg = eul_error.max()
    if np.isnan(fsolve_no_converg):
        fsolve_no_converg = 1e6
    if fsolve_no_converg > 1e-4:
        # If the fsovle didn't converge (was NaN or above the tolerance), then tell the minimizer that this is a bad place to be
        # and don't save the solutions as initial guesses (since they might be gibberish)
        output += 1e14
        var_names = ['solutions']
        dictionary = {}
        for key in var_names:
            dictionary[key] = locals()[key]
        pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl", "wb"))
    if (chi_params_init <= 0.0).any():
        # In case the minimizer doesn't respect the bounds given
        output += 1e14
    # Use generalized method of moments to fit the chi's
    weighting_mat = np.eye(2*J + S)
    scaling_val = 100.0
    value = np.dot(scaling_val * np.dot(output.reshape(1, 2*J+S), weighting_mat), scaling_val * output.reshape(2*J+S, 1))
    print 'Value of criterion function: ', value.sum()
    return value.sum()
예제 #2
파일: SS.py 프로젝트: drexmca/dynamic
def function_to_minimize(chi_params_scalars, chi_params_init, income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters, 
                         iterative_params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, tau_bq, e, output_dir):
        chi_params_scalars = guesses for multipliers for chi parameters
                             ((S+J)x1 array)
        chi_params_init = chi parameters that will be multiplied
                          ((S+J)x1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        weights_SS = steady state population weights (Sx1 array)
        rho_vec = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rates (Jx1 array)
        e = ability levels (Jx1 array)
        The sum of absolute percent deviations between the actual and
        simulated wealth moments
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_parameters

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_parameters

    chi_params_init *= chi_params_scalars
    # print 'Print Chi_b: ', chi_params_init[:J]
    # print 'Scaling vals:', chi_params_scalars[:J]
    ss_init_path = os.path.join(output_dir,
    solutions_dict = pickle.load(open(ss_init_path, "rb"))
    solutions = solutions_dict['solutions']

    b_guess = solutions[:(S * J)]
    n_guess = solutions[S * J:2 * S * J]
    wguess, rguess, factorguess, T_Hguess = solutions[(2 * S * J):]
    guesses = [wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess]
    args_ = (b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), chi_params_init[J:], chi_params_init[:J], 
                 income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, omega_SS, e)
    [solutions, infodict, ier, message] = opt.fsolve(SS_fsolve, guesses, args=args_, xtol=mindist_SS, full_output=True)
    [wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess] = solutions
    fsolve_flag = True
    solutions = SS_solver(b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_params_init[
                              J:], chi_params_init[:J], income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, omega_SS, e, fsolve_flag)

    b_new = solutions[:(S * J)]
    n_new = solutions[(S * J):(2 * S * J)]
    w_new, r_new, factor_new, T_H_new = solutions[(2 * S * J):]
    # Wealth Calibration Euler
    error5 = list(utils.check_wealth_calibration(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:-1, :],
                                                 factor_new, ss_parameters, output_dir))
    # labor calibration euler
    labor_path = os.path.join(
        output_dir, "Saved_moments/labor_data_moments.pkl")
    lab_data_dict = pickle.load(open(labor_path, "rb"))
    labor_sim = (n_new.reshape(S, J) * lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum(axis=1)
    if DATASET == 'SMALL':
        lab_dist_data = lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data'][:S]
        lab_dist_data = lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data']

    error6 = list(utils.perc_dif_func(labor_sim, lab_dist_data))
    # combine eulers
    output = np.array(error5 + error6)
    # Constraints
    eul_error = np.ones(J)
    for j in xrange(J):
        eul_error[j] = np.abs(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j], n_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j]), r_new, w_new,
                                                    T_H_new, factor_new, j, income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters, chi_params_init[:J], chi_params_init[J:], tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)).max()
    fsolve_no_converg = eul_error.max()
    if np.isnan(fsolve_no_converg):
        fsolve_no_converg = 1e6
    if fsolve_no_converg > 1e-4:
        # If the fsovle didn't converge (was NaN or above the tolerance), then tell the minimizer that this is a bad place to be
        # and don't save the solutions as initial guesses (since they might be
        # gibberish)
        output += 1e14
        var_names = ['solutions']
        dictionary = {}
        for key in var_names:
            dictionary[key] = locals()[key]
        ss_init_path = os.path.join(
            output_dir, "Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl")
        pickle.dump(dictionary, open(ss_init_path, "wb"))
    if (chi_params_init <= 0.0).any():
        # In case the minimizer doesn't respect the bounds given
        output += 1e14
    # Use generalized method of moments to fit the chi's
    weighting_mat = np.eye(2 * J + S)
    scaling_val = 100.0
    value = np.dot(scaling_val * np.dot(output.reshape(1, 2 * J + S),
                                        weighting_mat), scaling_val * output.reshape(2 * J + S, 1))
    print 'Value of criterion function: ', value.sum()

