def test_get_mpy(tmp_path): # Use Submodules mpy_path = "./micropython" lib_path = "./micropython-lib" try: version = clean_version(git.get_tag(mpy_path) or "0.0") except Exception: warnings.warn("Could not find the micropython version Tag - assuming v1.x") version = "v1.x" assert version, "could not find micropython version" print("found micropython version : {}".format(version)) # folder/{family}-{version}-frozen family = "micropython" stub_path = "{}-{}-frozen".format(family, clean_version(version, flat=True)) get_mpy.get_frozen(str(tmp_path / stub_path), version=version, mpy_path=mpy_path, lib_path=lib_path) modules_count = len(list((tmp_path / stub_path).glob("**/modules.json"))) stub_count = len(list((tmp_path / stub_path).glob("**/*.py"))) if version == "v1.x": assert modules_count >= 4, "there should at least 4 module manifests" assert stub_count >= 10, "there should > 10 frozen modules" elif version >= "v1.15": assert modules_count >= 7, "there should at least 7 module manifests" assert stub_count >= 100, "there should > 100 frozen modules"
def get_frozen(stub_path: str, version: str, mpy_path: str = None, lib_path: str = None): """ get and parse the to-be-frozen .py modules for micropython to extract the static type information - requires that the MicroPython and Micropython-lib repos are checked out and available on a local path - repos should be cloned side-by-side as some of the manifests refer to micropython-lib scripts using a relative path """ current_dir = os.getcwd() if not mpy_path: mpy_path = "./micropython" if not lib_path: lib_path = "./micropython-lib" if not stub_path: stub_path = "{}/{}_{}_frozen".format( utils.STUB_FOLDER, FAMILY, utils.clean_version(version, flat=True)) # get the manifests of the different ports and boards mpy_path = Path(mpy_path).absolute().as_posix() lib_path = Path(lib_path).absolute().as_posix() stub_path = Path(stub_path).absolute().as_posix() # is used for board specific and daily builds # is used for the release builds manifests = glob.glob( mpy_path + "/ports/**/", recursive=True) + glob.glob( mpy_path + "/ports/**/", recursive=True) # remove any manifests that are below one of the virtual environments (venv) \ # 'C:\\develop\\MyPython\\micropython\\ports\\esp32\\build-venv\\lib64\\python3.6\\site-packages\\pip\\_vendor\\distlib\\' # and skip the manifest used for coverage tests manifests = [ m for m in manifests if not "venv" in m and Path(m) != "coverage" ] if len(manifests) > 0:"MicroPython v1.12 and newer") get_frozen_from_manifest(manifests, stub_path, mpy_path, lib_path, version) else:"MicroPython v1.11, older or other") # others get_frozen_folders(stub_path, mpy_path, lib_path, version) # restore cwd os.chdir(current_dir)
def get_frozen(stub_path=None, *, repo=None, version="3.2.24"): "Loboris frozen modules" if stub_path is None: stub_path = Path("./all-stubs") / "{}-{}-frozen".format( FAMILY, utils.clean_version(version, flat=True)) else: stub_path = Path(stub_path) if not repo: repo = "{}" frozen_modules = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", # "", # "", # "", "", "", ] # download downloader.download_files(repo, frozen_modules, stub_path) # make a manifest utils.make_manifest( stub_path, FAMILY, port="esp32", version=version, stubtype="frozen", )
def get_all(): "get all frozen modules for the current version of micropython" # get_cpython.get_core(stub_path=stubfolder('cpython_core'), requirements='./src/reqs-cpython-mpy.txt') mpy_path = '../micropython' version = clean_version(git.get_tag(mpy_path)) if version:"found micropython version : {}".format(version)) # folder/{family}-{version}-frozen family = 'micropython' stub_path = stubfolder('{}-{}-frozen'.format(family, flat_version(version))) get_mpy.get_frozen(stub_path, version=version, mpy_path=mpy_path, lib_path='../micropython-lib') else: log.warning('Unable to find the micropython repo in folder : {}'.format(mpy_path)) get_lobo.get_frozen(stub_path=STUB_FOLDER + '/loboris-esp32_lobo_3_2_24' + '-frozen') # now generate typeshed files for all scripts"Generate type hint files (pyi) in folder: {}".format(STUB_FOLDER)) utils.make_stub_files(STUB_FOLDER, levels=7)
# make a module manifest utils.make_manifest(Path(makemanifest.stub_dir), FAMILY, port=port_name, board=board_name, version=version, stubtype="frozen") if __name__ == "__main__": "just gather for the current version" logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s", level=logging.INFO) mpy_path = "./micropython" lib_path = "./micropython-lib" version = utils.clean_version(git.get_tag(mpy_path) or "0.0") if version:"found micropython version : {}".format(version)) # folder/{family}_{version}_frozen stub_path = utils.stubfolder("{}-{}-frozen".format( FAMILY, utils.clean_version(version, flat=True))) get_frozen(stub_path, version=version, mpy_path=mpy_path, lib_path=lib_path) exit(0) else: log.warning( "Unable to find the micropython repo in folder : {}".format( mpy_path))
def read_manifests(workspace_root: Path): configs = (workspace_root / "stubs").rglob("modules.json") for file in configs: try: with open(file) as f: module_manifest = json.load(f) except (OSError, json.JSONDecodeError): continue stub_type = "" if isinstance(module_manifest, list): # Old module manifest format firmware = module_manifest[0] stub_ver = module_manifest[1]["stubber"] module_count = max(len(module_manifest) - 2, 0) else: # new module manifest format firmware = module_manifest["firmware"] stub_ver = module_manifest["stubber"]["version"] module_count = len(module_manifest["modules"]) # Stubtype added in manifest 1_4_0 if "stubtype" in module_manifest["stubber"]: stub_type = module_manifest["stubber"]["stubtype"] # avoid getting Key not found errors firmware = defaultdict(lambda: None, firmware) if stub_type == "": if "-frozen" in file.as_posix(): stub_type = "frozen" elif "cpython" in file.as_posix(): stub_type = "cpython" elif firmware["family"] in [ "lvgl", "ulab", ]: stub_type = "library" else: stub_type = "board" # for frozen modules use the parent folder name (stm32, esp32, rp2) to identify the system # todo: update logic in generating the frozen manifest files if stub_type == "frozen": sysname = + "-" + else: sysname = firmware["sysname"] fw = defaultdict( lambda: "-", { "type": stub_type, "family": firmware["family"] or "micropython", "version": clean_version(firmware["version"] or "-"), # version without v-prefix # "bare_version": clean_version(firmware["version"] or "-", drop_v=True), "port": firmware["port"] or "-", "board": firmware["machine"] or "generic", "type": stub_type, "sysname": sysname, "module_count": module_count, "stubber_version": stub_ver, "firmware": firmware, "path": file.parent.relative_to(workspace_root).as_posix(), }, ) yield fw
def get_all( stub_folder: str = STUB_FOLDER, mpy_folder: str = MPY_FOLDER, mpy_lib_folder: str = MPY_LIB_FOLDER, version: str = "", core: bool = False, core_type: str = "pycopy", # pycopy or Micropython CPython stubs mpy: bool = False, lobo: bool = False, pyi: bool = True, black: bool = True, all: bool = False, ): "get all frozen modules for the current version of micropython" if not (core or mpy or lobo or all): log.warning("Nothing to do") exit(2) stub_paths: List[Path] = [] if core or all: for core_type in ["pycopy", "micropython"]:"::group:: Get Cpython core :{core_type}") req_filename = f"requirements-core-{core_type}.txt" stub_path = Path(stub_folder) / f"cpython_core-{core_type}" get_cpython.get_core(stub_path=str(stub_path), requirements=req_filename, family=core_type) stub_paths.append(stub_path) if len(version) == 0: version = utils.clean_version(git.get_tag(mpy_folder) or "0.0") if mpy or all: if version:"MicroPython version : {}".format(version)) # folder/{family}-{version}-frozen family = "micropython" stub_path = Path( stub_folder ) / f"{family}-{utils.clean_version(version, flat=True)}-frozen" stub_paths.append(stub_path) get_mpy.get_frozen(str(stub_path), version=version, mpy_path=mpy_folder, lib_path=mpy_lib_folder) else: log.warning( "Unable to find the micropython repo in folder : {}".format( mpy_folder)) if lobo or all: family = "loboris" version = "v3.2.24" stub_path = Path( stub_folder ) / f"{family}-{utils.clean_version(version, flat=True)}-frozen" stub_paths.append(stub_path) get_lobo.get_frozen(str(stub_path)) for pth in stub_paths: if pyi: "Generate type hint files (pyi) in folder: {}".format(pth)) utils.generate_pyi_files(pth) if black: try: cmd = ["black", str(pth), "--include", "\\.py$"] if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor == 7: # black on python 3.7 does not like some function defs # def sizeof(struct, layout_type=NATIVE, /) -> int: cmd += ["--fast"] # shell=false on ubuntu result =, capture_output=False, check=True, shell=False) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(result.stderr.decode("utf-8")) except subprocess.SubprocessError: log.error("some of the files are not in a proper format")
def test_clean_version(): assert utils.clean_version("-") == "-" assert utils.clean_version("0.0") == "v0.0" assert utils.clean_version("1.9.3") == "v1.9.3" assert utils.clean_version("v1.9.3") == "v1.9.3" assert utils.clean_version("v1.10.0") == "v1.10" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0") == "v1.13" # assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e") == "v1.13-Latest" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e") == "latest" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", build=True) == "v1.13-103" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", build=True, commit=True) == "v1.13-103-gb137d064e" # with path # assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", patch=True) == "v1.13.0-Latest" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", patch=True) == "latest" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", patch=True, build=True) == "v1.13.0-103" # with commit assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", patch=True, build=True, commit=True) == "v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e" # FLats # assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", flat=True) == "v1_13-Latest" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", flat=True) == "latest" assert utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", build=True, commit=True, flat=True) == "v1_13-103-gb137d064e" # all options , no V for version assert ( utils.clean_version("v1.13.0-103-gb137d064e", patch=True, build=True, commit=True, flat=True, drop_v=True) == "1_13_0-103-gb137d064e" )
def test_clean_version_build(commit, build, clean): assert utils.clean_version(commit, build=build) == clean
# get_frozen_folders(stub_path='./scratch/mpy_1_13_0_Frozen', mpy_path='../micropython', lib_path='../micropython-lib') #get_frozen(stub_path='./scratch/mpy_1_13_0_Frozen', mpy_path='../micropython', lib_path='../micropython-lib',version='1.13.0') get_frozen(stub_path='./scratch/mpy_1_10_0_Frozen', mpy_path='../micropython', lib_path='../micropython-lib', version='1.10.0') if __name__ == "__main__": "just gather for the current version" logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) mpy_path = '../micropython' lib_path = '../micropython-lib' version = clean_version(git.get_tag(mpy_path)) if version:"found micropython version : {}".format(version)) # folder/{family}_{version}_frozen family = 'mpy' stub_path = stubfolder('{}_{}_frozen'.format(family, flat_version(version))) get_frozen(stub_path, version=version, mpy_path=mpy_path, lib_path=lib_path) exit(0) else: log.warning( 'Unable to find the micropython repo in folder : {}'.format(