return render_to_response("comments/moderation_queue.html", { 'comments' : comments_per_page.object_list, 'empty' : page == 1 and paginator.count == 0, 'is_paginated': paginator.num_pages > 1, 'results_per_page': 100, 'has_next': comments_per_page.has_next(), 'has_previous': comments_per_page.has_previous(), 'page': page, 'next': page + 1, 'previous': page - 1, 'pages': paginator.num_pages, 'hits' : paginator.count, 'page_range' : paginator.page_range }, context_instance=template.RequestContext(request)) moderation_queue = permission_required("comments.can_moderate")(moderation_queue) flag_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/flagged.html", doc = 'Displays a "comment was flagged" success page.' ) delete_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/deleted.html", doc = 'Displays a "comment was deleted" success page.' ) approve_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/approved.html", doc = 'Displays a "comment was approved" success page.' )
comment.user = request.user # Signal that the comment is about to be saved responses = signals.comment_will_be_posted.send( sender=comment.__class__, comment=comment, request=request ) for (receiver, response) in responses: if response == False: return CommentPostBadRequest( "comment_will_be_posted receiver %r killed the comment" % receiver.__name__) # Save the comment and signal that it was saved signals.comment_was_posted.send( sender=comment.__class__, comment=comment, request=request ) return next_redirect(data, next, comment_done, c=comment._get_pk_val()) comment_done = confirmation_view( template="comments/posted.html", doc="""Display a "comment was posted" success page.""" )
flag, created = comments.models.CommentFlag.objects.get_or_create( comment=comment, user=request.user, flag=comments.models.CommentFlag.MODERATOR_APPROVAL, ) comment.is_removed = False comment.is_public = True signals.comment_was_flagged.send( sender=comment.__class__, comment=comment, flag=flag, created=created, request=request, ) # Confirmation views. flag_done = confirmation_view( template="comments/flagged.html", doc='Displays a "comment was flagged" success page.') delete_done = confirmation_view( template="comments/deleted.html", doc='Displays a "comment was deleted" success page.') approve_done = confirmation_view( template="comments/approved.html", doc='Displays a "comment was approved" success page.')
Actually perform the checking of a story from a request. """ story = get_object_or_404(Story, pk=object_id) model.objects.get_or_create(story=story, user=request.user) def perform_uncheck(request, model, object_id): """ Actually perform the unchecking of a story from a request. """ story = get_object_or_404(Story, pk=object_id) get_object_or_404(model, story=story, user=request.user).delete() # Confirmation views. check_save = confirmation_view( model = Save, perform_func = perform_check, message = _("The %(verbose_name)s was created successfully."), doc = 'Displays a "story was saved" success message.' ) uncheck_save = confirmation_view( model = Save, perform_func = perform_uncheck, message = _("The %(verbose_name)s was deleted."), doc = 'Displays a "story was unsaved" success message.' ) check_watch = confirmation_view( model = Watch, perform_func = perform_check, message = _("The %(verbose_name)s was created successfully."), doc = 'Displays a "story was watched" success message.'
# Otherwise create the comment comment = form.get_comment_object() comment.ip_address = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR", None) if request.user.is_authenticated(): comment.user = request.user # Signal that the comment is about to be saved responses = signals.comment_will_be_posted.send(sender=comment.__class__, comment=comment, request=request) for (receiver, response) in responses: if response == False: return CommentPostBadRequest( "comment_will_be_posted receiver %r killed the comment" % receiver.__name__) # Save the comment and signal that it was saved signals.comment_was_posted.send(sender=comment.__class__, comment=comment, request=request) return next_redirect(data, next, comment_done, c=comment._get_pk_val()) comment_done = confirmation_view( template="comments/posted.html", doc="""Display a "comment was posted" success page.""")