예제 #1
파일: Bcpnn.py 프로젝트: MinaKh/bcpnn-mt
def bcpnn_offline_noColumns(params, conn_list, sim_cnt=0, save_all=False, comm=None):
    This function computes the weight and bias values based on spiketimes during the simulation.

        params: parameter dictionary
        conn_list:  two-dim numpy array storing cell-to-cell connections (only non-zero elements will be processed)
                            in the format (src, tgt, weight, delay)
                            file name in which the date is stored in this way
        sim_cnt: int for recording to file
        save_all: if True all traces will be saved
        comm = MPI communicator

    if (type(conn_list) == type('')):
        d = np.load(conn_list)

    if (comm != None):
        pc_id, n_proc = comm.rank, comm.size
        pc_id, n_proc = 0, 1
    # extract the local list of elements 'my_conns' from the global conn_list
    n_total = len(conn_list)
    (min_id, max_id) = utils.distribute_n(n_total, n_proc, pc_id)
    my_conns = [(conn_list[i, 0], conn_list[i, 1], conn_list[i, 2], conn_list[i, 3]) for i in xrange(min_id, max_id)]

    fn = params['exc_spiketimes_fn_merged'] + str(sim_cnt) + '.ras'
    spklist = nts.load_spikelist(fn)#, range(params['n_exc_per_mc']), t_start=0, t_stop=params['t_sim'])
    spiketrains = spklist.spiketrains

    new_conn_list = np.zeros((len(my_conns), 4)) # (src, tgt, weight, delay)
    bias_dict = {}
    for i in xrange(params['n_exc']):
        bias_dict[i] = None
    for i in xrange(len(my_conns)):
#    for i in xrange(2):
        pre_id = my_conns[i][0]
        post_id = my_conns[i][1]

        # create traces from spiketimes
        # pre
        spiketimes_pre = spiketrains[pre_id+1.].spike_times
        pre_trace = utils.convert_spiketrain_to_trace(spiketimes_pre, params['t_sim'] + 1) # + 1 is to handle spikes in the last time step
        # post
        spiketimes_post = spiketrains[post_id+1.].spike_times
        post_trace = utils.convert_spiketrain_to_trace(spiketimes_post, params['t_sim'] + 1) # + 1 is to handle spikes in the last time step

        # compute
#        print "%d Computing traces for %d -> %d; %.2f percent " % (pc_id, pre_id, post_id, i / float(len(my_conns)) * 100.)
        get_traces = save_all
        if (get_traces):
            wij, bias, pi, pj, pij, ei, ej, eij, zi, zj = get_spiking_weight_and_bias(pre_trace, post_trace, get_traces)
            dw = (wij.max() - wij.min()) * params['dw_scale']
            # bias update
            new_bias = bias.max()
            dw, new_bias = get_spiking_weight_and_bias(pre_trace, post_trace, get_traces)
            dw *= params['dw_scale']

        # bias update
        if bias_dict[post_id] == None:
            bias_dict[post_id] = new_bias

        # weight update
        new_conn_list[i, 0] = pre_id
        new_conn_list[i, 1] = post_id
        new_conn_list[i, 2] = dw + my_conns[i][2]
        new_conn_list[i, 3] = my_conns[i][3]

#        print "DEBUG Pc %d \t%d\t%d\t%.1e\t%.1e\tbias:%.4e\tconn:" % (pc_id, new_conn_list[i, 0], new_conn_list[i, 1],  new_conn_list[i, 2],  new_conn_list[i, 3], new_bias[i, 1]), my_conns[i]
        if (save_all):
            # save
            output_fn = params['weights_fn_base'] + "%d_%d.npy" % (pre_id, post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, wij)

            output_fn = params['bias_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % (post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, bias)

            output_fn = params['ztrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % pre_id
            np.save(output_fn, zi)
            output_fn = params['ztrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % post_id
            np.save(output_fn, zj)

            output_fn = params['etrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % pre_id
            np.save(output_fn, ei)
            output_fn = params['etrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % post_id
            np.save(output_fn, ej)
            output_fn = params['etrace_fn_base'] + "%d_%d.npy" % (pre_id, post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, eij)

            output_fn = params['ptrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % pre_id
            np.save(output_fn, pi)
            output_fn = params['ptrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % post_id
            np.save(output_fn, pj)
            output_fn = params['ptrace_fn_base'] + "%d_%d.npy" % (pre_id, post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, pij)

    if (n_proc > 1):
        output_fn_conn_list = params['conn_list_ee_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.dat'
        utils.gather_conn_list(comm, new_conn_list, n_total, output_fn_conn_list)