    # pickle output in case not converge
    global Nfeval, value_all, chi_params_all
    value_all[Nfeval] = value.sum()
    chi_params_all[:,Nfeval] = chi_params_init
    dict_GMM = dict([('values', value_all), ('chi_params', chi_params_all)])
    ss_init_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "Saved_moments/SS_init_all.pkl")
    pickle.dump(dict_GMM, open(ss_init_path, "wb"))
    Nfeval += 1

    return value.sum()
예제 #3
def function_to_minimize(chi_params_scalars, chi_params_init,
                         income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters,
                         iterative_params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas,
                         tau_bq, e, output_dir):
        chi_params_scalars = guesses for multipliers for chi parameters
                             ((S+J)x1 array)
        chi_params_init = chi parameters that will be multiplied
                          ((S+J)x1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        weights_SS = steady state population weights (Sx1 array)
        rho_vec = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rates (Jx1 array)
        e = ability levels (Jx1 array)
        The sum of absolute percent deviations between the actual and
        simulated wealth moments
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_parameters

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_parameters

    chi_params_init *= chi_params_scalars
    # print 'Print Chi_b: ', chi_params_init[:J]
    # print 'Scaling vals:', chi_params_scalars[:J]
    ss_init_path = os.path.join(output_dir,
    solutions_dict = pickle.load(open(ss_init_path, "rb"))
    solutions = solutions_dict['solutions']

    b_guess = solutions[:(S * J)]
    n_guess = solutions[S * J:2 * S * J]
    wguess, rguess, factorguess, T_Hguess = solutions[(2 * S * J):]
    guesses = [wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess]
    args_ = (b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), chi_params_init[J:],
             chi_params_init[:J], income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters,
             iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, omega_SS, e)
    [solutions, infodict, ier, message] = opt.fsolve(SS_fsolve,
    [wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess] = solutions
    fsolve_flag = True
    solutions = SS_solver(b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), wguess,
                          rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_params_init[J:],
                          chi_params_init[:J], income_tax_parameters,
                          ss_parameters, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho,
                          lambdas, omega_SS, e, fsolve_flag)

    b_new = solutions[:(S * J)]
    n_new = solutions[(S * J):(2 * S * J)]
    w_new, r_new, factor_new, T_H_new = solutions[(2 * S * J):]
    # Wealth Calibration Euler
    error5 = list(
            b_new.reshape(S, J)[:-1, :], factor_new, ss_parameters,
    # labor calibration euler
    labor_path = os.path.join(output_dir,
    lab_data_dict = pickle.load(open(labor_path, "rb"))
    labor_sim = (n_new.reshape(S, J) * lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum(axis=1)
    if DATASET == 'SMALL':
        lab_dist_data = lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data'][:S]
        lab_dist_data = lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data']

    error6 = list(utils.perc_dif_func(labor_sim, lab_dist_data))
    # combine eulers
    output = np.array(error5 + error6)
    # Constraints
    eul_error = np.ones(J)
    for j in xrange(J):
        eul_error[j] = np.abs(
                    b_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j],
                    n_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j]), r_new, w_new, T_H_new,
                factor_new, j, income_tax_parameters, ss_parameters,
                chi_params_init[:J], chi_params_init[J:], tau_bq, rho, lambdas,
                weights_SS, e)).max()
    fsolve_no_converg = eul_error.max()
    if np.isnan(fsolve_no_converg):
        fsolve_no_converg = 1e6
    if fsolve_no_converg > 1e-4:
        # If the fsovle didn't converge (was NaN or above the tolerance), then tell the minimizer that this is a bad place to be
        # and don't save the solutions as initial guesses (since they might be
        # gibberish)
        output += 1e14
        var_names = ['solutions']
        dictionary = {}
        for key in var_names:
            dictionary[key] = locals()[key]
        ss_init_path = os.path.join(output_dir,
        pickle.dump(dictionary, open(ss_init_path, "wb"))
    if (chi_params_init <= 0.0).any():
        # In case the minimizer doesn't respect the bounds given
        output += 1e14
    # Use generalized method of moments to fit the chi's
    weighting_mat = np.eye(2 * J + S)
    scaling_val = 100.0
    value = np.dot(
        scaling_val * np.dot(output.reshape(1, 2 * J + S), weighting_mat),
        scaling_val * output.reshape(2 * J + S, 1))
    print 'Value of criterion function: ', value.sum()

    # pickle output in case not converge
    global Nfeval, value_all, chi_params_all
    value_all[Nfeval] = value.sum()
    chi_params_all[:, Nfeval] = chi_params_init
    dict_GMM = dict([('values', value_all), ('chi_params', chi_params_all)])
    ss_init_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "Saved_moments/SS_init_all.pkl")
    pickle.dump(dict_GMM, open(ss_init_path, "wb"))
    Nfeval += 1

    return value.sum()