        output_fn_bias = params['bias_values_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.dat'
        utils.gather_bias(comm, bias_dict, n_total, output_fn_bias)

        print "Debug saving to", params['conn_list_ee_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.dat'
        np.savetxt(params['conn_list_ee_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.dat', my_conns)#conn_list)
        print "Debug saving to", params['bias_values_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.dat'
        np.savetxt(params['bias_values_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.dat', bias)
예제 #2
파일: Bcpnn.py 프로젝트: MinaKh/bcpnn-mt
def bcpnn_offline(params, connection_matrix, sim_cnt=0, pc_id=0, n_proc=1, save_all=False):
        params: parameter dictionary
        connection_matrix: two-dim numpy array storing cell-to-cell connections (only non-zero elements will be processed)
                           file name
        sim_cnt: int for recording to file

    This function does basically the same thing as the script bcpnn_offline.py
    if (type(connection_matrix) == type('')):
        connection_matrix = np.load(connection_matrix)
    non_zeros = connection_matrix.nonzero()
    conns = zip(non_zeros[0], non_zeros[1])
    my_conns = utils.distribute_list(conns, n_proc, pc_id)

    n, m = connection_matrix.shape
    for i in xrange(len(my_conns)):
#    for i in xrange(2):
        pre_id = my_conns[i][0]
        post_id = my_conns[i][1]

        # extract the spike times from the file where all cells belonging to one minicolumn are stored
        # pre
        mc_index_pre = pre_id / params['n_exc_per_mc']
        fn_pre = params['exc_spiketimes_fn_base'] + str(pre_id) + '.ras'
        spklist_pre = nts.load_spikelist(fn_pre, range(params['n_exc_per_mc']), t_start=0, t_stop=params['t_sim'])
        spiketimes_pre = spklist_pre[pre_id % params['n_exc_per_mc']].spike_times # TODO: check: + 1 for NeuroTools 
        pre_trace = utils.convert_spiketrain_to_trace(spiketimes_pre, params['t_sim'] + 1) # + 1 is to handle spikes in the last time step

        # post
        mc_index_post = post_id / params['n_exc_per_mc']
        fn_post = params['exc_spiketimes_fn_base'] + str(post_id) + '.ras'
        spklist_post = nts.load_spikelist(fn_post, range(params['n_exc_per_mc']), t_start=0, t_stop=params['t_sim'])
        spiketimes_post = spklist_post[post_id % params['n_exc_per_mc']].spike_times# TODO: check: + 1 for NeuroTools 
        post_trace = utils.convert_spiketrain_to_trace(spiketimes_post, params['t_sim'] + 1)

        # compute
        wij, bias, pi, pj, pij, ei, ej, eij, zi, zj = get_spiking_weight_and_bias(pre_trace, post_trace)

        # update
        dw = (wij.max() - wij.min()) * params['dw_scale']
        print "DEBUG, updating weight[%d, %d] by %.1e to %.1e" % (pre_id, post_id, dw, connection_matrix[pre_id, post_id] + dw)
        connection_matrix[pre_id, post_id] += dw
        bias[post_id] = bias.max()
        ids_to_save = []
        if (save_all):
            ids_to_save = []

        if (save_all):
            # save
            output_fn = params['weights_fn_base'] + "%d_%d.npy" % (pre_id, post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, wij)

            output_fn = params['bias_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % (post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, bias)

            output_fn = params['ztrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % pre_id
            np.save(output_fn, zi)
            output_fn = params['ztrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % post_id
            np.save(output_fn, zj)

            output_fn = params['etrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % pre_id
            np.save(output_fn, ei)
            output_fn = params['etrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % post_id
            np.save(output_fn, ej)
            output_fn = params['etrace_fn_base'] + "%d_%d.npy" % (pre_id, post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, eij)

            output_fn = params['ptrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % pre_id
            np.save(output_fn, pi)
            output_fn = params['ptrace_fn_base'] + "%d.npy" % post_id
            np.save(output_fn, pj)
            output_fn = params['ptrace_fn_base'] + "%d_%d.npy" % (pre_id, post_id)
            np.save(output_fn, pij)

    print "debug", params['conn_mat_ee_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.npy'
    np.savetxt(params['conn_mat_ee_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.npy', connection_matrix)
    print "debug", params['bias_values_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.npy'
    np.savetxt(params['bias_values_fn_base'] + str(sim_cnt+1) + '.npy', bias)

    return connection_matrix, bias